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1、地道口语1.Bummer.真倒霉!2.Step aside.滚一边去。3.Are we done?有完没完啊?4.Dont be difficult.别为难人。5.Dont shut me out.不要把我拒之门外。6.Dont get too cocky.别太过自信了。7.You two look chummy.你们挺合得来啊。8.Well, youre no picnic, either.你也不是省油的灯啊。9.No hard feelings, all right?别放心里去了。10. Why are you so grumpy?你生气什么呢?!11.Consider me the ho

2、nesty police.把我当作诚信警察吧。12.I have it all under control.一切尽在我的掌握之中。13.Your secret is safe with me.我会帮你保守秘密的。14.Thats not the way it works.这样行不通。15.Why are you taking his side?为什么你帮着他说话呢?经典台词:1.Jeremy: I cant believe this is actually happening. That youre actually here.真不敢相信这是真的,你真的在这儿。Anna:Im here.我在这

3、儿。2.Anna:You dont understand how amazing it is to finally be able to talk to you.Im all by myself here.I mean,I dont have anyone.你不知道我终于可以和你说话是多么的美妙,我在这儿孤身一人,无依无靠。3.Elena:I guess I wish that you didnt have to act like one!我只希望你别像个吸血鬼那样行事。Damon:I am not Stefan.How about you stop trying to turn me int

4、o him?我不是斯特凡,倒不如你放弃试图把我变成他。口语精华:1.Hush now.安静!2.Fair enough.有道理。3.Head on home.回家吧。4.Youre all lame.你们真逊!5.Quite the temper.脾气不小啊!6.No turning back.没得反悔了。7.Call it a hunch.就当是直觉吧。8.Well, the verdicts in.有结果了。9.Dont be an ass.别那么蠢。10.Dont leave out the hard part.不要避重就轻。11.If you want to make an omele

5、t, you have to break a few eggs.舍不得孩子套不住狼。经典台词:1.Stefan: I listen to the words that come out of your mouth, and all I hear is the sound of your heart pumping blood through your body.And when that clock ticks down.Im going to have to feed on you.我想听清你口中说出的话,却只听见你的心脏泵血到你全身的脉动声。随着时间推移,我将不得不喝你的血。2.Klaus

6、: Now this is fascinating. Ive never seen this before. The only thing stronger than your craving for blood is your love for this one girl. Why dont you turn it off?实在太妙了, 我还从没见识过,唯一比你的嗜血欲望更强烈的,竟然是你对这姑娘的爱。干嘛不封闭你的感情?3.Bonnie: You dont want to be a part of all this, Matt. You are the only one of us who

7、 actually gets to live your life like a normal person. No matter how lost you feel, dont forget that.你不会想牵涉到这些事当中的, 马特。你是我们当中唯一一个能像普通人一样生活的。不管你感到多么失落,别忘了这点。口语精华:1.Low blow.卑鄙啊!2.Loosen up.放松。3.Not necessarily.这倒未必。4. Go for it.加油吧!5.Quit screwing around!不要胡闹了!6.A pinkie swear?拉钩保证?7.Its about time.时

8、间差不多了。8.Dont tempt me.别诱惑我。9.You talk the talk.你光说不干的。10.Youre off the rails.你走上歧途了。11.Im having deja vu.我有种似曾相识的感觉。12.Lets get right to the point.我们直奔主题吧。13.Are you incapable of remorse?你就不能悔过吗?14.Im a thousand times not ok with it.我是一万个不愿意啊!15.Im still waiting for the other shoe to drop.我还在提心吊胆地等最

9、后的结果呢。口语精华:1.No tears.不能哭。2.You wish.想得美。3.Good point.说得好!4.None taken.没关系。5.Act normal.正常点!6.Never you mind.不关你的事。7.Change in plans.计划有变。8.Come by whenever.随时恭候。9.Dont overthink this.不要想太多。10.It falls to you.这由你负责。11.It had to be done.这必须这样做。12.Whats done is done.事已至此。(指事情已成定局,无法改变)13.Let bygones b

10、e bygones.过去的就让它过去吧。14.Nothing you say matters to me.对我来说,你说什么都不重要。15.Go for it and give it your best shot.加油,尽全力试试看。口语精华:1. Take a shot.试试看。2. Noted.知道了。3. This is lame.真没意思。4. Whats the deal?怎么回事?5. A deal is a deal.一言为定。6. Down the hatch.干杯。7. Youre out of your mind.你疯了。8. What is with the attitu

