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1、食品专业英语词汇大全词汇第一课(一)基本The characteristics about the Food English Sci-Technological Thesis英语食品科技论文的特色Academic thesis 学术论文Experiment:Research report, 实验型Observation,survey: Investigation report 观察型Theory:Mathematical thesis, 理论型Dissertation 学位论文Bachelor s dissertation学士论文Master s dissertation硕士论文Doctor

2、s dissertation博士论文Acknowledgements , References and Appendix 感谢、参照文件和附录Introduction前言、序言或介绍Materials and Methods资料与方法Results and Discussion结果与议论Conclusions结论goal目的review研究背景your work要解决的问题experimental methods实验方法type of experimental design 试验设计number of replications 重复次数statistical analysis 统计剖析equi

3、pment 仪器(二)缩略词1述语、组织、集体名称:LC =lethal concentration 致死浓度EAA =Essential amino acids 必需氨基酸DH = degree of hydrolysis 水解度DNA =deozyrebonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸USDA=US Department of Agriculture 美国农业部IFT=Institute of Food Technologists 食品科技协会CEO=chief executive officer 总经理2数字 +胸怀衡单位词15ft (footfeet)50rpm (revolu

4、tions per minute)1cal (calorie) 卡C(centigrade)摄氏温度etc=et cetera=and others(等 物)et al.=et alii=and others(等 人)i.e.=id est=that ise.g.=exampli gratia=for exampleplus 加号;正号 minus 减号;负号 plus or minus 正负号 is multiplied by 乘号is divided by 除号 is equal to 等于号 per cent 百分之 degree Celsius /centigrade摄氏度2第二课(1

5、) Terminology 科技术语的翻译Compound word 合成词end point 终点standard solution 标准溶液titration error 滴定偏差buffer solution 缓冲溶液Polysemy 多义词Concentration 集中,会合,专心浓缩,浓度Derivative 派生词:加词缀构成新术语alkaline 碱性的 alkalinity 碱度Spectrophotometer 分光光度计Condenser 冷凝器Subordination 分清主从法Diction 选词用字法Amplification & Omission 增字法与省略法

6、 Conversion 变换法Inversion 词序调整法Division 长句拆译法Subordination 分清主从法The food technologist can usually recognize fatswhen he sees them because they are quite different both in their physical properties and in their chemical composition from the other two main food constituents: carbohdrate and protein.当食品

7、科学工作者看到脂肪时,往常能够确认它们,因为无论在物理性质和化学构成上,脂肪都与此外两种主要食品构成成分(碳水化合物和蛋白质)不一样。3第三课WHO Strategy on Food Safety-Biotechnology and its implications to foods世界卫生组织的食品安全策略 -生物技术及其对食品的含义 herb :草,草本植物,药草herbicide n.除草剂herbage: n.牧草,草本植物herbal: a. 草的 草本的Chinese herbal medicine中草药herbalist: 中医师allergen n.变态反响素,能惹起过敏症的物

8、质,过敏原 allergy: n. 过敏have allergy: 过敏antibiotic n.抗生素 adj.抗菌的,抗生素的biotic a. 相关生命的agro-: 野外,土壤agronomic adj. 农学的,农艺的agrobiology n. 土壤生物学agrology n. 土壤学agri- 农业的agriculture n.农业agrimotor n. 农用拖沓机carotene n.胡萝卜素carrot n. 胡萝卜fermentation n.发酵ferment v. 发酵fermentation food 发酵食品bioreactor n. 生物反响器bio- 生物bi

9、oactive peptide 活性肽biochemist test 生化试验safety assessment安全评估GMO genetically modified organism 转基因生物4CAC Codex Alimentarius Commission 食品法典委员会 FAO Food and Agriculture Organization(联合国 ) 粮农组织FDA (food and drug administration):(美国)食品药品管理局CFR(code of federal regulation):(美国)联邦法例AOAC (Association of Off

10、icial Analytical Chemists )美国剖析化学家协会 participate in 参加 ,参加 ,分享safety assessment 安全评估incorporate into 归并 ,编入base on 鉴于on the principle of 依据 的原则adequate for合适 ,足够be subject to 使遭到take into account考虑contribute to 促成in conjunction with 与 合力recombinant DNA techniques重组 DNA 技术 DNA=deoxyribonucleic acid 脱

11、氧核糖核酸herbicide-tolerant 耐药性除草剂insect-resistant crops 抗虫农作物so far 到当前为止report on 相关 的报导adverse effects on对 有不良影响5第四课resulting from 因为thereof 及其enzyme separation and application thereoffactors thereof 及其要素剖析Food Choice and Dieting节食 Behaviors of Adolescent Girl Students and Influencing Factors Thereof

