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Offer Counter Offer and AcceptanceAX.docx

1、Offer Counter Offer and AcceptanceAXUnit 4Offer, Counter Offer & Acceptance 发盘,还盘与接受I. Business knowledge 商务知识发盘(offer),又称报价,在法律上称为“要约”,是指买方或卖方向对方提出的各项交易条件,并愿意按照这些条件成交的表示。在发盘人(offerer)发盘之后,在受盘人(offered)接受之前,发盘人能否撤回或更改发盘内容,各国法律对此有不同规定;为避免误解,于是把发盘分为实盘(Firm offer)和虚盘Non-Firm offer)两种:实盘是指对发盘人有约束力的发盘,受盘

2、人收到后,在合同有效期内不经受盘人的同意不得随意撤销或修改其中的贸易条件。而虚盘是指发盘人可以根据情况和需要随时修改或撤销的发盘。与实盘不同,虚盘不受法律的约束。 还盘(counter offer),又称还价,是指受盘人对发盘内容所做的变更的表示。还盘既是受盘人对发盘的拒绝,又是受盘人以发盘人的地位提出的新发盘,在交易磋商中,买卖双方在不断的还盘过程中逐步在贸易条件上协调一致,直到最后完成交易。接受(Acceptance)在法律上称为“承诺”,是指买方或卖方同意对方在发盘中提出的各项交易条件,并愿意按照这些条件达成交易、订立合同的表示。作为一项有效接受,必须具备以上四项条件:1 接受只能由受盘

3、人作出;2 接受必须是无条件的,完全同意发盘中提出的各项交易条件;3 接受的方式必须符合发盘的要求;4 接受必须在发盘规定的有效期内作出。II. Business conversation 商务会话1. Asking for a firm quotationC: Hello, Ms .F: I m Anne Lo.C: Nice to see you, Ms Lo. I m John Liu. Please have a seat!F Thanks, Mr. John.C: Is this your first time to the fair?F :Yes.C: Have you had a

4、 look round the exhibition halls?F: Yeah. I took a round the day before yesterday. The halls are so spacious that I lost my way several times. C: Really? You should follow the signs. F: I did, but you know, the exhibits are so spectacular. C: I see.F: And there s such a wide variety. C: Its very nic

5、e of you to say so. As a matter of fact, many of our products have not yet caught up with advanced world levels. F: I must say youve done a marvelous job in recent years. C: Thank you. F: Id like to find out about hardware. Here s my list. I hope you 11 give me your best offer. C: Ill try my hardest

6、, F: Thanks. If your prices are good and if I can get the commission I want, I can place the order with you right away. C: I m sure you 11 find our prices are very competitive. Hardware has gone up a lot in recent years, but our prices haven t changed much.F: Glad to hear that. When can I get a firm

7、 offer?C: I 11 have it worked out by this evening and let you have it tomorrow morning. Would you be free to come round then?F: Fine. I11 be here tomorrow morning at nine. Hows that?C: Perfect. See you tomorrow then.F: Bye!译文:要求报实盘C:你好,您是?F:我是卢安妮。C:卢女士,见到您真好。我是约翰刘。请坐。F:约翰先生,谢谢。C:您第一次来广交会吗?F:是的。C:您看过

8、展览厅了吗?F:我前天看了一遍。展厅太大了,以致我几次迷路。C:是吗?您应该跟着标志前行。F:我是跟着标志走的,但你知道,展厅太壮观了。C:我明白。F:并且展品五花八门。C:谢谢您的一番美言。事实上,我们的很多产品还未达到国际先进水平。 F:不过近年来你们已做了了不起的工作。C:谢谢您。F:我在找有关硬件。这是我的清单,希望您能给我最优惠的报盘。C:我会尽全力而为。F:谢谢。如果你方价格优惠,而且我能得到理想的佣金,我可以即刻订货。C:我相信您将发现我方价格是极具竞争力的。硬件价格近年大幅度上涨,但我方价格变化不大。F:这令我开心。何时我能得到您的实盘呢yC:今晚我会办好,明天早上您可以拿到。

9、到时您方便过来吗?F:很好。明早9点我来,怎么样?C:好极了。那明天见。F:再见。2. Talking about Price Policy A:Your prices have increased 20% over last year. Such a jump in price margin is very unusual in the international market.B: We have indeed marked up our prices by a rather large margin. The reason is that in the past, our prices

