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1、上海高三英语一模考试11选10题汇编word包含答案备战2020上海高考2019年上海高三英语一模考试 11选10题汇编(2019 宝山二模) Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in each blank with a proper word give n in the box. Each word can be used only on ce. Note that there is one more word tha n you n eed.A. access ing B. non esse ntial C. appare n

2、t D. tech no logy E. assig ned F. con tactG. particularly H. addict ion I. associated J. automatically K. con tribut ingWhen was the last time that you dialed a phone number from memory? It probably depends on how long youve bee n using 31 like a cellph one. While some gen erati ons can recall the d

3、ays of memorizing phone numbers, its possible that members of Generation Z have never had to remember a sin gle 32 . Why is this? Because smartph ones offer quick and convenient waysfor storing and 33 information. There is no need to memorize anything. But this isntwithout con seque nee. As digital

4、devices develop, more and more users heavy relia nee on them may be having disabling effects. Digital dementia (失智)is the term being used by medical professi on als to ide ntify some of these effects.Some professionals like Jim Kwik, an expert in memory improvement and optimal brain performanee, are

5、 taking a closer look at this effect. Kwik describes digital dementia like this: . were 34 our brains to our smart devices. Were so reliant on our smartphones that our smartpho nes are making us stupid. As medical studies chart the decli ne in memory and cog nitive skills among smartph one users, a

6、conn ecti on is made betwee n symptoms 35 with deme ntia.The serious ness of overuse becomes 36 whe n you con sider just how young smartph one users are beco ming. Author and speaker Simon Sinek points out that young minds Are not ready for it! Their minds cannot cope with the dopamine (多巴胺).Consequ

7、ently, the overstimulation of scree ns and sounds lead to 37 more ofte n tha n not. So now pare nts, teachers and man agers are ask ing how to han dle the in flux (汇集)of young people with this kind of addict ion.First, monitor your cellphone use. Keep downloading applications like Forest or Checky.T

8、hen cut back on any 38 usage. Set a specific goal of how much you think you shoulduse your phone.Determ ine 39 areas for cellph one use. For example, while youre at home, only allow yourself to check your phone somewhere like a home office. This way, the time in betwee n tasks isnt 40 filled with st

9、ari ng at your scree n.(2019 崇明二模) Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in each blank with a proper word give n in the box. Each word can only be used on ce. Note that there is one word more tha n you n eed.A. sig nB.wreckC. scheduledD. in appropriateE. exact F. i nitiativeG. tragedyH.r

10、epeatI. categorizedJ. accommodatedK. un clearTitanic II Could Sail as Soon as 2022If you thought the long -delayed project to launch a full -size copy of the ill -fated Royal Mail Ship Titanic was sunk in the water thinkagain. Just like Celine Dion sang back in 1997, the travel project will “ go on

11、and on. ”Australia n bus in essma n and politicia n Clive Palmer, who is beh ind the 31 , announcedin September that work on the ship had started again. The idea was first floated in 2012. It is said that the new ship will be a(n) _32_ copy of the infamous ship, which sank in 1912 following a crash

12、with an iceberg (冰山).To avoid a(n) 33 disaster, Titanic II will apparently be equipped with plenty of life boats, modern navigation (导航)and radar equipment. The first voyage, however, will take passe ngers from Dubai to New York, reports CruiseArabia, with the first sail ing 34 to takeplace in 2022.

13、 Blue Star Line says the nine -decked ship will be home to 835 cab ins, and 2,435 passengers will be 35 . You ll be able to buy firsiecond- and third -class tickets just like inthe orig in al.Meanwhile tourists with plenty of money might soon have the chanee to dive to the _36 of the original Titani

14、c. American company OceanGate has planned diving trips for 2019, costing $105,129 per perso n.Of course, the origi nal Tita nic voyage en ded in 37 , with over 1,500 people losi ng theirlives. For many, voyages to the original ship are in bad taste. Steve Sims, founder of The Bluefish,said earlier i

15、n 2018 that he doesn t see diving to the original one asRealistically, it 39 s whether Tita nic II will ever see the light of day or whether thedivi ng tours will happe n soon. But one thing is for certa in, more tha n 100 years after the Tita nicfirst and only voyage, global in terest i n this ship

16、 shows no 40 of slow ing dow n.(2019虹口二模) Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more tha n you n eed.A. scaleB.engagedC. disastrousD. hotspotsE. targetF. victimG. in terwove nH. i nevitableI. con ti nu ousJ

