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1、版专升本大学英语考试大纲湖南人文科技学院“专升本”大学英语考试大纲课程类别:公共必修课适用对象:全校非英语专业学生一、考试大纲说明(一)课程性质、目的与任务大学英语是一门为非英语专业学生开设的公共必修课程,本课程以全面培养听、说、读、写、译的能力为目的。学生通过本课程的学习,掌握必需的实用的英语语言知识和技能,具有一定的阅读和翻译英文资料及英语写作能力,为进一步提高英语的理解能力和应用能力打下基础。 (二)考试目标和要求1.了解与教材相关的文化背景知识;2.理解教材中的各个语言知识点;3.掌握英语的基本语言技能;4.运用英语基本知识分析和解决学习中所遇到的具体问题。(三)命题依据及命题原则1.

2、命题依据:本课程的考试是依据大学英语教学要求(教育部),大学英语教学大纲B1、大学英语听力训练一(湖南人文科技学院外国语学院制订),以及以下教学参考书目。 教学参考书目:1. 尉立萍 张伟明主编,新编大学基础英语综合教程(1)教师用书,北京:高等教育出版社,2010年3月。2. Susan Stempleski美,杨惠中 等主编,视听说教程(1).教师用书,上海:上海外语教育出版社,2014年5月。3. 高等学校英语应用能力考试全真模拟试题集、真题集(最新)4. 网络资源: 在线英语听力室网站 大耳朵英语网站2. 命题原则:(1)本课程的考试命题在教学大纲规定的教学目的、教学要求和教学内容的范

3、围之内;考学过的以及课外要求的内容。(2)考试命题突出大学英语课程的主要内容和基本知识。 (四)考试形式及试卷结构: 1.试卷总分:100分。2.考试时限:120分钟。3.试题类型:主观题和客观题兼有。4.考试方法:笔试。5.考试方式:闭卷。6.试卷题型比例:本课程考试的试题类型有:听力理解、词汇与结构、阅读理解、翻译和写作。各类题型的分数比例为:听力理解15%,词汇与结构15%,阅读理解30%,翻译20%,写作20%。二、考试内容和具体要求()听力理解1、考核要求(1) 听懂语速为每分钟5070词的会话;(2) 英语记叙文、说明文信息的分析、归纳及辨别。2、考核知识点(1)人物身份、关系、职

4、业的表达和提问方式;(2)地点、场所、背景的表达和提问方式;(3) 生活、活动、交际的表达和提问方式;(4) 时间、价格、数量的表达和提问方式; (5) 英语记叙文、说明文信息的综合、分析、归纳及辨别。(二)词汇与结构1考核要求测试考生运用基本词汇和语法知识的能力。2考核知识点(1) 动词的时态;(2) 被动语态;(3) 虚拟语气;(4) 动词不定式;(5) 动名词;(6) 现在分词和过去分词;(7) 基本句型和句子成分;(8) There be 结构;(9) 主谓一致关系;(10) 名词从句;(11) 定语从句;(12) 状语从句;(13) 同位关系;(14) 并列;(15) 倒装;(16)

5、 强调;(17) 否定;(18) 省略;(19) It 的用法;(20) 插入语;(21)词形的转换。 (三) 阅读理解1考核要求测试考生综合运用语言的能力。2考核知识点(1) 如何阅读课文;(2) 理解文章中的具体信息;(3) 根据上下文推断词义;(4) 理解文章的主旨要点;(5) 识别主题句。 (四)翻译1考核要点测试考生英汉互译的能力。2考核要求(1) 词义的选择与引申;(2) 词类转换法;(3) 扩充法;(4) 缩略法;(5) 重复法;(6) 词序转换法。(五) 写作1考核要点测试考生用书面英语表达思想的能力。2考核要求(1) 思想表达;(2) 语言表达;(3)写作规范。三、考试样卷P

6、art I Listening Comprehension (本大题共15分,每小题1分)Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections.Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded ques

7、tion. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A) , B) , C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the

8、center.Example: You will hear: You will read: A) New York City.B) An evening party.C) An air trip.D) The mans job.From the dialogue we learn that the man is to take a flight to New York. Therefore, C) An air trip is the correct answer. You should write down C) on the Answer Sheet.Now the test will b

9、egin.1. A. The man can have a room with a shower.B. The man cant have a room at present.C. The man should come tomorrow.D. The man booked a double room.2. A. At the post office. B. At the bankC. In the street. D. In the office.3. A. Go camping. B. Go sightseeing. C. Go shopping. D. Go skating.4. A.

