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1、高考英语二轮复习中英双语阅读素材二十七2021高考英语二轮复习:中英双语阅读素材(二十七)双语热闻暮光之城男主确诊新冠阳性,蝙蝠侠制作中断Production on The Batman, the forthcoming film starring Robert Pattinson, has been halted after a member of the production tested positive for coronavirus, according to Warner Bros. Pictures.据华纳兄弟影业报道,罗伯特帕丁森(Robert Pattinson)主演的即将上

2、映的电影“蝙蝠侠”(The Batman)的制作已经暂停,因为一名制作人员(罗伯特本人)的冠状病毒检测呈阳性。A member of The Batman production has tested positive for Covid-19, and is isolating in accordance with established protocols. Filming is temporarily paused, a Warner Bros. Pictures Spokesperson said in a statement. (The studio is, like CNN, own

3、ed by WarnerMedia.)华纳兄弟影业的一位发言人在一份声明中说:“”蝙蝠侠“的一名成员对新冠肺炎的检测呈阳性,正在按照既定的协议进行隔离。拍摄暂时暂停。”(和CNN一样,该工作室属于华纳媒体(WarnerMedia)。)。The film, from director Matt Reeves, had been filming for several weeks when coronavirus shuttered television and film productions in March.这部由导演马特里夫斯(Matt Reeves)执导的电影在3月份冠状病毒关闭电视和电

4、影制作之前已经拍摄了几周。The Batman had resumed operations in the London area only days ago.“蝙蝠侠”几天前才在伦敦地区恢复运营。Last month, Warner Bros. released the first two-minute teaser for the film during a virtual event.上个月,华纳兄弟在一场虚拟活动中发布了该片的第一个两分钟预告片。The films release date had been pushed back several months following co

5、ronavirus-related production delays. It is not known whether the current pause will further affect its release.由于与冠状病毒相关的制作推迟了几个月,这部电影的上映日期已经推迟了几个月。目前尚不清楚目前的暂停是否会进一步影响其发布。双语阅读哈里王子呼吁社交媒体改革,打造网络正能量Prince Harry has penned an essay for Fast Company about the concerns he and Meghan Markle share about soc

6、ial medias damage on young people today, including his son, and called for sweeping change.哈里王子为Fast Company(商业杂志)撰写了一篇文章,表达了他和梅根马克尔对现在社交媒体对年轻人造成不良影响的担忧,也包括对他儿子的影响,并且号召进行彻底改变。The Duke of Sussex, 35, wrote that after speaking with experts, he and Markle, 39, believe society has to rethink the way soc

7、ial media is used in order to create a space with less hate and more love.35岁的萨塞克斯公爵写道,他和39岁的马克尔(梅根马克尔)请教了专家,他们认为全社会需要重新审视社交媒体的使用方式,从而创造一个少恨多爱的网络空间。“We believe we have to remodel the architecture of our online community in a way defined more by compassion than hate; by truth instead of misinformatio

8、n; by equity and inclusiveness instead of injustice and fearmongering; by free, rather than weaponised, speech,” he said in the essay.他在文章中说:“我们认为我们需要重塑网络社区,要同情,不要仇恨;要事实,不要传谣;要公平包容,不要不公和制造恐慌;要自由的言论,不要攻击性言论。”Calling on social media industry leaders for their help, he expressed concern for his and Mar

9、kles 1-year-old son, Archie, writing: “Because, if we are susceptible to the coercive forces in digital spaces, then we have to ask ourselveswhat does this mean for our children? As a father, this is especially concerning to me.”他号召社交媒体行业领袖们行动起来。他表示自己很担心马克尔年仅1岁的儿子阿尔奇,他写道:“因为,如果我们容易受到数字空间的胁迫,那我们就需要问问

10、自己,这对我们的孩子意味着什么?作为一个父亲,我对此尤为担心。”He stressed that leaders should act now, writing: “For companies that purchase online ads, it is one thing to unequivocally disavow hate and racism, white nationalism and anti-Semitism, dangerous misinformation, and a well-established online culture that promotes viol

