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Genitive Noun名词属格.docx

1、Genitive Noun名词属格Genitive Noun名词属格 1 Rules of formation of genitive nouns2 Meanings of genitive nouns3 Genitive and of-phrase2. Independent genitive, post-genitive and double genitive1 Independent genitive2 Post-genitive and double genitive 1 (A-Bs: laws death 2 (As and (Bs: e.g. Marys and Bobs book

2、s,3 (A and (Bs: have in e.g. Helen and Marys school. (the same school4 ( with z sound ending:e.g. Joness letter / Jones letter9. Independent genitive and double genitive1 Independent genitive: (独立属格A When the head noun somewhere, we should omit the second same noun.e.g. Her memory is like an elephan

3、ts. (独立属格Mary s is the largest house.B When the head noun (missing is referred to a persons a etc, we should omit the head noun.e.g. H e has gone to the doctors. He is staying at his uncles.Mens clothes are sold both at Smiths and Browns.2 double genitive 双重属格所谓双重所有格是指名词所有格或名词性物主代词同of 构成的所有格,即of 名词所

4、有格。双重所有格有以下几个特征:of名词所有格中的名词必须表示人,不能表示事物。因此,我们可以说:a play ofShakespeares(莎士比亚的一个戏剧), a friend of my wifes(我妻子的一个朋友),但却不能说a funnel of the ships或 a leg of a tables,而且该名词必须是特指的,不能是泛指的。比如我们可以说,a friend of the doctors(这位医生的一个朋友),a novel of the writers(那位作者的一部小说),而不能说a friend of a doctors或 a novel of a writ

5、ers。当限定词和名词或代词的所有格修饰同一个名称时,两者不能同时放在该名词的前面,此时,要用双重所有格-a friend of my fathers, a friend of mine 我许多朋友,其中的一个朋友。 (不能用定the:mine, yours, his, hers, theirs, ours, Johns, my fathers, etc. Do you know their meanings?one of my brothers friends(表示我兄弟有一个以上的朋友)a friend of my brothers (同上句: 表示我兄弟有一个以上的朋友)a friend

6、 of my brother(He is very friendly to my brother.)my brothers friend(我兄弟唯一的一个朋友或刚谈及的那一个朋友)right or wrong) I met a friend of mine on the way home. 路上遇到我的一个朋友。(我有不止一个朋友。)(X The watch of my brothers is missing. 我哥哥的一块表掉了。(他有不止一块表。)Any friend of my sons is welcome. 我儿子的任何朋友都受到欢迎。(X I met a friend of my

7、brother. 我遇见了我哥的一个朋友。(X ) This is the book of mine。我是我(的)这一本书。我(的)每一支铅笔:Every pencil of yours is very good. Browns is welcome.Tell the difference between the tow sentencesa painting of my sisters, (a painting by my sister , done by my sistera painting of my sister (representing herself6 7 Determiner

8、s, Ex 6 ACDE; 7 AEF 1. Generic 类指 and specific reference特指Where do articles come from?one-a, an (按其发音为准; the-that, this, these, thoseGive the names of each determiner:他们的房子大约是我们房子的三倍。1. Classification of determiners: -p601 articles : a, an, the,2 possessive determiner (adj. : my, mine3 genitive noun

9、 名词属格: Johns, my fathers4 demonstrative determiner 指示: this, these, such5 relative determiner 关系: whose, which6 interrogative determiner 疑问:what, which7 indefinite determiner 不定: no, each, either, neither, some, any, all, half, many,a few, a little, enough, another8 cardinal and ordinal numeral : 66

10、, the second9 Multiplicative倍数词 and fractional numeral分数: three times, twice, 2/310 quantifier 量词 : a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a large number of2. Collocations between determiners and nouns1 With singular N-sin. only: 与名词单数搭配Neither statement is true. (are - informal (each / neither / many a / su

11、ch a + (N-sin.2 With both N-sin. / N-pl: 与单数 / 复数搭配 (the first, the second, the last, the nextThe second quiz is in October.(the first + N-pl, (the second + N-sin3. Word orderOrder the order ofthe three determiners前位-中位-后位限定词的顺序a pre-determiners: all, both, 2, 2/3, such (a, etc.e.g. He has such a fu

12、nny character. such beautiful flowersNote: Only such a is pre-determiner.b Central determiners: articles, demonstrative, possessive; genitive:a, the, this, my, Marys, some, either, neither, etc.c post-determiners: two, first, many, last, a lot of, such, etc. a b ca b b cNote: When such is used with

13、,such should be used as post-determine. We CANT say some of such . ;while some such is OK. 单亲,这地区附近有许多这样的人There is book. (none of such books X / There is no such a book (informal 4. both/all, either/neither, neither/none全部 both all全无 neither none: thingsno one: people任一 either any5. each, everyeach,

14、 every这两个词都有“每个”的意义。each 强调各别、各个,而every 强调全部、都e.g.He gave each boy an apple. 他给每个孩子一个苹果。From each according to his ability, to each according to his work. 各尽所能,按劳分配。The sun shines every day. 每天都是阳光灿烂。He is only forty-one years old, and he has already been to nearly every country. 他只有41岁,而他已经几乎到过一切国家

