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1、Unit4翻译有答案Unit-4翻译(有答案)Unit 4翻译 1.过去50年间,中国经济发展迅速。In the past 50 years, Chinese economy has grown rapidly.2.去年房价上涨了一倍,看起来这一趋势还将继续下去。House price doubled last year, and it seems that this growth is going to continue.3.他上学的时候,跟班上其他同学关系不很密切。(be connected to)When he was at school, he wasnt very much conn

2、ected to the other students in his class.4.很多人对人类的未来感到悲观-我们现在有太多问题了:犯罪分子的猖獗,恐怖分子的袭击,诸如此类。Some people feel pessimistic about our future-weve already had so many problems: criminals committing crimes, terrorists attacking us, etc.5.我需要先理清自己的思绪。现在我脑子里一片混乱。I need to organize my thoughts first. Right now

3、 my mind is in chaos.6.今天早上上班的时候,我看到两辆车撞在了一起。I saw two cars crash into each other on my way to work this morning.7.现在人们很喜欢在网上找优惠活动。Nowadays people enjoy finding out about holiday offers on the internet.8.她特喜欢打听别人的事情。你从她那儿可以得到各种各样的信息。Shes very interested in nosing into others privacy. You can get all

4、 sorts of information from her. 9.在未来的几年里,我们会见证网上购物的迅猛发展。In the next few years, we will see a huge growth in shopping on the Internet.10.我相信,网上娱乐将成为我们生活的一部分。I believe that entertainment from the Internet will be part of our life.11.随着网络电话的普及,电话也将从我们的生活中消失。With the increasing use of the net phone, te

5、lephones will finally disappear from our life.12.他表现得跟他跟这事毫无关系似的。He acted as if he had nothing to do with this.13.我个人认为你这么说是不合适的。I personally dont think its proper for you to say this.14.我打算买个电脑。我希望它别太贵。I am planning to buy a computer. I hope it will be cheap.15.你最近在忙些啥?我们周末一起去爬爬山如何?What have you be

6、en up to lately? Why dont we go climbing the mountain this weekend?16.先别挂断。Mary在楼上。17.18.想些令我开心的事情。I frequently go to the seaside in summer. I will spend one afternoon sitting there, dipping my toes in the sea and thinking about things that make me happy.19.如果为猪设立了个节日,你会为它命什么名?你会为猪买节日礼物么? If somebod

7、y created a holiday for pigs, what would you name it? Would you buy them holiday presents?20.如果有人邀请你去一个与世隔绝的小岛旅游,你会带什么东西?What would you like to take with you if you were invited to an isolated island?21.如果您再给我一次机会,我一定把这件事做好。I will do it better if you offer me another chance.22.我对生物的兴趣一般,我更感兴趣的是数学。I

8、am more interested in math than in biology.23.一到假期他就宅在家里,哪里都不去。 (without)He stays home in holidays, without going anywhere.翻译下面的短文。青岛是一个海滨城市。它坐落在山东半岛(peninsula)东南部,人口不足250万。青岛是山东省重要的工商业中心。青岛的历史可以追溯到6000年以前。那时候已有不少人在此定居。不少人曾提议将青岛作为山东的省会,但是更多人倾向于济南,因为那里更接近该省的中心位置。1978年中国政府实行对外开放政策,青岛成为首批沿海开放城市,从此之后,我们

9、见证了青岛经济的飞速增长。青岛的著名景点包括崂山,海滨风景区,海洋馆等。在海洋馆里,你可以看到各种各样的海洋生物。市区里还有很多小山,从山顶上,你可以看到这个城市令人称奇的美景。青岛气候温和。它一月份的平均气温为0.5,8月份的平均气温为25.3。它拥有几个最适合游泳,潜水,冲浪的海滩。从青岛去全国各地都很方便。现在也有了定期的国际航班。不过从美国飞到青岛要20多小时,而且机票也不便宜。Qingdao is a seaside city which is located on the southeastern part of Shandong Peninsula. It has a popul

10、ation of under 2,500,000 people and it is the most important center for business and industry of Shandong province.The history of Qingdao goes back more than 6,000 years, when there were lots of people settling down here. Some people suggested making Qingdao the capital of Shandong, but more people

11、favored Jinan because it was more central. Chinese government undertook the Opening and Reforming policy in 1978, and Qingdao became one of the first cities to open itself to the world. Since then we have seen a huge growth in economy of this city.Famous sights include Laoshan, the beaches, as well

12、as the Ocean World. In the Ocean World, you can see all kinds of living creatures from the sea. There are also some small mountains in the city, and you can enjoy an amazing view from the mountains. Qingdao has a mild climate with its average temperature in January being 0.5 and 25.3 in August. It is also home to some of the best beaches for swimming, diving and surfing.It is easy to travel between Qingdao and the rest of China. There are regular international flights now. However, fights from US take over 20 hours and are expensive as well.

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