11、de?你什么态度啊?9. Dont be so hard on yourself.不要对自己太苛刻了。10. Dont get involved.别介入这事。11. Youre overthinking it.你多虑了。12. Youd do well to remember that.你最好要牢记。13. Nothings ever easy with you, is it?你总要这么强硬吗?14. He was one step ahead of us.他比我们提前一步。15. You stab my back, I stab yours.以其人之道还治其人之身。16. There has

12、 to be another way.一定有其它方法的。口语精华:1. No reason.不为什么。2. None taken.没关系。3. Not gonna happen.不可能!4. I got held up.我有事耽搁了。5. Give her a break.别逼她了。6. Stay away from me!离我远点!7. So much for friendship.我们的友情到此为止吧。8. Take it from me, man.相信我的话吧,老兄。9. Why are you all chipper?你怎么那么兴奋?10. Be with you in a minut

13、e.马上就来。11. Dont make me repeat myself.别让我重复第二遍。12. Look at what the cat dragged in.看看谁来了。口语精华:1. Nice try.想得美!2. No grudges.无怨无仇啊。3. I dare you.我谅你也不敢!4. Its a match.正好吻合。5. Choice is yours.选择权在你手上。6. Family above all.家庭至上!7. You lost your appetite.你胃口不好啊。8. You keep him honest.别让他耍花招。9. Thanks for

14、walking me home.谢谢你送我回家。10. Im going to get some air.我要去透透气。11. You wont open yourself up to it.是你不愿敞开心扉。12. We have a long evening ahead of us.漫漫长夜在等着我们呢。13. Its time for you to put something on the table.该轮到你拿点诚意出来了。14. Now why should we discuss matters long since resolved?早已解决的事,何必重提呢?口语精华:1.Aim

15、high.目标远大啊!2.Normal and mundane.一切正常。3.Thats the spirit.要的就是这种干劲。4.Well, that explains it.如此 ,这就解释得通了。5. Please dont be alarmed.别紧张。6.I was just hoping I could use your phone.我只是在想可不可以用一下你的电话。7.Ill do whatever you want.你想我做什么都行。8.I never said yes in the first place.一开始我就没答应过。9.You needed some normal

16、 in your life.你需要过回正常人的生活。10.You can embrace what you truly are.坦然面对真实的你吧。11.Somethings up with your mother.你妈妈有点不对劲。12.I dont know why you just dont come clean我不明白你为什么不坦白呢。13.And you have got to get a life.而你也得去放松一下自己了。14.Sometimes I feel like Im going to explode.有时候我觉得我要爆炸了。经典台词:1.Klaus:But every

17、time you feed, the blood makes it easier to let go.但你每喝一次血,离释怀就更近一分。2.Damon:You should have met me in 1864.You would have liked me.在1864年我们就该见面,你那时会喜欢我的。3.Elena:Hold on to that.Never let that go.务必牢记在心中,永远别忘了。4.Elena:You can survive this. Whatever you do, I love you, Stefan.你可以撑过去,不管你做了什么 ,我都爱你,Stef

18、an。口语精华:1. Touche.说得好。2. Drop it.别说了。3. I messed up.我搞砸了。4. Suck it up.别抱怨了。5. Easy enough.太简单了。6. I can handle it.我自己可以应付。7. Thats a good sign.这是个好迹象。8. Ive never been better.我很好。9. What is he up to?他现在在干吗?10. Thanks for not sugar-coating it.多谢你有话直说了。11. I have to put it behind me.我要忘记这些。12. Ill gi

19、ve it another shot.我会再试试的。13. Put yourself in my shoes.你站在我的立场想想。14. Why are you acting like this?你为什么要这么做?15. Whats got you in such a good mood?怎么心情这么好啊?经典台词:1. Michael: It would have made more sense had you known that that Ive been denying myself human blood for as long as I can remember.如果你知道我都记不

20、清我多久没喝人血了,那么这就显然非常合理了。2. Caroline: Why should I let the fact that my boyfriend was turned into a hybrid put a damper on an otherwise fabulous day.为什么要因为我男朋友变成了一个混血儿就毁了这美好的一天呢?3. Elena: Every single time I look at him, I feel like Im going to break. And Im not going to give him that satisfaction.每次我看

