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1、懂你英语level4unitChristina was on the 2 weeks vacation. This is the first vacation shes had for a long time. the last vacation she took was more than 2 years ago. Now she is visiting her friend in San Francisco. Her friend and her husband are living in the center of the city. He works at a start-up com

2、pany at Silicon Valley. While he was working, she worked part time at the department store.克里斯丁正在享受 2周的假期。这是她这么 长时间以来 的第一个假期。她上一个假期还是两年 以前。 现在她正在旧金山拜访她的朋友。 她的朋友和朋友老公住在市中心。 她朋友老公在硅谷的 创业公司工作。在他工作的时候,她在百货超市做兼职。Christiana hasnt seen her friend for long time. The last time they saw each other was 3 years

3、 ago. At that time, they were both working at a department store. Then Christina quit her job and started her own business. She designs womens clothing. She has 2 employers now and her company is slowly growing.克里斯丁已经好久没有看过她朋友了。上次她们想见还是在 3年前。在那时,她们还一同在百 货商店工作。之后,克里斯丁离职去创业。 她去设计女性的服装。 她现在有两名员工并且公司还 在

4、缓慢增长。Christina has come to San Francisco by herself. Her husband didnt come because he has to work. He tried the company 2 years old but it didnt work out. His company failed only after only few months. So he works in an another company and save money. Once he s saved enough money he plans to start

5、another company. He doesnt want to give up.克里斯丁独自一人来旧金山了。她丈夫因为工作不能来,他尝试在 2年前设立一家公司,但效 果不好, 公司在设立个把月后破产了。 所有他只好在其他公司工作攒钱。 一旦他存够了足够的钱, 他计划开始创立另一家公司。他不想就此放弃。This is the second time Christina has been to San Francisco. The first time was when she was a high school student. That was 10 years ago. During

6、that trip, she was only in San Francisco for few days. After that, she went to Los Angles and New York. This time, she and her friend plan to relax and have fun.这是克里斯丁第二次到达旧金山。 第一次还是她在高中的时候, 那还是 10年前。 在那次旅途中, 她只待在旧金山几天。之后,她去了洛杉矶和纽约。这次,她和她朋友计划好好的放松和娱乐。Christina arrived 2 days ago, the day before yest

7、erday. Her friend met her at the airport and drove her to her apartment. Her apartment is just north of the airport about 20 minutes from San Francisco. Its a small apartment but its on a hill and it has a great view .克里斯丁在 2天前就到了,即在昨天的前一天。她的朋友在机场接她并载她去她的公寓。她的 公寓在机场的北边,距离旧金山大约 20分钟的路程。公寓虽然很小,但其在山上,且

8、有很好的 视野。Yesterday they went downtown and rode the cable cars. Christina was surprised by how steep the hills are. Then they walked along the ocean and ate lunch at the seafood restaurant. From the restaurant they could see the Golden Gate bridge.昨天他们去了乡下, 乘坐了有轨电车。 克里斯丁对这些山有多陡峭感到惊讶。 然后她们去了海边 散步,并在海鲜餐

9、馆吃了午饭。在餐馆里,她们可以看到金门大桥。Tomorrow theyre planning to drive to Yosemite National park. By car was only 4 hours away. Christina has never been there before so she was excited. She has heard the park was very beautiful. Her friend has been to Yosemite several times. She says its one of the most beautiful

10、places in the world. Christina just hopes that her friend is a good driver.明天,他们计划乘车去约塞米蒂国家公园。只有 4个小时车程。克里斯丁还从未去过那,所以 她非常兴奋。 她听说公园非常美丽。 她的朋友已经去过多次。 她说那是世界上最美丽的地方之一。 克里斯丁希望她朋友是个好司机。L4 Unit 1-1 vocabulary 伤病和地貌地形Headache can be very painful and can last for a long time. If you had, your head hurts. 头痛

11、非常痛苦并且持续很长时间。如果你有的话,你的头会非常疼。A sprained ankle can be so painful that you cant walk. Someone with a sprained ankle may need to the crutches to walk.踝关节扭伤非常疼痛以至于你无法走路。踝关节扭伤的人可能需要拄拐走路。Crutchesn. 拐杖 ; 支持物 ; 精神上的寄托 ; 胯部vt. 支撑 ; 支持sprainvt. 扭伤(关节)n. 扭伤ankle n.踝,踝关节 ; 脚脖子if you had a sore throat, it may be

