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1、张婷婷论文定稿中央广播电视大学“人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点“英语专业本科(教育方向)集中实践环节英语课堂教学行为研究项目设计鉴定表姓 名: 张婷婷 学 号: 20091620090243级 别: 2009春 分 校: 定西分校 指导教师: 王建春 完成时间: 2011/11/1 附件3甘肃电大开放教育 2009 级(春)英语专业(本科)英语课堂教学行为研究项目设计报告分校:定西 分校 班级代号:091090502 姓名张婷婷性别女年龄26学号20091620090243教学班通渭年级2009春工作单位 通渭县碧玉乡初级中学工作性质教育教学工龄3年职务项目计划设计时间2011.7指导教师王建

2、春一、 选题中学英语教学中的词汇教学 二、 选题的目的、意义和必要性众所周知,在英语教学中,单词教学是最重要的,怎样让中学生每天记忆大量的单词和短语。如何在课堂40分钟内教学生学记英语单词,让他们掌握单词的读音,和使用,是每个老师都在探索的一项课题,这次通过设计的练习,学生记单词的兴趣增加了。也学会了一些新的记单词的方法。怎样使学生快乐并主动去记忆单词?这是我值得思考的问题。在一系列活动中学,学生不仅记下了单词,而且还掌握了与之相关的知识,学生收到了启发,可以自己尝试新的方法去记单词。我觉得这一点很有必要,也至关重要。三、 主要研究方法在这次写作中,我主要使用了分析法、和头脑风暴法两种方法来作

3、具体的研究。四、 设计过程为了给他们提供一些新的方法能更快的去记单词和短语。在四周的教学中,我分别设计了八个教学活动, 并要求学生仔细听老师的讲解,及时地做好笔记总结,并要求学生在课间自己探索新的方法,上课时我采用出示歌曲、歌谣、卡片、游戏、以及比赛的方法等一系列活动,对学生进行英语单词的教学。并且在每一周,我安排了家庭作业,让学生及时复习所学内容,在教学过程中,我使用的教学方法有听、写、讨论以及做练习。五、 研究结果通过这次课题的设计,我发现学生记单词比以前更加主动了,他们也在尝试其他有助于快速记单词的的方法,在单词学习上,他们取得了很大的进步。通过这次写作,同时我也发现我的教学水平提高了,

4、上课气氛比以前活跃了,在以后的教学中,我要尽量探索一些有利于学生学习英语的方法,让他们学会自己学英语,同时引导学生探究新方法学好英语。附件4甘肃电大开放教育 09 级(春、秋)英语专业(本科)英语课堂教学行为研究项目设计教师指导记录与成绩评定表分校: 定西分校 班级代号: 091090502 姓名 张婷婷 学号 20091620090243 指导教师指导意见第一次 时间、内容、评分2011年7月5日该学员能够根据自己的教学实践,确定解决阅读过程中大部分学生英语单词词汇量小的问题,提出通过加强游戏设计提高学生学习和练习词汇的兴趣。此问题是困扰英语初学者的一个普遍问题。问题表述正确并制订了时间计划

5、表。建议第一阶段评为4分。学生签字_教师签字_ 王建春_第二次 时间、内容、评分2011年9月22日鉴于学生基础较差,故该学员采用了两种分析方法对所发现的问题进行了比较客观的分析,在此基础上,确定了自己的设计目标、假设,开始了具体的方案设计。建议第二阶段评为5分。 学生签字_教师签字_王建春_第三次 时间、内容、评分2011年11月15日该学员在项目设计部分能够结合自己的教学内容,注重加强游戏的设计和组织,另外注重采用多种激励手段来监控活动的开展。活动比较丰富,活动目标比较具体,具有可操作性。实施过程录制了课堂活动的录音带。总之,实施过程比较真实可靠。建议第三、四阶段评为14+18分。学生签字

6、_教师签字_ 王建春_第四次 时间、内容、评分2010年11月24日该学员通过实施问卷调查和项目评估的标准,对项目实施进行了比较客观、真实的评价,并按照要求撰写了项目报告,毕业论文经过与指导教师讨论修改后,最终形成了结构基本规范、语言基本通顺的报告。建议第五、六阶段评为4+20分。学生签字_教师签字_ 王建春_指导教师总评语该学员能够结合教学实践,确定解决学生阅读过程中词汇量较少的问题,提出通过加强游戏设计提高学生学习和练习词汇的兴趣。能采用两种分析方法,对问题进行比较客观的分析。从分析结果中找出原因并设计解决方案。教学活动注重加强游戏的设计和组织,另外注重采用多种激励手段来监控游戏的开展。项

7、目的实施能够贯彻设计的基本原则,步骤具体,目标明确。最后她对项目报告进行了综合评价并完成了项目报告的撰写。项目报告符合要求,格式规范,并提供了附件材料。初评成绩65设计过程成绩45报告成绩20指导教师签字王建春时间2011年11月29日答辩成绩综合成绩65答辩组成员签名 年 月 日 分校集中实践环节教学指导小组意见成绩评定审阅核准意见负责人签字_(系公章)年 月 日省校集中实践环节教学领导小组意见成绩评定审阅核准意见:负责人签字_(系公章)年 月 日说明:1.答辩小组应填写评价意见,小组成员均应签名(盖章)。答辩小组不应少于3人。 2.由分校自行复制。Project Title:How to

8、Remember WordsInvestigatorZhang TingtingGansu Radio & TV UniversitySubmitted on 19thOct 2011In fulfillment of the coursePractical Project DesignAcknowledgmentI am mostly grateful to Professor Guide and Miss Wang, without whose support this project would not implemented.I am also grateful to my colle

