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1、集体备课教案活页Unit9王廷梅文本式旧州二中英语教研组七年级(下)集体备课教案课题:Unit 9 What does he look like? 第 一 课时备课内容:Unit 9 What does he look like? Section A (1a-1c) 课 型:新授课 总课时数: 5 主 备 人:王廷梅 审核定稿:张光厚参备教师:龚香群 朱 睿 王 娅 陈雪婷 潘洋平 杨通海 王照群执 教 者: 执教班级:七( )班 授课时间:2015年 月 日教学目标:1、语言知识目标:1) 能掌握以下单词:curly, straight, tall, medium, thin, heavy,

2、能掌握以下句型:What does he look like?Hes of medium/build.What does he look like? She has long straight hair.Is he tall or short?2、情感态度价值观目标:让学生学会友好、客观地描述人的形象。教学重点: 掌握单词,熟练掌握描述人的形象的句型。教学难点: 掌握描述人的形象的句型。教学方法:任务型、探究型教学法、高效课堂“六步教学模式”课前准备:多媒体设备、图片法制教育渗透点:让学生们学会友好、客观地描述人的形象,不污蔑、诋毁他人形象,学会去欣赏他人,用文明、友好方式与他人相处,养成良好

3、的习惯。教学流程:一、Revision and lead-in(复习及导入)(1-3分钟) 1. Look at the picture of 1a and think about the questions:1. How many people are there in the picture?2. Where are they?3. What are the two girls doing?4. Can you describe the people in the picture?2. Learn some new words二、Presentation(展示目标,揭示新知)(3-5分钟)

4、 1. Match the words with the people in the picture. (1a)学习课本的第一部分P49,1a先看图片,然后搭配图片和相关的外貌特征的词。Now please look at P49, Use the letters to match the people in the picture with one of the numbered words. Write each letter next to a numbered word. You can use some letters more than once. Point out the sa

5、mple answer.留2-3分钟读写1a中的单词、短语。练习对话,引导学生熟悉有关描述人的外貌特征的词2. 1b Listen and fill in the blanks in the picture above. Can you find Amys friend?A: Is that your friend?B: No, it isnt.A: What does he look like? Is he short or tall?B: Well, hes really _. And he has _.Listen to the dialogue of 1b again and try

6、to find the sentence pattern for asking peoples appearance and the sentences for describing people.What does he look like? Is he short or tall?He is really tall. He has curly hair. 3. 通过图片展示以问答的形式练习对话。三、Explore questions(探究问题,学习新知)(5-7分钟) 1. Read the conversation A:What does your friend look like? B

7、:She is medium height, and she has long straight hair. 2.practice and recite it.四、Practice(当堂训练,理解新知)(10-15分钟) 1. Practice like the conversation according to some pictures. 2. Ss make conversations by themselves and practice the conversations. 5、Summary(课堂小结,熟练新知)(5-10分钟) 本堂课我们学习了描述和形容人的单词:curly, st

8、raight, tall, medium, thin, heavy, build, tonight, little, cinema, glasses, later 以及句型:What does he look like? Hes of medium/build. What does he look like? She has long straight hair. Is he tall or short?六、Homework(课外作业,巩固新知)(1-5分钟) 1. Recite the new words and sentences教后反思:_备课组教师课后对教案修改意见:成功之处: _不足

9、之处:_改进措施:_旧州二中英语教研组七年级(下)集体备课教案课题:Unit 9 What does he look like? 第 二 课时备课内容:Unit 9 What does he look like? Section A (2a-2d) 课 型:新授课 总课时数: 5 主 备 人:王廷梅 审核定稿:张光厚参备教师:龚香群 朱 睿 王 娅 陈雪婷 潘洋平 杨通海 王照群执 教 者: 执教班级:七( )班 授课时间:2015年 月 日教学目标:1、语言知识目标:1) 掌握、运用以下单词: build, tonight, little, cinema, glasses, later 2)

