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1、杭州师范大学硕士研究生入学考试题英语语量文掌基础杭州师范大学硕士研究生入学考试题考试科目代码: 815者试科目名称: 英语语量文掌基础说明 :1 、 命题时请 按 有关说明填军清楚 、 完整 ,2、 命题时试题 不得超 过周围边 框 ,3、老 垒答 题时 德军在窑 题纸 上 ,否则 漏批 责 任自 负 ;4 、 嘴金务必 在以F商静试.申( 酒掌和文华法择个方向徽题,交叉傲E不错份 ,外国话华2l应用语霄,专业每呈遮徽诵学方向,试英姐语语文学专业盒k撞文华方向斌.Part。ne语雷 学方向 试题(外国语雷鸣自及应用语雷华专业精生选徽 )I . Define the following term

2、s.(每小题5 分 ,共 15 分)1. semantic components2. reference3. categorizationII. True/ False decision. Write T for true and F for false.(每小题1 分 ,共15 分)1) All languages have three m 苟 or components: a sound system, a system of lexicogrammar and a system of se阿1antics.()2) Phonetics means that the study of ho

3、w speech sounds are produced, transmitted, and perceived. It can be divided into three main fields of study- - - -articulatory phonetics, acoustic phonetics and perceptual/ auditory phonetics.()3) A lingui st needs to be able to know all languages if he wants to study linguistics.()4) Creativity ref

4、ers to the fact that in all languages so far investigated one finds two levels of structure or patterning.()5) Morpheme is both a grammatical concept and a semantic one.(6) Loanblend is a process in which part of the form is native and the rest has been borrowed, but the meaning is fully borrowed.()

5、7) Linguistics can be defined as the scientific study of a particular language.()8) In the classic semantic triangle, the symbol is directly to the referent.()9) Syntax is the study of the rules governing the ways different constitu ents are combined to form sentences in a language, or the study of

6、the relationships between elements in sentence structures.(10) In 1950s, Chomskys publicat ion of 与yn臼ctic Structures (1957) helped to ignite the cognitive revolution.()11) Pragmatics is the study of meaning.12) l t is generally believed that modern linguistics is mostly descriptiv, e diachronic, an

7、demphatic on writing.()13) There exist three approaches to the study of language and cognition. The conceptual approach is concerned with the pa 位 erns in which and the processes bywhich conceptual content is o rganized In language.()14 Metaphor involves the comparison of two concepts in that one is

8、 construed in terms of the other.()15 Our language can not be used to talk itse lf.m. Answer the questions.(每小题1 0 分 ,共20 分1.Does the traffic light system have duality? 2.What is sense?IV. Discuss (每小15题分 ,共30 分)! .Conceptual meaning 2.Sense relationsPart Two.1. Fill in the blank in each of the stat

9、ements with one word from thebox: 20 points )raisingviewmakingexternalcousethinkoutputprocessgapslearneSreferredinternalfeatuementaltheory proceeds factors attitudes do self-corect1. The goals of SLAthen, ae to descibe how L2 acquisit ion _1_ and to explain this process and why some _2_ seem to be b

10、etter at it than others.2. The goal of explanation is to identify the _3_ and _ 4_ factors thataccount for acquiring an L2.3. The Description of L2 acquisition tries to find out what learners eally_5 , as opposed to what they _6_ they do, when they try to learn an L2.4. It is possible that _7 _ erro

11、rs may actually help learnes to learn whenthey _8_ the errors they make.5. E ros are a conspicuous _9_ of learner language, _10_ the important question of Why do learnersmake errors?.6. The acquisition of a particular grammatical structure must be seen as a_11_ involving transitiona l construction a

12、nd follows a U-shaped_12_ ofdevelopment.7. Systemati c development of learner language reflects a _ 13_ system of L2 knowledge. And this system is often _14_ toas intelangu age.8. To understand what is meant by int e language, we need to brieflyconsider behaviorist learning _15_ and mentalist _ 1一6

13、o f languagelearning.9. The ole of _17 _ in L2 acquisition serves a consciousness-raising function by helping learners to notice _18_ intheiintel nuage.10. Social _ 19一 in fl u en ce interlaguage development via the impact theyhave on the _20_ that determine the kinds of language use learners engage

14、 in.日 .Explain the following terms briefly. (30points1. learner language 2. taget language 3. input 4. mistake 5. eror6. interlanguage 7. motivation 8. Negative transfer 9. overgenalization 10 .language aptitudem Answer the following questions (20 points )1. What, according to R。d Ellis, are the fou

15、r steps for carrying out Error Analysis? Explain each step briefly.2. What is your understanding of the following short passage about the learning strategies of L2 acquisition?Language aptitude and motivation constitute general factors that influence the rate and level of L2 achievement. But how doe

16、s their influence operate? One possibility is that they a 忏 ect the nature and the f equency with which individua l lea rnes use learning state gies.文 学 方 向 试 题 英语语文学专业冒生活自)I. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. (30 分 1. The