9、agues fort their time spent on brainstorming.No amount of thanks will be adequate for my students without whose willing participation in the project implementation it would have remained on paper.Last but not the least, big thanks to my mother and father, without whose support; I would not have self

10、-confidence to finish this project.Main Headings of the Project Report1. Introduce myself2. Introduce problem3. The methods of problem analysis4. Project objective5. Project hypothesis6. Project rationale7. Class activities design8. Project implementation 9. Project evaluation 10. Project findings a

11、nd discussionReferences:Appendix:A. The methods of problem analysisB. Teaching notesC. DiariesD. students questionnaire 1. Introduce myselfMy name is Zhang Tingting. I will graduate from Gansu Radio TV University in 2012. My major is English. I come from Tongwei. I have been teaching the students wh

12、o are in the senior middle school two years . In my teaching, Ive found there are some problems. Now Ill finish my study in Gansu TV University, I hope to solve these problems that have troubled me for some time through the action research so that I can apply my knowledge and theory into practice wh

13、ich I learned from Gan Su TV University.In addition, it also enlarges my vocabulary words because of the advanced technology and vivid animations. I am optimistic and active .and I am confident that I can pass the text .Thank you for your precious to reading autobiography. 2. Introduce problemThe pr

14、oblem I have in my teaching is that most of my students can not remember the words I assign them to do after class.3. The methods of problem analysisI think that it is suitable for me to use the methods of the analytic method, Observation, brainstorming to analyze my problem.(1)The analytic method I

15、n lexical memory process, must eliminate the influences of mother tongue, the word meaning of the. Especially in order to cultivate students communication ability in English Teaching for the purpose of the premise, the phonetic transliteration is especially important. Because in the process of commu

16、nication, words meaning and connection than figural connected directly much, so much more important. We are living in the Chinese language environment, lack of English natural context, for middle school students, through extensive listening and reading, make full use of context to master and consoli

17、date the words, pay attention to the memory of words used in concrete context And in repeated contact and practice course to deepen the understanding of vocabulary, English vocabulary teaching must guarantee to the application gives priority to carry on the corresponding reform, through lexical logi

18、c memory method, communicative language teaching effective way, to find out the regularity of vocabulary means, improve the students learning interest and confidence. At the same time, through the specific language environment to strengthen the kinds of lexical application exercises, prevent one-sid

19、ed pursuit of the number of words, while ignoring lexical quality. Attach importance to language and culture inner link, through language learning the growth of a variety of knowledge, learning English culture. Learning English like happiness within. In this situation, I asked myself a series of que

20、stions and tried to provide some answers to them.(2)Brainstorming In group activities, the teacher should give the student 3-5 minutes to discuss the content of thinking. In a few minutes, new ideas or already stored in the students schemata are activated, the so-called transportation into Si, but t

21、he idea is still raw material needs to be discussed further processing. In this form of activity among students, inspire each other, put the idea that both organized,The teacher guides the student to propose the idea of evaluation, comparison, classification and comparison, to choose the most import

22、ant or the most representative view。4. Project objective:My goal is to teach the students some useful methods of memorizing words5. Project hypothesis:Teach students to use the word constitution method of memorizing words6. Project rationaleTheir ability in remembering new words and sentences have i

23、ncreased a lot since the project implemented. We can say they had made rapid progress. In the future I will do such project as early as possible. I will implement this kind of project to improve my teaching.7. Class activities designI designed an adequate amount of activities (cover four weeks of te

24、aching) to test the hypothesis. I have designed eight activities to be tried out in four weeks. Week 1Activity 1poemsPurpose : learn words by poemsKey steps:Step1 Use the dictionary .Encourage the students to use dictionary to try to understand the poems imagery. Step2 Guess the meaning, can anyone

25、in class guess the meaning? What about the particular images in the poems?Step3 Disscuss the poems .Do the students like the poems? Why?Step4 Students read the poems. Ask individual students or is a group of students, reading poetry. Sometimes I and students can read together, sometimes a group of s

26、tudents to back down, it will stimulate the students try to recite the poem.Step5 Make a new poem. Try to use the new words to replace the traditional the words, what is meaning now?Activity 2Purpose: Group learning wordKey stepsStep1 divide team according to the English level,Step2 Give all the stu

27、dents of the same word memory requirements, and check them in timeStep3 check to recite In front of everyoneStep4 Choose the fastest-growing group then praise.Week 2Activity 1 songsPurpose Let the students know to memory word can be used in the form of singingStep1 Play The tape then let students re

28、peat words in their book.Step2 Teach students the song line by line Step3 I can sing a line, let the students sing alongStep4 Finally Play The tape and students sing along with, do the actionStep5 Summarize the main content with their own wordsActivity 2 How much are these pants?Purpose :To create a

29、 real language situation, let students learn vocabulary Process :first guide students to guess What s in this bag? They answer it fall over each other ,then open the shopping bag picture one by one click , a piece of clothing, and each garment English name. At this time, students were: Oh, a sweater

30、 escape ones lips! / A short. then, I ask: How much is the sweater / short.?give the student answer after the real price. Finally, when I moved to How much are all of them?, many students would have worked out the answer raised his hand, and students be overcome by ones feelings to say They re so ch

31、eap! Or Wow, they re too expensive!Week 3Activity 1Find the same vowel phonetic symbolPurpose: According to the pronunciation to remember the wordsProcess Divide the class into several groups, the match in the two group, the start of the game, the teacher will say a word ( such as: bike ), the first group of students A should immediately stand up, speak a containing the same vowel ( i.e. vowel

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