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1、教案大学英语综合教程3保 定 学 院教 案2013-2014学年第 一 学期课程名称:大学英语(3)所属系部:外语系授课专业:管理系人力资源管理授课班级:2012级人力资源管理二班授课教师:关晨保定学院课程教案(首页)系别: 大学外语 教研室: 大学外语 课程名称大学英语综合教程课程类别必修课(*)限选课( )公共任选课( )总学时58学分4讲授学时实践学时实验学时授课专业管理系授课班级2012级人力资源管理二班任课教师关晨职 称讲师教学目的和要求全新版大学英语旨在通过教师的“精讲”和学生的“多练”,通过读听说写译全方位的各种形式的课堂内外的实践,培养学生具有较扎实的英语语言基础和较强的英语综

2、合应用能力。教学重点和难点1. 教学过程中,提倡自主学习,教师组织好学生对所学语言进行操练以及模拟真实的语境引导学生学以致用,同时在学习方法上给学生以指导,使其养成良好的自学习惯。2. 结合教师的“精讲”和学生的“多练”,通过读听说写译全方位的各种形式的课堂内外的实践,培养学生具有较扎实的英语语言基础和较强的英语综合应用能力。3. 采用交互方式(interaction),如pair work, group discussion, debate等, 或采用“任务”方式,将语言学习贯穿在教学过程中的每一环节。教材和参考书(全新版)大学英语综合教程(学生用书)及教师用书保定学院教案(章节备课)授课题

3、目(章节)Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live授课类型理论及练习课授课时间第 1 周 至第 2 周 共6学时教学目的及要求:Students will be able to:1. grasp the main idea ( tolerance for solitude and energy made it possible for the writers family to enjoy their pleasant but sometimes harsh country life);2. appreciate the various techniques empl

4、oyed by the writer (comparison and contrast, topic sentences followed by detail sentences, use of transitional devices, etc.);3. master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;4. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of th

5、e unit.教学重点和难点:1. appreciate the various techniques employed by the writer (comparison and contrast, topic sentences followed by detail sentences, use of transitional devices, etc.);2. master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;教学方法与手段:T guides Ss through all the tasks by

6、questions, group discussion, explanation and summarization.教学进程(含课堂教学内容、教学方法、师生互动、时间分配、板书设计等):1-2 period: pre-reading; while-reading (Cultural Notes, Text Organization & vocabulary prediction, Part I)3-4 period: while-reading (Text Understanding, Language Study & Additional Exercises)5-6 period: Pos

7、t-reading; Check on after-text exercises & Ss home reading (Text B); Theme-Related Language Learning Tasks1-2 period: pre-reading; while-reading (Text Organization, Cultural Notes & Text Reading)Pre-reading tasks1. T asks Ss the following questions on the song Out in the Country: (5 minutes)- What i

8、s the song about? (taking a break from city life, escaping from the crowd)- How is the song related to the theme of this unit? (The singer needs a break because the pace of life has quickened, the environment has been changed, and the old life style is gone.)2. 1) Ss divide into three large groups,

9、under each group smaller sub-groups may form. Each large group is assigned one of the following discussion topics:- Why do so many migrant workers (民工) move from the country to the city?- Why do city people buy apartments or houses in the suburbs, even in the countryside?- Why are tours of Zhou Zhua

10、ng (周庄), Li Jiang (丽江)or any other old towns so popular? Why are tourists willing to pay to spend a day in a farmers house? 2) After the discussion, speakers of some sub-groups report to class. 3) T may sum up like this: People change their places of living because they look for things that their pr

11、evious life is unable to provide. However, once life has been changed, they miss the good old days. (20 minutes)3. Ss do Cloze B in after-text exercises to learn about Americans ideal of a country life. Then T leads in to the study of Text A. (10 minutes)3-4 period: while-reading (Text Understanding

12、, Language Study & Additional Exercises)While-reading tasks1. T tells Ss how to divide the text into four parts, and that they are to sum up the main idea of each part as they read along (see Text Organization Exercise 1). (2 minutes)2. Ss read the first sentences of Paragraphs 1-3 and sum up the ma

13、in idea of this part. (3 minutes)3. T explains language points in this part and gives Ss practice (see Language Study). (15 minutes)4. T explains language points in Part II and gives Ss practice. (see Language Study).(20 minutes)5. Ss re-read Part II and make a summary of each paragraph in it. T wri

14、tes down their summaries on the blackboard. Then, based on paragraph summaries, Ss will come up with a summary of Part II. (8 minutes)6. Ss read the first sentences of Paragraphs 8-11 and sum up the main idea of this part. (3 minutes)7. T explains the language points in this part and gives Ss practi

