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1、大学英语语法汇总大学英语语法汇总1、名词(1)以S结尾的名词做主语的主谓一致1、以s结尾的疾病和游戏arthritis,bronchitis,rickets,measles,mumps,diabetes,darts,marbles做主语时谓语动词应使用单数形式。例:Arthritis causes pain in the joints.特殊情况:有一些疾病/游戏名词作谓语动词可单可复:measles,ricketsCards做主语动词用复数;darts,marbles指游戏使用的具体的镖和弹子意义时,谓语动词marbles可单可复,darts用复数形式。例:Measles always ccc

2、ur/occurs among kids. Nine darts are thrown at each turn.2、以s结尾的学科名称physics,mathematics,optics,acoustics,politics,athletics,tactics,linguistics,etc做主语时谓语动词使用单数。例:Mathematics is always a headache for girls. Politics always attracts boys.特殊情况:如果这些词并不是只带“学科”等意义,谓语动词便可做复数使用。例如,mathematics运算能力,athletic体育

3、运动,acoustics音响效果,tactics策略,economics经济学意义。例:The acoustics in Bon Jovis Tulsa concert were beyond criticism last spring.3、以s结尾的地理名称The States,the united states,the Netherlands,the Philippines,the United Arab Emirates,the United Nation做主语时,谓语动词使用单数。例:The Netherlands is a Euroupean country.The Sates is

4、 a developed country特殊情况:如果主语是群岛archipelago,山脉mountains,海峡straits,瀑布waterfalls,运动会games等,谓语动词则使用复数。例:The Nansha Islands (The Spratly Islands)are integral part of China.The Wuyi mountains are picturesque.The Olympic Games are held every four years.4、其他以S结尾的名词(1)成双成对出现的名词做主语时:例如jeans,compasses(圆规)scis

5、sors,pincers,glasses,pants,shorts,trousers,slacks,suspenders等谓语动词使用复数.例:The slacks are so completeful.The Hengdali glasses are so pricey.但是加上单位词则使用单数。例:One pair of glasses is far from enough when you travel abroad.(2)英语中还有一些以s结尾的名词,如archives,arms,clothes,contents,eaves,fireworks,firecrackers,goods,m

6、orals,thanks等,谓语动词使用复数。例:The firecrackers are so loud.Many thanks go to my wife and her floks.(3)Ings结尾的名词谓语动词一般使用复数。如,clippings,diggings,earnings,fillings,sweepings,etc例:His earnings are pretty good.特殊情况:tidings(旧)做主语时谓语动词可单可复。例Good tidings are cheerful.(4)英语中有一些词,单复数同形,例如barracks,headquarters,mean

7、s,series,species,works,sheep,deer谓语动词根据实际情况而定。例: This means of transportation does not work for me. This means have been tried. These endangered species are well protected in mainland China.(5)少数的名词做单数和复数时意义不一样。例:What is the odds?(有什么要紧)The odds are in our favors.(形式对我们有利)特殊情况:Remains做“遗体”时,谓语动词使用复数

8、,如果当“遗迹”“剩余物”时,谓语动词可单可复。例:The prime ministers remains were buried in the vicinity of the church. There remains of the ancient capital has been reduced to debris after the massive quake. The remains of the meal was/were fed to the dog.(2)集体名词做主语的主谓一致1、通常做复数的集体名词police,people,cattle,militia,poultry,pe

9、rsonal,clergy,vermin等做主语时谓语动词使用复数。例:The clergy remain divided on the issue of women priests. The personal(总称:员工)are reluctant to alter the rules.2、通常做单数的集体名词:foliage(叶子总称),machinery,equipment,furniture,merchandise,clothing(clothes),poetry(poem,poet),baggage,luggage,scenery,jewellery(jewel).例:All the

