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1、大明湖英文导游词大明湖英文导游词【篇一:天生三桥英语导游词】 three natural bridges the wulong karst (chinese: 武隆喀斯特) is a natural karst landscape located within the borders of wulong county, chongqing is divided into three areas containing the three natural bridges, the qingkou tiankeng (箐口天坑) and furong cave res

2、pectively. it is a part of the wulong karst national geology park as well as part of the south china karst, a unesco world heritage site. 20 kilometres (12 mi) southeast of wulong county town, the area lies on the border of baiguo and hetao villages. the three natural bridges are a series of natural

3、 limestone石灰岩 bridges located in fairy mountain town (仙女山镇), wulong county.they lie within the wulong karst national geology park, itself a part of the south china karst-wulong karst unesco world heritage chinese, the bridges are all named after dragons, namely the tianglong (literally sky d

4、ragon) qinglong (literally azure蔚蓝的 dragon) and heilong (literally black dragon) bridges. spanning the yangshui river, a tributary支流 of the wu river, the bridges are at the centre of a 20 square kilometres (7.7 sq mi) conservation area. given that the distance between the upper end of the tianlong b

5、ridge and the lower end of the heilong bridge is only 1,500 metres (4,900 ft), these are not the longest natural bridges. however, they are the only such group of karst structures in the world. between the bridges lie the qinglong and shenying tiankengs which have a depth of 276285 meters and a circ

6、umference圆周of 300522 meters. wulong karst landscapes national geological park (武隆天坑地缝国家地质公园) is one of the largest geological parks in chongqing. with amazing topography marked by awe-inspiring karst landscapes (landscape shaped by the dissolution of a layer or layers of soluble bedrocks), the park

7、features a series of dolines, sinkholes, bridges, springs and cascading waters. the park includes three famous attraction spots: wulong dolines, three karst bridges and wulong sinkholes/chasms. wulong boasts the worlds largest scale karst bridges and the second largest series of dolines; the undergr

8、ound sinkholes/chasms are equally amazing. visitors can ride the elevators zooming down from the cliff tops and witness the three karst bridges in all its grandeur, 100 meters (328 feet) underground. the karst bridges are the main attractions of the park. three arched bridges are formed consecutivel

9、y in the 1.2 km (0.75 miles) distance they are named tianlong bridge, qinglong bridge and heilong bridge. the height, width and spanning distance of all three bridges are above 150 meters (492 feet), 200 meters (656 feet) and 300 meters (984 feet) respectively; presently they are the largest karst b

10、ridges in the world. there are also two dolines formed by dissolution of bedrocks: the tianlong sinkhole and shenying sinkhole. they are perfectly situated in 1between the bridges making for a spectacular sight with dolines interlacing amongst the three karst bridges. at the park, there is also a re

11、mnant of a building that was built for use in a movie directed by zhang yimou, curse of the golden flower. constructed amidst towering cliffs, the buildings walls and bricks have been created to appear worn and cracked, the roofs are overgrown with moss and weeds and the gray pillars and window fram

12、es are made to look like the structure originated eons ago which fits perfectly with the surrounding land formations. after the movie production crew left, the building stayed behind, serving an eerie reminder that humans were once here amidst naturally formed lands. visitors can then continue ridin

13、g the sightseeing elevators to the bottom attractions at the park, passing through a long, cavernous tunnel to arrive at the chasms underground. here the scenes are distinctly different from where the dolines are located; the walls and stairs are all wet and with water droplets falling from the ceil

14、ing. there are numerous disappearing creeks which supply the cavern with an ample amount of water. visitors are advised to wear non-slippery shoes and bring an umbrella or raincoat when visiting the caves. as you stand at the bottom of the sinkhole, looking up at the towering cliffs above, with tree

15、s and vines branching out all around as springs and cascades of water reflect the sunlight, you are bound to gasp in amazement at the wonders of nature 2【篇二:英语导游词】 永定土楼(yongding hakka earth building complex) good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! please allow me on behalf of xixi travel service to ex

16、tend our sincere welcome to you! my name is linxi,and i will be your guide during your stay in longyan.this is the driver mr.zhang,he is a veteran.his bus number is f-12345,if you have any question or special interests, please dont hesitate to let us kown,well try to do our very best to make your st

17、ay of longyan pleasant and enjoyable .im sure most of you will be imperssed by longyan .we really ask for your understanding and cooperation,and we hope your visit to our city will be a happy experience. 各位游客朋友们,大家好!我先代表我们西西旅行社真诚的欢迎大家!我叫林玺,我将陪伴你们游玩龙岩,今天和我一起为大家服务的呢还有我身边的这位张师傅,张师傅驾驶技术娴熟,他的大巴车号码是f-1234

18、5。如果你有什么问题和特殊的要求,请告诉我们,我们会尽力让你们在龙岩有一个愉快的旅程。我相信大部分的人可以对龙岩有一个好的记忆,我们非常希望得到你们的支持和配合,我们希望你们可以在这里玩的开心。 today we are going to visit yongding earth buildings,which is called the worlds unique mountain residence and the mysterious oriental ancient castels.among all the residences in the world,yongding earth

19、 buildings are famous for its long history, unique style, grand scale, ingenious structure,complete function,and rich is known as one of chinas five traditional folk residences,and deserves the fame of a fancy ancient architecture in china. there are over 23000 earth buildings of differen

