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1、胡壮麟语言学Chapter One Invitations to Linguistics1.1 Why Study LanguageLanguageFeaturesFunction Language learning first language leaning second language learning1.2 What Is LanguageLanguage is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.System: elements in language are arranged accor

2、ding to certain rules.Arbitrary: There is no intrinsic connection between the word and its meaning.Symbolic nature of language: words are associated with objects, actions, ideas by convention.1.3 Design Features of LanguageDesign features are features that define our human language.Design Features o

3、f Language(1)Arbitrariness: the fact that the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relationship to their meaning.arbitrariness at different levels of a language1) arbitrary relationship between the sound of a morpheme and its meaning2) arbitrariness at the syntactic levele.g. a) apples, pears a

4、nd bananas pears, apples and bananasb) He came in and sat down. He sat down and came in. He sat down after he came in. c) She got married and had a baby. She had a baby and got married. d) 屡战屡败 屡败屡战3) arbitrariness and conventionarbitrariness language creative convention learnability; learning a lan

5、guage laborious1.3 Design Features of Language (2)Duality: the property of having two levels of structures1) sound secondary units2) meaning primary units 1.3 Design Features of Language (3)Creativity (productivity): Users can understand and produce sentences they have never heard before.1) Words ca

6、n be used in new ways to mean new things. mouse bridge 2) Its potential to create endless sentences by recursiveness (递归性) e.g. a. Smith believes that the earth is flat b. Brown believes that Smith believes that the earth is flat c. Smith believes that Brown believes that Smith believes that the ear

7、th is flat d. Brown believes Smith believes that Brown believes that Smith believes that the earth is flat 山里有座庙,庙里有个和尚,老和尚在念经,念的什么经:山里有座庙,庙里有个和尚,老和尚在念经,念的什么经:山里有座庙,庙里有个和尚,老和尚在念经,念的什么经1.3 Design Features of Language (4)Displacement means that human languages enable their users to symbolize objects,

8、events and concepts which are not present (in time or space) at the moment of communication.1.3 Design Features of Language (5)Cultural transmission: language is passed on through teaching and learning, rather than by instinct. 1.4 Origin of LanguageThe bow-wow theory汪汪理论: imitate the sounds of the

9、animals. onomatopoeicThe pooh-pooh theory噗噗理论: instinctive sounds of pain, anger and joy. interjectionThe yo-he-ho theory哟嗬哟理论: rhythmic grunts produced when working . chants Origin of LanguageThe divine-origin theory “So he (God) took some soil from the ground and formed all the animals and all the

10、 birds. Then he brought them to the man to see what he would name them, and that is how they got their names. So the man named all the birds and the animals,”(Genesis,Chapter11:6) The invention theory a. imitative b. cries of nature c. grunts of men working togetherThe evolution theory1.5 Functions

11、of Language (1)Jakobson Linguistics and Poetics: Closing Statement All acts of communication, be they written or oral, are contingent on six constituent elements: context, message, addresser, addressee, contact and codeEach of the constituent elements of the communicative act has a corresponding fun

12、ction; thus:referential,poetic,emotive,phatic, conative and metalingual context REFERENTIALAddresser message addresseeEMOTIVE POETIC CONATIVE contact PHATIC code METALINGUALReferential : to convey message and informationEmotive: to express attitudes, feelings and emotionsPoetic: to indulge in langua

13、ge for its own sakeConative: to persuade and influence others through commands and requestsPhatic: to establish communion with othersMetalingual: to clear up intentions and meanings1.5 Functions of Language(2)Halliday: three metafunctions of language:1) ideational function is to organize the speaker

14、s or the writers experience of the real or imaginary world, i. e. language refers to real or imagined persons,things actions,events,states,etc.达意功能指组织说话者或作者现实或虚构世界的体验,即语言指称实际或虚构的人、物、动作、事件、状态等。2) Interpersonal function is to indicate, establish, or maintain social relationships between people.It incl

15、udes forms of address, speech function, MODALITY, etc.人际功能表明、建立或维持人与人之间的社会关系,包括称谓形式,语言功能,情态等。3) Textual function is to create written or spoken TEXTs which cohere within themselves and which fit the particular situation in which they are used.组篇功能指组成书面或口头的语篇,这些语篇内部连贯,并适用于所用的特定场景。Functions of Languag

16、e(3) Hallidays developmental functions of language a. Instrumental 工具性的 (“I want”): used for satisfying material needsb. regulatory 控制性的 (“do as I tell you”): used for controlling the behavior of othersc. interactional 应对性的(“me and you”): used for getting along with other peopled. personal 自指的(“here