10、 machinery is made in China. The wooden furniture is unaffordable.3、可单可复的集体名词:congregation,family,government,public,crew,class,committee,audience,couple,nation,population等谓语动词根据实际情况对待。例:The family is a large one.The family are eating salmon at table.4、A committee/panel/board of +pl. ,谓语动词通常使用单数。 例:A

11、 panel of experts is to give its opinion on ways to tackle congestion.(3)problems of concord with a coordinate subjiect1、and连接的是一个人/一件事例:The teacher and interpreter has been laid up for a couple of days.Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy,and wise.2、and连接成对出现的名词:knife and fork,car

12、t and horse,needle and thread,law and order,bread and butter,ham and eggs,cereal and milk,fish and chips,pancakes and syrup,etc.例:Bread and butter is a tasty breakfast in western culture.Fish and chips is a populary take-away food that originated in the United Kingdom.3、and连接every/each/no/many a +单数

13、名词,谓语动词使用单数。例:Every male and every female has to evacuate from the power plant.Many a man and woman in this community finds himself or herself in need.No boy and no girl is playing tennis.4、and连接专有名词:the Stars and Stripes,the Bat and ball.例:The bat and Ball is a delightful Inn with lots of exposed b

14、eams,flagstone floors,roaring log fires & cathedral candles all creating a traditional village atmosphere.The Stars and Stripes was adopted as the flag of the United States on June 14,1777.5、or/either.or./not.but./not only.but also./neither.nor.连接的主语按The principle of proxiomity(就近原则)例:Either you or

15、I am wrong.Are either you or I wrong?6、主语+as much as/rather than/more than/no less than/as well as/in addition to/with/along with/together with/except/but,etc.例:A teacher ,with his students,is watching an English movie.The king ,with the lords and commons ,constitutes their government.His cousin rat

16、her than his parents is held responsible for this inhumane massacre(4)Problems of concord with experessions of quantity as subject1、Definite Quantity(确定数量)时间、数量、金钱、距离、重量等做主语时作为整体看待例:100 dollars means a lot to a kind of his age.300 pounds makes an obese guy.There be 句型例外:There are 10 dollares in his

17、pocket.Fraction分数/percentage百分数+of,谓语动词和of后的名词保持一致例:Two thirds of the apple is rotten.Eight percent of the students have been mugged in this area.population例Fifty-five percent of Chinas population live in the rural areaoperations运算Addition加:plus,and Aubtraction减:minus,subtracted byMultiplication乘:(m

18、ultiplied)by,times Division除:divided by都可以使用单数,但是加法和乘法有时候可以用复数。Forty minus twenty leaves twenty.Two times equals in/out of n.一般使用单数,有时使用复数例:One in ten girls dates in college.2、Indefinite Quantity(不确定数量)all/some/none/half/most of +n.谓语动词根据of后面的名词来定例:Most of the money has been spent on tra

19、veling abroad.Most of the American high school boys have dates.None but the best coffee is good enough for Lynne.a portion/series/pile/panel of,of后面的名词一般使用单数例:A pile of logs is piling up.A panel of experts is unable to reach an agreement.a kind/type/sort of,of后面通常跟不可数名词或者单数名词,谓语动词使用单数。This type of s

20、ports car is really costly.但Cars of this type are costly.these/those kind of+pl.谓语动词使用单数例:These kind of birds are so rare for this high latitude.many a/more than one谓语动词使用单数例:Many a student has filed complaints. More than one car company has lodged claims against Kumho Tires.3、Other problems of S-V

21、concordNominal Clause名词性从句谓语动词一般使用单数例:How he came here was a mystery.How he came here and why he came here were mysteriousSVC结构中,如果C是名词复数,那么谓语动词可单可复。例:What is of importance to me is/are the details of my wifes life.Non-finite Clauses,doing/to do做主语谓语动词使用单数例:To see is to believe.To take Mandarin take