20、t styles in yongding,the main styles of which are mansion-style, square and round.among them , there are over 360 round earth buildings,which are most typical. 我们今天将要去参观的是被称为是世界上独一无二的山区建筑,神秘的东方古堡永定土楼。世界上所有的民居建筑,永定土楼以其悠久的历史、独一无二的外形、壮丽的规模、巧妙的结构、完整的功能以及丰富的文化内涵被誉为是中国传统的五大民居之一,被誉为中国古代建筑奇观。永定县土楼共2万3千多座,其中

21、以方楼、圆楼为主,典型的圆楼的数量有360多座。 today the place well visit is the hakka earth building folk and culture village at hongkeng of yongding.because we have too many earth buildings here, so today we will visit the most famous zhencheng building,which is known as the prince of earth buildings.ok, look, this is

22、zhencheng building. now, please raise your eyes, and look at the 3 characters above the door. do you know why it was named zhencheng building? in fact,for this building,the name zhencheng comprises two chinese chatacters zhen and cheng, which were taken from the owners forefathers lin fucheng and li

23、n pizhen for memory. in order to honor them, people selected one character from each of his two sons name, and “zhen cheng” means that no matter to the country or to the family, we should obey the rules as to be a moral person. 现在请大家抬头看门上的三个汉字,大家知道为什么这栋楼要叫振成楼吗?其实啊,这个楼名是因为纪念楼主林丕振和林福成,从他们名字当中各取一字嵌入联首(

24、振纲立纪,成德达才),振成的意思是无论国还是家,都应当遵纲守纪,才能造就有德有才之人。 zhencheng building is made up of two circles: the outside one is earth structure and the inside one is brick structure. the outside wall is 16 meters high, kitchens and dining rooms are on the first floor, warehouses are on the second floor, bedrooms are o

25、n the third and the forth floor. there are 218 bedrooms here, now more than 40 families are living in the building. ok my dear guest, my first question for you! why there isnt any windows on the first and second floor? as a matter of fact, when hakkas moved here, they was frequently invaded by other

26、 nations. so once they close the main gate and the two doors beside, it was difficult for the enemies to break in. and this is one of the 5 functions of the earth building-defence. 振成楼由内外两环楼构成,外环是土木结构的,内环则是砖木结构。他的外墙高16米,一层为厨房、膳厅,二楼是仓库,三四层是卧室。共有218个房间,现在还有40多户人家住在土楼里。好,各位游客,我的第一个问题来了,有谁知道,为什么土楼的一二层都不

27、设窗户呢?原来啊,客家人刚迁移到这里的时候,常遇外敌入侵,只要关上大门和左右两个边门,敌人就很难入侵了。这就是我们土楼5大功能里的第一个功能防盗防卫功能。 ok now lets go into the building. do you feel warm? yeah, since the wall is thick, it can prevent heat and keep warm. so its warm in winter and cool in summer. 好,现在我们走进土楼里面去看看。大家一进来是不是觉得特别暖和?是的,土楼因墙体厚实,隔热保温,因而具有冬暖夏凉的功能。 yo

28、u can see ,between each unit ,there is a fireproof wall. normally ,one unit accommodates one family.with the doors closed, you will have your own courtyard,while with all the doors opened,the whole building is a big family.and the third function is its you have just seen, if there is

29、 fire in one unit,it willjust not go to other units.whats more, people have dug two wells in the building which will provide the water for the fire. 大家看,在楼内的每个单元之间,都设有防火墙。通常,一个单元就是一户人家,当把防火门关上时,你就拥有自己的空间,当打开防火门时,整个楼就是一个大家庭。还要向各位说一说土楼的第三个功能防火功能。大家看,一旦楼内发生了火灾,火势不致蔓延,并且楼内挖有两口水井,也为扑火提供了水源。 the most cons

30、cious trait of the design of the earth building is quakeproof. in the last two years, since wenchuan and yushu earthquake have happened in our country, the quakeproof function of the building was greatly concerned. fortunately, the ancestors here took consider of this function hundreds of years ago.

31、 look, the outside circle tilted inwards as it went up and became the wall which is . besides, some bamboo and firs were put into the wall in order to strengthen the pull and prevent the quake. 土楼的设计最大的特色莫过于他的防震功能。近两年,我们国家经历了汶川大地震、玉树大地震等,房屋防震功能的考虑越来越受到人们的重视。但是土楼的先民们在百年前就考虑到了这个重要的功能。大家请看外环楼的墙体,他是随着高度

32、的增加渐向内倾斜,形成下大上小、向心力强的墙体。并且在墙体中放入了竹片、杉木条,增加了墙体的拉力,大大提高了抗震能力,防震效果明显。 there is another important function, that is environmental friendly. the earth building is made of earth, when it is pulled down, its still earth. this attracts the great attention of environmentalists. 土楼还有一个重要的功能,那就是环保功能了。土楼取之于泥土,拆

33、毁后回归自然,特别适宜环保,这引起了环保界的极大兴趣。 thats all for the 5 functions.ok,my dear guides, how time flies! at the end of the tour, on behalf of xixi travel servece again, i am glad to welcome all of you here next time to enjoy the trip for earth building. thats all , thank you! 以上就是土楼的五大功能,由于时间关系,今天的土楼讲解就先告于段落了,在即将结束我

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