17、 I come”): used for identifying and expressing the selfe. heuristic 探究性的(“tell me why”): used for exploring the world around and inside onef. Imaginative 想象性的(“Lets pretend”)used for creating a world of ones owng. informative 告知性的( “Ive got something to tell you”): used for communicating new informa

18、tion1.5 Functions of Language(4)1) Informative: used for communicating new information2) Interpersonal function:to indicate, establish, or maintain social relationships between people.It includes forms of address, speech function, modality, etc.人际功能表明建立或维持人与人之间的社会关系,包括称谓形式,语言功能,情态等。3)Performative(行事

19、功能) : to perform an act. explicit performative, with a performative verb implicit performative, without a performative verb Watch out.(=a warning) I promise not to be late.Constative(述事功能): to assert something that is either true or false. Chicago is in the United States.4) Emotive function:to expre

20、ss the speakers feelings. Im not inviting the Browns again.5) Phatic communion: to establish or maintain social contact without involving any factual content. How are you? Fine. Thank you. Nice day, isnt it? Yes, it is. Bless you. Thank you. 6) Recreational function: use language for recreation. bab

21、ys babbling verbal dueling7) Metalingual function: function of language in referring to itself.1.6 What Is LinguisticsLinguistics: the scientific study of language or the science of language.1) Exhaustiveness(穷尽性): gather all the materials relevant to his investigation and give them an adequate expl

22、anation.2) Consistency(贯通性): no contradiction between different parts of the total statement.3) Economy(经济性): other things being equal, a shorter statement or analysis is preferred to a longer or more involved one.4) Objectivity(客观性): no prejudice to influence his generalization.1.7 Main Branches of

23、 LinguisticsThe study of language as a whole is often called general linguistics.1.7.1 Phonetics The study of speech sounds,including the production,transmission and perception of speech sounds. There are three main areas of phonetics:1.articulatory phonetics2.acoustic phonetics3.auditory phonetics

24、articulatory acoustic auditory phonetics phonetics phonetics Speaker Hearer 1.articulatory phoneticsArticulatory phonetics deals with the way in which speech sounds are produced.2.acoustic phoneticsAcoustic phonetics deals with the transmission of speech sounds through the air.3.auditory phoneticsAu

25、ditory phonetics deals with how speech sounds are perceived by the listener. It studies speech sounds from the hearers point of view.1.7.2 Phonology 1.Another term for phonemics (音位学)2.A cover term for both phonetics and phonemics.It deals with the sound system of a language by treating phoneme as t

26、he point of departure.1.7.3 MorphologyThe study of morphemes and their different forms(allomorphs), and the way they combine in word formation.Morpheme(语素): the smallest meaningful unit or the smallest unit of meaning. smallest meaningful overseas carelessly1.7.4 Syntax The study of how words combin

27、e to form sentences and the rules which govern the formation of sentences. The teacher saw the students. The students saw the teacher.E.g. The children watched the firework from the hill. The children watched the firework from the hill. The children watched the firework from the hill.男人没有了女人就活不下去。男人

28、没有了,女人就活不下去。男人没有了女人,就活不下去。下雨天留人天留人不留。下雨天,留人天,留人不?留。下雨天,留人天,留人?不留。下雨天留人,天留人不留。Words are organized into structures more than just word order.1.7.5 SemanticsThe study of meaning. There are many different approaches to the way in which meaning in language is studied. 1)Naming theory Plato2)Conceptualism

29、 theory Ogden and Richard3)Contextualism theory J. R. Firth4)Behaviorism theory Leonard Bloomfieldword meaning Componential Analysis sentence meaning sentence meaning = lexical meaning+ grammatical meaning 1.7.6 Pragmatics The study of the use of language in communication, particularly the relations

30、hips between sentences and the contexts and situations in which they are used.The study of language in use.The study of meaning in context.Pragmatics=meaning - semantics1.8 MacrolinguisticsPsycholinguisticsSociolinguistics Anthropological linguisticsComputational linguistics1.8.1 Psycholinguistics P

31、sycholinguistics refers to the study of (a) the mental processes that a person uses in producing and understanding language, and (b) how humans learn language. Psycholinguistics includes the study of speech perception, the role of memory, concepts and other processes in language use, and how social and psychological factors affect the use of language.1.8.2 Sociolinguistics Sociolinguistics

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