10、consistently tended to be too low comparing to the prices of the same kind of products in the international market.A: But at present, the prices of this kind of commodity are tending downward in the world market.B; How about this since we hold different points of view toward the trend of the interna

11、tional market price, we can both first agree on the principle for setting the price and decide the specific price later. 译文:关于价格政策A:你们的定价比去年上涨了20。这样的涨幅在国际市场上是很少见的。B:今年我们提价的幅度的确比较大。原因是我们过去的定价和国际市场同类产品价格比起来一直偏低。A:可是目前在世界市场上这种产品有跌价的趋势。B:我看这样吧。既然我们对市场的发展趋势有不同的看法,可以先商定作价原则具体价格等到以后再商定。3. Bargaining on Pri

12、ceA: We are not used to bargaining. But this kind of high prices is really unacceptable to us.B: Since you are our old customer, if your order is large in quantity, well consider giving you a preferential treatment by offering special prices. Would you be satisfied with this agreement?A: How about t

13、his both sides make some concessions, and we meet each other half way. What do you think?B: Well, if the difference is this big, Im afraid well not be able to make the deal.译文:讨价还价A:我们是不喜欢讨价还价的。但这么高的价格我们实在无法接受。B:你们是我们的老顾客,如果订货的数量大,可以考虑给你特价优待。这样行了吧?A:这样吧,双方都做一定的让步。各让一半怎么样?B:呀! 若差距这么大,恐怕难以成交。4. Demand

14、ing a Lower PriceA: Do you think that the price for our product is acceptable?B: Your product generally can meet our technological requirements. But can you lower the price a bit further?A: To tell you the truth, the price which I am offering you is already lower than the market price. See, here is

15、the quotation in todays newspaper. B: We also received offers from other suppliers. Their listed prices are indeed more reasonable than yours. A: But I think you cannot avoid considering the quality of products, dont you agree?译文:要求压价A:你们认为我们产品的价格可以接受吗?B:你们的产品在技术方面基本符合我们的要求。但在定价方面能不能再压一压?A:说实在的,我给你们

16、的价钱已经是低于市价了。请看看,这是今天报纸上的行情。B:我们也收到了别的供应商的报价。人家的报价就比你们便宜。A:相信你们不会不考虑到质量的差距吧?5.Acceptance B: Mr. Gao, would you give us an idea of the price you regard as workable?A: As I said before, your price is so high that we find it difficult to make a bid. We hope you will take the initiative and bridge the ga

17、p.B: Were ready to reduce the price by 5 percent. I hope this concession of ours will set the ball rolling.A: So do we. Im afraid though, Mr. Hoffmann, that the ball can hardly roll very far. Certainly its a step forward on your side. But the gap is still too wide.B: The ball is with you, Mr. Gao. W

18、hat price would you suggest?A: To make your offer workable, I think you should take another step down as big as the one youve just taken.B: That wont do .You see, our profit margin is very narrow. It simply cant stand such a big cut.A: I hate to disappoint you, Mr. Hoffmann, but if thats the case, w

19、e have no alternative but to cover our requirements elsewhere. Do think it over, please. We sincerely hope our discussion will come to a success.B: Well, considering the friendship and long term cooperation between us, I agree to a further reduction of 3 percent. A: Good. We certainly appreciate you

20、r making these concessions for us.B: May I repeat 15 Tunnel Drillers, specifications as shown in the technical data, at 57,000 Swiss Francs each, FOB European Main Ports. Business is closed at this price.A: Yes, thats right. Shall we go over the other terms and conditions of the transaction to see i

21、f we agree on all the particulars?B: All right.译文:成交B:高先生,什么价格水平你大概认为可以做得开? A:我已经讲过,你方出价太高使我们难以还价,希望你方采取主动,弥合差距。B:我们准备削价5,希望我方这步能打开局面。A:我们也这样希望。不过哈夫曼先生,恐怕这个局面打开得还不充分。当然,你们前进了一步,但是差距还是太大。B:高先生,看你的了。你提出一个价格吧?A:为使你方报盘可以成为谈判基础,我认为你应象刚才样再跨出一步。 B:这不行。你知道,我方利润额很少,实在经不起这样大幅度的削价了。A:哈夫曼先生,我不想使你感到失望,但是如果你方坚持这一