12、青春期女生食品选择和节食行为及其影响要素剖析GM insect-resistant potatoes expressing a lectin表达外源凝聚素的转基因抗虫马铃薯The so-called Golden Rice, biosynthesizing ?-carotene, the precursor of vitamin A, is one example for the developments to be expected in the future.所谓的 “金稻 ”,即能够生物合成 VA 前体胡萝卜素的水稻,即是人们期望的一种将来的转基因作物。6第五课poly- 多的 poly

13、saccharide 多糖polyacid 多元酸polyatomic 多原子的;多酸的-ose 糖sucrose 蔗糖fructose 果糖maltose 麦芽糖glucose 葡萄糖lactose 乳糖galactose 半乳糖glyco- 甜,糖原glycine Gly 甘氨酸glycogen 肝糖原 动物淀粉glycolysis 糖酵解-ase 酶invertase 转变酶permease 透性酶amylase 淀粉酶enzyme 酶oxid-氧化物的oxide氧化物oxidase氧化酶oxidant氧化剂oxidative氧化作用pyruv-丙酮的pyruvate丙酮酸盐或酯pyru

14、vateoxidase丙酮酸氧化酶pyruvicacid丙酮酸pyruvicalcohol丙酮醇pyruvicaldehyde丙酮醛Biochemical wordsacid 酸性的7basic 碱性的ethanol 醇,乙醇( alcohol)aldehyde 醛ketone 酮cereal 谷类crop 农作物cane 甘庶 , beet 甜菜spirit n. 酒精(溶液),烈酒,蒸馏酒。spirits n. 酒精饮料 烈性酒neutral a. 酸碱中和的,酸碱均衡的,中性的neutral spirits(酒精):Ethyl alcohol distilled at or above

15、190 proof, often used in blended alcoholic beverages.fortified a. 增强的fortified wines 加白兰地的葡萄酒fortified bread 增强面包fortified food 增强食品alcohol content 酒度 酒精含量alcohol strength 酒精浓度by addition of 增添strain n. 品系 菌株CO2 carbon dioxideHOW TO EXPRESS“属”“种”Saccharomyce cerevisiae (啤酒酵母 )(S. cerevisiae )酵母(属) 啤

16、酒(种)酵母This is the glucose decomposition and energy generation process envelope 外膜plasma membrane 质膜periplasmic 外周胞质 , 周质8第六课专业术语温室效应 -the greenhouse effect防湿的 -moisture-proof广口瓶 -wide-mouth bottle加热即食的 -ready-to-heat-and-eat定容的 -fixed-volume自动调零的 -self-zeroing饮用水 -potable water水溶性的 -water-soluble增强食

17、品 -fortified food第七课Consult : V. 协商,咨询 Consultation : 会议,咨询amino- 氨基的amino group 氨基 -NH2amino nitrogen 氨基态氮amino acid-yl 基acyl 酰基acetyl 乙酰基methyl 甲基ethyl 乙基propyl 丙基carboxyl 羧基carbonyl 羰基aminoacylase 氨基酰化酶peptidase 肽酶carboxymethyl- 羧甲基ethyl alcohol 乙醇tricarboxylic acid cyclemeta- 变化 , 代谢9metabolic a

18、dj. 代谢作用的 ,新陈代谢的metabolic rate 代谢率metabolic activity 代谢能力metabolic balance 代谢均衡metabolite n. 代谢 (产)物metabolism n. 新陈代谢metabolize v. 使代谢 ,使同化metabolizable adj. 可代谢的precursor n. 前体;前驱genus n. 种类、属genera pl.excrete vt. 排泄;分泌isolates n. 种群feedback 反应feedback inhibition 反应克制mutant n. 突变异种substrate n. 底物

19、ant. 终产物: end productsFlavour enhancer 风味增强剂Baking antioxidant 焙烤抗氧化剂Sweetener component甜味成分Feed additive食品增添剂Essential amino acids (EAA) 必需氨基酸Dispensable (nonessential ) amino acids (DAA, NEAA) 非必需氨基酸 Conditionally dispensable amino acids 条件非必需氨基酸Cysteine 半胱氨酸 MethionineTyrosine 酪氨酸 PhenylalanineTa

20、urine 牛磺酸Indispensable (essential) amino acids (IDAA, EAA) 必需氨基酸Isoleucine, Ile 异亮氨酸Lysine, Lys 赖氨酸Methionine, Met 蛋氨酸 ,甲硫氨酸Valine, Val 缬氨酸Leucine, Leu 亮氨酸Tryptophan, Trp 色氨酸Phenylalanine, Phe 苯丙氨酸Threonine , Thr 苏氨酸10Histidine, His 组氨酸 (infant )第八课yogurt = yoghurt :酸奶、酸乳酪fermented dairy product 发酵乳

