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1、工商导论练习题及答案2011年 11月商务英语专业工商导论模拟练习本试卷分两部分满分 l00 分,考试时间 150 分钟。1第一部分为选择题,应考者必须在答题卡上按要求填涂,不能答在试卷上。2第二部分为非选择题,应考者必须在答题卡上直接答题,答在试卷上无效。3请按照试题题号顺序在答题区域内作答。Part One (20%)I Multiple Choice(1 X20 =20)Direcnions:In this part, there are items 1-20. For each item, there are fourchoices marked A,B,C and D. Choose

2、 the best one end write your answers on the Answer Sheet.I . A(n) _ is an association of two or more persons to carry on as co-owners of a business for profit.A.sole proprietorship B. partnershipC. corporation D. franchising 2. Colombia, Brazil and China Yunnan Province have a(nLin growing cof-fee b

3、eams, because in terms of climate those areas are more favourable for growing coffee beans than other parts of the world.A.absolute advantage B. comparative advantageC: definite advantage D. indefinite advantage3. Based on the findings of the job analysis a(n) lists the objectives,respon-sibilities,

4、main tasks of the job,the conditions under which the job is to be done,and its relationship to other jobs.A. job description B. job specificationC. job forecasting D. job scouting 4. Which of the following does NOT belong to Non-Tariff Barriers?A. quotas B. state monopolyC. revenue D. import license

5、 the chea pest mode of transpo rtati on, p articularly suitable for low-cost bulk cargoes such as coal, or,e grain, timber and construction materials.A. Rail B. WaterC. Truck D. Pipeline6.A is a bus in ess that has one owner.A. partnership B. CorporationC. franchising D. sole proprietorsh

6、ip7. Which of the following ere goods that consumers would make an extra effort to purchase?AShopping products B. specialty productsC. convenience products D. product mix commodities8. Shipwaith Paper Products produces a variety of goods which are sold to whole sal ers. The wholesalers then distribu

7、te the products m a wide variety of office supplystares and discount stores that sell to the final customers. The distribution channelused for Ship waith s products is an example of aA. network and node distribution channel distribution systemC.two-level channel distribution system

8、 channel distribution system 9. The risk of relying on a single key employee can be reduced byA. purchasing key person insurance B. narrowing the job descriptionC. task specialization D. automating tasks10. According to its attributes,property can be classified into three types. They a

9、re the following EXCEPT forA. tangible real property B. tangible personal propertyC. intangible personal property D. inventory11.A(n) _is a tax a government imposes on imported goods.A. tariff B. quotaC. excise tax D. exchange rate12.Which of the following is NOT one of the managerial skills?A. tech

10、nical skills B. mission skillsC. conceptual skills D. human skills13.When the employees are haire,d it is important to train and develop them until they are qualified for the jobs. The methods can in elude the followi ng EXCE PT_.A. orientation B. on-the-job methodC. off-the-job method D. performanc

11、e appraisal14.According to the Herzberg study, managers can motivate employees to be more p roductive by A. increasing their responsibilities B. increasing their salariesC. providing a safe work environment D. creating job security 15. The programs that determine the specific tasks a computer will p

12、erform at any given time are calledA. hardware B. softwareC. virtual reality D. megahertz16.One of the following terms is NOT included in the types of economic system. It isA. capitalism B. socialismC. mixed economy D. equalitarianism17.A major adva ntage of railroads as a mode of transporting goods

13、 is that they.A. can reach almost my location quicklyB. are very inexpensive when transporting goods short distanceC.are often the least expensive way of transporting heavy items long distancesD are the only way to transport gas anJoil safely over long distances18.The comp ositi on of debt versus eq

14、uity financing is known a.A. retained earnings B. revenueC. working capital D. capital structure19.The following are regarded as intellectual properties protected by laws EXCEPT forA. trademark B. copyrightC. patent D. stock20.The management function thatcoordinates a firm s employees and other reso

15、urces in order to achieve the organization s goals isA. planning B. organizingC. leading D. controllingPart Two(60%)n. Gap-Filling(1 %x10= 10%)Directions:Complete statements 21-25.,filling in each gap with a proper word or covers losses resulting from damage to other people or ot

16、h-er people s propertiyn.surance protect businesses from riskinvolving the damage and loss to their own property.22.Liabilities are what a firm owes to others. Liabilities are those that can be cleared within one year while_liabilities are those that cannot be paid off within one year.23.Fed can use

17、 such instruments as,discount rates and_ tocontrol the money supply.24.pricing strategy is also called_ pricing, which makes p rices app ear more acceptable or contain positive indication to customers.25.Besides advantages, sole proprietorships have some disadvantages, suc_h ,as limited access to ca

