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1、航海英语老题库第八章第八章(2349-2690)2349 Your vessel is to dock bow in at a pier without the assistance of tugboats. Which line will be the most useful when maneuvering the vessel alongside the pier?A. Bow spring line.B. Inshore headline.C. Stern breast line.D. Bow breast line.你船靠泊船首在码头并没有拖轮协助。哪一根缆绳最有用当你操纵船舶靠泊时

2、?首倒缆2350 Your vessel is loaded with non-hygroscopic cargoes and is going from a cold to warm climate. You should _.A. Start the exhaust blowers.B. Start the intake blowers.C. Not ventilate the cargo holds.D. Ventilate the cargo holds.你船装载不吸湿的货物自寒冷地区到温暖地区。你应货舱不通风。2351 Your vessel is listing because o

3、f a negative GM. To lower G below M, you should _.A. Deballast.B. Transfer weight to the high side.C. Ballast on the high side.D. Add weight symmetrically below G.你船因为GM高度不足导致倾斜。为降低G在M之下,你应在G下对称地增加重量。2352 Your vessel is listing 4 to port and has a short rolling period. There is loose firefighting wa

4、ter in the hull. The ship is trimmed down by the head with one foot of freeboard at the bow. Which action should you take first?A. Press up the slack No.1 starboard double bottom tank.B. Pump out the forepeak tank.C. Eliminate the water in the tweendecks aft.D. Jettison stores out of the paint locke

5、r in the focsle.你船左倾4度且横摇周期短。船壳内有自由流动灭火留下的水。船舶首倾且首干舷1英尺。你应最先采取什么措施?排出首尖舱的水2353 Your vessel is going from a warn climate to a cold climate with a hygroscopic cargo. Which statement is true?A. You must ventilate constantly and vigorously to combat ship sweat.B. You should ventilate, there is little da

6、nger of ship sweat, but a possibility of cargo sweat.C. There is danger of heavy cargo sweat if you ventilate.D. There is little danger of any sweat problem.你船装载吸湿的货物自温暖地区开往寒冷地区。哪一句是正确的?你必须连续且旺盛地通风以防止船体出汗2354 Your vessel has a midships engine room and the cargo is concentrated in the end holds. The

7、vessel is _.A. Sagging with tensile stress on main deck.B. Sagging with compressive stress on main deck.C. Hogging with tensile stress on main deck.D. Hogging with compressive stress on main deck.你船的机舱在船中部并且货物集中装在船的首尾部。船舶有拉伸主甲板的中拱。2355 Your tank vessel is loaded down to her marks, and you find that

8、she has too much trim by the stern. To adjust the trim, you may _.A. Add ballast forward.B. Load more cargo forward.C. Shift bunkers forward.D. All of the above.油船满载,并且你发现尾倾过大。为调整吃水差,你可以转移燃油到船首部。2356 Your tank vessel is fully loaded, and you find that she is down slightly by the head. To adjust the

9、trim, you may _.A. Add ballast aft.B. Load more cargo aft.C. Shift cargo aft.D. All of the above.油船满载,并且你发现有轻微的首倾。为调整吃水差,你可以转移货油到船尾部。2357 Your ship is carrying hazardous cargo. During a daily inspection, you notice that some of the cargo has shifted and several cases are broken. You should first _.A

10、. Call out the deck gang to jettison the cargo.B. Log the facts in the rough log and inform the chief mate later.C. Make a determination of the seriousness of the breakage, and do what you think best.D. Report the facts immediately to the Master, who will make a decision.你船装载危险货物。在日常检查中,你注意到几个箱子的货物移

11、位并开裂。你首先应立即将情况报告船长并听候指示。2358 Youd better _ the optional cargo block stowage in the tweendecks, then it can be easily discharged either at Shanghai or Dalian.A. Give.B. To give.C. Given.D. Giving.你最好把选港货装在二层舱的防堵舱位,这样无论在上海或大连都能够被轻易卸出。2359 You will load and carry a bulk cargo of sulphur at ambient temp

12、erature. Which statement is true?A. Wooden covers must be laid over the bilge wells to prevent the sulphur from entering the bilge.B. Bulk sulphur may be carried without a special permit providing the vessel complies with all applicable regulations.C. The major characteristic of this cargo is that i

13、t forms sulfuric acid upon contact with water.D. Other hazardous material may not be stowed in the same hold as the sulphur but may be carried on deck above the hold.你将在常温下装载散装硫磺。哪一句是正确的?散装硫磺可以被符合所有适用规则而没有特别允许的船舶装载2360 You receive a package, for shipment aboard your vessel, containing class 1 explos

14、ives. The package is damp, moldy and stained. To transport this package according to the regulations you must _.A. Have the captain of the port approve the shipment.B. Note an exception on the bill of lading.C. Repair or replace the packaging before stowage.D. Seek the shippers advice with regard to

15、 withdrawal, repair, or replacement.你装运的货物中有一含有一类爆炸品的包裹。包裹潮湿,发霉和污黑。根据规则装运这个包裹你应联系托运人并建议撤回,修理或更换。2361 You must shift a weight from the upper tween deck to the lower hold. This shift will _.A. Make the vessel more tender.B. Make the vessel stiffer.C. Increase the rolling period.D. Decrease the metacce

16、ntic height.你很可能移动重量自上二层舱到底舱。这样一来,船舶将有更大的稳性高度。2362 You have berthed in a port area with other tank vessels. What signal is displayed by a vessel to indicate it is transferring flammable or combustible liquid cargo?A. A flashing yellow light.B. A red light visible all around the horizon.C. A green li