17、 first permanent English settlement in North America was established atJamestown, 一 ,in 1607A. Vermont B. MassachusettsC. Virginia D. California2. The Mayfiowervoyage was taken in一一A. 160 7C. 177 5B. 1620D. 17893. The first American writer wasA John WinthropC. Anne BradstreetB. William BradfordD. Ca

18、ptain John Smith4. The best of the Puitan poets was 一A. William Bradford B. John WinthropC. Anne BradstreetD. Edward Taylor5. Thomas Paine wrote the following EXCEPT 一A. Common SenseC. The Rights of Man飞. AutobiographyD. The American Crisis6. The Declaration of Independence was signed on一一向一A. July

19、4, 1776C. July 1 4, 1776B. July 4, 1775D. July 14, 17837. The most important document in the political history of the United States is , which is also a fine work of literature.A ne American Crisis B. The Declaration of IndependenceC. The Rights of Man D. Common Sense8.一一 has been called the Father

20、of American Poetry气A. Edgar Allan PoeC. Philip FreneauB. Walt WhitmanD. William Cullen Bryant9一一 became known in Europe as th e American Walter ScottA. James Fenimore CooperC. Herman MelvilleB. Washington IrvingD. Nathaniel Hawthorne10 was the first American naturalist.A. Theodore DreiserC. Hamlin G

21、arlandB. Stephen CraneD. Nathaniel Hawthorne11 in the 1860s was the f i st American writer of local color to achieve widepopularity.A. Herman Melville B. Washington IrvingC. James Fenimore Cooper D. Bret Harte12 _ was the foremost novelist of the American Depression of the 1930s, whose masterpiece w

22、as a novel about the great“dust bo wl” d isaster in Oklahoma.A. Theodore DreiserC. Thomas WolfeB. Upton SinclairD. John Steinbeck13. The Sound and the Fury is one of一一 一modernist” ma sterpieces.A. John Steinbeck B. William FaulknerC. E. E. Cummings D. Ezra Pound14. 一 一 was the most joyful poet of th

23、e Lost Generation. In his poetry we can see the clear influence of the Cubist painters.B. Robert FrostD. Ezra Pound15. 一 was considered the founder of psychological realism in America. His realism is known as ”stream-o f-consciousness literature.A. 0. HenryC. Stephen CraneB. James JoyceD. Henry Jame

24、s16. The most striking feature of Beowulf is A) the national epic of the Anglo-Saxon and English peopleB) alliterationC) humorD) satire17. One of the distinct features of the Elizabethan time is一A the flourishing of the dramaB) the popu larity of the realistic novelC) the domination of the classical

25、 poetryD) the close-down of all the theatres18. Which of the following is not John Milton s works?问 ParadiseLostC) Samson AgonistesB Paradise RegainedD) Othello19. Thomas Hardy wrote novels of _.A) psychoanalysis B) pure romanceC) character and environment D) stream of consciousness20. My Last Duche

26、ss is a poem that best exemplifies Robert Brownings _ .A) sensitive ear for the sounds of the English languag eB) excellent choice of wordsC) mastering of the metrical devicesD) use of the dramatic monologue21. Among the great writers of the modern period, _ might be the greatest in radical experime

27、ntation of technical innovations in novel writing.A) Joseph ConradC) Virginia WoolfB) D. H. LawrenceD) James Joyce22. Shakespeares four great tragedies are: Hamlet, Othello, _ andA) King Lear.Romeo and Juliet B) King Lear.MacbethC) King John.Julius Caesar D) King John.Ti 与 e Merchant of Venice23. Th

28、e term metaphysical poetry is commonly used to name the work of the _ century writers who wrote under the influenceof_.A) 16h.Edmund SpenserC) 18 h .Thomas GrayB) 17th.John DonneD) 20由 .John Ransom24. The greatest Engli sh critical realist novelist was _, who criticized the bourgeois civilization an

29、d showed the misery of the common people.A) Charles DickensC) W.M. ThackerayB) Emily BronteD) Charlotte Bronte25. Which of the following is NOT true about The Canterbury 后Jes?A) It is written for the great part in heroic couplets.B) 。Chaucer chose a pilgrimage as the framework for the stories involv

30、ed in it.It is written in the form of a dream vision.D) The General Prologue introduces the pilgr ims and the time and occasion of the pilgrimage.26. The Romantic Age began with the publication of Ti 与 e Lyrical Ballads which waswritten by_A) William Wordsworth B) Samuel JohnsonC) Wordsworth and Coleridge D) Samuel Taylor Coleridge27. Which of the following is Not Jane Austens usual theme?A) self-kno wledgeB) every day life of rural upper classC) relationships between peopleD) women and marriage28. _ is the only novel writt en by Oscar Wilde.鼻:) The Importance of Being Earnest飞

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