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1、专转本英语作文专转本英语作文一:词汇、短语的使用我们在表达一些熟悉的意义时,经常习惯于使用一些大家都能想到的表达,如果我们 能够灵活地使用一些意义相近但是用词或结构更出色的词或短语来表达,这样文章就会更 有新意、更有吸引力。本文所列只是一些闪光词汇的代表,闪光的高分词汇并不仅限于此, 考生有了这样的意识后,在平时的学习过程中,要不断总结并灵活使用,要模仿、但不能 生硬地堆砌,才能取得理想的写作成绩。一.高分词汇sharp 急剧的,猛烈的witness 目击,看见,经历steady 稳定的,持续的conduct 进行,执行decade 十年,十年期slight 轻微的,微不足道的survey 调

2、查increasingly 逐渐地,越来越be inclined to 倾向于,往往 比用 always 出彩prevalent 流行的 , 表达效果好于 popularabundant 丰富的,充裕的。比用 enough 、 much 好apparent 显然的vigorously 巨大地,有力地trigger 引发,优于 cause二.高分短语a boom 迅速增长 (比用 rapid development出彩 a great variety of 各种各样的(优于 all kinds ofalleviate the pressurebe of great importance 表达效果

3、优于 be important。诸如此,同样可模仿make remarkable achievementsstrike a balance between and superior to (better thanbe in unfavorable condition 处于困境中要比 be in trouble 好commit oneself to sth 致力于,比用 try one s best to 出彩be confronted witha proportion of 比例carry out 执行,进行三.恰当使用副词副词是一类相对比较活跃的词性。就其功能而言,副词可以修饰动词、形容词、

4、副词 以及句子;副词还可以表示时间,地点,频率,目的等等;副词可以增添文章的意味、语 气、色彩,让读者能够感受更为丰富、形象、生动的画面。就其单词构成而言,副词一般 比较复杂,代表着一种较高的英语语言水平。例如:急剧地 , 突然地 sharply, steeply, dramatically, drastically, suddenly显著地 , 快速地 considerably, significantly, noticeably, remarkably, rapidly稳步地 , 逐渐地 steadily, moderately, gradually, smoothly,轻微地 , 缓慢地

5、 slightly, slowly, mildly, moderately【例 1】 Jay Chous most critically and financially successful album as of yet is his third, Eight Dimensions.本句中副词 “critically”(至关重要地 ,副词 “financially” (财政上修饰形容词 “successful” 表达的是周杰伦八度空间这张专辑的成功的重要程度以及在收益方面大获 成功。这个句子的意思是:至今为止,周杰伦的专辑最成功而且销量最好的是他的第三张 八度空间 。副词修饰形容词时,一般都

6、置于形容词之前。【例 2】 Some elder people enjoy Beijing opera immensely.【例 3】 His attitudes were shaped partly by early experiences.【例 4】 At present, piracy is becoming unprecedentedly visible in China.副词在句子中的位置也非常灵活,英语写作表达中,副词的确魅力四射,有时候,仅 仅一个副词,竟然可以表达汉语中的一个词组,或一个完整的意思。这种副词经常以分离 的面貌出现,或者被一个逗号隔开,或者被一组逗号隔开,形成一种

7、类似插入语的结构。 【例 5】 Undoubtedly, more hasty, less speed.【例 6】 More importantly, new discoveries in genetics and biochemistry may leads to changes in the way diseases are cured and medicine are made.考生要尤其注意研究副词的该种用法,并能恰当巧妙地用在写作实践中。四.积极使用连接词(一 表示罗列增加(递进first, second, third, firstly, secondly, thirdly, fir

8、st, then / next, after that / next, finally / last / last but not least, and equally important, on (the one hand, on the other hand, besides / whats more / in addition (to sth. / furthermore / moreover / another / also / too, plus, as well, especially / particularly / in particular(二表示时间顺序now, at pr

