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八下Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived SectionA第1课时.docx

1、八下Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived SectionA第1课时Unit 3 New wordsTeaching and learning Goals:Contest to learn the new words of Unit 3 . The cultivation of students spirit of cooperation. After learning , Ss can read the new words and remember the most words of Unit 3. Then Ss can unders

2、tand the story. Teaching and learning steps :Step 1:Learn to read the new words of Unit 3. (会读第三单元的单词)1、Ask Ss to read the new words of Unit 3 with their partner. Then check the difficult words. (找第三单元不会读的单词)2、Let the students read the difficult words according to the phonetic symbols.(小组讨论如何根据音标读单词

3、。)3、 Play the tape ! Ss listen and repeat ! Correct their pronunciations.(纠正发音)4、 Ask Ss to discuss some difficult words, correct their pronunciation. Then read them by themselves in groups.(读难读的单词)设计意图:自主学习,合作探究,小组互助达到学习新单词的目标。Step 2 : Learn to remember words on P18-25.Make a competition in groups!

4、 Divide the new words into four parts. Ask Ss to try their best to remember new words. (读记生词)一. Remember the words by looking at pictures.1. Show pictures to teach new words: UFO alien earth hero terrorist barber barber shop bathroom bedroom kitchen train station plane Beijing International airport

5、World Trade Center accidentChallenge!Youre the best!(给1分钟记单词时间,展示图片让学生站起来抢答单词并拼写,第一名+1分,计入小组量化.)设计意图:利用图片形式学习单词,增强直观性,加深学生对单词的印象,既降低了学习的难度,又有利于激发学生的学习兴趣。二. Remember the words by conversion(转换)、complex words and derivative(派生): 1. orange n. 橙子 strange adj. 奇怪的,陌生的 stranger n. 陌生人(例:A stranger took a

6、strange orange .)2. happy adj. 愉快的 happen v. 发生(例:What happened on that happy day ?)3. fly v. 飞 flight n. 航班,班机 (例:Flight No.512 will fly to New York.)4. right adj. 右边的 bright adj. 明亮的,发亮的(例:The right light is brighter .)5. care v. 关心,介意 scared adj. 恐惧的 (例:I am scared to care for the snake .)6. amaz

7、e v. 使惊奇 amazing adj. 令人惊异的(修饰物) amazed adj.吃惊的,惊奇的(修饰人)(例:The amazing news amazed me.)7. mean v. 意味着,就是 meaning n. 意思,含义 means n. 方法,手段 (例:Whats the meaning of “means” ?)8. recent-recently (adj. 最近的,近来的 adv. 最近,进来;+ ly ) (例:Recently , I am collecting the most recent news .)9. silence - silent ( n.

8、寂静,沉默 adj. 沉默的,寂静的;ce t )9. bathroom n. 浴室,盥洗室 (bath 洗澡+ room房间: 洗澡的房间)10. bedroom n. 卧室,寝室 (bed 床 + room 房间:放床的房间)11. playground n.运动场,操场 (play 玩+ ground 地面:经常玩的地方)12. everywhere adv. 到处,各地 (every + where :每一个地方 )nowhere adv. 无处 (no + where :没有什么地方)somewhere adv. 某处 (some + where :某一个地方)anywhere ad

9、v. 任何地方 (any + where : 任何一个地方)(给1分钟记单词时间,默写单词,看哪一组全对的多,第一到五名的小组分别加5-4-3-2-1分,计入小组量化。)设计意图:找规律记单词,并给出例句,词不离句,减少学生记单词的难度。三. Remember the words by their Chinese. Match the words with its meaning.Then check the words.(一)动词短语: (二) 动词 v. :设计意图:本组单词分为两部分,第一部分是动词短语,采用连线的形式;第二部分是动词,采用1分钟计时记忆,然后竞赛抢答,汉译英,英译汉的形

10、式完成记忆。单词记忆中让学生学会联想记忆法,把动词和动作、行为联系在一起,记忆会更加深刻,动词及动词词组是本单元的重点单词,为理解下面的故事做铺垫。四、Remember the words by changing the past tense .设计意图:动词变过去式,通过字母的变化来记单词更容易记住。Step 3 编故事学单词Read the text to guess the meaning of new words . Do you know the UFO ? Last year , I met a UFO. So I had a very unusual experience . I

11、 was cutting hair in a barber shop when a UFO landed in front of the Museum of Flight . An alien got out of the UFO and went into the museum . I followed it to see what happened. You cant imagine how strange it was ! The alien climbed a model plane and closed the door . At this moment , the doorbell

12、 rang . So it became angry. It jumped up and down . Suddenly , it found me , it shouted at me . I was too scared to walk, but it ran away . After a while , I saw the UFO took off . Isnt that amazing ! Is he kidding me ? (让学生把P18-23单词再记一下,小组合作,翻译并理解短文,让学生在语境中接触、体验和理解语言,加强词汇学习的完整性和系统性。) T: Do you beli

13、eve that ? Is that true ? I heard about some important events in real life history . Do you want to know ? (过渡语-设悬念,让学生带着思考去学习,急于想了解下面的历史事件。)On April 4, 1968, Dr Martin Luther King was murdered in the city of Memphis in America . This was one of the most important events in modern American history .

14、 In more recent times , the World Trade Center was destroyed by terrorists in New York . The event took place on September 11, 2001. It has meaning to Americans . Not all events in history are as terrible as that . On July 20, 1969 , man walked on the moon for the first time. On October 15, 2003, Ya

15、ng Liwei flew around the Earth for 22 hours . When he returned, he became a national hero in China .(整篇故事的处理:让学生小组交流讨论,再点号翻译,简单的一起翻译过关。渗透思想教育: 牢记历史、不忘过去、珍爱和平、开创未来,做一个有责任感的中国人,用一生一世的责任去创造一个更加辉煌的中国!)设计意图:遵循“词不离句,句不离篇”的原则,通过短文的形式来检查学生对单词的记忆程度,并对单词进行巩固;学生对本单元的单词还能进行整体认识。Step 4画思维树 How many words and phrases do you remember ?(让学生找出没记住、没理解的单词词组,并重点记忆。)1.单词思维导图:设计意图:更直观的展现本课生词,单词归类,整体把握本单元的单词。2.故事思维导图:设计意图:把故事和思维导图结合起来,让学生加深对本单元词汇和短语的理解,并巩固词汇的记忆。Step 5 当堂检测:(一)词汇:按要求写出下列单词。 1. strange (名词人) _ 2. hero (复数) _3. recent (副词) _ 4. s

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