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1、骨骼名称中英文对照For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial useFor personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use全部人体骨骼名称中英文对照一直对人体骨骼感兴趣,但总是找不全所有骨头的英文名称。近日在维基百科上Human Skeleton条目下,链接到list of bones of the human skeleton,终于一尝夙愿。于是,立马与中文名称进行匹配,仔细把玩了一番,甚是欣慰。许多词汇来源于希腊、拉丁,这是不言

2、而喻的。个别词汇没有找到固有的中文名称,是根据原文词义直接翻译的。Bones 骨骼Cranial(8)脑颅部cranium头盖骨-crani- (头颅) frontal bone额骨 parietal bone(2) 顶骨 temporal bone(2) 颞骨 occipital bone枕骨 sphenoid bone蝶骨 ethmoid bone筛骨facial bones (14):mnemonic device:Virgil Can Not Make My Pet Zebra Laugh。Vomer,conchae,nasal etc。面颅部(记忆口诀,这是我从另一处搬来的) man

3、dible下颌骨 maxilla(2) 上颌骨 palatine bone(2) 颚骨 zygomatic bone(2) 颧骨 nasal bone(2) 鼻骨 lacrimal bone(2) 泪骨 inferior nasal conchae(2) 鼻下甲 vomer犁骨In themiddle ears(6):中耳部 malleus(2) 锤骨 incus(2) 砧骨 stapes(2) 镫骨In thethroat(1):喉部 hyoid bone舌骨In theshouldergirdle (4):肩部 scapulaor shoulder blade (2) 肩胛骨 clavic

4、leor collarbone (2) 锁骨In thethorax(25):胸部 sternumor breastbone, comprising thebody of sternum(gladiolus),manubrium, andxiphoid process(1) 胸骨(胸骨体,胸骨柄,剑突) ribs(2 x 12) 肋骨In thevertebral column(24):脊柱部 cervical vertebrae(7) 颈椎 C thoracic vertebrae(12) 胸椎 T lumbar vertebrae(5) 腰椎 LIn thearms(2):手臂部 Hume

5、rus(2) 肱骨In theforearms(4):前臂部 radius(2) 桡骨 ulna(2) 尺骨In thehandsexcludingsesamoid bones(54):手部(不含籽骨) Carpal(wrist) bones: 腕骨 scaphoid bone(2) 手舟骨 lunate bone(2) 月骨 triquetrum bone(2) 三角骨 pisiform bone(2) 豌豆骨 trapezium(2) 大多角骨 trapezoid bone(2) 小多角骨 capitate bone(2) 头状骨 hamate bone(2) 钩骨 Metacarpus(

6、palm) bones:掌骨 metacarpal bones(5 2) 掌骨 Digits of the hands (finger bones or phalanges): 指骨 proximal phalanges(5 2) 近节指骨 intermediate phalanges(4 2)中节 distal phalanges(5 2) 末节In thepelvis(4):骨盆部 sacrum1 骶骨 coccyxor tailbone 1 尾骨 os coxaeor hipbone, comprising the fusedilium,ischium, andpubis(2) 髋骨(含

7、髂骨、坐骨、耻骨)In thethighs(2):大腿部 femur(2) 股骨In thelegs(6):小腿部 patella(2) 髌骨 kneecap 膝盖骨 tibia(2) 胫骨 fibula(2) 腓骨In the feet excludingsesamoid bones(52):脚部(不含籽骨) Tarsal(ankle) bones: 跗骨(踝骨) calcaneusor heel bone (2) 跟骨 talus(2) 距骨 navicular bone(2) 足舟骨 medial cuneiform bone(2) 内侧楔骨 intermediate cuneiform

8、 bone(2) 中间楔骨 lateral cuneiform bone(2) 外侧楔骨 cuboid bone(2) 骰骨 Metatarsusbones: 跖骨 metatarsal bone(5 2) 跖骨 Digits of the feet (toe bones or phalanges): 趾骨 proximal phalanges(5 2) 近节趾骨 intermediate phalanges(4 x 2) 中节 distal phalanges(5 x 2) 末节从维基百科上觅得:http:/

9、_bones_of_the_human_skeleton&oldid=525182847人体各骨英文单词(括号内为数量)1.躯干骨(51)椎骨 vertebrae (24):颈椎(7) cervical vertebrae 胸椎(12) thoracic vertebrae 腰椎 (5)lumbar vertebrae 环椎 atlas 枢椎 axis 隆椎 porminent骶骨 sacral bone (1)尾骨 coccys (1)胸骨 sternum (1)肋骨 costal bone (24)2.颅骨 (29)脑颅骨(8):额骨 frontal bone(1)筛骨 ethmoid b

10、one(1)蝶骨 sphenoid bone(1)枕骨 occipital bone(1)颞骨 temproal bone (2)顶骨 parietal bone (2)面颅骨(15):下颌骨 mandible(1)舌骨 hyoid bone(1)犁骨 vomer(1)上颌骨 maxilla(2)腭骨 palatine bone(2)鼻骨 nasal bone(2)泪骨 lacrimal bone(2)下鼻甲 inferior nasal concha (2)颧骨 zygomatic bone(2)听小骨(6):锤骨 malleus(2)砧骨 incus(2)镫骨 stapes(2)3.上肢骨

11、(64)锁骨 clavicle(2)肩胛骨 scaplua(2)肱骨 humerus(2)桡骨 radius(2)尺骨 ulna(2)腕骨carpal bone(16):手舟骨 scaphoid bone(2)月骨 lunate bone(2)三角骨 triquetral bone(2)豌豆骨 pisiform bone(2)大多角骨 trapezium bone(2)小多角骨 trapezoid bone(2) 头壮骨 capitate bone(2)钩骨 hamate bone(2)掌骨 metacarpal bones(10)指骨 phalanges bones(28)4.下肢骨(62)髋骨 hip bone(2)股骨 femur(2)髌骨 patella(2)胫骨 tibia(2)腓骨 fibula(2)跗骨 tarsal bones(14):距骨 talus(2)跟骨 calcaneus(2)足舟骨 navicular bone(2)内侧楔骨 medial cuneiform bone(2)中间楔骨 intermedius cuneiform bone(2) 外侧楔骨 lateral cuneiform bone(2) 骰骨 cuboid bone(2)跖骨 metatarsal bones(10)趾骨 phalanges of toes (28)

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