17、ght visible all around the horizon.D. An illuminated red and yellow caution flag.你已靠泊在周围有油船的码头。什么信号表示船舶正在进行转移易燃或可燃液体货物?视野周围可见到一盏红灯2363 You have a quantity of bagged cargo to stow in a block in 3 UTD. Which stow will provide the maximum block stability?A. Half-bag stow-半袋压缝堆码B. Bag-on-bag stow-全袋压缝堆码

18、C. Alternate layer directions-分层换向堆码D. Bilge and cantline-(桶货)腰间压缝堆码 你有一定数量的袋装货物装载在三个甲板下二层舱。哪一种堆装方式最稳定?分层换向堆码2364 You can hardly complete the loading at No.2 hatch, _ you?A. Cant.B. Can.C. Will.D. Wont你们不能完成二舱的装货,能够吗?在肯定句中,用hardly,scarcely等词表示否定时,反意疑问句用肯定动词反问。2365 You are kindly requested to supply

19、the necessary tallymen to do _ on board the ship during the discharging of the cargo.A. The tallymen work.B. The lashing work.C. The cleaning work.D. The work of opening and closing hatches.在卸货其间,请求你安排必要的理货员在船上进行理货工作。2366 Yesterday afternoon 2 cargo surveyors appointed by the consignee came on board

20、 for investigation. I told them the cargo was loaded between Aug 14th and 16th under favorable weather without any remarks on _.A. Log book.B. Short/over-loaded cargo list.C. The mates receipt.D. Manifest.昨天下午,由收货人指定的两名货物检验员到船上考察。我告诉他们货物是在八月14号到16号好天气下装的,大副收据上没有任何的批注。2367 Wood or steel hatch covers

21、are made _ by tarpaulins.A. Watertight.B. Resistant to water.C. So safe that no weather will affect the hold.D. So strong that no water will come into the hold.木制或钢制舱盖通过油布遮盖保持水密。2368 Whose duty is it to examine and verify the vessels classification and technical state and condition?A. Tallymans.B. M

22、arine surveyors.C. Cargo surveyors.D. Nautical inspectors.谁负责检查和核对船舶的等级和技术状况和条件?船舶检验员2369 Whose duty is it to examine and verify the state and condition of the cargo carried on board?A. Tallymans.B. Marine surveyors.C. Cargo surveyors.D. Nautical inspectors.谁负责检查和核对船上所装货物的状况和条件?货物检验员2370 Which of th

23、e following will increase the positive stability of your vessel?A. Loading weights on deck.B. Discharging weights from lower decks.C. Shifting weight form upper to lower decks.D. Shifting weight from lower to upper decks.以下哪一项将增加船舶的正稳性?移动重量自上甲板到下甲板。2371 Which of the following will increase the heigh

24、t of the center of buoyancy for your vessel?A. Discharging weight from lower decks.B. Loading weight in upper decks.C. Shifting weight from lower to upper decks.D. Shifting weight from upper to lower decks.以下哪一项将增加船舶的浮心高度?在上甲板装货(无论在哪装货吃水都增加)2372 Which of the following is the reason that the metacent

25、ric height is a valid measure of only the initial stability?A. The metacenter does not remain in the same position for large angles of inclination.B. The center of gravity shifts due to inclination.C. The center of gravity shifts above the metacenter as the vessel is inclined.D. The mean draft will

26、change as the vessel is inclined.以下哪一项是为什么稳性高度仅能衡量船舶的初稳性的原因?船舶在大倾角时其横稳心不再保持在相同的位置上2373 Which of the following is suitable for bagged cargo?A. Hydraulically operated pusher.-液压推货器. 用于在舱内推动卷钢等货物B. Spread beam sling-火车吊架C. Revolving roll clamping device-卷筒夹具. 用于提升搬运筒状货物D. Platform sling-货板. 用于袋货,箱货,桶货及

27、其包装货物的装卸作业以下哪一项适用于袋装货物?货板2374 Which of the following is most important in prevention of sweat damage to cargo in the hold?A. Outside temperature.B. Dewpoint of the outside air.C. Dewpoint of the air in the cargo hold.D. Temperature of the cargo.以下哪一项对于防止货舱内货物汗湿货损最重要?货舱内的露点温度2375 Which of the followi

28、ng is more important in determining the amount of free surface that will be produced?A. The breadth of the tank.B. The length of the tank.C. The amount of liquid in the tank.D. The position of the tank in relation to center line of the vessel.以下哪一项是对产生自由液面影响更大一点?液舱的横向宽度2376 Which is the summer load

29、waterline on the load waterline mark?A. The first line at the bottom.B. The second line from the bottom.C. The third line from the bottom.D. The fourth line from the bottom.在载重线标记处哪一个是夏季载重线?自底往上的第三条线(北冬,冬,夏)2377 When working with lumber, wire and staples are not desirable to be used because _.A. The

30、y are not subjected to cause trouble.B. They are difficult to handling kind of cargo.C. The efficiency of separating is raised.D. The efficiency of loading is greater.在木材作业中,钢丝绳和环钩不适合被使用因为它们很难操作这一类货物。2378 When the vessel arrives, the cargo of machinery to be unloaded is _.A. Transported to the ships

31、 side.B. Transported into the shed.C. Lashed and secured.D. Delivered to the consignor.船舶到达时,未开卸之前的货物(将要卸的货物)处于绑扎状态.2379 When the truck does not work, the driver should _ engines.A. Turn on.B. Turn off.C. Shut up.D. Close.当汽车未工作时,司机应关闭机器。2380 When liquid is free to move transversely in a tank, the effect is called _.A. Free communication.B. Free density.C. Free surface.D. Negative GM.当液体在舱内自由横向流动时,其作用叫做自由液面。2381 When cargo is shifted from the main deck into the lower hold of a vesse

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