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学年英语人教版必修第一册 Unit 1 Teenage life Part.docx

1、学年英语人教版必修第一册 Unit 1 Teenage life Part U1P3学习目标1.Master the usage of such important words and expressions as challenge,confused,fluent,graduate,recommend,responsible,responsibility,sign up (for),make the team,be well prepared(for) etc;learn to express yourself by using them.2.Learn the method of cons

2、tructing knowledge trees through self-study &cooperative exploration.3.Enjoy the fun of expressing yourself using English and participate in the class with passion.课堂探究1.【教材原句】Going from junior high school to senior high school is a really big challenge.从初中过渡到高中真是一项巨大的挑战。【句型】 此句中使用了动词-ing形式作主语。观察思考S

3、eeing is believing.眼见为实。归纳总结动词-ing形式作主语往往表示经常性、习惯性的动作。谓语动词用。即学活用(1)花费太多时间上网是不健康的。(2)课外阅读对于英语学习是必要的。【单词】challengen.挑战;艰巨任务vt.怀疑;向挑战观察思考Its more likely that none of us start a conversation because its awkward and challenging.(2018全国卷)更可能的是,我们中的任何一个人都没有开始一次谈话,因为这很尴尬和具有挑战性。Mike challenged me to (play) a

4、nother tennis game.迈克向我挑战再打一场网球比赛。His new findings challenged him to rethink the skills he was using.他的新发现激励他重新思考他所使用的技巧。Mary now faces the biggest challenge of her career.玛丽现在正面临她事业上最大的挑战。归纳总结challenging adj.challenge sth.challenge do sth.face a challenge meet/take up a challenge 即学活用(1

5、)Although the game was (challenge),he challenged himself it without hesitation.(2)It is a (challenge) job for me to cure children of their bad habits.(3)The economy of this country (正面临着另一个挑战).2.【教材原句】 The first week was a little confusing.第一周我有点迷茫。【单词】confusing adj.难以理解的;不清楚的The instructions on the

6、 box are very confusing.盒子上的使用说明令人费解。观察思考Confused,I simply based my decision on the ratings.(2018江苏高考)我很困惑,我只是根据评分来决定。I cant see how anyone could confuse you with another person!我不明白怎么会有人把你和另外一个人搞混!归纳总结confuse vt.使糊涂;使迷惑;混淆confusion n.混乱;困惑adj.感到糊涂的;迷惑的将A和B混淆即学活用(1)I would often get (confuse) when I

7、 came across new words with a similar spelling.(2)There was a (confuse)look on his face when he met with a (confuse)problem.3.【教材原句】I know that Chinese is a very difficult language,but I hope to be fluent when I graduate.我知道中文是一门十分难学的课程,但我希望在毕业时能说一口流利的汉语。【单词】fluent adj.(尤指外语) 流利的;熟练的graduate vi.&vt.

8、毕业 ;获得学位n.毕业生观察思考She was fluent in German,French and English.她的德语、法语和英语都很流利。To my surprise,he spoke Arabic fluently.让我惊讶的是,他的阿拉伯语说得很流利。He graduated from York University with a degree in Psychology.他毕业于约克大学,获心理学学位。After he graduated from high school,Herriot made up his mind to be a vet,especially for

9、 dogs.=After his graduation from high school,Herriot made up his mind to be a vet,especially for dogs.高中毕业后,赫里奥特决定做一名兽医,尤其是为狗治病。归纳总结在方面流利;讲一口流利的adv.流利地;熟练地从毕业n.毕业即学活用(1)他的西班牙语很流利。(2)When the boys graduated high school,Ann moved to a small town in Vermont.(3)After his (graduate) from college,he came

10、to Beijing,began working and started a new life.4.【教材原句】 My adviser recommended that I should sign up for advanced literature because I like English and Im good at it.我的指导老师建议我选修高级文学,因为我喜欢英语而且成绩不错。【词块】sign up for 【单词】recommend vt.建议;推荐观察思考We highly recommend that students (should) read some real-lif

11、e materials from the English-speaking countries.我们强烈建议学生读一些来自英语国家的真实生活读物。I recommend that you (should) see your doctor.我建议你去看看医生。The doctor recommended me to take a long rest.医生建议我长期休养。I recommend the novel to my pen pal.我把这本小说推荐给了我的笔友。归纳总结recommend意为“建议;推荐”,其后常用that从句表示所推荐或建议的内容,从句谓语常用“(should)+动词原

12、形”。建议某人干某事建议干某事向某人推荐联系拓展He suggested that we(should) take the teachers advice.The policeman ordered that everyone (should) obey the rules.表示建议、要求、命令等的动词后的宾语从句中,谓语动词用“(should)+ 动词原形”,常见动词有insist、order、command、suggest、advise、recommend、demand、request、require、ask等。即学活用(1)老师建议家长,为了安全起见,不应允许十二岁以下的孩子骑自行车上学

13、。(2)The doctor strongly recommended(limit) the amount of fat in my diet.(3)Of the two trips to the Yangtze River and Mount Tai,both are highly (recommend).5.【教材原句】 Ill find a way to improve on my own so that I can make the team next year.我会找到一个提高自己(球技)的方法,这样明年我就能加入球队了。【句型】so that 引导从句,意为“以便”,相当于in o

14、rder that,此时从句中常含有情态动词can,could,may等。【词块】 make the team 联系拓展在以下结构中,make的意思是“设法做成了某事”,一般用于主动语态。make it获得成功make the party参加聚会make the mountain top爬到山顶make 110 kilometers per hour速度达到110千米/小时make the chair of the Student Union当上学生会主席make the front page of the local newspaper登上了当地报纸的头版即学活用(1)她最终通过努力成了公司

