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1、BFT考试全国出国培训备选人员外语水平考试模拟2BFT考试(全国出国培训备选人员外语水平考试)模拟2ListeningPart 1Questions 1-8You will hear two telephone conversations.Write down one word or number in the numbered spaces on the forms below.CONVERSATION 1 Time for the man to arrive at the hotel: (1) . Price of the room: $ (2) . Number of the unit:

2、 No. (3) . On the (4) floor.CONVERSATION 2 For: (5) Blake. From: (6) Anderson. Tomorrows (7) is cancelled. Helens telephone number: (8) . Part 2Questions 9-13You will hear a teaching instructors words.For questions 9-13, choose.from the list A-F the main ideas of the teaching instructors words each

3、time.Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use. Speaker 1: _ 10. Speaker 2: _ 11. Speaker 3: _ 12. Speaker 4: _ 13. Speaker 5: _ A. final examB. teaching problems in readingC. paying attention to ones teaching styleD. canceling some classesE. stuff meeting F.

4、students attendancePart 3Questions 14-23Look at the ten statements for this part. You will hear a passage about Who First Started to Smoke? ; you will listen to it twice, Decide if you think each statement is right(R), wrong(W) or not mentioned(NM).14、 People in Europe started smoking long ago. A. R

5、ight B. Wrong C. Not Mentioned15、 Tobacco is a native American plant, and it was Christopher Columbus who told European people about it. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not Mentioned16、 The American Indians used long tubes to bake tobacco before they smoked it. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not Mentioned17、 Aware of th

6、e commercial value of tobacco, the American lndians traded it for other goods. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not Mentioned18、 Jean Nicots great interest in plants was due to his fathers influence. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not Mentioned19、 When a man had a bad pain in his body, Nicot would give the person some to

7、bacco leaves to eat, and then the pain would be gone. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not Mentioned20、 The word nicotine comes from the Frenchman Nicots name. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not Mentioned21、 Nicot wrote a book on all his discoveries about tobacco. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not Mentioned22、 In Sir Walter Ralei

8、ghs days, not many people knew about smoking. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not Mentioned23、 Sir Walter Raleighs death was due to smoking. A. Right B. Wrong C. Not MentionedPart 4Questions 24-30Look at the questions for this part. You will hear a passage about American Weighs In . You will listen to it twice

9、. For questions 24-30, indicate which of the alternatives A, B, or C is the most appropriate response. Mark one letter A, B, or C on the Answer Sheet.24、 American foods are _. A. insufficient and expensive B. many and various C. neither delicious nor healthful25、 What is the percentage of adults age

10、d 20 to 74 who were obese in the 1960s? A. 33 percent B. 24 percent C. 35 percent26、 How many US adults aged 20 and older were overweight in 1988-94? A. 65 million B. 16 million C. 20 million27、 Compared to the late 1970s, the percent of children aged 12 to 17 who were overweight in 1994 _. A. decre

11、ased B. remained unchanged C. increased28、 What kind of market is sure to benefit from overweight people? A. The market for health care B. The market for food C. The market for weight-loss diets29、 What is believed to be able to prevent and mitigate numerous chronic ailments? A. High blood pressure

12、B. A reasonable body weight C. Smoking30、 Koop once launched an assault on _. A. chronic ailments B. obesity C. smokingReadingPart 1 Read thefollowingpassage, eight sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-H the one whichfits each gap. For each gap (1-8) mark one let

13、ter (A-H) on the Answer Sheet. Do not mark any letter twice. The single, decisive factor that made it possible for mankind to settle in permanent communities was agriculture. (1) Once people could control the production of food and be assured of a reliable annual supple of it, their lives changed co

14、mpletely. Fanning was a revolutionary discovery. (2) With more food available, more people could be fed. Populations therefore increased. The growing number of people available for more kinds of work led to the development of more complex social structures. (3) Farming the world over has always reli

15、ed upon a dependable water supply. For the earliest societies this meant rivers and streams or regular rainfall. (4) Later communities were able to develop by taking advantage of the rainy seasons. All of the ancient civilizations probably developed in much the same way, in spite of regional and cli

