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Unit 1 Cultural relics主题语境人与社会建筑作品.docx

1、Unit 1 Cultural relics主题语境人与社会建筑作品Unit 1 survive vt. 幸存;比活得长;经过之后还存在vi. 活下来;幸存;残留【经典例句】Human life is regarded as part of nature and, as such, the only way for us to survive is to live in harmony with nature.人类生活被认为是自然的一部分,同样,我们存活下去的唯一方法是和自然和谐相处。基础练习单句语法填空(1)I dont know how you all manage to survive

2、_on your small salary.(2)After the plane crash, what the _survivors (survive) could do was to wait for rescue on this desert island.(3)If he couldnt find his way out of the forest, there would be little chance of _survival (survive)能力提升完成句子/句式升级(4)那天晚上幸存下来之后,他们相信其他的一切都会好起来的。普通表达:_After_they_survived

3、 that night, they were confident that everything else would be all right. (状语从句)高级表达:_Having_survived that night, they were confident that everything else would be all right.(现在分词作状语)design n. C设计样式;设计图样vt. 设计;计划;企图;决意(做)【经典例句】They asked me to design a poster for the party which will be held on New

4、Years Day in 2019.他们请我为2019年举行的元旦晚会设计一张海报。基础练习单句语法填空(1)This course is specially designed _for beginners like you, focusing on listening and speaking practice.能力提升完成句子/句式升级(2)设计这个项目本来是要帮助那些困难的学生,结果却和计划的不一样。普通表达:This project _was_designed_to_help_the_students in need. But it just didnt work out as pla

5、nned.高级表达:This project _designed_to_help_the_students in need just didnt work out as planned. (过去分词作定语)高级表达:This project _which_was_designed_to_help_the_students in need just didnt work out as planned. (定语从句)3 remove vt. 移动;搬开【经典例句】Because of the serious air pollution, the family decided to remove f

6、rom the city to the countryside.由于空气污染严重,这家人决定从城市搬到乡下。remove.from. 把从移开/撤掉remove sb. from ones post 撤职;开除remove sb. from school 开除某人;勒令某人退学remove ones doubt 消除某人的疑虑基础练习完成句子意识到妈妈工作一天后肯定累了,小女孩帮助妈妈把包从肩上拿下来。Realizing her mom must be very tired after a days work, the little girl helps to _remove_the_bag_

7、from_her_shoulder .worth prep. 值得的;相当于的价值n. 价值;作用 adj. 古值钱的【经典例句】Whatever happens tomorrow, this experience has been worth the effort.不管明天发生什么事,这次经历都是值得的。基础练习一句多译既然你对中国的传统文化感兴趣,我认为这个节日是值得体验的。(1)Since you are interested in traditional Chinese cultures, I think this festival _is_worth_experiencing . (

8、worth)(2)Now that you are interested in traditional Chinese cultures, I think this festival _is_worthy_to_be_experienced/is_worthy_of_being_experienced . (worthy)(3)Since you are interested in traditional Chinese cultures, I think _it_is_worthwhile_experiencing/to_experience this festival. (worthwhi

9、le)5 in search of 寻找【经典例句】He is determined to go to the USA in search of a better life.他决心去美国寻找更好的生活。(1)in ones search for 寻找(2)search sth./sb. 搜查某物/搜身search forlook for 寻找search.for. 为找到而搜查基础练习一句多译每年许多受过良好教育的年轻人去海南岛找工作。(1)Every year, many welleducated young people go to Hainan Island _in_search_of_

10、a_job . (search n)(2)Every year, many welleducated young people go to Hainan Island _to_search_for_a_job . (search v)6 belong to 属于;归属;为的一员【经典例句】Papercutting has a history of over 1,500 years, which belongs to traditional art in China.剪纸有1 500多年的历史,属于传统的中国艺术。基础练习单句语法填空(1)Having sold most of his _bel

11、ongings (belong), he almost had nothing left in the house.能力提升完成句子/句式升级(2)作为一名理科生,我一直在复习语、数、外、理、化、生,这些都属于高考科目。普通表达:As a science student, I have been _going_over Chinese, maths, English, physics, chemistry and biology. They all _belong_to the College Entrance Examination subjects.高级表达:As a science st

12、udent, I have been _reviewing Chinese, maths, English, physics, chemistry and biology, _which_all_belong_to_the_College_Entrance_Examination_subjects . (定语从句)7 in return 作为报答;回报;作为交换【经典例句】While staying in the village, James unselfishly shared whatever he had with the villagers without asking for any

13、thing in return.在村里待的那段时间,詹姆斯无私地和村民们分享他的所有,不求任何回报。(1)in return for. 作为的交换;作为的报答(2)in turn 轮流;依次;反过来by turns 轮流;时而时而基础练习用turn的相关短语填空(1)_In_return , she received a sense of satisfaction and achievement.(2)He spends too much time on maths, and this _in_turn affects the progress of his other subjects.(3

14、)It is our responsibility to take care of our sick mother _by_turns .(4)I gave him my favourite book _in_return_for his timely help.8 amazing adj. 令人吃惊的基础练习单句语法填空/单句改错(1)What _amazed (amaze) me was that he contributed all his money to supporting the local school.(2)The _amazed (amaze) look on her fa

15、ce suggested that she was amazed _to_see (see) we were helping each other with great enthusiasm.(3)It was amazed that the boy was able to solve the problem so quickly._amazedamazing 9 evidence n. 根据;证据(1)There is some evidence that. 有证据证明(2)evident adj. 明显的It is evident that. 很明显(3)evidently adv. 明显