15、ce (see Language Study). (20 minutes) 8. T explains language points in Part IV and gives Ss practice (see Language Study). (20 minutes)9. Ss find out the two special qualities that make a country life possible. (2 minutes)the Study of Language Points1. get by: be good enough but not very good; manag

16、e to live or do things in a satisfactory way e.g: My parents managed to get by on a small amount of money. It is a little bit difficult for the old couple to get by on such a small pension. We can get by with four computers at the moment, but well need a couple more when the new staff members arrive

17、.2. haul: 1) transport, as with a truck, cart, etc. e.g: The farmers haul vegetables to the market on a truck every morning. The rescue team hauled medical supplies and food to the flooded villages. 2) pull or drag sth. with effort or force e.g: A carne had to be used to haul the car out of the stre

18、am. Rescue workers hauled passengers out of the crashed train. 3. purse: follow e.g: After graduation Martin chose to purse the same career as his father as a minister. College students are advised to purse a wide range of subjects. Public evening classes allow people to earn a living during the day

19、 and purse vocational and intellectual interests in their spare time.4. get through: come successfully to the end e.g: The local government has taken some measures to ensure that all the people will get through the winter. She got through the entrance examination and was accepted by the college.5. i

20、llustrate: provide with visual features; clarify by use of example, etc. e.g: Let me use another example to illustrate this difficult point. The editor has illustrated the book with black-and-white photographs.6. generate: bring into existence, produce e.g: The widespread use of Spanish in some Amer

21、ican cities has generated a public debate over language use in the country. Space technology has generated thousands of products for everyday use such as lightweight materials in running shoes.7. premium: a sum of money that you pay regularly to an insurance company for an insurance policy e.g: The

22、employers make the employees pay for a large portion of their health insurance premium. Some people are complaining that car insurance premiums have increased too much this year.8. dine out: eat a meal away from home (usu. in a restaurant) e.g: With the improvement of living standards, more people d

23、ine out at weekends. Its my daughters birthday today, so were dining out tonight.9. patronize: go to as a customer e.g: When he was a student, Sterling often patronized the little restaurant near the school. They no longer patronize the local department store because of its poor service.10. temptati

24、on: the feeling of being tempted to do sth. that you know might be wrong or harmful; the thing you want to have (uncount or count)e.g: The kids cant resist the temptation of McDonalds. In my view students should resist the temptation to take part-time jobs in their first two years at college.5-6 per

25、iod: Post-reading; Check on after-text exercises & Ss home reading (Text B); Theme-Related Language Learning TasksPost-reading tasks1. 1) Ss work in pairs to finish Text Organization Exercise 2. Later some of them may report to class.2) T guides Ss through Writing Strategy. 3) T urges Ss to use comp

26、arison and contrast more effectively in their own writing. (15 minutes)2. 1) T asks Ss to re-read Paragraph 2 and analyze the relationship among its sentences (one topic sentence “Its a self-reliant sort of life.” followed by three detail sentences).2) Ss re-read the rest of the text to find similar

27、 patterns. Then they would report their findings to class (see Text Analysis).3) T encourages Ss to model their own writing after this pattern. (15 minutes)3. T guides Ss through some after-text exercises. (25 minutes)4. T checks on Ss home reading. (3 minutes)5. Ss do Part IV: Theme-Related Languag

28、e Learning Tasks. (1 period)6. T asks Ss to prepare for the next unit: (2 minutes)1) 1) do the pre-reading task;2) 2) preview Text A.Text Analysis The author writes his piece in a clear and logical way. In many instances he employs the pattern of “ one topic sentence + several detail sentences” stru

29、cture. Its easy for readers to grasp the main idea, and it is also proven effective for learner writers like our students.Sometimes the detail sentences run parallel to each other, like those in Paragraph 2. In some other paragraphs the detail sentences have their own hierarchy. Take Paragraph 5 for

30、 example. The first sentence tells how busy “I” am. The second sentence states that Sandy, the wife, is also busy. The final sentence is a kind of summary nobody can relax. Yet following the second sentence there are a few more detail sentences showing exactly how tight a schedule Sandy has. Take Pa

31、ragraphs 12-13 for another example. The topic sentence therein is “I suspect not everyone who loves the country would be happy living the way we do. It takes a couple of special qualities.” Then there are two sub-topic sentences: “One is a tolerance for solitude”; “The other requirement is energy a lot of it.” Each sub-topic sentence has its own supporting details. Sometimes there is no transitional devices between detail sentences, sometimes there are, the most frequently used one of which is time wor

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