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英语 高中英语阅读理解科普环保试题有答案和解析.docx

1、英语 高中英语阅读理解科普环保试题有答案和解析(英语) 高中英语阅读理解(科普环保)试题(有答案和解析)一、高中英语阅读理解科普环保类1犇犇阅读理解 While the start of a new school year is always exciting, this year was even more so for some elementary school students in Auckland, New Zealand. They became the worlds first kids to be taught by a digital teacher. Before you

2、 start imagining a human-like robot walking around the classroom, Will is just an avatar that appears on the students desktop, or smartphone screen, when ordered to come. The autonomous animation platform has been modeled after the human brain and nervous system, allowing it to show human-like behav

3、ior. The digital teacher is assigned to teach Vectors Be sustainable with energy a free program for Auckland elementary schools. Just like the humans it replaced, Will is able to instantly react to the students responses to the topic. Thanks to a webcam and microphone, the avatar not only responds t

4、o questions the kids may have, but also picks up non-verbal cues. For instance, if a student smiles at Will, he responds by smiling back. This two-way interaction not only helps attract the students attention, but also allows the programs developers to monitor their engagement, and make changes if n

5、eeded. Nikhil Ravishankar believes that Will-like avatars could be a novel way to catch the attention of the next generation. He says, “I have a lot of hope in this technology as a means to deliver cost-effective, rich, educational experience in the future.” The program, in place since August 2018,

6、has been a great success thus far. Ravishankar says, What was fascinating to me was the reaction of the children to Will. The way they look at the world is so creative and different, and Will really captured their attention. However, regardless of how popular it becomes, Will is unlikely to replace

7、human educators any time soon.(1)What was special for some elementary school students in Auckland? A.A digital teacher taught them.B.They first saw something digital.C.This was the start of a new school year.D.They could get close to smartphone screen.(2)What is the benefit of this two-way interacti

8、on? A.It can smile back.B.It can use microphone.C.It can talk any topic for free.D.It can change if necessary.(3)Whats Ravishankars attitude to Wills replacing Human educators soon? A.Optimistic.B.Doubtful.C.Unclear.D.Disapproving.(4)What might be the best title for the passage? A.New High-tech Cont

9、ributes to EducationB.The Worlds First Digital Teacher Appears in Classroom.C.The Worlds First Digital Teacher, a Help to StudentsD.New Zealand Will Replace Teachers in Classrooms【答案】 (1)A(2)D(3)D(4)B 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了一款智能机器人走进小学课堂,为孩子们讲授能源可持续发展。 (1)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“They became the worlds first kid

10、s to be “taught” by a digital teacher”可知,他们成为世界上第一批由智能机器人老师“教”的孩子。由此可知,特殊之处在于机器人老师教他们。故选A。 (2)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“This two-way interaction not only helps attract the students attention, but also allows the programs developers to monitor their engagement, and make changes if needed.”即“ 这种双向互动不仅有助于吸引学生的注意力

11、,还允许程序的开发人员监视他们的参与度,并在需要时做出更改”,由此可得出,其优势在于需要时,可以做出变化。故选D。 (3)考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“However, regardless of how popular it becomes, Will is unlikely to replace human educators any time soon.”可知,Ravishankar认为它不会在短期内代替人类教育工作者。故选D。 (4)考查主旨大意。根据第一段中的“While the start of a new school year is always exciting, this

12、 year was even more so for some elementary school students in Auckland, New Zealand. They became the worlds first kids to be “taught” by a digital teacher”可知,从新学年开始,新西兰奥克兰的小学生将成为世界上第一批被机器人老师教的孩子。之后文章就此展开,由此可推断出he Worlds First Digital Teacher Appears in Classroom最符合本文的标题。故选B。 【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解,推理判断和主旨大意

13、三个题型的考查,是一篇科教类阅读,要求考生在捕捉细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析,推理,概括和归纳,从而选出正确答案。2犇犇阅读理解 Environmental experts warn that our planet is drowning in plastic. The worlds cities produce 2 billion tons of trash every year. By the year 2050 that number is expected to rise to 3 billion tons. The World Bank estimates

14、that the largest amount of trash today, about 44 percent, is plastic. But we often have to buy packaged goods. And often that packaging is made of plastic. Now, that may be changing. A new environmentally-friendly shopping model was recently launched at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland

15、. This shopping model, called Loop, aims to replace throwaway containers with reusable ones. Loop is the idea of Terra Cycle, an American-based recycling company. Its chief, Tom Szaky told the Associated Press (AP) that removing plastics from the ocean is not enough. He said the point is to get away

