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1、关于自己的小故事英语关于自己的小故事英语【篇一:关于自己的小故事英语】hello name is happy, its nice to see all of you again this year.a have a little story to share with you.once upon a time,there is a small is so small that no one could even notice he felt very time goes by,the little ant learnt to

2、 make friends and soon,he is not alone anymore.they work together,play together and unite as one.i am this little ant.i could still remember the time when i just stepped into this new school,its you,my friend,who is always there to help,i would like to thank all of you and hope that we could

3、still work,play and unite as one! thank you!【篇二:关于自己的小故事英语】机遇只垂青那些有准备的人les brown and his twin brother were adopted by mamie brown, a kitchen worker and maid, shortly after their birth in a poverty-stricken miami neighborhood.maid少女, 女仆 poverty-stricken为贫穷所困恼的, 非常贫穷的because of his hyperactivity and n

4、onstop jabber, les was placed in special education classes for the learning disabled in grade school and throughout high school. upon graduation, he became a city sanitation worker in miami beach. but he had a dream of being a disc jockey.由于莱斯非常好动,又含含糊糊地说个不停,所以他小学就被安排进一个专门为学习有障碍的学生开设的特教班,直到高中毕业。毕业以后

5、,他成了迈阿密滩的一名城市环卫工人。但他却一直梦想成为一名电台音乐节目主持人。hyperactivity活动过度, 极度活跃 nonstop不断的jabber快而含糊地说, 吱吱喳喳地叫, 闲聊 disabled伤残的sanitation卫生, 卫生设施 city sanitation城市环境卫生disc jockey电台的音乐节目主持人(=d.j.) jockey职业赛马骑师, (机器的)操作员at night he would take a transistor radio to bed where he listened to the local jive-talking deejays

6、. he created an imaginary radio station in his tiny room with its torn vinyl flooring. a hairbrush served as his microphone as he practiced his patter, introducing records to his ghost listeners.每天晚上,他都要把他的晶体管收音机抱到床上,听本地电台的音乐节目主持人谈论摇摆乐。就在他那间狭小的、铺着已经破损的地板革的房间里,他创建了一个假想的电台用一把梳子当麦克风,他念经一般喋喋不休地练习用行话向他的“

7、影子”听众介绍唱片。transistor radio晶体管收音机 transistor电子晶体管jive摇摆乐, 隐语, 摇摆舞 deejay播放音乐的人, djimaginary 假想的, 想象的, 虚构的 tiny很少的, 微小的torn是tear的过去式 vinyl化乙烯基flooring常用作总称室内地面, 地板, 地板材料, 铺地板 hairbrush发刷his mother and brother could hear him through the thin walls and would shout at him to quit flapping his jaws and go

8、 to sleep. but les didnt listen to them. he was wrapped up in his own world, living a dream.透过薄薄的墙壁,他母亲和兄弟都能听到他的声音,于是,就会对他大吼大叫,让他别再耍嘴皮子而去睡觉。但是,莱斯根本就不理睬他们,他已经完全沉醉在自己的世界里,努力想要实现他的梦想。flap拍打, 拍打声, 副翼 jaws口, 狭口, 咽喉, 鬼门关be wrapped up in被包藏于, 埋头于, 与.有关系one day les boldly went to the local radio station dur

9、ing his lunch break from mowing grass for the city. he got into the station managers office and told him he wanted to be a disc jockey.一天,莱斯利用在市区割草的午休时间,勇敢地来到了本地电台。他走进经理办公室,说他想成为一名流行音乐节目主持人。mowing割草, 一次收割量, 牧草地the manager eyed this disheveled young man in overalls and a straw hat and inquired, “do y

10、ou have any background in broadcasting?”经理打量着眼前这位头戴草帽、衣衫不整的年轻人,然后问道:“你有广播方面的背景吗?”disheveled凌乱的,不整洁的 straw hat草帽 broadcasting广播les replied, “no sir, i dont.” 莱斯答道:“我没有,先生。”“well, son, im afraid we dont have a job for you then.” “那么,孩子,恐怕我们这儿没有适合你的工作。”les thanked him politely and left. the station man

