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1、历年山东省青岛市英语中考真题及答案2018年山东省青岛市中考真题英语I.单项选择从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。1.Could you please put some in my cup? Id like sweet coffee.A.sugarB.saltC.iceD.pepper解析:句意:你能在我杯子里放-些糖吗?我喜欢甜咖啡。A. sugar糖:B. salt盐:C. ice冰:D. pepper 辣椒:根据Fd like sweet coffee.可知是放釉:故选A。答案:A2.We should have breakfast every day to keep healthy

2、A.aB.anC./D.the解析:句意:我们应该每天早雇吃早饭来保持健康。根据不定尅词Min个,衣泛指,用于辅咅开头的单 诃前,迎用于元咅开头的单词前;定尅词lhe这个,那个,通常用于特指,三餐前用零冠词;故选C。 答案:C3.Jack is happy Ms Wang, an excellent teacher, teaches math this termA.heB.himC.himselfD.his解析:句意:杰克很奇兴,王老师,-个优秀的老师,这学教他数学。A.he他(主格);B. him他(宾格);C. himself他自己;D. his他的;根据teach sb sth教某人某事

3、,动词后用宾格做宾语;故选B。答案:B4.A. Ws my daughters birthday today. Shes years old.A.eighteenB.eighteenthC the eighteenD the eighteenth解析:句慝:今天是我女儿的生日,她18岁了。根据基数词+ycar(s)+old儿岁:故选答案:A5.More and more people in Qingdao go to work_ subway now.A.withB.onC.inD.by解析:句意:现在越来越多的青岛人乘地铁去上班。Awith用;B.on在; C.in在里;D.by乘; 根摇o

4、n/in+(hc+交通工具,by+交通工具:故选D。答案:D6.This book be Lucys. Look! Her name is on it.A.canB.mayC.mustD.might答案:c解析:句总:这本廿i定足露西的,看,她的名字在上面。A. can能;B. may可能,可以;C. must必 须,一定;D. might可能;根抑;Her name is on it.可知一定足她的;故选C。7 Anna her brother like listening to soft musicA.Both; andB.Neither: norC.Either: orD.Not onl

5、y: but also解析:句意:安娜和她弟弟都喜欢听轻音乐。根据bolh-and两者都,连接句子两个主语时,谓语动词 用复数:Neither-nor-既不也不,当连接句子的两个主语时,谓语动词就近原则;eitheror或者 或者“,当连接句子的两个主语时,渭语动词就近原则;Noi onlybm also不仅|何且,当连接句子的 两个主语时,谓语动词就近原则;根据like故选A。答案:A8.Allen always behaves , so many people like him.A.easilyB.politelyC.friendlyD.lively解析:句意:艾伦总是表现礼貌,因此许多人

6、喜欢他。A. easily容易的,副词:B. politely礼貌的,副词: C. friendly友好的,形容词;D. lively可爱的,形容词;根据behaves表现,举止,动词,用副词修饰,排 除C/D;根据so many people like him可知是表现礼貌:故Bo答案:B9. I cant find my mobile phoneDont worry. Maybe you it at home.A.forgotB missedC.lostD.left解析:句意:我找不到我的乎机了。不要担心,也许你把它忘在家里了。A. forgot忘记(指事情);B.missed错过;C.

7、lost丢失;D. left忘记(指东西);故选D。答案:D10.It is raining heavily, none of (he students arc late for school.A.allhoughB.butC.soD.because解析:句意:尽管在下大雨,但是没有一个学生上学迟到。A. although尽管:B.but但是;C.s。因此; D. because 因为;根据 It is raining heavily,和 none of the students are late for school.Z间是转折关系;故选 Ba 答案:B11 Mount Lao is one

8、 of mountains in Qingdao. Many tourists like climbing it everyyear.A.famousB.the more famousC most famousD. the most famous解析:句盘:崂山是青岛最著名的山Z_,毎年许冬游客莒欢爬它。根据one of之.一,后用形容词最高 级,最高级前加冠词ihc;故选D。答案:D12.Larry hopes his English, so he keeps practicing it every day.A.Io improveD improving

9、解析:句总:芳瑞希望提岛他的英语,因此他每天坚持练习它。根据hope to do希険做某事,排除B/D; solve 解决:improve提高,根据so he keeps practicing it every day.可知是希望提高:故选C。答案:C13.As students, we should ourselves. We cant spend much time playing computer responsible proud popular thankful to解析:句意:作为宁生,我们应该对我们自己负责,我

10、们不能花太多的时间玩电脑游戏。A. be responsible for 对负责:B. be proud of为感到骄傲:C. be popular with 欢迎:D. be thankful to对感恩:根据 Wc cant spend much time playing computer games.可知是对白己负责:故选 A答案:A14. Its time to work now.OK. ril wake Carl up. He for an hour.A.has fallen asleepB.has been asleepC.fell asleepD.falls asleep解析:句

11、凰 现在到了工作的时间了。好的,我叫醒卡尔,他睡了一个小时了。根据fall asleep入 睡,短暂性动词;be asleep睡着,指状态,延续性的;根据For an hour.可知用延续性动词;故选B。答案:B15. I dont know tomorrow.You can ask 0111 teacher right now.A.if we take the bus thereB.when will we leaveC.what will we doD how we will go there解析:句臥 我不知道明天我们怎么去那儿。你马上问问我们的老师。根据疑问词引导的宾语从 句用衬衫句语

12、序,排除B/C;根4K tomorrow.可知用将來时态;故选D。答案:DII.阅读理解阅读下列範文,做出正误判断或选出最隹选项。A篇为判断正(A)误(B)题,B、C篇为选择题。ASometimes people cry when they arc sad Other times people cry tears of joy. But your eyes make tears all the time, whether you arc crying or not. Do you knowthe tears help keep your eyes healthy? They keep your