16、 from single-use packages. Szaky said that Loop is the future of shopping. But it comes from an idea of the past. He compared it to the milkman model of the 1950s in the United States. Back then, someone brought milk to your doorstep in glass bottles and then left with empty bottles. These could be

17、cleaned and used again. The result is zero-waste. Jennifer Morgan from the environmental non-profit organization Greenpeace also joined in the discussion about Loop at Davos. She said that Greenpeace welcomes the aim of the Loop Alliance to move away from throwaway culture and disposability. But Mor

18、gan questioned whether companies worldwide are ready to change their business models. Loop is set to launch later this year in three eastern U.S. states, and also in Paris, France and some of the surrounding area. Then Loop plans to expand to the U.S. West Coast, Toronto, Canada and Britain by the e

19、nd of this year or 2020.(1)What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 2? A.Provide background information.B.Advocate zero-waste lifestyle.C.Explain the reason for trash.D.Introduce a new topic.(2)Where does the idea Loop come from? A.The World Economic Forum.B.Demand of some companies.C.Zero-was

20、te model.D.The milkman model.(3)Which countries is Loop expected to expand to by 2020? A.United States and Switzerland.B.Switzerland and Britain.C.Canada and Britain.D.France and Canada.(4)What is the text mainly about? A.A new shopping model.B.The development of future city.C.The worlds environment

21、al issue.D.The concerns of future shopping.【答案】 (1)A(2)C(3)D(4)A 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍美国一家公司推出一种新的零浪费购物模式。 (1)考查推理判断。根据第二段“The worlds cities produce 2 billion tons of trash every year. By the year 2050 that number is expected to rise to 3 billion tons. The World Bank estimates that the largest amount

22、of trash today, about 44 percent, is plastic. But we often have to buy packaged goods. And often that packaging is made of plastic.”可知,世界上的城市每年产生大量的垃圾,并且其中最大的垃圾量是塑料,结合下文可知,作者写本段目的是为下文提出新的购物模式提供背景信息。故选A。 (2)考查细节理解。根据第四段中的“Szaky said that Loop is the future of shopping. But it comes from an idea of th

23、e past.”和第五段“He compared it to the milkman model of the 1950s in the United States. Back then, someone brought milk to your doorstep in glass bottles and then left with empty bottles. These could be cleaned and used again. The result is zero-waste.”可知,Loop购物模式的想法来自于过去送奶工模式,是一种可以杜绝零浪费的模式。故选C。 (3)考查细节

24、理解。根据最后一段“Loop is set to launch later this year in three eastern U.S. states, and also in Paris, France and some of the surrounding area. Then Loop plans to expand to the U.S. West Coast, Toronto, Canada and Britain by the end of this year or 2020.”可知,Loop计划在2020年前将业务扩大到加拿大和法国。故选D。 (4)考查主旨大意。根据第三段中的

25、“A new environmentally-friendly shopping model was recently launched at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.”及全文内容可知,文章主要介绍美国一家公司推出一种新的零浪费购物模式。故选A。 【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解,推理判断和主旨大意三个题型的考查,是一篇环保类阅读,考生需要准确掌握细节信息,并根据上下文进行逻辑推理,概括归纳,从而选出正确答案。3阅读理解 Rich countries are racing to dematerialise payments. T

26、hey need to do more to prepare for the side-effects. For the past 3,000 years, when people thought of money they thought of cash. Over the past decade, however, digital payments have taken off tapping your plastic on a terminal or swiping a smartphone has become normal. Now this revolution is about

27、to turn cash into an endangered species in some rich economies. That will make the economy more efficientbut it also causes new problems that could hold back the transition(转型). Countries are removing cash at varying speeds. In Sweden the number of retail cash transaction per person has fallen by 80

28、% in the past ten years. America is perhaps a decade behind. Outside the rich world, cash is still king. But even there its leading role is being challenged. In China digital payments rose from 4% of all payments in 2012 to 34% in 2017. Cash is dying out because of two forces. One is demand younger

29、consumers want payment systems that plug easily into their digital lives. But equally important is that suppliers such as banks and tech firms (in developed markets) and telecoms companies (in emerging ones) are developing fast, easy-to-use payment technologies from which they can pull data and pock

30、et fees. There is a high cost to running the infrastructure behind the cash economyATMs, vans carrying notes, tellers who accept coins. Most financial firms are keen to abandon it, or discourage old-fashioned customers with heavy fees. In the main, the prospect of a cashless economy is excellent news. Cash is inefficient. When payments dematerialise, people and shops are less open to theft. It also creates a credit history, helping consumers borrow. Yet set against these benefits are a couple of worries. Electronic payment systems may risk technical failures, power failure and cyber-attacks

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