11、ager assumed that he had seen the last of this young man. but he underestimated the depth of les browns commitment to his goal. you see, les had a higher purpose than simply wanting to be a disc jockey. he wanted to buy a nicer house for his adoptive mother, whom he loved deeply. the disc jockey job

12、 was merely a step toward his goal.assumed假定的, 假装的, 装的 underestimate低估, 看轻 adoptive mother养母mamie brown had taught les to pursue his dreams, so he felt sure that he would get a job at that radio station in spite of what the station manager had said.and so les returned to the station every day for a

13、week, asking if there were any job openings. finally the station manager gave in and took him on as an errand boy at no pay. at first, he fetched coffee or picked up lunches and dinner for the deejays who could not leave the studio. eventually his enthusiasm for their work won him the confidence of

14、the disc jockeys who would send him in their cadillacs to pick up visiting celebrities such as the temptations and diana ross and the supremes. little did any of them know that young les did not have a drivers license.opening开, 开放, 开始, 口子, 穴, 通路, 空缺, 机会 gave in投降, 屈服, 让步, 交上, 宣布errand boy商店跑差, 供差遣的仆

15、人 errand差事, 差使, 使命 enthusiasm for热爱., 热心于les did whatever was asked of him at the station - and more. while hanging out with the deejays, he taught himself their hand movements on the control panel. he stayed in the control rooms and soaked up whatever he could until they asked him to leave. then, b

16、ack in his bedroom at night, he practiced and prepared himself for the opportunity that he knew would present itself.在电台里,无论人们让他做什么,莱斯都会去做有时候甚至做得更多。整日和主持人们待在一起,他自学着他们的手在控制面板上的动作。他总是尽量呆在控制室里,潜心学习,直到他们让他离开。晚上回到自己的卧室,他就认真投入地进行练习,为他确信一定会到来的机遇做好准备。soak up吸收 soak浸, 泡, 浸透one saturday afternoon while les wa

17、s at the station, a deejay named rock was drinking while on the air. les was the only other person in the building, and he realized that rock was drinking himself toward trouble. les stayed close. he walked back and forth in front of the window in rocks booth. as he prowled, he said to himself. “dri

18、nk, rock, drink!”一个星期六的下午,莱斯还在电台里,有一位叫罗克的主持人一边播着音,一边喝着酒。而此时,整个大楼里除了他就只有莱斯一个人了。莱斯意识到:照这样下去,罗克一定会喝出问题的。莱斯密切注意着,在罗克的演播室窗前来来回回地踱着步,还不停地自言自语:“喝吧,罗克,喝啊!”on the air在广播 back and forth来来往往地, 来回地les was hungry, and he was ready. he would have run down the street for more booze if rock had asked. when the phon

19、e rang, les pounced on it. it was the station manager, as he knew it would be.莱斯跃跃欲试,而且他早就为此做好了准备!如果此刻罗克让他去买酒的话,他会冲到街上去给他买更多的酒。正在这时,电话铃响了,莱斯立刻冲过去,拿起听筒。果不出莱斯所料,正是电台经理打来的。booze 俗 豪饮,酒, 酒宴 pounce on猛扑向“les, this is mr. klein.” “莱斯,我是克莱恩先生。”“yes,” said les. “i know.” “嗯,我知道,”莱斯答道。“les, i dont think rock

20、 can finish his program.” “莱斯,我看罗克是不能把他的节目坚持到底了。”“yes sir, i know.” “是的,先生。”“would you call one of the other deejays to come in and take over?”“你能打电话通知其他主持人,让他们谁过来接替罗克吗?”deejay播放音乐的人 take over接管; 接替“yes, sir. i sure will.” “好的,先生,我一定会办好的。”but when les hung up the telephone, he said to himself, “now,

21、 he must think im crazy.”但是,莱斯一挂断电话,就自言自语道:“马上,他就会认为我一定是疯了!”les did dial the telephone, but it wasnt to call in another deejay. he called his mother first, and then his girlfriend.莱斯确实打了电话,但却并没有打给其他主持人。他先打电话给他妈妈,然后是他女朋友。“you all go out on the front porch and turn up the radio because im about to com