16、地基础练习单句语法填空/句型转换(1)There is convincing evidence _that skin cancer is linked to exposure to the sun.(2)_Evidently (evidence), the Spanish team is likely to win the Cup._It_is_evident_that the Spanish team is likely to win the Cup.debate vt. & vi. 辩论;争论;讨论n. 辩论;辩论会(1)under debate 在讨论中;在辩论中beyond/witho

17、ut debate 无可争议(2)debate with sb. about/on. 就与某人辩论基础练习完成句子(1)Whether pollution is directly linked to the disease is _under_debate (正在讨论中)(2)They _debated_with_each_other_about/on_the_environment_protection (彼此辩论环境保护) and economic growth.1 (教材P2)There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a trai

18、n for Knigsberg, which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea.毫无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上火车运往哥尼斯堡当时在波罗的海岸边的一个德国城市。There is no doubt that.为固定句型,意为“毫无疑问”,that在句中引导同位语从句,作doubt的同位语。(1)There is no doubt of/about. 毫无疑问There is some doubt whether. 有疑问(2)I dont/never doubt that. 我确信I doubt whether/if. 我怀疑Ther

19、e is no doubt that this policy will be a golden opportunity for all business sectors.毫无疑问,这项政策对所有的商业部门来说将是一个黄金机会。There is still some doubt whether the autumn sports meet will be held in our school.对于秋季运动会是否会在我们学校举行我们还有些怀疑。温馨提示:当doubt用于肯定句时,从句用whether或if引导;当doubt用于否定句或疑问句时,从句用that引导。基础练习单句改错(1)We hav

20、e no doubt if he will succeed in the research work._ifthat (2)I never doubt whether special classes can help the gifted children to graduate earlier and take their place in life sooner._whetherthat 能力提升完成句子(3)毫无疑问,熬夜更有可能导致人的过分焦虑。_There_is_no_doubt_that staying up is more likely to result in overanxi

21、ety.2 (教材P5)In a trial, a judge must decide which eyewitnesses to believe and which not to believe.在审判中,法官必须断定哪些证人可以相信,哪些证人不能相信。which eyewitnesses to believe和which not to believe为“疑问词不定式”结构,在句中作宾语。whether, what, which, whom, who, where, when, how等加不定式构成的结构在句中起名词作用,可以作主语、表语和宾语。Seeing such a crowd of

22、audience below the stage, he was too nervous to know what to say.看到舞台下有那么多的观众,他紧张得不知道说什么。When and where to hold the meeting remains to be discussed further.何时何地举行会议有待于进一步讨论。基础练习完成句子我很荣幸在这里和大家交流在高中要学习什么的看法。It is my honor to be here to share with you my opinions _on_what_to_learn_in_senior_high_school

23、 .1Having lost his job, he began to interest himself in _local (当地的) voluntary work.2I arrived at the classroom with paper cards _designed (设计) in the shape of maple leaves.3The man went into the room and _selected (挑选) the best suit for me.4She took one look at the horse and her heart _sank (下沉)5So

24、me firefighters put out the fire before the car _exploded (爆炸)6At the moment we are _debating (争论) what furniture to buy for the house.7It was not until he _removed (摘掉) his sunglasses that I recognized him.8._Informal (非正式的) clothes are suitable for wearing at home or in ordinary situations.(一)考点练习

25、1There is no doubt that these cultural relics _belonging (belong) to the state should be returned.2What do you think of the book?Oh, excellent. It is worth _reading (read) a second time.3Henry told me that there was a time _when he stayed up every night going over his lessons.4Their most _valuable (

26、value) belongings were locked in a safe place in the bedroom.5Perhaps the most difficult challenge is how _to_survive (survive) without friends in life.6Mr Reed _selected (select) to represent us in the meeting has been sent to have a talk with them.7There were so many people at the _entrance (enter

27、) to the park waiting to buy tickets.8Some drivers like to draw some special patterns as _decorations (decorate) on their cars.9I am always thinking that studying well is the only thing that I could do _in return.10There is convincing evidence _that skin cancer is linked to exposure to the sun.(二)语法

28、专练定语从句()11Finally, after four hours, they arrived at the campsite _where their parents were waiting.12The boy _who is dressed in green looks very sad.(一)考点练习1Our friends, whom are always late for everything, missed the train again._whomwho 2All the acts were good, but the evening was belonged to a d

29、ance group from Moscow._去掉was 3They have made amazed achievements in the past few years, shocking many people._amazedamazing 4After the customer left the restaurant, the waitress removed the dishes for the table._forfrom 5You can complain, but I doubt that it will make any difference._thatif/whether

30、 6With the environment becoming better, many rarely birds are returning to this area._rarelyrare 7If you think high of the film, you may encourage other people to go and see it._highhighly 8The students, rather than their teacher, is going to have a picnic this weekend._isare (二)语法专练定语从句()9Also, I t

31、hink its helpful to put up some boards along the tourist attractions that tourists can leave messages._thatwhere 10It successfully shows the rich culture it makes Beijing so famous._culture后的it改为that/which 11The dishes what I cooked were Moms favorite._whatthat/which或去掉what 1毫无疑问,我们会选出最优秀的运动员来参加即将到来的奥运会。(doubt)_There_is_no_doubt_that we will select the best players to take part in the c

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