10、 掌握以下句型:What does he look like?Hes of medium/build.What does he look like? She has long straight hair.Is he tall or short?2、情感态度价值观目标:让学生学会友好、客观地描述人的形象。教学重点: 掌握单词,熟练掌握描述人的形象的句型。教学难点: 掌握描述人的形象的句型。教学方法:任务型、探究型教学法、高效课堂“六步教学模式”课前准备:多媒体设备、图片法制教育渗透点:让学生们学会友好、客观地描述人的形象,不污蔑、诋毁他人形象,学会去欣赏他人,用文明、友好方式与他人相处,养成良好

11、的习惯。教学流程:1、Revision and lead-in(复习及导入)(1-3分钟)T:What does he look like?S:Hes of medium/build. T:What does he look like? S:She has long straight hair.T:Is he tall or short?2、Presentation(展示目标,揭示新知)(3-5分钟)1、展示新单词让学生加深印象。2、教师通过多媒体PPT课件展示2a 的内容,并引导理解2a的句子。三、Explore questions(探究问题,学习新知)(5-7分钟) 1、观察2a、2b部分

12、内容,小组探讨学习方法。(看、听、做) 2、如何听得更清楚?需要掌握哪些听的技巧?4、Practice(当堂训练,理解新知)(10-15分钟)1、Listening (2a and 2b)1. Listen and answer the questions. (2a)1. Is David tall or short? _2. Does Sally have long or short hair? _3. Is peter tall or short?_2. Listen again and fill in the chart. (2b)DavidSallyPeterishas3. Descr

13、ibe David, Sally, Peters appearances according to the information of 2b. David is heavy and tall. He has curly hair. Sally is thin and of medium height. She has long straight hair. Peter is short and of medium build. He has short hair.2、Talking(2c) 1. Student A looks at the chart in 2b. Student B as

14、ks Student A questions about one of the people and then draws a picture of the person quickly. 2. Act the dialogue.3、Reading(2d)1. Read the conversation to answer the questions:1. Where are Mike and Tony going tonight?2. Where are they meet?3. Who is going with them?4. What does David look like?2. L

15、anguage points2. Read the conversation.3. Role-play the conversation.5、Summary(课堂小结,熟练新知)(5-10分钟) 本堂课我们继续学习描述人形象的词汇和句型,What does he look like?Hes of medium/build. Is he tall or short?通过对对话的学习,学习了一些新的词组的短语,希望同学们下去熟读对话。六、Homework(课外作业,巩固新知)(1-5分钟)1. 总结所学过的描述人物长相的词汇,用英语写出来。2. 编写三个小对话来描述一下你的家庭成员(爷爷/奶奶;爸

16、爸/妈妈;哥哥/妹妹)。教后反思:_备课组教师课后对教案修改意见:成功之处: _不足之处:_改进措施:_旧州二中英语教研组七年级(下)集体备课教案课题:Unit 9 What does he look like? 第 三 课时备课内容:Unit 9 What does he look like? Section A (Grammar focus-3c) 课 型:新授课 总课时数: 5 主 备 人:王廷梅 审核定稿:张光厚参备教师:龚香群 朱 睿 王 娅 陈雪婷 潘洋平 杨通海 王照群执 教 者: 执教班级:七( )班 授课时间:2015年 月 日教学目标:1、语言知识目标:1) 单词:hand

17、some, actor, actress, person, nose2)能掌握以下句型: Hes of medium/build. What does he look like? Hes really tall. What does he look like? She has long straight hair. Is he tall or short?2、情感态度价值观目标: 学习让学生学会友好、客观地描述人的形象。教学重点 学习让学生学会友好、客观地描述人的形象。教学难点: 让学生学会友好、客观地描述人的形象。教学方法:任务型、探究型教学法、高效课堂“六步教学模式”课前准备:多媒体设备、