10、Frozen foods. B. Sports goods.C. Office equipment. D. Household appliances.5. A. Complaining about the mobile phone. B. Asking about the price of the mobile phone.C. Comparing the models of the mobile phone.D. Inquiring about the functions of the mobile phone.Section BDirections: This section is to

11、test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choic

12、es marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Conversation 16. A. A job related to computers. B. A job related to designin9.C. A job related to marketing. D. A job related to advertising.7

13、. A. Ask for an interview. B. Look for a well-paid job.C. Write an application letter. D. Try some advertising companies.Conversation 28. A. She has forgotten the mans address.B. She cannot meet the man this afternoon.C. She has suddenly fallen ill with a bad cold.D. She cannot attend the training c

14、ourse this week.9. A. Visit an important client. B. Go to a department store.C. Attend a sales meeting. D. Move to a new office.10. A. At 1 p.m.tomorrow. B. At 2 At 3 p.m.tomorrow. D. At 4 CDirections: This section is to test your ability to comprehend short passages.

15、You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five questions. Both the passage and the questions will be read two times. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase (in no more than 3 words).The questions and incomplete answers are printe

16、d in your test paper. You should write your answers on the Answer Sheet correspondingly. Now listen to the passage.11. What does the speaker think of his working conditions?He thinks that the working conditions are _ .12. How many hours does the speaker work every week? _ .13. How does the speaker s

17、pend his holiday in winter?He usually takes one week to _ .14. What system did the company introduce last year?It introduced a flexible _ system.15. When can the speaker start his work in the morning?Any time between _ .Part II Vocabulary and Structure (本大题共15分,每小题1分)Directions:There are 20 incomple

18、te sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. You should write down your answer on the Answer Sheet correspondingly. 16. It is necessary that Tom the books to the library today.A. return B. returns C. return

19、ed D. has returned17. The advertising company recently hired a young man _had once won a prize in a national contest. A. who B. which C. whom D. whose18. I opened my eyes wide, by the red “F” on my paper.A. shock B. shocking C. have shocked D. shocked19. Wealth can not be identified happiness.A. to

20、B. with C. by D. of20. The policemen are busy forms about accident.A. fill up B. filling up C. fill out D. filling out21. It makes him _. A. feel angrily B. feel angry C. to feel angry D. feeling angry22. Its _good food that we all like it very much. A. so a B. such a C. so D. such23. When you _the

21、street, you must look first. A. across B. go cross C. cross D. goes across24. Look! Mrs. Green is talking _the students of Class I on the ground. A. among B. in the middle of C. between D. at25. Her teacher thinks _other. A. high B. highly C. well D. good26. Lei Feng is the _of all the people in Chi

22、na. A. pride B. proud C. prideful D. proudly27. Have you finished your homework_? No, not_.A. already, already B. yet, yet C. already, yet D. yet, already28. Neither you nor he _ Hawaii before. A. has gone to B. have gone to C. have been to D. has been to29. Xian is very famous _Terra Cotta Warriors

23、. A. to B. of C. in D. for30. Bruce has lived here _last year. A. / B. for C. before D. sincePart III Reading Comprehension (本大题共30分,31-40题每小题2分,41-50题每小题1分)Directions: This part is to text your reading ability. There are 4 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully an

24、d do the tasks as you are instructed.Task 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 21 through 25. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should make the correct choice and write down the corre

25、ct answer on the Answer Sheet correspondingly. Thank you for your interest in Calibre Cassette (盒式录音带) library. This letter tells you about our service. With it we are sending you an application form, so that you can join if you would like to try it. Calibre library aims to provide the pleasure of r

26、eading to anyone who cannot read ordinary print books because of sight problems. We currently have over 7,000 books available for reading for pleasure, including 1,000 specially for children. All our books are recorded cover-to-cover on ordinary cassettes and can be played on any cassette player. Th

27、ey are sent and returned by post, free of charge. When we receive your application, we will send you a book and an information tape. They will explain how to use the service. The easy way to use Calibre library is to tell us what sorts of books you like, and we will keep you supplied with books we t

28、hink you will enjoy. Or you can send us a list of books you would like to read, and we will then send you books from this list whenever possible. In that case you will need to use our website, or buy one or more of our catalogues (目录). 31. According to the first paragraph, the library sends the appl

29、ication form to the readers so that they can _. A. read ordinary books B. order cassette players C. buy Calibre cassettes D. use the library service 32. Calibre library provides service mainly for people who suffer from _. A. hearing difficulties B. mental illnesses C. sight problems D. heart troubl

30、es 33. The service of sending and returning books by post is _. A. not available to children B. paid by the users C. free of charge D. not provided 34. The easy way to use the library service is to _. A. inform the library of your name and address B. tell the library the sorts of books you like C. buy the catalogues of the library D. ask the library to buy the books 35. The main purpose of this letter is to _. A. introduce the librarys service to readers B. recommend new books to the readers C. send a few catalogues to readers D. expres

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