22、e on the air!” he said.“你们快到外面的前廊去,打开收音机,因为,我就要开始播音了!”他说porch 门廊 on the air广播he waited about 15 minutes before he called the general manager. “mr. klein, i cant find nobody,” les said等了大约15分钟,他给经理打了个电话。“克莱恩先生,我一个主持人也找不到,”他说。mr. klein then asked, “young man, do you know how to work the controls in th

23、e studio?”“小伙子,你会操作演播室里的控制键吗?”克莱恩先生问道。“yes sir,” replied les. “我会,先生,”他答道。les darted into the booth, gently moved rock aside and sat down at the turntable. he was ready. and he was hungry. he flipped on the microphone switch and said, “look out! this is me lb, triple p les brown, your platter playin

24、g poppa. there were none before me and there will be none after me. therefore, that makes me the one and only. young and single and love to mingle. certified, bona fide, indubitably qualified to bring you satisfaction, a whole lot of action. look out, baby, im your lo-o-ove man.”dart标枪, 镖, (昆虫的)刺, 飞

25、快的动作 booth货摊, 售货亭, 棚certified被鉴定的 bona fideadj.真诚地(的), 真实地(的)because of his preparation, les was ready. he vowed the audience and his general manager. from that fateful beginning, les went on to a successful career in broadcasting, politics, public speaking and television.有了精心准备,莱斯才能如此从容。他赢得了听众和总经理的

26、心!从那改变一生的机遇起,莱斯开始了在广播、政治、演讲和电视等方面的成功的职业生涯。fateful宿命的, 重大的, 决定性的, 致命性的, 预言性的【篇三:关于自己的小故事英语】英语幽默小故事10篇(带翻译)如下:midway tacticsthree competing store owners rented adjoining shops in a mall. observers waited for mayhem to ensue.the retailer on the right put up huge signs saying, gigantic sale! and super b

27、argains!the store on the left raised bigger signs proclaiming, prices slashed! and fantastic discounts!the owner in the middle then prepared a large sign that simply stated, entrance .三个互相争生意的商店老板在一条商业街上租用了毗邻的店铺。旁观者等着瞧好戏。右边的零售商挂起了巨大的招牌,上书: 大减价! 特便宜!左边的商店挂出了更大的招牌,声称: 大砍价! 大折扣!中间的商人随后准备了一个大招牌,上面只简单地写着

28、: 入口处 。very pleased to meet youduring world war ii, a lot of young women in britain were in the army. joan phillips was one of them. she worked in a big camp, and of course met a lot of men, officers and evening she met captain humphreys at a dance. he said to her, i m going abroad tomo

29、rrow, but i d be very happy if we could write to each other. joan agreed, and they wrote for several months.then his letters stopped, but she received one from another officer, telling her that he had been wounded and was in a certain army hospital in england.joan went there and said to the matron,

30、i ve come to visit captain humphreys.only relatives are allowed to visit patients here, the matron said.oh, that s all right, answered joan. i m his sister.i m very pleased to meet you, the matron said, i m his mother!在第二次世界大战中,有许多年轻的妇女在军营中服役。琼.飞利浦斯是其中之一。她在一个大军营中工作,当然遇到了许多男士,包括军官和士兵。一天晚上她在舞会上遇到了军官汉弗

31、雷斯。他对她说, 我明天就要出国,但如果我们能够相互写信,我会很高兴。琼同意了,于是他们几个月里一直通着信。后来,他再没有来信。她收到了另一个军官的信,告诉她,他受伤了,住在英格兰的某个部队医院里。琼到了医院,她对护士长说, 我来看望军官汉弗雷斯。这里只有亲属可以探望病人。护士长说。噢,是的, 琼说, 我是他的妹妹。很高兴认识你, 护士长说, 我是他的母亲。two soldierstwo soldiers were in camp. the first one s name was george, and the second one s name was bill. george said,

32、 have you got a piece of paper and an envelope, bill?bill said, yes, i have, and he gave them to him.then george said, now i haven t got a pen. bill gave him his, and george wrote his letter. then he put it in the envelope and said, have you got a stamp, bill? bill gave him one.then bill got up and went to the door, so george said to him, are you going out?bill said, yes, i am, and he opened the said, please put my letter in the box in

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