11、ence and bigotry. It is another thing for them to use their leverage, including through their advertising dollars, to demand change from the very places that give a safe haven and vehicle of propagation to hate and division.”他强调说社交媒体领导者应该立刻采取行动,他写道:“对于购买网络广告的公司,一方面要明确拒绝仇恨和种族主义、白人民族主义和反犹太主义、危险的错误言论,坚

12、决杜绝传播暴力、偏执的网络不良文化发酵。另一方面要利用他们的影响力(包括他们付的广告费),让网络不再是仇恨和社会分裂的手段和避风港。”双语热闻开学在即,学生必须戴口罩吗?Downing Street was today forced to insist that teachers and pupils in England would not have to wear masks at school after Scotland said it was preparing to make them compulsory in some situations.今天,唐宁街被迫坚持英格兰的教师和学

13、生在学校不需要戴口罩-此前苏格兰表示,它正准备在某些情况下强制要求教师和学生戴口罩。Nicola Sturgeon indicated that they would probably have to be worn in areas such as corridors and communal areas.尼古拉斯特金表示,他们可能不得不在“走廊和公共区域”等地方佩戴。And her government said it was close to announcing that staff and children should wear masks when moving around s

14、chool premises. Miss Sturgeon said: Were consulting on this specific measure because, firstly, mixing between different groups is more likely in corridors and communal areas increasing the potential for transmission.她的政府表示,即将宣布工作人员和儿童在校舍周围走动时应该戴口罩。斯特金小姐说:“我们正在就这一具体措施进行咨询,因为首先,在走廊和公共区域,不同群体之间混合的可能性更大

15、,这增加了传播的可能性。”Secondly, crowding and close contact in these areas is more likely and voices could be raised, resulting in greater potential for creating aerosol transmission. Finally, theres also less scope for ventilation in these areas.“其次,这些地区更有可能出现拥挤和近距离接触,声音可能会提高,从而产生更大的气溶胶传播潜力。最后,这些地区的通风空间也较小。”

16、暂无Covering up: Girls from Bloomfield Collegiate School in Belfast back at school yesterday. Masks are being encouraged at some schools in the province掩饰:贝尔法斯特布卢姆菲尔德大学的女孩们昨天回到了学校。该省的一些学校正在鼓励学生戴口罩The Scottish rethink, coming after a clutch of cases in the countrys schools since they reopened, could be

17、 followed by a similar move in England despite Westminsters insistence that it had no plans to review its stance.苏格兰的重新思考发生在该国学校自重新开学以来的一系列案例之后,英格兰可能也会采取类似的举措-尽管威斯敏斯特坚称没有计划重新审视自己的立场。It would be the second time a U-turn north of the border has been followed by one in England. Earlier this month, West

18、minster followed a dramatic change of heart over the marking of exam grades in Edinburgh with one of its own.这将是英国第二次在边境以北进行180度大转弯。本月早些时候,威斯敏斯特在爱丁堡考试成绩评卷问题上戏剧性地改变了主意,也有了自己的一项评分。Kevin Courtney, leader of teachers body the National Education Union, said: School leaders in England need detailed guidan

19、ce from Government about what should happen if there is transmission within a school or in the case of a local spike.教师团体全国教育联盟(National Education Union)的领导人凯文考特尼(Kevin Courtney)说:“英格兰的学校领导人需要政府的详细指导,告诉他们如果学校内部或当地出现传播高峰,应该采取什么措施。”Many staff, parents and students will be anxious, and face masks will

20、help to alleviate that anxiety. It will go some way towards ensuring there is confidence among parents that schools are safe places.“很多工作人员、家长和学生都会感到焦虑,而口罩将有助于缓解这种焦虑。这将在一定程度上确保家长对学校是安全的地方有信心。”At the weekend, Unisons head of education Jon Richards said: Its still unclear why government guidance wont

21、allow masks, when theyre recommended for other workplaces.上周末,Unison的教育主管乔恩理查兹(Jon Richards)说:“目前还不清楚为什么政府的指导方针不允许戴口罩,而其他工作场所却推荐戴口罩。”No one wants to see schools shut down again after a few days because we havent done enough to put necessary measures in place.没有人希望看到学校在几天后再次停课,因为我们在采取必要措施方面做得不够。The D