12、painful to swallow . A sore throat can be caused by viruses or bacteria.如果你曾嗓子痛,吞咽会非常痛苦。嗓子痛会因病毒或细菌引起。Aburn is an injury to the skin, caused by fire or heat. If you get too close to a fire, you will be burned.烧伤是皮肤受伤 , 因火或热引起。如果你过于挨着火,你会被烧伤。An earache is a sharp, dull or burning pain in the ear. Comm

13、on causes of an earache include an infection, a changing air pressure or water in the ear.耳朵痛是一种在耳朵里剧烈的,钝的灼痛。常见引起耳朵痛的原因包括感染、空气压力的改 变和水。Mountains are landforms higherthan 2000 feet or about 600 meters above sea level. Hills are like mountain, but not as tall. Mountains are formed by the forces deep w

14、ithin the earth and are made of many types of rocks山是超过海平面 2000英尺(6000米)海拔的地形。山丘很像山,但是没有山高。山被地球 内 部力量形成,是由许多岩石组成。Rivers are stream of water that usually begin at mountains and flow into the sea. Many early cities were built alongside rivers.河流是小溪的水,从山上流下,流到大海。很多城市都沿着河流建起。Most of the worlds water is

15、in the ocean, which are the largebodies of salt water. The oceans are also an important source of oxygen.世界上绝大部分的水都在海洋中,其他大部分是盐水。海水是氧气的重要原料。Deserts are areas of land that receive little or no rainfall. The amount of rainfall in some deserts is so low that only a few plants can survive.沙漠是一块几乎没有雨水的地方

16、。某些沙漠的降雨量太低,以至于没有植物能够生存。A valley is low, relatively flat area between hills and mountains, often with the river running through it. Some valleys are formed by flowing river and others are formed by glaciers . 峡谷是在山丘和山脉之间的一个低的、 相对平坦的地区, 通常有河流在峡谷中流淌。 一些山谷由 河流组成,其他的由冰川组成。L4 Unit 1-1 dialogue 谈论吃饭和预约Hav

17、e you eaten yet?Not I havent and Im hungry.Me too. Lets go out for dinner.Where to?What about joes Italian.How many times have you eaten there?I eat there a lot. Its one of my favorite places.I went there two weeks ago and the service was terrible.Really, then lets go some places else.What do you su

18、ggest?How about the royal Indian? Its not far from here.Ive never heard of it. Is it good?Yes, I have been there several times and Ive never been disappointed. Ok, lets try it. Ive never eaten Indian food for a long time.You wont be disappointed and the prices are reasonable.Ah, so you mean Im going

19、 to pay.Well, that will certainly be nice.What about reservations.If you get there early enough, we wont need them.I hope youre right.Do nt worry, if I have to wait, I ll pay the bill.你吃过了吗?没呢,我饿死了。我也没有,我们一起吃晚饭吧。去哪?乔 意大利如何?你去那吃过多少次 ?我吃过很多次,那是我最喜欢的地方之一。我两周前去过,他们的服务很糟糕。真的吗?那我们去别的地方吃吧。你推荐去哪?“忠诚印度人”怎么样,

20、 离这里很近 。我从未听说过,他们好吗?是的,我去过那很多次,我从未失望过。好吧,我们一起去尝尝,我好久每次印度菜了。你不会失望的,他们的价格也很公道。啊,所以你的意思是我买单咯。恩,那最好不过。需要预约吗?如果我们到那足够早,我们不需要这些。我希望你是对的。别担心,如果确实需要等,我来 买单 。L4 Unit 1-2 Listening 旅游 2Today, Christina and her friend are enjoying themselves. This morning they got up very early and drove out of San Francisco.

21、They crossed the Bay Bridge before the early morning commute and drove south. Because it was so early, there were not cars. After driving an hour and a half, they stopped and had breakfast. They ordered pancakes and coffee. They also had some fresh fruits. When they finished eating, there was 7:00.

