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1、Writing Skills 写作技巧写作技巧Paragraph Writingo段落写作段落写作1.1 Composition of a Paragraph oA paragraph:a unit of thoughtnTopic sentence(主题句)nSupporting sentences(支持句)Read the following paragraphoThese days lifestyles seem to change fast.It is more than just clothing and hairstyle that are in style one year an

2、d out of date the next;its a whole way of living.One year people wear sunglasses on top of their heads and wear jeans and boots;they drink white wine and eat sushi(寿司)at Japanese restaurants;for exercise they jog several miles a day.However,the next year they notice that everything has changed.Women

3、 wear long skirts;people drink expensive water from France and eat pasta(意大利面食)at Italian restaurants;everyone seems to be exercising at health clubs.oTopic sentence(主题句主题句):These days lifestyles seem to change fast.nsupporting sentence 1(支持句1)nsupporting sentence 2(支持句2)nsupporting sentence 3(支持句3)

4、nsupporting sentence 4(支持句4)Read the following paragraphoBoth animals and people respond positively to rewards.As experiments have shown,rats in a Skinner box will systematically press a lever(操纵杆)in order to obtain food.Dogs will perform tricks in response to verbal(口头的)praise.People,like those who

5、 practice and practice in order to reach the Olympics,also work for rewards.English teachers should be aware of this motivational principle and incorporate(把.纳入)it into their teaching methods.oTopic sentence(主题句主题句):Both animals and people respond positively to rewards.nsupporting sentence 1(支持句1)ns

6、upporting sentence 2(支持句2)nsupporting sentence 3(支持句3)nconcluding sentence(结尾句结尾句)1.2 The Topic SentenceoThe position of the topic sentence:nmost commonly:at the beginning;nIn many cases:at the endnIn some cases:in the middlenSometimes:not directly mentioned but only impliedwriting the topic sentenc

7、eoThe topic sentence:the topic(主题)(主题)and the controlling idea(主题思想)(主题思想)Examples 1.College life(主题主题)is quite different from middle school life(主题思想主题思想).2.Women are more sensitive(主题思主题思想想)to changing fashions(主题主题).3.People in big cities should ride bicycles instead of cars.4.It is not easy to f

8、ind the right kind of off-campus housing.5.A visit to a foreign country is always filled with surprise.6.People try many ways to improve their health.Do you think the following are effective topic sentences?1.Choosing a major is difficult.2.Students often ride to school.3.The local food is terrible.

9、oA good topic sentence should not be too general,or too specific,or too emotional or too absolute.othe use of some key words such as some,several,different and various.1.Most successful movies have a few qualities in common.2.College graduates can look for a job in several different ways.3.Society i

10、s trying many different approaches to discourage people from smoking.1.3 Features of an effective paragraphounified 统一的统一的 (unity 统一性统一性)ocoherent 连贯的连贯的(coherence 连贯性连贯性)oadequately developed 充分展开的充分展开的(adequate development 充分展开充分展开)1.3.1 Unity 统一性统一性oUnity:contentoAll the sentences are built on on

11、e central idea(the topic sentence).Read the following paragraph.oBirds have different-shaped feet to suit their way of life.Birds that perch(栖息)on branches have toes that curl(旋绕)round the branch to give a tight grip.The grip is so tight that the bird doesnt fall off,even when it goes to sleep.Some

12、birds find their food in the ground.Their short,blunt(钝的)toes are like rakes(耙子).They scratch the ground to turn up insects and seeds.Birds such as ducks,geese and swans have feet like paddles(船桨)to help them swim in the water.Birds of prey(猛禽),which eat small animals,have sharp,curved claws,which t

13、hey use for grabbing the creatures.1.3.2 CoherenceoCoherence:form oSentences:arranged in a clear logical orderoTransition:smooth and naturalRead the following paragraph.oNew students should give careful consideration to the courses they want to take in their first semester at college.To begin with,t

14、hey should balance science and non-science courses so that they do not have too many time-consuming labs.They should also try to get a mixture between subjects they find fairly easy and those that are difficult for them.For instance,the student who does well in history but expects to have a terrible

15、 time with calculus might plan on taking both in the same semester to balance the workload.The student who does not plan carefully and take five tough courses the first term may wind up on scholastic probation(试读试读).(1)Ordering the sentences in a paragrapho the order of time or the chronological ord

16、er(时间顺序时间顺序)o the spatial order(空间顺序空间顺序)o the logical order(逻辑顺序逻辑顺序):(exemplification例证例证,cause-and-effect因果因果)the logical order(cause-effect)oRecently,more and more museums are open to the public free of charge.Some people view that the practice will bring some problems.First,with an increasing number of visitors,it is possible that the exhibits in the museums,of which some are precious,are likely to get damaged.Second,free admission of the public will bring a huge economic burden for museums

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