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BOOK 3 Unit 1.docx

1、BOOK 3 Unit 1BOOK 3 Unit 1 Unit 1单元分析一、 教学内容 1、本单元要求会听,说,认读的单词:ind bard light piture dr flr lassr puter all teahers des fan hat in the e have ne g here 2、本单元要求会听,说的单词和词组:an ur seat near lassate lean have a l gd idea all right gd b 3、帮助学生在掌握单词的基础上造出句子,编出对话,学以致用。4、培养学生用英语交流的能力,为学生的进一步学习奠定基础。二、教学要求1、能听

2、懂、会说,会用每一会话。2、掌握本单元出现的生词,词组和字母。3、会唱本单元的歌曲。三、教学重点和难点1、对于较长的单词如lassr, lassate, puter的掌握以及对于第一次出现的词组和短语如have a l, gd b的掌握。 2、对于礼貌用语“Than u , Exuse e, After u”的掌握与应用。3、 描述教室中所有物,并能据此编出对话。四、教学时间本单元共6时,每周3时,2周完成。Lessn 11Teahing AisLet the students aster the rds: ind, lassr, flr, light, dr, bard, and pitur

3、e hen the see the bets, the an regnize and read the and d the atin abut the2Teahing AidsA bl, a piee f lth, a piture A bard-iper and a tape- rerder3Iprtant pintsPiture, lassr, ind, bard, and blabard 4Teahing steps (1) GreetingsThe teaher ass the questin : “hat da is it tda?”The student ansers : “Tda

4、 is nda”Then the questin “hats the eather lie tda?”(2) Ne ntent The teaher reads the rds lie that the lassr, the inds, the dr, the flr, the bard and the lights in English ne b ne Then the teaher ass students t read after hi He ass:” hats in the lassr?” hse several students h ns the ansers t anser b

5、using the rds theve ust learned The teaher shs the ards f the rds hile the students are ansering Then the teaher pints at the ard and ass the students t read after her ne b ne Grup rne student ass the questin and the ther ansers Then the teaher ass se grups t sh the rPratieThe teaher hands the ards

6、f the bl, the piee f lth, the piture and the bard-iper t the students and ass the t read after her Then the students listen t the tape hile the teaher is ding the atins: pening the dr, turn n the light, Seep the flr, lean the ind, put up the piture and lean the bard Then the teaher des the atins aga

7、in and ass students t fll After that, hse several pairs f students t d it lie her During this perid the teaher sas sething abut the verbs lie pen, turn, seep, lean and put Listen t the tape and read after it HerAs the student t reeber the ne rds and listen t the tape after lass and tr t iitate the A

8、erian aent Listen t the tape6Teahing ntesLessn 21Teahing AisLet the students regnize and read the rds and expressins (lassate, seat, and have a l) and use the dialgue freel2Teahing aidsA tape-rerder se pitures se ards4Teahing steps(1)Greetings Sa “Hell” t eah ther -hat da is it tda? -Its Tuesda tda-

9、hats the eather lie tda?-Its sunn tda(2) Revisin The teaher hands the ards and ass all the students t read the ne b ne as quil as the anListen t the usi and d the atin”开门,开灯,擦窗,擦黑板” and as the students t sa the in English(3) Ne ntentThe teaher shs the text sentene n the blabard using the puter sente

10、ne b sentene and as h an read the Let the student h an read the t read and then hse 2 r 3 students t read after hi After that the teaher reads the sentenes and let the fll hi Then listen t the tape and fll itPratieDivide the int se sall grups and let the pratie in grups and then ass se f the t sh th

11、e texthantListen t the tape and as the students t iitate Then pratie the hant in pairs b lapping hands After that, hse 2 grups t pla this gae in the frnt f the lassr4HerListen t the tape after lass and tr t iitate the aentRead the text sthlTeahing ntes Lessn 31Teahing ais Let the students aster the

12、letters A , B , , D, E Reeber the rds and expressins:puter, all , fan and the teahers des 2Teahing aids a tape-rerder pitures ards3Teahing steps(1)Greetings Sas “Gd rning!” t everbd and tal sething abut the eather and the date(2) Revisin Let the students listen t the tape and fll it sentene b senten