16、matic differences. (5) Heavier pottery replaced animal-skin gourds as containers for food and liquids. Cloth could be woven from wool and flax. Permanent structures made of wood, brick, and stone could be erected. The science of mathematics was an early outgrowth of agriculture. People studied the m

17、ovements of the moon, the sun, and planets to calculate seasons. (6) With a calendar it was possible to calculate the arrival of each growing season. Measurement of land areas was necessary if property was to be a factor in farming and housekeeping. (7) All of the major ancient civilizations in Meso

18、potamia, Egypt, the Indus Valley, and China emerged in the 4th millennium BC. Historians still debate over which one emerged first. It may well have been the Middle East, in an area called the Fertile Crescent. This region stretches from the Nile River in Egypt northward along the coast of former Pa

19、lestine, then eastward into Asia to include Mesopotamia. (8) This kind of larming depended on the reproduction of seed, normally from grain crops. A. It not only made settlements possible and ultimately the building of cities but it also made available a reliable food supply. B. Later came measures

20、of value as commodity and money exchange became common. C. In this area people settled along the riverbanks and practiced field agriculture. D. After farming was developed in the Middle East in about 6500 BC, people living in tribes or family units did not have to be on the move continually searchin

21、g for food or herding their animals. E. As villages grew, the accumulation of more numerous and substantial goods became possible. F. With a food surplus, a community could support a variety of workers who were not farmers. G. The first great civilizations grow up along rivers. H. In doing so they c

22、reated the first calendars.Part 2 Questions 9-18 Read the following passage and answer questions 9-18. 1. When Christopher Columbus landed on Americas shores, he encountered copper-shinned people whom he promptly called Indians. Current estimates indicate that there were over a million Indians inhab

23、iting North American then. There are approximately 800,000 Indians today, of whom about 250, 000 live on reservations. 2. The early settlers had an amicable relationship with Indians, who shared their knowledge about hunting, fishing, and farming with their uninvited guests. The stereotyped stealthy

24、, wicked Indian of western movies are created by different faithless white man; the Indian was born friendly. 3. Disgust developed between the Indians and the settlers, whose encroachment on Indian lands provoked an era of turbulence. As early as 1745, Indian tribes joined together to drive the Fren

25、ch off their land. The French and Indian war did not end until 1763. The Indian had succeeded in destroying most of the settlements. The British, superficially submissive to the Indiana, promised that further migrations west would not extend beyond a specified boundary. 4. Vacated from their lands o

26、r, worse still, frankly giving their property to the whites for few baubles, Indians were ruthlessly pushed west. The battle in 1876 at Little Horn river in Montana, in which setting Bull and the Sioux tribes massacred General Custers cavalry, caused the whites intensify their campaign against the R

27、edman. The battle at Wound Knee, South Dakota, in 1890 put an end to the last vestige of hope for amity between Indians and whites. 5. Although the Bureau of lndian affairs has operated since 1842, presumably for the purpose of guarding Indians interests, Indian on reservations lead notoriously depr

28、ived lives. In recent times Indians have taken a militant stand and appealed to the courts and the American people to improve their substandard living conditions. Questions 9-13 For questions 9-13, choose the best title for each paragraph from below. For each numberedparagraph (1-5), mark one letter

29、 (A-G) on the Answer Sheet. Do not mark any letter twice. 9. Paragraph 1: _ A. Indians, once the master of America, now live in their reservation. 10. Paragraph 2: _ B. Indians were pushed away. 11. Paragraph 3: _ C. The wars between Indian and the settlers. 12. Paragraph 4: _ D. Indians arestill fi

30、ghting for the improvement of their lives. 13. Paragraph 5: _ E. The relationship between Indians and the early settlers. F. Indians were ferocious savages. G. Indians struggle for their own possessions.Questions 14-18 Using the information in the text, complete each sentence 14-18 with a word or ph

31、rase from the list below. For each sentence (14-18), mark one letter (A-G) on the Answer Sheet. Do not mark any letter twice. 14. The early settlers in American _. 15. The passage suggests that the war between French and Indians lasted _. 16. The kind of life Indians lead in their reservation is _. 17. The two measures that Indians had taken to improve their lives are _. 18. From the passage, we can infer that the author _. A. sympathizes the American Indians B. eighteen years C. found the Indians very helpful D. tak

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