22、epartment for Education maintains that even though children over 11 will be expected to cover their faces on school buses, they will not be necessary after arriving.教育部认为,虽然11岁以上的孩子在校车上应该遮盖脸,但到达后就不需要遮脸了。And the Government yesterday underscored its message.政府昨天强调了它的信息。On widening the use of masks in

23、English schools, Education Secretary Gavin Williamson said: We are not in a position where we are suggesting that, because we believe there is a system of controls that are there in place for all schools for children to be able to return safely and for staff to be able to operate safely within those

24、 schools.在谈到扩大英国学校口罩的使用时,教育大臣加文威廉姆森说:“我们不是在建议这样做,因为我们相信,所有学校都有一套控制系统,让孩子们能够安全返回,让工作人员能够在这些学校安全地操作。”Boris Johnson and the Government are launching a huge push this week to ensure all school children get back to school next week when the autumn term starts.鲍里斯约翰逊(Boris Johnson)和政府本周发起了一项巨大的努力,以确保下周秋季学

25、期开始时所有学童都能回到学校。The Prime Minister has insisted that it is safe for schools to return and the risks of the virus to children are low, but education unions are still concerned about the lack of safety precautions suggesting that pupils and staff should wear masks outside the classroom.首相坚称,学校返校是安全的,儿童

26、感染病毒的风险很低,但教育工会仍对缺乏安全预防措施感到担忧,建议学生和教职员工在教室外戴口罩。The World Health Organisation says children aged 12 and over should wear a mask under the same conditions as adults, in particular where they cannot guarantee at least a one metre distance from others and there is widespread transmission in the area.世界卫

27、生组织表示,12岁及以上的儿童“应该在与成年人相同的条件下戴上口罩,特别是在他们不能保证与其他人至少一米远的情况下,而且该地区有广泛的传播”。But the Department for Education says heads must not force pupils or staff to wear them.但教育部表示,校长不得强迫学生或教职员工佩戴。Its guidance says the benefits from wearing masks on public transport or in shops do not apply to the school environme

28、nt, and misuse could increase the risk of transmissions. And there are also worries about the impact of masks on teaching and communication, especially for children with learning difficulties.它的指导意见说,在公共交通工具或商店戴口罩的好处不适用于学校环境,滥用可能会增加传播的风险。也有人担心口罩对教学和交流的影响,特别是对学习困难的孩子。Instead, changing habits, cleanin

29、g and hygiene are effective measure for controlling the spread of the virus, it says.相反,它说,“改变习惯、清洁和卫生是控制病毒传播的有效措施”。Exceptions are where children require intimate care, or if they become unwell with coronavirus symptoms and teachers are unable to maintain a two-metre distance.例外情况是,儿童需要亲密护理,或者他们出现冠状

30、病毒症状,而老师无法保持两米的距离。Schools minister Nick Gibb said: If a school puts in place the measures that are in the guidance that we issued in early July then masks are not necessary for staff or pupils.学校部长尼克吉布说:“如果一所学校实施了我们在7月初发布的指南中的措施,那么教职员工和学生就不需要戴口罩了。”Geoff Barton of the Association of School and Colleg

31、e Leaders, said: Schools are working very hard to put in place an extensive series of safety controls to minimise the risk of coronavirus transmission and protect staff and pupils.学校和学院领导协会的杰夫巴顿说:“学校正在努力建立一系列广泛的安全控制措施,将冠状病毒传播的风险降至最低,并保护教职员工和学生。”This does not and cannot mean that there is no risk, an

32、d this outbreak shows that stark reality very clearly.“这并不意味着没有风险,也不可能意味着没有风险,这次疫情非常清楚地表明了这一严峻的现实。”What we do need, as a matter of urgency, is for the Government to provide a robust back-up plan over what happens in the event of local closures or a second national shutdown which goes beyond simply returning to a situation where most pupils are learning from home.“当务之急是,我们需要政府提供一个强有力的后备计划,以应对地方关闭或第二次全国停课的情况,而不仅仅是回到大多数学生都在家里学习的局面。”双语热闻印度是新冠肺炎死亡率最低、康复率最高的国家Indi

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