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1、辽 东 学 院 本 科 毕 业 论 文(设 计)天意电脑公司客户关系管理系统的设计与实现The Design and Implementation of Providence computercompany Customer Relationship Management system学 生 姓 名: 孟丽娜 学 院: 信息技术学院 专 业: 信息管理与信息系统 班 级: B0601 学 号: 0911060114 指 导 教 师: 王兴峰 审 阅 教 师: 完 成 日 期: 2009年1月10日 辽 东 学 院Eastern Liaoning University独创性说明作者郑重声明:本毕

2、业论文(设计)是我个人在指导教师指导下进行的研究工作及取得研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,毕业论文(设计)中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写的研究成果,也不包含为获得辽东学院或其他单位的学位或证书所使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的贡献均已在论文中做了明确的说明并表示了谢意。作者签名:_ 日期:_ 程序设计语言课程管理网站设计与实现摘 要在瞬息万变的市场经济环境中,企业要立于不败之地,必须依托于现代化的管理思想和手段,其中客户管理尤为重要。本系统本着把握客户多样化和个性化的特点;吸引新客户,留住老客户为原则。系统旨在改善企业与客户之间的关系,建立新型的运营机制。本


4、系统的组织结构,具体完成了天意电脑公司客户关系管理系统的需求分析、可行性分析、现行业务流程分析,进而明确了开发应用项目的必要性和可行性;之后是系统分析,采用面向对象的分析方法进行系统分析;系统设计阶段主要完成了类图的设计、数据库的设计、系统界面设计数据库设计时先进行了概念结构设计,之后进行了逻辑结构设计,最后完成了数据库表的设计。本系统的设计实施为各企业对客户关系管理提供良好的服务,并进一步推动企业客户资源的信息化管理。关键词:客户关系管理;系统设计;面向对象The Design and Implementation of Providence computercompany Customer

5、 Relationship Management systemAbstractIn a rapidly changing market environment, enterprises to succeed, we must rely on the modern management ideas and tools, including customer management is particularly important. The system based on grasping the diverse and personalized customer characteristics;

6、 to attract new customers, retain existing customers as a principle. System is designed to improve business and customer relationships, establish a new type of operating mechanism. The system as a whole enterprise-class customer management solutions that help enterprises to establish a unified clien

7、t resources, expand sales channels, to seek the best market approach, standardize the sales process, to provide a scientific analysis, to establish lasting customer system.This paper describes a function of better customer relationship management system development, operation processes and involve a

8、 number of key technologies. First carried out the project overview, a brief introduction of the project development background, purpose and significance of project development, from the background can understand the current existing customer relationship management system software is still in its i

9、nitial stage, a huge development prospects. The purpose and significance of project development, mainly aimed at developing customer information management system will bring economic benefits to the enterprise, as well as how to find a potential source of profit, increased to the target audience the

10、 quality of business carried out a comprehensive discussion; Then the system planning stage, through the actual business processes of research and analysis of the systems organizational structure, specifically the completion of Gods computer company customer relationship management systems requireme

11、nts analysis, feasibility analysis, the existing business process analysis, and then clear the development of the necessity and feasibility of application projects; followed by a systematic analysis of object-oriented analysis method for system analysis; system design stage will focus on the complet

12、ion of the class diagram design, database design, system interface design, database design, carried out the first time the concept of structural design, followed by a logical structural design, the final completion of the database table design.The implementation of this system is designed for the bu

13、siness-to-customer relationship management to provide a good service, and to further promote the corporate customers of information resources management.Key Words:Customer Relationship Management; System Design; Object-Oriented-III-目 录摘 要IAbstractII引 言1一、可行性分析及总体设计原则2(一)可行性分析21技术可行性22经济可行性23操作可行性2(二

14、)总体设计原则2二、系统需求分析3(一)系统特色概述3(二)系统功能需求41系统总体功能描述42识别参与者43识别用例54模块的活动图85时序图136协作图225系统包图27(三)性能需求分析28三、系统设计30(一)系统总体设计30(二)数据库设计301数据E-R图312数据表353.数据库表设计36(三)系统运行环境和开发技术、开发工具391系统运行环境392开发工具393开发技术39四、系统实现40(一)系统登录界面设计40(二)系统主界面设计40(三)资料管理模块界面设计411区域信息管理窗体412.客户资料管理窗体423.竞争对手管理43(四)我方信息管理模块界面设计441.联系人资料管理442.产品资料管理453.销售信息管理46(五)系统分析模块界面设计471.客户级别分析窗体472.客户来源分析窗体48图4.24客户来源分析窗体五、系统测试与运行49五、系统测试与运行50(一)系统测试目的和原则50(二)主要模块的测试情况50致 谢53辽东学院本科毕业论文(设计)版权使用授权书54程序设计语言课程管理网站设计与实现引 言在全球一体化的时代,企业要发展潜在客户,将社会关系资源变为企业的销售和发展资源。因此,产生了客户管理系统。在瞬息万变的市场经济环境中,企业要立于不败之地,必须依托于现代化的管理思想

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