13、 eyes from drying out. A special area of (he eye drips (滴) all the lime Il keeps the eye humidIf you look in a mirror, you can see liny holes in the comers of your eyes Each hole leads lo a small lube that runs to your nose Tears run slowly into this tube drip by drip Day and night theholes drain (流

14、走)the tears away. If they didnt, you would always look as if you were crying.If you begin to cry, there arc many more tears. The holes cant drain all of them. Then extra tears nin out onto your faceTears help keep eyes safe. If there is something harmful in the air, the eyes fill with tears. I hese

15、tears coat your eyes. Ihey keep the harmful air out.Contact lenses (隐形眼镜)can make the eyes too dry Some people have to add tears to their eyesThey buy bottles of eye drops to keep their eyes wet.16.Eyes make tears no matter how people feel.解析:很据 But your eyes make tears all the time, whether you are

16、 crying or not.可知不管人们什么感觉,眼睛一 直制造眼泪;故选A。答案:A17.When you cry, tears run into your nose or onto your face.解析: 根!居lf you begin to cry, there arc many more tears .The holes cant drain all of them. Then extra tears run out onto your face.故选 Bo 答案:B1& If there is something harmful in lhe air. lears protec

17、t your eyes by covering lhem.解析: 根据 Tears help keep eyes safe If there is someihing harmful in the air. the eyes fill with tears. These lears coat your eyes They keep lhe harmful air out. 口J知选 A。答案:A19.CoiKact lenses make you Iiave more (ears in your eyes解析:根据 Contact lenses (隐形眼镜)can make the eyes

18、too dry故选 Bo 答案:B20.Tears are harmful to youi eyes.解析:根据 Tears help keep eyes safe故选 B答案:BBLiving placesThe home of the elephant is in the deep forest. It is the largest of all land animals, and is found both in Asia and Africa. One of the main places in Asia where the elephant lives is the island o

19、f Ceylon. The huge forests on the island become the home of thousands of elephants. The trees grow thick and tall. They make many parts almost dark, while bright sunlight is above and around them.Living habitsThe elephanl likes the deep part and the coolest places of lhe forest. There he will stand

20、swinging his ears, to drive away the flies; or he will pull down a branch (树枝)from a tree to fan himself. He likes bathing, and to be near a lake or tunning water. There he takes in the water with his trunk, and spreads it all over his body.FoodThe elephant enjoys (he fniiis in the forest, and also

21、lhe leaves of the trees There is plenty of food For him in the Forests, though he is not always happy with what he finds there.Way of movementWhen a group of elephants moves about in the forest, the oldest goes first. The young elephants and their mothers arc in the middle, where they arc safest. Th

22、en all move along with a great noise, the branches of the trees bending and breaking before them .Though the elephant is usually harmless, no one dares to attack (袭击)a group of them moving tlirough the forest.How people treat themIn Asia the elephant is trained to work. At one time the African eleph

23、ant also was trained. Soldiers in ancient times often went to fight on the backs ot African elephants. But now the elephant that lives in Africa is illegally (寸电法地)hunted mainly for its valuable ivory. In order to protect them, governments around the world have developed laws to slop ihis.21 The ele

24、phant likes the part of the forest.A.bright and sunnyB.deep and coolC.dry and deepD.wet and sunny解析:根据 The elephant likes the deep part and the coolest places of the forest.故选 B。答案;B22.Elephants like to do the following things except A.bathingB.having fruitsC.eating leavesD.harming people解析:根据 He li

25、kes bathing, The elephant enjoys the fruits in the forest, and also (he leaves of the trees故选 D 答案:D23.Why are young elephants and their mothers in the middle while moving?A.To keep safeB.To avoid making noises.C To break the trees.D.To walk faster.解析: 根据 The young elephants and their mothers arc in

26、 the middle, where they arc safest故选 A。答案:A24.What is the African elephant now mainly hunted for?A.Working for peopleB.Fighting in (he army.C Performing for peopleD Selling for money.解析:根据 But now the elephant that lives in Africa is illegally (非法地)hunted mainly for its valuable ivory 故选 Do答案:D25.Wh

27、ich of the following sentences is NOT true according to the passage?A.Many Asian elephants live on the island of CeylonB.Elephants drive away lhe flies by using their ears.C.Elephants are always happy with the food they find in the forest.D A group of moving elephants make people scared, although th

28、ey are harmless解析:根据 One of the main places in Asia where the elephant lives is the island of Ceylon”知 A 对,根据 There he will stand swinging his cars, to drive away the flics 川矢口 B 对:III据 though he is not always happy with what he finds there, uf XU C 个对:很据 Though the elephant is usually harmless, no

29、one dares to attack (袭击)a group of them moving through the forest.町知 D 对:故选 Co答案:c25.CWhen your drcam is lo become a footballer and play tor Barcelona noihing should gel in your way even if you have no feet.An 11 -year-old schoolboy Gabriel Muniz, who was born without tee(. will fly from his home in

30、Brazil to take pari in the Spanish clubs summer training camp. Although he is disabled, Muniz is one of the(ytop players at the school and captain of his gym class. He can run, dribble (运球),pass and strike the ball as well as any of his able-bodied leanmiates. He spends all his spare time on lhe foo

31、tball pilch.His best friend Lucas Santos spoke about his abilities on a video for The Sun、He is skillful, he goes after il、 he is fearless and he knows how to organize plays He also makes good passes/ Mum Sandra was thrilled that her son would achieve his dreams. She said, He started walking bef()re he was one. We would go after him, expecting him to keep falling, but he never fell? Munizs gymteacher added, He is challenging the social norms (ER3E) When he arrived there, no one believed in

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