9、esent, recently, after, afterwards, after that, after a while, in a few days, at first, at the beginning (of sth., to begin with, to start withlater, next, finally, immediately, soon, suddenly = all of a sudden, at that moment, as soon as, the moment, form now on, from then on, graduallyat the same

10、time = meanwhile, till, notuntil, before, after, when, while, as, during (三表示解释说明now, in addition, for example, for instance, in this case, in fact / as a matter of fact / actually, frankly speaking, in other words, in simpler terms, that is to say, to put it differently(四表示转折关系but, however, while,

11、though, yet, still, nevertheless, or, otherwise, on the contrary / on the other hand, in spite of / despite the fact that, even though, except (for, instead, in stead of, of course, after all, even so(五表示并列关系or, and, also, too, not only but also, as well as, both and, either or, neithernor(六表示因果关系原因

12、:because, because of = thanks to = due to = owing to, since = now that, as, for,结果:so, therefore, thus, hence, as a result (of, on this / that account, sothat, suchthat, in this way(七表示条件关系as (so long as, on condition that, if, unless(八表示让步关系though , although , as , even if, even though, whether or

13、, however , whoever, whatever, whichever, wherever, whenever, no matter how (who, what, which, where(九表示举例for example, for instance, such as, like, take for example(十表示比较be similar to, similarly, the same as, in contrast, compared with (to, just like(十一表示目的for this reason, for this purpose, so that,

14、 in order that, in order to, so as to,(十二表示强调indeed, in fact, surely, certainly, no doubt, without any doubt, truly, obviously, above all (十三表示概括归纳in a word, in short, in brief, in summary, on the whole, generally speaking, in general, in my opinion, as far as I am concerned, as what has been mentio

15、ned, to sum up, to conclude, in conclusion专转本英语作文二:句子扩展与结构优化作文除了构思谋篇、各段的中心句,还得有各段具体的支持句 即扩展句。句子的扩 展解决的就是如何对中心句进行展开,使中心内容更丰满。句子的扩展要把握“相关性的 原则” ,即所拓展出来的句子意思必须是围绕着中心句来说,是与中心句相关并能支持中心 句的。一.中心句扩展(一扩展的主要方法1. 举例法:用具体例子来支持前面的中心句2. 原因法:通过摆原因来支持中心。 这主要适用于中心句是结论或结果或某一解决方法。3. 结果法:通过阐述中心句可能带来的进一步的好的或坏的结果来达到对中心句的

16、支 持。该结果可以循环递进,即结果的结果,但不宜超过两个层次。4. 正反论证法:如果中心句是正着说,则反过来假设;反之亦然。5. 细节化法:如果中心句是相对抽象和概括性的, 则后面通过对中心句里的某核心概念 进一步进行细节化来支持,实际上与中心句是一种同义关系。(二扩展实例例 1:Increasing Time Spent on English Study1. 现在大学生在英语学习上的时间越来越多;2. 为什么大学生回花越来越多的时间来学习英语;3. 大学生学习英语应该注意听说读写全面发展。College students tend to spend greater amount of tim

17、e on their English study.(段落中心 句 According to a recent survey conducted by Chinese Educational Ministry, the past 15 years has witnessed a sharp increase from 3.8 to 14.5 hours in the average time that students spent on English study per week.(举例法 To account for this phenomenon, people have come up

18、with various reasons listed below.(段落中心句 In the first place, with there being more and more international communication, (原因 English is becoming a necessity in people s life and work. As a matter of fact, college will certainly not lag behind this social trend.(结果 What s more, the fact that those wh

19、o can speak fluent English have a better chance in getting a good job contributes greatly to the increasing time spent on English study.(原因、结果 While in the process of learning English, students should pay attention to improve both their written and verbal ability.(段落中心句 Only in this way can they gra

20、sp English in a real sense.(结果 例 2:How to Keep Healthy1. 人人都希望健康;2. 如何保持健康3. 我是如何保持健康的。Everybody in this world hopes to keep healthy.(段落中心句 Without a good health, one couldn t even live a normal life, let alone a happy life.(正反论证There are several ways to keep healthy.(段落中心句 To begin with, one should

