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1、高考英语真题长难句荟萃上高考真题长难句荟萃1长难句1:To be narrower than a piece of A4 you need to have roughly a 25-inch waist or less, which is much thinner than the 35-inch average American waist, practically impossible for most human beings.译文:为了让你的腰比一张A4纸还要窄,你需要大约25英寸的腰围,甚至更小。这比一般美国人35英寸的腰围小多了,对大多数人几乎是不可能的。分析:这个句子虽然很长,但

2、结构还是很清晰的。To be narrower .在句首作目的状语,主句为you need to . less,which引导一个非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词a 25-inch waist or less。点拨:roughly:大致地;aboutpractically:几乎;差不多长难句2:Reviewers have severely criticized the strange trend for pressuring women to try to reach an unachievable goal.译文:评论家们严厉批评了这种奇怪的趋势,在这种趋势下,女性会迫于压力,努力去达到一个根

3、本不可能实现的目标。分析:本句的结构比较简单,主干为sb criticize sb / sth for .点拨:pressure:熟词生义迫使(同义替换force,帮助理解pressure)长难句3:The fact that members of one culture do not express their emotions as openly as do members of another does not mean that they do not experience emotions.译文:一种文化背景下的人不像另一种文化背景下的人一样直率地表达他们的情感,并不意味着他们没有这

4、些情感。分析:首先确定谓语动词,然后谓语动词前为主语,后为宾语,最后判断主语中的修饰成分,宾语中的修饰成分等。本句的主干为The fact does not mean that .,其中,that they do not experience emotions是从句作mean的宾语。that members of one culture do not express their emotions as openly as do members of another为fact的同位语从句,其中as do members of another是状语从句,助动词do位于主语members of an

5、other前形成倒装,用于强调和平衡句子结构,主语后省略了express their emotions。长难句4:The key is to try not to judge people whose ways of showing emotion are different.译文:关键是不要随意评判那些以不同方式表达情感的人。分析:whose关系代词,引导定语从句whose ways of showing emotion are different,修饰先行词people。长难句5:A generation which would once only wear old-fashioned c

6、lothes is now favouring the samehigh street looks worn by those half their age.译文:一度只穿过时衣服的那一代人,如今热衷于他们小辈才会穿的街头流行服饰。分析:本句主干为a generation. is .,which would once only wear old-fashioned clothes为定语从句,修饰先行词a generation。worn by those half their age过去分词作后置定语,表示被动,修饰looks。点拨:old-fashioned:过时的,不时髦的favour:较喜

7、欢;preferhigh street:大街(城镇的主要街道)(= main street)street looks:街头时尚装扮长难句6:It is your personality that decides who you truly are.译文:性格决定真我。点拨:主要让学生体会此处为什么用强调句,从而感悟强调句的作用以及使用场合。长难句7:When all potential for ugliness is removed, so is all of the potential for beauty.译文:美丑相依。(当所有潜在的“丑”被去掉之后,所有潜在的“美”也会随之消失)分析:

8、so引起主谓倒装,表示“也是一样的”。高考真题长难句荟萃2长难句1:The correct explanation of human behavior will probably take ideas from both theories.译文:如何正确解释人类的行为,很可能会从这两种理论中得到启发。点拨:注意核心词take, “从中取出;取材于”长难句2:It is your personality that determines whether people are attracted to, or shy away from you.译文:是你的性格决定人们是否会被你吸引还是会躲开你。点

9、拨:shy away from:回避,躲避(体会语言)长难句3:Not only can we improve the personality, but also develop it in ways we previously did not understand, or believe possible.译文:我们不仅可以培养自己的性格,还可能变成自己以前不理解或者认为不可能的样子。长难句4: We are now at the point where we realize that we have influence and control over which characterist

10、ics we want to develop or improve.译文:我们现在处于这样的阶段:我们意识到,我们能够影响和控制自己变成什么样的性格。分析:where引导的是定语从句,修饰先行词point;where从句中的谓语动词realize后跟有that引导的宾语从句; 这个宾语从句中有which引导的宾语从句,在此作介词over的宾语。点拨:point:(发展的) 阶段,程度长难句5:We can develop or integrate into our personalities any characteristic we think fitting and agreeable.译

11、文:我们可以培养任何我们认为合适的、讨人喜欢的品质或者把它们融入到我们的性格中。分析:any characteristic we think fitting and agreeable为宾语后置,因为宾语较长。长难句6:Its undeniable that behavior comes from our inner dispositions, but in many particular cases we also draw inferences about who we are, as suggested by the social psychologist Daryl Bem, by o