21、制品lact- / lacto-/ lacti- : 乳的、乳酸的lactosegalactoselactasebacillus : 杆状细菌 pl. bacillibacilliform: 杆状的lactobacillusthermo- / therma- :热的, 温度的thermophilusthermos :保温瓶,暖水瓶thermal endurance: 耐热性thermoduric: 耐热的thermotank: 恒温箱casein 酪蛋白,干酪素casease 酪蛋白酶casein hydrolysate 酪蛋白水解物casein saccharide糖酪蛋白HHydrogen

22、C Carbon F Fluorine Al Aluminium S SulfurCa Calcium Fe Iron Cu Copperincubated 孵化,保温intestinal adj.肠的 ,肠内的intestine n.肠intestinal microbial flora 肠内微生物菌丛starter 发酵剂starter culture 发酵培育基11titrate 滴定titratable 可滴定的titratable acidity 滴定酸度dairy product:乳制品set or stired yogurt :凝结型或搅拌型酸奶defatted milk : 脱

23、脂乳skim milk: 脱脂乳( 3.25%)nonfat dry milk: 脱脂奶粉fruit preparations :水果调制品sundae :圣代fruit preserves: 水果密饯set style yogurts 凝结型酸奶stirred style yogurts 搅拌型酸奶aforementioned cultures 上述的培育物be function ofnutritive carbohydrate sweeteners碳水化合物营养甜味剂 Coloring 色素stabilizers 稳固剂preparation 预制品,调制品Set style yogurt

24、s 凝结型酸奶Stirred style yogurts 搅拌型酸奶Fermentation bacteria: as the starter cultureLactobacillus bulgaricus 保加利亚乳酸杆菌Streptococcus thermophilus 嗜热链球菌12第十课rennet : 犊牛胃内膜,凝乳酶rennin : 凝乳酶pharma- 药的pharmaceutical 药学的,药品,药剂pharmaceutics 配药学,制药学pharmacology 药理学pharmacy 配药学 药店NEW WORDScide 杀,杀灭剂pesticide 杀虫剂,农药

25、(泛指)biopesticide: 生物杀虫剂herbicide 除草剂fungicide 除真菌剂Insecticide 杀虫剂rodent : 啮齿类动物rodenticide 灭鼠剂protease 蛋白酶proteolytic enzymes : 蛋白水解酶类pancreatic protease 胰蛋白酶lipase 脂酶papain 木瓜蛋白酶amylase 淀粉酶pectinase 果胶酶streptodornase 链道酶、脱氧核糖核酸酶13第十一课 lipidssolubility n 溶解度 ,溶解性solubilize v 溶解solube adj 可溶解的solute

26、n 溶质solution n 溶液solvent n 溶剂ester n 酯triester n 三酯triesters of glycerol 甘油三酯glycer(o)- 甘油glycerol 甘油 ,丙三醇Triacylglycerol 三酰基甘油carboxylic 含羧基的 ,carboxylic acid 羧酸aqueous adj.水的 ,含水的 ,水成的aqueo- 水合的 ,由水衍生的aqui- 水 aquiculture 水产养殖cis geometry 顺式构型trans geometry 反式构型cholesterol 胆固醇saturated 饱和的unsaturat

27、ed 不饱和的saturated fatty acid 饱和脂肪酸monounsaturated一元不饱和的polyunsaturated 多元不饱和的mono- 单,一poly- 多,聚nonpolar organic solvents非极性溶剂14第十二课 Lesson 10 Enzymes六大酶类oxidoreductase n. 氧化复原酶transferase n. 转移酶hydrolase n. 水解酶isomerase n. 异构酶lyase n. 裂合酶,裂解酶ligase n. 联合酶,连结酶oxidoreductase n. 氧化复原酶oxidize v. 氧化 reduc

28、e v. 复原oxidation n. 氧化, 氧化反响reduction n. 复原, 复原反响oxidizer - oxidant n. 氧化剂reducer reductant n. 复原剂NaOH sodium hydroxideNaCl sodium chlorideH2SO4 sulfuric acidHCl hydrochloric acid15第十四课 Lesson 11 Nutritionnutrient 营养素macronutrient 常量营养素micronutrient 微量营养素nutrition 营养(学),营养物,营养(过程) malnutrition 营养失调,

29、营养不良 nutritionist 营养学家,营养师nutritional 营养的nutritional deficiency 营养缺少nutritional value 营养价值nutritional requirement 营养需要量-ium 表示化学元素的拉丁名字 .Sodium Na Calsium CaPotassium K Aluminium Alinterdependent 互相依靠 dependent 依靠 independent 独立interchangeable 可互换的keeping quality 耐藏性get along 过活nourish v. 滋润 , 营养nourishment n. 营养Niacin 烟酸Thiamin 硫胺素( VB1 )Riboflavin 核黄素( VB2 )Folacin(folic acid) 叶酸Pantothe

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