15、总裁。(2)I believe you have the talent to (成功).6.【教材原句】I know Ill have to study harder as a senior high school student and get used to being responsible for a lot more.我知道作为高中生我得更加努力地学习,学会习惯于承担更多的责任。【词块】get used to. 观察思考I used to get up early in the morning when I was young.我小时候经常很早就起床。The robot can be

16、 used to do some dangerous work.机器人可以被用来做一些危险的工作。归纳总结(1)过去一直/常常做某事(2)被用来做某事(3)习惯做某事即学活用(1)He used to (live) in a small village,but now he has been used to (live) in the big city.(2)The knife is used (cut) fruits.【单词】responsible adj.负责的;有责任的观察思考He was responsible for the accident.他是这起事故的肇事者。You will

17、have/take responsibility for sales and marketing.你将负责销售和市场营销。At school were trying to teach young people to develop a sense of responsibility.在学校,我们努力教育年轻人要有责任感。As parents it is our responsibility to give our children a sense of belonging.作为父母我们有责任给孩子一种归属感。归纳总结(1)对负责(2)n.责任;义务(3)负责;有责任(4)做某事是某人的责任。(

18、5)责任感即学活用(1)水资源短缺不完全是由人类活动造成的。(2)我们必须对自己的健康负责。(3)We should be (responsibility) for the work and keep teamwork spirit in mind.(4)I have clearly understood my safety (responsible) at work.7.【教材原句】.itll be quite difficult to get used to all the homework.适应所有的作业很不容易。【句型】it作,代替后面的不定式短语to get used to all

19、the homework。观察思考It is a waste of time arguing about it.为这事争吵简直是浪费时间。It is very difficult for us to change the plan.要我们改变计划是很难的。It is true that he has been admitted into Peking University.他被北京大学录取是真的。归纳总结当动词-ing、不定式或从句作主语,尤其是它们的句式结构很长时,为了保持句子平衡,避免头重脚轻,通常用it作形式主语,而把真正的主语后置。即学活用(1)It is important (dri

20、nk) water when youre extremely thirsty.(2)It is no use (cry) over spilt milk.8.【教材原句】 Studying hard isnt always fun,but Ill be well prepared for university or whatever else comes in the future.努力学习并不总是那么有趣,但我会为未来上大学或是任何其他的事情做好充分的准备。【句型】whatever 引导从句,作介词for的宾语。观察思考Whatever (=Anything that) I have is

21、at your service.我所有的一切都由你使用。You may do whatever (=anything that) you want to do.你可以做任何想做的事情。Whatever (=No matter what) happens,you must keep calm.不管发生什么事,你必须保持冷静。Dont lose heart whatever (=no matter what) difficulties you meet.不管遇到什么困难都不要灰心。归纳总结whatever可以引导名词性从句,如主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句,意为“任何事情”,相当于anything

22、that。也可以引导让步状语从句,意为“无论什么,不管怎样”,相当于no matter what。即学活用(1)我将尽我所能帮助你。(2)无论我们说什么,他都不同意。【词块】be (well) prepared for. 观察思考We are busy preparing for the final examination.我们正在忙着准备期末考试。Always be prepared to answer questions in class.课堂上随时准备回答问题。They are getting things together in preparation for the journey.

23、他们正在收拾东西准备旅行。We have made preparations for what will happen.我们已经为将要发生的事情做了准备。归纳总结(1)prepare for/to do. (2)be prepared for/to do. (3)为做准备(介词短语)(4)为做准备(动词短语)即学活用(1)他正在训练为下一次足球赛做准备。(2)我已经为明天的演讲做好了准备。巩固提升.单句语法填空1.The instructions on the box are very (confuse).2.He looked at me in (confuse) and didnt ans

24、wer the question.3.We strongly recommend (report) the incident to the police.4.I recommend (that) he (see) a lawyer.5.I am responsiblethe matter.None of others business.根据所给汉语提示完成下列句子1.This will help them build up (责任感) since young.2.Can I (报名参加) this course in advance?3.Creating an atmosphere in wh

25、ich employees feel part of a team (是一个巨大的挑战).4.I will (习惯于) responsible for a lot more as a senior high school student.翻译句子1.我建议他买这本书。(1)(2)(3)2.我们种了很多花,这样花园看起来很漂亮。3.从小养成良好的习惯非常重要。4.You should stick to whatever you have begun.核心素养专练挑战一牛刀小试.用括号内单词的正确形式填空1.Im good at maths,so my teacher recommended th

26、at I (choose) advanced maths in my first year.2.(find) time for both studies and extra-curricular activities is a big challenge.3.(study) hard isnt always fun,but Ill be well (prepare) for university or whatever else comes in the future.4.I cant speak English (fluent) as I am out of practice.5.They

27、asked what his plans were after (graduate).选短语填空sign up forbe used tobe fluent inbe responsible forso thatbe suitable for1.As the coach of the school football team,Adam training the players.2.Nearly half of the teenagers think that their schedules are too busy.They wish they had not so many courses

28、and extra-curricular activities.3.She used to live in London,but now she has living in the country.4.This course seems not difficult and freshmen.5.I spend more time learning English every day I can make greater progress this year.6.Its a big surprise that the pretty girlEnglish and French.挑战二能力提升.语

29、法填空Adam is a freshman in senior high school.He found going from junior high school to senior school is a little1(challenge).Some things really got him 2(confuse).First,he had to think about the courses he should take.He hoped to be fluent3Chinese.So his adviser 4 (recommend) that he should sign up for literature.Also,he had to choose extra-curricular activities.He was interested in football,but the co

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