12、bserving our own behavior.译文:毋庸置疑的是,我们的行为取决于我们的内在性情,但是正如社会心理学家Daryl Bem所说的,在很多特定情况下,我们也要通过观察自己的行为来推断出我们是怎样的人。分析:以分析句子成分和结构为主。but连接两个并列分句。前一个并列分句中it为形式主语,that behavior comes from our inner dispositions为真正的主语;后一个并列分句中as suggested by the social psychologist Daryl Bem是非限制性定语从句的省略;who we are是介词about的宾语。o

13、bserving our own behavior:认知词块注意/ 留意/ 透过自己的行为(同look to ones behavior)长难句7:Our behavior is often shaped by little pressures around us, which we fail to recognize.译文:我们行为习惯的养成通常受周围小压力的影响,而我们并没有认识到这一点。分析:which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰前面整句话。点拨:be shaped by:受影响(shape 由基本义“使成形”到衍生义“影响,决定”)which:引导非限制性定语从句fail to do s

14、th:不能/ 未能做某事recognize:意识到;realize长难句8:We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be. 译文:我们假装自己是什么样的,我们就是什么样的,因此要假装成什么样,我们必须小心谨慎。长难句9:They rose in the ranks not by being friendly but by smoking cigarettes, breaking rules and playing jokes on others, among whom I soon

15、 found myself.译文:他们地位的提高不是靠与人为善,而是靠抽烟、破坏规矩和开别人的玩笑,我很快就发现自己也成为他们中的一员。点拨:the ranks: (团体或组织的) 成员break rules:破坏规定长难句10:The likables plays-well-with-others qualities strengthen school yard friendships, jump-start interpersonal skills and, when tapped early, are employed ever after in life and work.译文:讨人喜

16、欢的人能与他人相处很好,因而能增强校园友谊,激发人际交往的能力。这些品质如能及早发现,会在未来的工作和生活中发挥作用。分析: 句子的主语是The qualities,谓语动词是strengthen,jump-start和are employed;when tapped early是时间状语从句,省略了主语和be动词。点拨:the likable:讨人喜欢的人status seekers:追求地位的人jump-start:启动;促进interpersonal skills:人际交往技巧tap:开发;发掘(已有的资源、知识等)employ:应用,运用;use长难句11:Enviable as th

17、e cool kids may have seemed, Dr. Prinsteins studies show unpleasant consequences.译文:尽管酷酷的孩子们可能看起来令人羡慕,但普林斯坦博士的研究却得出了不好的结果。分析:本句含有一个as引导的让步状语从句。as意为“尽管”时,引导的从句要用倒装语序,其结构为:形容词/ 名词/ 副词/ 动词原形+ as + 主语。点拨:enviable:令人羡慕的长难句12:It clearly showed that while likability can lead to healthy adjustment, high sta

18、tus has just the opposite effect on us.译文:这清楚地表明,尽管讨人喜欢会带来良好的适应力,但地位高对我们的影响恰恰相反。分析:that引导宾语从句,在该从句中包含一个while引导的让步状语从句。点拨:have the opposite effect on:对有相反的作用长难句12:It wasnt until her friend was badly hurt that Kerry became aware of her habit of finding fault.译文:直到她的朋友严重受伤,Kerry才意识到她挑错的毛病。分析:这是一个强调句,其句

19、型为It is / was not until that 点拨:habit:毛病(可以是习惯,也可以是毛病,根据语境确定)高考真题长难句荟萃2长难句1:The correct explanation of human behavior will probably take ideas from both theories.译文:如何正确解释人类的行为,很可能会从这两种理论中得到启发。点拨:注意核心词take, “从中取出;取材于”长难句2:It is your personality that determines whether people are attracted to, or shy

20、 away from you.译文:是你的性格决定人们是否会被你吸引还是会躲开你。点拨:shy away from:回避,躲避(体会语言)长难句3:Not only can we improve the personality, but also develop it in ways we previously did not understand, or believe possible.译文:我们不仅可以培养自己的性格,还可能变成自己以前不理解或者认为不可能的样子。长难句4: We are now at the point where we realize that we have inf

21、luence and control over which characteristics we want to develop or improve.译文:我们现在处于这样的阶段:我们意识到,我们能够影响和控制自己变成什么样的性格。分析:where引导的是定语从句,修饰先行词point;where从句中的谓语动词realize后跟有that引导的宾语从句; 这个宾语从句中有which引导的宾语从句,在此作介词over的宾语。点拨:point:(发展的) 阶段,程度长难句5:We can develop or integrate into our personalities any chara

22、cteristic we think fitting and agreeable.译文:我们可以培养任何我们认为合适的、讨人喜欢的品质或者把它们融入到我们的性格中。分析:any characteristic we think fitting and agreeable为宾语后置,因为宾语较长。长难句6:Its undeniable that behavior comes from our inner dispositions, but in many particular cases we also draw inferences about who we are, as suggested