13、e Then all the students read the text tgether Next, as se nes t read the text At last, as se questins and let the anser(3)Ne ntentThe teaher ass the students t l at the bard hile he rites “Aa Bb Dd Ee “ Then as the students t pratie the n their exerise-bs Then as se nes t e t the bard and rite the l

14、etters t the Next, let thers see ether there is istae“Fill in the blan”A: The teaher gives the students several letters f a rd xb 1B: Let the students guess hat the rd is Then as the t fill in the blans D exerises abut the 6 rds3) Listen t the tape and as the students t d thestudents b Then the teah

15、er hes the ansers Bing Let the students l at the “Bing” in the b and the teaher explains it t the Then listen t the teaher and rss it hse the students h d it ver quil and finall be inner4HerLet the students t erize the rdsReite the hle dialgueTeahing ntesLessn 41Teahing aisLet the students n the rd

16、lean (verb and ad) and the expressins “Gd b, Gd idea, All right” and use the freelLet the students aster the sentene “Lets d ” and “Let sebd d2Teahing aidsA lean paper, a dirt paper, a table lth and se pitures3Teahing steps(1)GreetingsSa ”Gd rning” t the lass and as the “ H are u?” After getting the

17、 anser the teaher tal abut the date and the eather(2)RevisinAs ne student t sa the furniture in his huse and desribe its lur in his huse(3)Ne ntent1) The teaher reads the text first Then as the students t read after her sentene b sentenehen the students are reading the text theselves, the teaher rit

18、es” lean, Gd idea, Gd b, All right” n the blabard Then explain these rds and expressins (hen the teaher explain the rd “lean”, she shs the lean paper and the dirt ne t the lass And then use the tablelth t ipe the dirt n the paper Tell the lean is nt nl an ad but als a verb) and as the students t rea

19、d the After that, divide the hle lass int several grups Let the pratie the str in grups Then hse 2 r 3 Grups t at itX-b -1-Gaehse 1 student t e t the teahers des The teaher shs the pitures ne b ne and let the student guess hat the piture is Pla the gae se ties4HerAs the students t erize the text and

20、 listen t the tape after lass and tr t iitate the tape Teahing ntes Lessn 1Teahing aisLet the students aster the letters (Ff Gg Hh Ii) and the handriting The an fill the blans hen se letters f a rd, hih theve ust read, have givenLet the aster the sng2Teahing aidsA tape-rerder, fur plates, a tablelth

21、3Teahing steps(1)GreetingsSa ”Hell” t ne f the students Tal abut the eather and the date(2)RevisinAs ne student t ipe his table ith the tablelth hse anther student t spea the atin f the first student Then as the nitr t Prize hi ”Gd b!”(3)Ne ntentListen t the tape and as the students t read after the

22、 tape The teaher rites ”Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii” n the blabard and as the students t rite the n the nteb Then let the he in pairs and rite the letters arefull againLet the students fill in the blans n the textb Then dra the ver piture n the “plates” This is a petitinListen t the tape The teaher sings the sng

23、 and ass the students t fll her The teaher and the students sing tgether Then as a little “singer” t sing t the hle lass4HerLet the students rite the letters n their her-nteb Listen t the tape and sing the sng after lass Teahing ntes Lessn 61Teahing aidsA tape-rerder 2Teahing aisRevie the last unith

24、e the nledge the have learned in this unit 3Teahing steps(1)Greet t eah ther And tal abut the date and the eather(2)RevieA: The teaher let se nes t rite the letters n the bard and he their herB: Divide the students in t several grups Tal abut the pitures theve painted Then hse 2 r 3 grups t desribe

25、their ideal lassr: Eah f the grups an ae up a dialgue b using the pitures n the textb and the bag and the ball that the teaher gives the Then hse 4 grups t at Listen t the tape and pratie it in grupsAs se ne hat is the ain idea f the str and let hi sh the ain idea t the students in hinese Then read

26、the str tgether Let the students n hat is a bee At last, pint ut the iprtant pints and let the reeber theGreeting sentenes“Than u Exuse e After u” Tell the iprtane f these sentenes t the hle lass Then as the t ae up a dialgue ith these sentenes Let se grups t at ut their plasNext, listen t the str4HerLet the students reeber all the rd and expressins that appeared in the text erize ever text in this unitTeahing ntes

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