21、他,我都觉得我要崩溃了。但是我是不会让他得逞的。4. Elena: I know who you really are, better than anyone, Stefan. And Im not giving up.Stefan,我比任何人都要了解你的本性。我是不会放弃的。口语精华:1. Ease up.放轻松。2. Youre bluffing.你在虚张声势。3. Whats the catch?有什么目的?4. We are all doomed.我们都要完蛋。5. Be a man about it.爷们儿一点。6. You really are no fun.你真无趣。7. You

22、 are all or nothing.你做事太极端。8. Hell have to get over it.他必须得克服这个难关。9. This is as far as I go.我就只能走这么远了。10. As far as I can tell, its a story.就我所知,这是一个故事。11. We burned it to the ground.我们把它烧为灰烬。12. I will have no part in it.我不会参与其中。13. Did you get your fill of snooping yet?你看够了没有?14. Nothing to see he

23、re, just run along.这儿没什么好看的,走你的路吧。15. Are you gonna root through his stuff all night?你打算一整晚都乱翻他的东西吗?口语精华:1.Im going in.我进去了。2.There you go.你说的对。3.I told you so.我早就告诉过你了。4.I had no business.我没有权力这么做。5.Are you taking his side?你支持他吗?6.It wouldnt do any good.这样做也无济于事。7.Whatever floats your boat.随你怎么做。8.

24、Just tell her I stopped by.告诉她我来过。9.Hes been crushing on you for a year.他迷恋你已经有一年了。10.You do it long enough,you get good at faking it.假戏做久了,也就习惯了。11.For what its worth,I think what you did was amazing.不论结果怎样,我认为你已经做的很好了。12.I dont care what you say, Im taking a shot with this one.我不在乎你怎么说,我要去试试。经典台词:

25、1.Fred: Or maybe youll send her screaming into a loony bin. People are not supposed to come back to life.或许你会把她逼得尖叫发疯。人是不会死而复生的。2.Jane:Isnt it our obligation,as their advocates,to provide our clients with an opportunity to work things out?作为他们的律师,我们的职责难道不是为委托人提供解决问题的机会吗?3.Jane: I think you should gi

26、ve yourself another chance,take some time to really think about it我觉得你应该再给自己一次机会,花些时间去认真想想。口语精华:1.You set me up.你陷害我。2.Embrace it.接受它吧。3.Are we cool?我们没事儿了吧。4.Her I.Q. is off the charts.她的IQ特别高。5.Im on your side.我支持你。6.I thought you were up to speed.我还以为你很了解情况了呢。7.Because she had the hots for your d

27、octor.因为她看上你的医生了。8.Its just a setback.仅仅是个小挫折。9.Lets talk this through.让我们好好谈谈。10.We could use some privacy.我们需要单独聊聊。经典台词:1.Jane:Because I am not the person you think I am.因为我不是你所想的那个人。2.Grayson:I didnt mean to lay this on you.我不是想把这些强加给你。3.Jane:you are who you want to be.你是你所想成为的那个人。4.Kim:I think w

28、e should take a little breather.我想我们应该休息一会儿了。5.Fred:Everybodys body has its own needs,its cravings,its comfort zones,this firm is where Janes body feel at ease.its where her intellect shines.每个人的身体都有自己的需要,自己的渴望,自己的舒适地带,这家公司就是Jane的身体会感到轻松的地方,在这儿,她的智慧才能得以发挥。口语精华:1. Beats me.问倒我了。2. I tend to look at a

29、 person and size them up pretty quickly.看到一个人,我倾向于快速的评估。3. Well be out of your hair in five minutes.我们5分钟后就离开这里。4. I know we should be at each others throats.我知道我们应该是势不两立的。5. Youll heal.你会好起来的。6. Your husband and I never quite saw eye to eye.你老公和我总有分歧。7. Hearsay.道听途说。8. She never put on airs.她从来不摆架子

30、。9. I just tend to get a feeling.我只是跟着感觉走。10. I need you to go easier on her.我不想让你给她太大压力。11. Diane asked me to step in for her.Diane让我代替她。12. Anyway, Sheffrin-Marks fired their last firm because they took their eye off the ball.总之,Sheffrin-Marks解雇了他们的上一家法律顾问公司,因为他们对重要的事情没有足够的重视。13. Our investigator can get you up to speed.我们的调查人员会告诉你最新的情况。14. Youre going to bury u

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