21、 keep doing regular physical exercise.(第 1个分中心句 By doing this, one can not only keep himself in good physical condition but will also stay in a good mood every day.(结果 In addition, having a balanced diet is also of great importance to keeping healthy. (第 2个分中 心句 According to a recent survey carried

22、out by WHO, taking too much fat accounts for 34.5 percent of the diseases that people suffered from in the year 2009.(举例 What s more,one should pay attention not to have too much pressure.(第 3个分中心句 Having stable and routine every day life and relieving economic pressure will undoubtedly improve one

23、s health.(细节化 As to me, I play table tennis for an hour every day and I take everything easy, (段落中 心句 which fresh both my body and mind and hence keep me stay in good health.(结果 注意:我们不仅要了解中心句扩展的方法,更关键的是要能主动使用出来。而要真正 掌握其用法,考生必须要去做分析、模仿和替换。对于应试考生而言,最好的写作练习方 法不是去背诵很多范文,而是选择几篇优秀范文,仔细分析研究、琢磨每个中心句与后面 的支持句

24、之间所采用的扩展方法,并主动尝试去模仿、替换。二.美化句子结构的方法如果能根据表达的内容使用不同的句子结构,实现句子结构的多变,就能产生较好的 语言效果,为你的作文锦上添花。1. 非谓语动词结构非谓语动词结构包括不定式、动名词、现在分词和过去分词。使用非谓语动词可以在 有限的空间内容纳更多的信息,使句子结构紧凑、逻辑严谨。1 Noticing that there is no car running on the green side, a man about 40-year old took a risk to ride his bicycle on regardless of the re

25、d light in front.2 Given the fierce competition in the job market, students might as well make more efforts than necessary to take up social practice.2. 被动语态英语多被动句,这一点有别于汉语。恰当地使用被动句,可以更好地表达作者的思想。 1 In addition, English is now widely used in all fields and is more likely to help you get a good job in

26、 the tight job market.2 You are supposed to teach English to those pupils for two weeks and the children are sure to experience a sharp rise in their study performance.3. 善于使用插入语,比如说把副词、连接词等,作插入语放在中间,一般放在主语、 动词或者助动词后,两边分别加上逗号。如 however / therefore /for example/I believe做插入语放在中间,一般放在动词,助动 词后,两边分别加上逗号

27、。1Other individuals, however, take the attitude that2Strangely , he has not been to China Unicom. Still more strangely, he has not called me.4. 介词短语使用介词短语可以增强文章的表现力。1 From the top of the Great Wall, we can enjoy a magnificent view of continuous mountains, green trees and blooming wild flowers.2 The

28、big sum of money for such an operation is obviously far beyond what his family can afford.5. 倒装结构倒装句可以强调、突出被倒装的部分,达到较强的修辞效果,给读者留下深刻的印象。 1 Only in this way can I get a good understanding of the world outside the campus.2 Not only did they break into his office and steal his books, but they also tore

29、up his manuscripts.3 By no means can we neglect the importance of taking up social practice while staying on campus. 6.并列平行结构 并列平行结构 平行结构可以出现在词、词组与句子等各个层面上。平行结构可增强文章的节奏感, 平行结构可以出现在词、词组与句子等各个层面上。平行结构可增强文章的节奏感, 使行文流畅,富有韵律,能有效地增强文章的表达效果 效果。 使行文流畅,富有韵律,能有效地增强文章的表达效果。 1As far as I am concerned, I seize e

30、very chance to take courses that may enlarge my horizon for I want to be a man with sharp, vivid and imaginative mind. 2If everyone is grateful, our society will be more harmonious, our family will have more happiness, and we, as individuals, will have more bright future for self-development. 7. 非限制性定语从句的灵活妙用 1)In addition, it broadens our horizon, which may in return help us be more creative in ) daily life. 2 Charles Smith, who was my former teacher, retired last year.

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