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NYPE 93 yingwen.docx

1、NYPE 93 yingwenCode Name:NYPE 93Recommended by:The Baltic and International Maritime Council(BIMCO)The Federation of National Associations of Ship Brokers and Agents(FONASBA)TIME CHARTERNew York Produce Exchange FormIssued by the Association of Ship Brokers and Agents(U.S.A.),Inc.November 6th.1913-A

2、mended October 20th.1921;August 6th,1931;October 3rd.1946;Revised June 12th,1981;September 14th 1993,THIS CHARTER PARTY,made and concluded of.1 9.Between.Owners of the Vessel described below,and.Charterers.Description of VesselName.Flag.Built.(year).Port and number of

3、.Deadweight.long*/metric*tons(cargo and bunkers,including freshwater andstores not exceeding.long*/metric*tons)on a salt water draft of.on summer freeboard.Capacity.cubic feet grain.cubic feet bale space.Tonnage.GT/GRT.Speed about.knots,fully laden,in good weather conditions up to and including maxi

4、mumForce.on the Beaufort wind scale,on a consumption of about.long*/metric*tons of.*Delete as appropriate.For further description see AppendixA(if applicable)1.DurationThe Owners agree to let and the Charterers agree to hire the Vessel from the time of delivery for aperiod of.within below mentioned

5、trading limits.2.DeliveryThe Vessel shall be placed at the disposal of the Charterers at.The Vessel on her deliveryshall be ready to receive cargo with clean-swept holds and tight,staunch,strong and in every wayfitted for ordinary cargo service,having water ballast and with sufficient power to opera

6、te allcargo-handling gear simultaneously.The Owners shall give the Charterers not less than.days notice of expecteddate of delivery.3.On-Off Hire SurveyPrior to delivery and redelivery the parties shall,unless otherwise agreed,each appoint surveyors,for their respective accounts,who shall not later

7、than at first loading port/last discharging portrespectively,conduct joint on-hire/off-hire surveys,for the purpose of ascertaining quantity ofbunkers on board and the condition of the Vessel.A single report shall be prepared on eachoccasion and signed by each surveyor,without prejudice to his right

8、 to file a separate reportsetting forth items upon which the surveyors cannot agree.If either party fails to have arepresentative attend the survey and sign the joint survey report,such party shall nevertheless bebound for all purposes by the findings in any report prepared by the other party.On-hir

9、e surveyshall be on Chartererstime and off-hire survey on Ownerstime.4.Dangerous Cargo/Cargo Exclusions(a)The Vessel shall be employed in carrying lawful merchandise excluding any goods of adangerous,injurious,flammable or corrosive nature unless carried in accordance with therequirements or recomme

10、ndations of the competent authorities of the country of the Vesselsregistry and of ports of shipment and discharge and of any intermediate countries or ports throughwhose waters the Vessel must pass.Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing,inaddition the following are specifically exclud

11、ed:livestock of any description,arms,ammunition,explosives,nuclear and radioactive materials,.(b)If IMO-classified cargo is agreed to be carried,the amount of such cargo shall be limited to.tons and the Charterers shall provide the Master with any evidence he mayreasonably require to show that the c

12、argo is packaged,labelled,loaded and stowed in accordancewith IMO regulations,failing which the Master is entitled to refuse such cargo or,if alreadyloaded,to unload it at the Charterersrisk and expense.5.Trading LimitsThe Vessel shall be employed in such lawful trades between safe ports and safe pl

13、aces the Charterers shalldirect.6.Owners to ProvideThe Owners shall provide and pay for the insurance of the Vessel,except as otherwise provided,and for all provisions,cabin,deck,engine-room and other necessary stores,including boiler water;shall pay for wages,consular shipping a

14、nd discharging fees of the crew and charges for portservices pertaining to the crew;shall maintain the Vessels class and keep her in a thoroughlyefficient state in hull,machinery and equipment for and during the service,and have a fullcomplement of officers and crew.7.Charterers to ProvideThe Charte

15、rers,while the Vessel is on hire,shall provide and pay for all the bunkers except asotherwise agreed;shall pay for port charges(including compulsory watchmen and cargowatchmen and compulsory garbage disposal),all communication expenses pertaining to theCharterersbusiness at cost,pilotages,towages,ag

16、encies,commissions,consular charges(exceptthose pertaining to individual crew members or flag of the Vessel),and all other usual expensesexcept those stated in Clause 6,but when the Vessel puts into a port for causes for which theVessel is responsible(other than by stress of weather),then all such c

17、harges incurred shall be paidby the Owners.Fumigations ordered because of illness of the crew shall be for the Ownersaccount.Fumigations ordered because of cargoes carried or ports visited while the Vessel isemployed under this Charter Party shall be for the Charterersaccount.All other fumigations s

18、hallbe for the Charterersaccount after the Vessel has been on charter for a continuous period of sixmonths or more.The Charterers shall provide and pay for necessary dunnage and also any extra fittings requisitefor a special trade or unusual cargo,but the Owners shall allow them the use of any dunna

19、gealready aboard the Vessel.Prior to redelivery the Charterers shall remove their dunnage andfittings at their cost and in their time.8.Performance of Voyage(a)The Master shall perform the voyages with due despatch,and shall render all customaryassistance with the Vessels crew.The Master shall be co

20、nversant with the English language and(although appointed by the Owners)shall be under the orders and directions of the Charterers asregards employment and agency;and the Charterers shall perform all cargo handling,includingbut not limited to loading,stowing,trimming,lashing,securing,dunnaging,unlas

21、hing,discharging,and tallying,at their risk and expense,under the supervision of the Master.(b)If the Charterers shall have reasonable cause to be dissatisfied with the conduct of the Masteror officers,the Owners shall,on receiving particulars of the complaint,investigate the same,and,if necessary,m

22、ake a change in the appointments.9.Bunkers(a)The Charterers on delivery,and the Owners on redelivery,shall take over and pay for all fueland diesel oil remaining on board the Vessel as hereunder.The Vessel shall be deliveredwith:.long*/metric*tons of fuel oil at the price of.perton;.tons of diesel o

23、il at the price of.per ton.Thevessel shall be redelivered with:.tons of fuel oil at the priceof.per ton;.tons of diesel oil at the priceof.per ton.*Same tons apply throughout this clause.(b)The Charterers shall supply bunkers of a quality suitable for burning in the Vessels enginesand auxiliaries an

24、d which conform to the specification(s)as set out in Appendix A.The Owners reserve their right to make a claim against the Charterers for any damage to the mainengines or the auxiliaries caused by the use of unsuitable fuels or fuels not complying with theagreed specification(s).Additionally,if bunk

25、er fuels supplied do not conform with the mutuallyagreed specification(s)or otherwise prove unsuitable for burning in the Vessels engines orauxiliaries,the Owners shall not be held responsible for any reduction in the Vessels speedperformance and/or increased bunker consumption,nor for any time lost and any otherconsequences.10.Rate of Hire/Redelivery Areas and NoticesThe Charterers shall pay for the use and hire of the said Vessel at the rate of$.U.S.currency,daily,or$.

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