22、Then they got back into the car and drove south. Christina wanted to listening to music, so she turned on the radio. An hour later, they stopped for gas. They noticed that there was a charging station for electric car.今天,克里斯丁和她的朋友非常享受。 今天早上她们起得很早,驾车去了三番。她们在早上通勤 时间之前穿过海湾大桥并往南走。因为非常早,路上没有什么车。 开了一个半小时后

23、, 她们停下 来吃了早餐。她们点了烙饼和咖啡。她们还吃了新鲜的水果。克里斯丁想要听音乐, 所以她打开 了收音机。一个小时后,她们停下来加油。她们发现那里还要供电动车用的充电桩。Its now 1:15 and they are in Yosemite Park. Theyve been there for 2 hours since 11:15. They are looking at the Yosemite falls, which is the highest waterfall in the park. The water drops a total of 740 meters fro

24、m the top of upper fall to the base of the lower fall.In another 15 minutes, they planned to eat dinner at the magnificent old hotel in the park. It was built in 1927 and has a great view. They wanted to stay there but they couldnt get reservations. To get a room at that hotel, you usually need to m

25、ake reservation several months in advance.现在是 1点 15分,她们正在 Yosemite 公园。她们在 11点 15就到了,已经到了 2小时。她们 正在看 Yosemite 瀑布,这是公园里最高的瀑布。水从上瀑布顶部降到 740米落到下瀑布底部。在另外的 15分钟中,她们计划去一个公园里华丽的旧宾馆吃晚饭。宾馆在 1927年修建且有非 常好看的风景。她们想要住在那,但是她们没有预约。要想得到一个酒店的房间,你通常需要提 前数月作预约。They planned to stay in the park until around 4:00. By then

26、, they will have been in the park for nearly 5 hours. Then they will get back into the car and drove back to the San Francisco. They planned to eat dinner somewhere along the way. If the traffic isnt too bad, they should be back in San Francisco by 10:00.她们继续待在公园直到 4点,那时,她们会在公园待将近 5个小时。然后她们会返回汽车开回 三

27、番。她们计划在路上的某处吃晚饭。如果交通不是特别差的话,她们应该能够在 10点钱到达 三番。Early tomorrow morning, theyre going to cross the Golden Gate bridge and go north along the coast. From some places, you can look out on the ocean and see whales and other sea lives. Christina has never seen a whale before, so she is looking forward to i

28、t. And tomorrow night, they have something special plan. They are going to watch a baseball game. Christina has never seen a baseball game, but she has heard that it is very popular in the US. And the San Francisco baseball team is one of the best.第二天早上, 她们准备穿过金门大桥往北沿着海岸走。 在某些地方, 你可以远眺海洋并看到鲸鱼 和其他海洋生

29、物。克里斯丁之前还从未看过鲸鱼, 所以她非常想去看。 明天晚上,她们有一个特 别的计划。 她们回去看一场棒球比赛。 克里斯丁还从未看过一场棒球比赛, 不过她听说棒球比赛 在美国非常流行,而三番的棒球队是其中最好的之一。L4 Unit 1-2 vocabulary 力学、几何The force is the push or a pull on the object. A force changes the motion of a moving object.Aforce can be strong or weak and it always has a direction.力是物体的推力或拉力。

30、力改变移动物体的状态。一种力可以很强或很弱,它一般都有方向。 The earth is a planet that goes around the sun in the circular orbit. The speed of its motion doesnt change and the direction of its motion does. The earth has a layer of gas above its surface, which helps to support life.地球是一个行星,在圆形轨道上绕着太阳转。它的速度不会改变, 但是方向会改变。地球在它的 表面有

31、一个大气层,帮助支撑生命。Atoms are the building blocks of matter. At the center of an atom is its nucleus, which has a positive electric charge. Outside the nucleus are electrons, which have a negative charge.原子是物质的基石。在原子的中心是它的原子核,拥有正电荷。 在电子和的外面是电子,有负电 荷。Asteroids and comets are object that orbits our sun, but

32、are smaller than planets. Asteroid that pass close to the earth are called the near-earth objects. The layer of gases, just above the earth surface, is our atmosphere. The layer of atmosphere is made up of gases, such as oxygen and hydrogen . Without an atmosphere , there would be not life on the earth.陨石和彗星是绕太阳转的天体, 但是比行星小。陨石在地球近处的称作近地物体。大气层, 在地 球表面上方,是我们的大气层。大气层由气体如氧气和氢气组成。 没有大气层, 地球上将没有生 命。Asteroidn.天 小行星 ; 海盘车 ; 海星adj. 星状的orbitn. 轨道 ; 眼眶

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