18、pital, _and unshared loss.E . T/F Questions (1%x10= 10%)Directions:Read statements 26-35. Decide whether they are tune or false by writing T for true and F for false.26.Brokers work as manufacturers sales representatives on a relatively permanent basis, while agents work as go betweens for sellers a

19、nd buyers on a deal-by-deal basis.27.For money of a country to function at all,it must be made legal tender for that country by its government and be acceptable to the public.28.Countries with advantages in producing one type of goods will trade for goods they have disadvantages in producing.29.Liab

20、ility losses are those losses to property due to fire, theft, or weather conditions.30.The market for dealings with stocks and bonds is collectively called the securities market.31Large firms may obtain funds by issuing dividends, which are long-term debt securities(IOUs) purchased by investors.32.

21、Lost or stolen traveler s checks can usually be replaced if you promthpetly informissuing company of the serial numbers of the lost checks.33.While middlemen add cost, they add value as well.34.Milk, newspapers,soda, and chewing gum are examples of shopping products.35.Owners of a corporation can ea

22、rn a return on their investment either by receiving dividends or by selling the stock.IV.Fu ndame ntals of busi ness(%x25= 25%)sole proprietorship 商个体,个体户partnership 商合伙, 合伙公司shareholder 股东financing 筹集的资金,融资marketing 营销channels of distribution 分销渠道, 销售渠道market segmentation 市场细分product life cycle 产品生

23、命周期pricing 定价wholesaler 批发商promotion mix 促销组合product advertising 产品广告checking account 支票帐户credit card 信用卡debit card 借记卡Fed 美联储copyright 版权motivate 激励,激发owners equity 所有者权益gross profit margin 毛利润率net profit margin 净利润率curre nt assets 流动资产premium 保险费fixed assets 固定资产creditor 债权人V.Clone ( 1%x25 =25%)Di

24、rections: Read the following passage and fill in blanks(41-65) with appropriate words from the list at the end of the passageNote that there are more words in the list than the blanks in the passag,eInvestment in one country (41) _individuals organizations (42)_ Another is an imp orta nt aspect of i

25、ntern ati onal bus in ess. Inv estme nt may be. for(43_ in the form of securities or direct cap ital in the form of p roductive facilities. Col on iaiism and (44) have ofte n bee n described in terms of po werful n atio ns expl oit ing the45) and n atural resources of weake,r less-developed Countrie

26、s. While some exploitation (4)6 _till remain,most developing as well a(s 47)_nations now substantially control the types, (48)_and owner-ship terms of investmen (ts49)_ by foreigners. Much of the (50) _ private investment is now made by multination(al51)_(MNCs)Technical distinctions in(52)_ such glo

27、bal corporations are sometimes made to refle(ct53)_ multinational investments(54) _ operations are made exclusively by an executiv(e55)_from one nation or by(56) _ of different national investment leaders. Clearly; thesemultinational organizations (57) major role in world trade and investments(58)_o

28、f their dem on strated man ageme nt skills (59) ,finan cial resources and related advantages.(MNCs), nevertheless must (60)frequently governmental and other(61) who contend that such far-fl ung companies are able to (62) or avoidn atio nal regulati on by virtue of their ability to (63) n ew(a nd at

29、times old) inv estme nts from one country to another. Some governments have adopted exacting64) _ which Macs must follow in their countries the most common of which requires a majority or significant (65)_ of domestic as opposed to foreign ownership.VI.Traaslation (5% x2=10)Directions Translate sent

30、ences into English.66.张伟达和陈浩建立了自己的合伙企业,启动资本为 7 万元69 宏雅可使用长期贷款和短期贷款相结合的资金组合形式。2011年 11 月商务英语专业工商导论试题答案及评分参考I Multiple Choice 1%x20 =20%)1.B 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.D 11. A 12.B 13.D 14.A 15.B 16.D 17.C 18.D 19.D 20.Bn . Gap-Filling (1% x10= 10%21.Liability; Property22.Current ( short-term

31、); long-term23.Reserve requirements; open-market operation24.Odd; psychological25.Unlimited liability; limited managerial expertisem . T/F Questions (1 %x10= 10%26.F 27. T 28. T 29. F 30.T31.F 32.T 33.T 34.F 35.TIV. Term Definition (3 % x5 =15%)36.It refers to a which can assign tasks and responsibi

32、lities to different departments by function, by product, by location and by customer.37. It is one of the elements a contract must contain. It means. Each party to the contract must be legally competent to take liability for what it signs in the con-tract.38. There are five types of utilities of intermediaries: time utility, place utility ownership utility

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