22、s courage.Relative Clauses,定语从句中的谓语动词和先行词保持一致。例:Jane is one of the few girls who dont like proms.*one of.,the(very/only)one of.例:Jane is the only one of the few girls who doess like proms.Cleft Sentences,强调句谓语动词和主语一致。例:Its I who am mistanken.Existential Sentences,The principle of proximity(就近原则)例:Th

23、ere is a thank-you note and two wrist bands on the table.4、Miscellaneous(其他)The +adj.:the dead/rich/living/wealthy/wounded/blind/deaf ect谓语动词复数例:The dead are haunting the girls living on that cornor of the neighborhood.a(the)number of,a(the)total of区分A number of farmers are protesting against buildi

24、ng a new airport on the farmland.One and a half做主语时谓语动词常用单数形式。例:One and a half bananas is left on the table.Large quantities of sand have been transported to the Yangtze River.(4)Collective Nouns1、有的集体名词只做复数:people,police,cattle,vermin ect. 有的集体名词只做单数:mankind,furniture,machinery,merchandise ect. 有的集

25、体名词可单可复:family,crew,government ect.特殊情况:有一些集体名词具有个体意义:The cosseted couple have four families to support.The family are eating lunch.The family is composed of three people.Before liberation,China used to have two governments for a while.The government is trying to curb online crimes.The government ar

26、e negotiating the in-depth details with the foreign entyepreneur.2、Material Nouns,物质名词一般为不可数名词,没有单数、复数之分。特殊情况:物质名词如果作为复数出现,意义不同。have a beer?Have two beershave teaLongjing is a world-famous tea.white hairHe has a few white hairs.sand sands沙 沙滩water waters水 大片水体food/fruit foods/fruits食物/水果 多种食物/水果coff

27、ee/two coffees咖啡/两杯咖啡rubber(橡皮 胶鞋)橡胶We wear rubbers on our feet when it rains.stone(石头)石料Marble is a precious stone.Egg(鸡蛋)蛋渍There is some egg on his nose.Lamb(羔羊)羊羔肉There is lamb on todays menu.onion(洋葱头)洋葱味You smell of onion.Wood(树林)木材The chairs are made of wood/the lost man y elled,hoping that so

28、me in the woods could hear him.iron(熨斗)铁I have one steam iron.Paper(论文,报纸)纸张I have a paper to weite.Glass(玻璃杯)玻璃This is a made of tempered glass.cloth(一块布)布料This is a cloth for the table.Chicken(小鸡)鸡肉My niece raises a chicken as her pet.Fire(火灾)火A fire broke out in the trailer park last night3、Abstr

29、act Nouns,抽象名词没用单复数之分,因为不能计数。例:Knowledge is power.Beauty is truth.Kindness is a virtue.但是有的抽象名词使用单数和复数意义不同。sympathy(同情、怜悯)sympathies(慰问、同情、怜悯)experience(经验)experiences(经历)relation(关系)relations(亲戚)youth(青春)youths(男青年)worry(忧愁、烦恼)worries(烦恼事)distraction(心烦)distractions(心烦得事)business(商业、交易)bussinesses(

30、商店、商行)kindness(仁慈)kindness(善行)Success(成功)Successes(成功者、成功得事)failure(失败)Failures(失败者、失败的事)Space(空间)A space(空格)disappointment(失望)disappointments(令人失望得事)4、family,room,mouth,ear在某些搭配中可以表示抽象概念。例:have too much family/winter/mouthHave too little ear,make room for,feel the patriot rise5、man,croward,coquette

31、,politician,sportsman,scholar,poet,fool等词在某些搭配中成了不可数名词。例:to be fool enough,more of a fool than,as much of a fool as,too much of a fool,enough of a man,something of a celebrity6、专有名词有时候具有可数名词来使用。例:The Songs used to hold sway in China.I wish to become an Edison.I will buy a Ford/Lincoln.The Two Chinas Policy cannot be brooked by the Chinese population.(5)Independent Genitive(独立属格):the door of the classroom/the dogs ower/Tom and Johns room/Toms and johns books/the map of the world

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