17、. resolveK. riskyWhy Bike Theft Is Not Taken Seriously?For many people a bicycle is the only tran sport they can afford and it is very convenient for them to use. Therefore, the impact of the loss of their bike can be _31_. But why is cycle theft so often seen as a minor crime?According to the polic

18、e, 96,210 bikes were stolen in 2018, and about one in 50 bicycle -ow ning households fall _32_ to cycle theft each year. Those who can afford a sec ond bike might have a “ beater ” , a cheap bike they leave in _33_ areas, and can afford to losethose who cannot make both ends meet, and live below the

19、 poverty line will find themselves corn ered by bike theft.According to a survey for Bike Register, 50% of victims felt police didn investigate the crime, while those _34_ in cycle theft see it as low risk in terms of being caught. Police recover just 3% of stolen bikes. In fact, the problem is almo

20、st certainly much greater: People often don report it thinking there nothing the police can do, so the full _35_ of the problem remains hidde n.Cycle crime hotspots were ide ntified as Cambridge, Oxford, Southampt on, Bristol, etc. Most cycle thefts occur near or in people s homes, but thieves also

21、_36bs (中nfepo枢纽 )and uni versity campuses. In the mean time, the police have come up with a way to _37_ the issue. Training 23 officers in regional cycle crime taskforces is part of a national cycle crime strategy, _38_ with measures like educati on on safe lock ing tech niq ues, work ing with websi

22、teswhere more tha n half of stole n bikes are sold, and ide ntify ing cycle theft _39_ and priorities.If a bike is stolen, there is about a 20% chanee the victim will not replace it, losing their transport, exercise, and potential access to local communities and service. It is widely accepted that p

23、olice s _40_ effort is fun dame ntal to a drop in cycle theft.(2019 黄浦二模)Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box.A. processed B. increasing C. applications D. typing E. interpreting F. reflectedG. injected H. tran sform ing I. connections J. remarkable K. superhuma n

24、The Next fron tier: Using Thought to Con trol Mach inesTech no logies are ofte n billed as tran sformative. For William Kochevar, the term is justified.Mr. Kochevar is paralysed below the shoulders after a cycli ng accide nt, yet has man aged to feed himself by his own hand. This 31 progress is part

25、ly tha nks to electrodes, impla nted in his right arm, which stimulate muscles. But the real magic lies higher up. Mr. Kochevar can control his arm using the power of thought. His intention to move is 32 in neural (神经的)activity in his motor region; these signals are detected by implants in his brain

26、 and intocomma nds to activate the electrodes in his arms.An ability to decode thought in this way may sound like scie nee ficti on. But brain -computer in terfaces (BCIs) like the Brai nGate system used by Mr. Kochevar provide evide nee that mind -control can work. Researchers are able to tell what

27、 words and images people have heard and seen from neural activity alone. Information can also be encoded and used to stimulate the brain. Over 300,000 people have cochlear (耳蜗的) implants, which help them to hear by 34sound into electrical sig nals and sending them into the brain. Scie ntists have 35

28、 “ data intomon keys heads, in struct ing them to perform actions via electrical pulses.As our Tech no logy Quarterly in this issue expla ins, the pace of research into BCIs and the scale of its ambition are 36 . Both America s armed forces and Silicon Valley are starting tofocus on the brain. Faceb

29、ook dreams of thought -to-text . 37_. Kern el, a startup, has $100m tospend on neuroethology. Elon Musk has formed a firm called Neuralink; he thinks that, if humanity is to survive the arrival of artificial intelligenee, it needs an upgrade. Entrepreneurs imag ine a world in which people can com mu

30、ni cate using thoughts, with each other and with machines, or acquire 38 abilities, such as hearing at very high frequencies.These powers if they ever materialize, are decades away. But well before the n, BCIs couldopen the door to wonderful new 39 . Imagine stimulating the visual region to help the

31、blind, making new neural 40 in stroke victims or monitoring the brain for sighs ofdepression. By turning the firing of neurons into a resource to be used, BCIs may change the ideaof what it means to be huma n.(2019 嘉定二模) Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in each blank with a properwo

32、rd give n in the box. Each word can be used only on ce. Note that there is one more word tha n you n eed.A. picturi ng B. separated C. vary D. celebrati on E. complicatedF. vast G. roughly H. mythical I. delicately J. stress K. dist in guish ingThe Un ited Nati ons series of la nguage days ” are desig ned to promote the use of the sixofficial languages of the UN as well as to celebrate cultural and linguistic diversity (语言多样性).Chinese

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