18、图片法制教育渗透点:让学生们学会友好、客观地描述人的形象,不污蔑、诋毁他人形象,学会去欣赏他人,用文明、友好方式与他人相处,养成良好的习惯。教学流程:一、Revision and lead-in(复习及导入)(1-3分钟) 1. Say what your friends in the class look like and show the pictures of them.2. Work in pair. One student describe one of his friends in class, the other student guess who he/she is.二、Pre

19、sentation(展示目标,揭示新知)(3-5分钟)打开PPT课件(或者学生课本),让学生仔细观察并且反复阅读Grammar Focus中的句子。3、Explore questions(探究问题,学习新知)(5-7分钟)1. 学生阅读Grammar Focus中的句子,并完成下列句子填空练习。2. 指导。注意提醒、区分单复数,is 与has。 他长的什么样子?_他个子很高。 _ 她长的什么样子? _ 她长着长的直发。 _ 他们长的什么样子?_他们中等身材。 _ 他们长着直发还是卷发?_ 他们长着卷发。_ 他个头是高还是矮? _他不高也不矮。他是中等身高。 _Ss finish off the

20、 sentences and check the answers.3. 探究乐园 一、描述人物外貌的问句。询问人物外貌时,我们常用“What + do / does + 主语 look like?”这一句型。其中,助动词用do还是does取决于主语人称和数的变化:当主语是第三人称单数或单数名词时,用does;当主语是其他人称或复数名词时,用do。如:What does your sister look like? 你姐姐长什么样?What do her parents look like? 她父母长什么样?【链接】我们可以用“What+be +主语like?”这一句型来询问某人的品质、个性等。

21、如:Whats her mother like? 她妈妈性格怎么样?She is quite nice. 她相当和善。【运用】对下列句子中的划线部分进行提问。(1) The little girl has long curly hair._(2) My English teacher is friendly._二、描述人物形象的表达方式。1. 描述身高、体重等整体特征时用be动词。如: Our P.E. teacher is of medium height. 我们体育老师中等身高。 Shes of medium build. 她中等身材。 I am a little heavy. 我有点儿胖

22、。 2. 发型、面部特征方面: Jack has curly hair. 杰克留有卷发。 My uncle has a big nose and two small eyes. 我叔叔长着一个大鼻子和两只小眼睛。【运用】将下列句子翻译成英语。(1) 她妈妈不高也不矮。_(2) 我爷爷长着小鼻子,圆脸。_3. 表示穿着、戴着眼镜(帽子)用wear。 他戴着一幅眼镜。 He _ a pair of _. 三、选择疑问句。用法:列举出两个或两个以上可能情况让对方选择。答语不能用Yes/No,常选择其一来回答句子结构。Are you a Chinese girl or an American girl

23、? 你是中国女孩还是美国女孩?Im a Chinese girl. 我是中国女孩。【运用】将下列句子或对话翻译成英语。(1)这些椅子是新的还是旧的? _(2) 你喜欢裤子还是短裙? 我喜欢裤子。 _ _四、Practice(当堂训练,理解新知)(10-15分钟)1. Work on 3a. 3a Write these words in the correct box.short hair, heavy, curly hair, thin, of medium build, tall, straight hair, short, long hair, of medium height isha

24、s2. Work on 3b. 3b Read the sentences and circle the correct words to complete the conversation. A: So what do/does your friend Clark look like? B: Well, he is/has thin, and he have/has black hair.A: Really? Is/Does he tall or short?B: He is/isnt tall or short. He is/has of medium build.A: Does he h

25、as/have curly or straight hair?B: He is/has straight hair. And he is/has really handsome. 2. Ss read the sentences and chose the correct words quickly. 3. Check the answers.4. Language points. Writing 3c Write answers to these questions about different people. Then tell your partner about them. 1. S

26、how some photos of the famous singer or actor (actress) Ask Ss: Who is your favorite singer/actor/actress? Ss think and answer this question. 2. Then ask them these two questions: What does your favorite actor or actress look like?3. Ss think and answer:4. Now write down your answers on the line.5. Work in groups. Talk about your favorite teacher/friend What does she/he

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