23、by the social psychologist Daryl Bem, by observing our own behavior.译文:毋庸置疑的是,我们的行为取决于我们的内在性情,但是正如社会心理学家Daryl Bem所说的,在很多特定情况下,我们也要通过观察自己的行为来推断出我们是怎样的人。分析:以分析句子成分和结构为主。but连接两个并列分句。前一个并列分句中it为形式主语,that behavior comes from our inner dispositions为真正的主语;后一个并列分句中as suggested by the social psychologist Dar

24、yl Bem是非限制性定语从句的省略;who we are是介词about的宾语。observing our own behavior:认知词块注意/ 留意/ 透过自己的行为(同look to ones behavior)长难句7:Our behavior is often shaped by little pressures around us, which we fail to recognize.译文:我们行为习惯的养成通常受周围小压力的影响,而我们并没有认识到这一点。分析:which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰前面整句话。点拨:be shaped by:受影响(shape 由基本义“使成

25、形”到衍生义“影响,决定”)which:引导非限制性定语从句fail to do sth:不能/ 未能做某事recognize:意识到;realize长难句8:We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be. 译文:我们假装自己是什么样的,我们就是什么样的,因此要假装成什么样,我们必须小心谨慎。长难句9:They rose in the ranks not by being friendly but by smoking cigarettes, breaking rules and

26、playing jokes on others, among whom I soon found myself.译文:他们地位的提高不是靠与人为善,而是靠抽烟、破坏规矩和开别人的玩笑,我很快就发现自己也成为他们中的一员。点拨:the ranks: (团体或组织的) 成员break rules:破坏规定长难句10:The likables plays-well-with-others qualities strengthen school yard friendships, jump-start interpersonal skills and, when tapped early, are e

27、mployed ever after in life and work.译文:讨人喜欢的人能与他人相处很好,因而能增强校园友谊,激发人际交往的能力。这些品质如能及早发现,会在未来的工作和生活中发挥作用。分析: 句子的主语是The qualities,谓语动词是strengthen,jump-start和are employed;when tapped early是时间状语从句,省略了主语和be动词。点拨:the likable:讨人喜欢的人status seekers:追求地位的人jump-start:启动;促进interpersonal skills:人际交往技巧tap:开发;发掘(已有的资

28、源、知识等)employ:应用,运用;use长难句11:Enviable as the cool kids may have seemed, Dr. Prinsteins studies show unpleasant consequences.译文:尽管酷酷的孩子们可能看起来令人羡慕,但普林斯坦博士的研究却得出了不好的结果。分析:本句含有一个as引导的让步状语从句。as意为“尽管”时,引导的从句要用倒装语序,其结构为:形容词/ 名词/ 副词/ 动词原形+ as + 主语。点拨:enviable:令人羡慕的长难句12:It clearly showed that while likabilit

29、y can lead to healthy adjustment, high status has just the opposite effect on us.译文:这清楚地表明,尽管讨人喜欢会带来良好的适应力,但地位高对我们的影响恰恰相反。分析:that引导宾语从句,在该从句中包含一个while引导的让步状语从句。点拨:have the opposite effect on:对有相反的作用长难句12:It wasnt until her friend was badly hurt that Kerry became aware of her habit of finding fault.译

30、文:直到她的朋友严重受伤,Kerry才意识到她挑错的毛病。分析:这是一个强调句,其句型为It is / was not until that 点拨:habit:毛病(可以是习惯,也可以是毛病,根据语境确定)高考真题长难句荟萃3长难句1:Growing plants indoors has always been taken up as a popular hobby.译文:室内种植植物一直是人们喜爱从事的业余爱好。分析:动名词短语作主语。点拨:take up对产生兴趣,(为了消遣)从事长难句2:Their low-water, low-maintenance requirements prov

31、ide many benefits for in door gardeners and make them especially appeal to people on the go.译文:它们(多肉植物)不喜水,易于养护的特性给室内园丁带来了很多便利,这使得它们尤其受到繁忙人士的喜爱。点拨:provide many benefits for:为提供许多益处appeal to:吸引;attract/intereston the go:忙碌的长难句3:If anyone had told me three years ago that I would be spending most of my weekends camping, I would have laughed heartily.译文:三年前如果有人告诉我以后我大部分的周末都会在露营,我会放声大笑。分析:该句是一个虚拟条件句。if引导的虚拟条件句,表示与过去事实相反的假设。(虚拟语气影响句意理解)点拨:laugh heartily:开怀大笑长难句4:This brief visit with Mother

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