22、意见的话,我没有别的办法,只好从别处购买了。请仔细考虑一下,我们衷心希望这次谈判能圆满成功。B: 好吧,考虑到我们的友谊和长期的合作关系,我方同意再削价3%.A:好,我们十分感谢你方作了这些让步。B:我再重复一下报盘,15台隧道钻机,规格详见技术资料,每台5万7千瑞土法郎,欧洲主要港口离岸价。交易就按此价敲定。 A:行啦。我们逐项检查一下这项交易的其他条款,好吗?看看有没有意见不一致的地方?B:好。 III. Business letters商务信函1. Request for Quotation for CrockeryDear Sirs,You have previously suppli

23、ed us with crockery and we should be obliged if you would now quote CIF San Francisco for The items named below. The pattern we require is listed in your 2004 catalogue as No. 8.500 Teacups and Saucers, 200 Tea Plates, 100 2-pint Tea-potsWhen replying, please state (1) discounts allowable, (2) terms

24、 of payment, and (3) earliest possible date of delivery.Sincerely,译文:要求陶器报价先生: 你们曾向我们供应过陶器,如果你们现在报下列商品CIF旧金山价,我们将很感谢。我们要求的式样在你们2004年商品目录中列为第8号: 茶杯,茶托: 500只 茶碟: 200只 两品托茶壶: 100只 回信时请说明: (1)折扣,(2)付款条件,(3)最早交货期。您诚挚的2. A Firm Offer from the SellerDear Sirs,As requested in your letter of April 18th,we of

25、fer you firm as follows, subject to(以.为准) your reply reaching us by the end of this month:1000 dozen cotton shirts at US $ 60 per dozen CIF New York. The shipment(装运) is to be made during June. We require payment by confirmed irrevocable letter of credit(保兑的不可撤销的信用证) payable by draft at sight(即期汇票).

26、This is the best offer(最优惠的报价) we can make at present and we trust that you will accept this offer without loss of time as the demand for our cotton shirts is heavy.For your reference, we are sending you some samples separately.Yours very truly,译文;卖方报实盘先生: 根据你们4月18日来函要求,我们报实盘如下,以你们在本月底复到有效: 棉衬衫1000打

27、,每打CIF60美元纽约价。6月装运。我们要求以保兑的不可撤销即期信用证支付。 这是我们目前能报的最低价,由于对我们棉衬衫的需求急切,我们相信你们会立即接受这项报盘。 我们将另邮一些样品供你们参考。您真诚的3. A Special Offer Dear Sirs,In order to start a concrete transaction(实质的交易) between us, we take pleasure in making you a special offer, subject to our final confirmation, as follows:Art. No. 81000

28、 Printed ShirtingDesign No. 724352ASpecifications: 30 X 36 X 72 X 69 35/36 X 42ydsQuantity: 12,600 yardsPacking: in bales or in wooden cases, at sellers optionPrice: US $ _per yard CIFC 5 % VancouverShipment: to be made in three equal monthly installments; beginning from June 2002Payment: by confirm

29、ed, irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight to be opened 30 days before the time of shipment. We trust the above will be acceptable to you and await your trial order with keen interest.Yours faithfully译文:特别报盘敬启者: 为使贵我双方的交易进入实质阶段,今向你方特别报盘如下,以我方最后确认为准。 货号:81000印花布图案设计号:724352A规格:30X36X72X69 3536X42码

30、数量:12,600码包装:大包或木箱,由卖方任选价格:每码US$_CIFC5温哥华 装运:从2002年6月开始,分三期按月平均装运 支付:保兑、不可撤销、凭即期汇票支付的信用证;该信用证需在装船前30天开出我方相信,贵方可接受上述报盘。殷切期待贵方试订。您真诚的4. Counter-offerDear Sirs,We are glad to have received your letter of September 18 offering us Changhong Brand color TV sets inch 34 at CIF Copenhagen US $450 per set.In

31、 reply, we regret to inform you that your price is too high. Market information tells us that some Japanese color TV sets have been sold here at a level about 30% lower than yours.We do not deny the quality of Changhong Brand color TV sets, but the difference in price is a wide gap. To step up the trade, we counter-offer you 10 thousand Changhong Brand color TV sets inch 34 at CIF Copenhagen US $300 per set.It is hoped that you would seriously take it into consideration and let us have your reply very soon.Yours faithfully, ( signature )译文:还盘敬启者:

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