15、。6. such1 such 修饰单数名词时,置不定冠词前。修饰复数名词时,置名词前。e.g. Hes他就是这么一个人。我参加过许多种这样的课程。2 若名词前有 等,such 则置该词后。 e.g. every such possibility 每一个这样的可能性any such plan 任何这样的计划There is no such thing. 没有这么一回事。3 such 位于句首,须倒装。我对未来的希望就是这样。事实就是这样。4 在such that / suchas 的区别- such.that: 用在从句不缺少句子成分时,表示如此以至于;e.g. He had such long

16、 arms that he could almost touch the ceiling.(从句完整) 他的胳臂很长,(以至于 几乎能碰到天花板。- 用在从句缺少句子成分时,表示像一样。e.g. She is such a good teacher just as we expect.(从句缺宾语 正如我们所料,她是一位好老师。5 such as / as such的区别: - such as: 例如,像e.g. I like drinks such as tea and soda. 我喜欢诸如茶和汽水之类的饮料。 - as such:A 同样地, 同量地; 如所指的,照那样

17、的e.g. He is a child, and must be treated as such.He is a good man, and is known as such to everyone.B 本身e.g. A name, as such, means nothing. 姓名本身并无意义。Success, as such, doesnt always brings happiness.成功本身并不总是带来幸福。I have no prejudice against foreigners as such, but I don t think theyshould be allowed

18、to take work from our own people. (取代Wealth, as such doesnt matter much. 财富本身算不了什么。C (用语否定句)并不真是e.g. It is not an agreement as such, but will serve as one.It is not a good book as such but it has some interesting pictures.6 such and such: 某某,这种那种的e.g. Such and such results follow fromsuch and such c

19、auses.这样那样的原因就产生这样那样的结果。Right or wrong1 Each passenger was examined by the captain.2 Every passenger was examined by the captain.3 Every was examined by the captain.4 Each boy received a present.5 Each was given a book.6 Every one of these books has been paid.7 Every has been paid.8 every one of my

20、hands (or: parents9 every one of my fingers10 Not each student walks to school.11 We have a party each two weeks.7. Articles - definite and indefinite articles (Read 7.2a, an - one; the - that, this, these, those8. Main points1 Generic referenceA the + N-sin ; a (an + N-sin ; N-ple.g. The horse eats

21、 grass. A horse eats grass. Horses eat grass.B the + adj (is / aree.g. The rich are not always happy.2 specific reference特指ning of a, an: 1 a black and (a white horse 一只黑白相间的马B. With definite article (with some exceptions1 The + (est, first, only, same + N: This is the first English story Ive heard.

22、Man is the only animal that can talk.2 the er of the two: He is the taller of the two.3 play the + musical instruments :She plays the piano very well. But I teach piano.4 the only thing exists独一无二:The earth moves around the sun.5 direction: on the right. Its in the north.6 by the + unit N计量单位:They a

23、re paid b the month.7 the + part of a body: He took me by the hand. I caught him by the right hand.8 the + adj.: (sin. / pl: The rich (people are not always happier than the poor. (the young, old, living, dead, learned, injured9 The + N + attributives (phrase / clause:very pretty.10 the + family sur

24、name: The smiths are on holiday.11 in the + 1990s12 mountain ranges, islands, rives(a mountain : withoutC. Without definite articles (with some exceptions1 title: Waiter, bring the bill, please. President of the United States Father is out, but mother is at home.2)three meals, language, scientific c

25、ourse: English, lunch, Physics3)sports, colour, game运动,颜色,游戏等,swimming, skating,4)some buildings 非指建筑物本身:School begins at eight. / He goes to churchevery Sunday. / I went to college when I was 19.5 by traffic means交通工具:by car, by train, by plane,6 festivals节日:May Day7)street names街名8)abstract nouns

26、and material nouns抽象名词和物质在泛指时:-Do you like music? Yes, but I dont like the music he is playing.- Tables are made of wood. And this kind of table is made from the woodgrown here.9 some buildings e.g. School begins in Sep. He goes to church every week.10 arm in arm, shoulder to shoulder, day by day, y

27、oung and old, day and night, door to door, step by step11 proper noun12 disease9. Idioms 1 Idiomatic expressions with the definite article (see 7.21 Idiomatic expressions with the indefinite article2 Idiomatic expressions with the zero articleExercise in class: Decide whether each sentence needs an

28、article1. Light travels faster than _. (sound2. Be quiet, please. Dont let me hear _. (sound3. In writing English, after each word we leave _. (space4. This box occupies too much _. (space5. After a big meal, you should take _ (rest6. Everybody needs food, drink and _ (rest7. He did it all out of _

29、(kindness8. Thank you. You have done me _ (kindness9. He lives close at _ (hand10. The children suffered a lot at _ (the hand of their stepfather.15. He is still in _ (hospital.16. Im going to _ (hospital to see him.19. This style of dress is no longer in _ (fashion20. She likes to read about _ (lat

30、e fashions21. Dont talk too much at _ (table22. My friend was sitting at _ (table writing a letter.23. When we called, his family were _ (dinner.24. When we called, his family was giving _ (dinner25. The students take/took quite _ (fancy to their teacher. 喜欢26. The exhibits in the hall soon took _ (

31、fancy of the visitors. 吸引27. The old man is in _ (possession of a huge fortune.28. This island was once in _ (possession of Great Britain.29. You must immediately consult a doctor in _ (case of illness.30. Pauline is stupid, but it is different in _ (case of Mary; she is just lazy.Key7F.1. Light travels faster than sound.2. Be quiet, please. Dont

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