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1、中国高铁将降速-英语六级阅读辅导之中国高铁将降速Chinas high-speed trains are cutting back trips, slowing down and slashing prices at the order of the State Council. The cut backs, which start on August 16, focus on the Beijing-Shanghai Railway, and coastal railway lines of Ningbo-Taizhou-Wenzhou, Wenzhou-Fuzhou, and Wenzho

2、u-Xiamen in Zhejiang Province.在国务院的指令下,中国高铁正在减少班次、降低速度、降低价格。这次的降速降价从8月16日开始,集中在京沪铁路、宁波-台州-温州的沿海铁路线以及浙江境内温州-福州和温州-厦门路段。The decision was made after last months deadly train crash near Wenzhou.这是在上个月发生在温州附近的严重列车相撞事故后做出的决定。Not as fast as before, but much safer.虽然不像以前那么快,但是更加安全了。Chinas speedy trains slow

3、 down on Tuesday as a new operation system takes effect.周二,在中国快速列车降速的同时,新的运行系统也生效了。High-speed trains from Shanghai to Hangzhou, and Beijing to Tianjin are reduced from 350 kilometers per hour to 300 kilometers per hour. The ticket prices also see a five percent decrease.沪杭高铁、京津高铁的时速从350公里下降到300公里。车票

4、价格下浮5%。Other lines that are affected by the new operation system include the Ningbo-Wenzhou and Wenzhou-Xiamen lines. Their speeds are adjusted from 250 kilometers per hour to 200 kilometers per hour. Passengers are expected to spend more time travelling.其它受新的运行系统影响的路线还包括宁波-温州线和温州-厦门线。它们的时速从250公里调整为

5、200公里。乘客们预计将花更多的时间在旅途上。A passenger said, “It will take me some 30 more minutes to get to my destination. I can accept it.”一名乘客表示:“要达到目的地我将多花30分钟的时间。我可以接受,”Meanwhile, the number of high speed train services are also adjusted. The number of dual trips running daily between Beijing and Shanghai are cut

6、 to 66 from the previous 88.同时,高铁班次的数量也有所调整,北京至上海日间对开数从以前的88对减为66对。After all the ups and downs, safety has now been made the top concern rather than breaking speed records for Chinas high-speed trains.经历了所有起跌沉浮,现在,安全已经成为头等大事,而非打破中国高铁的速度记录。京广高铁正式开通,为世界最长高速铁路The worlds longest high-speed railway route

7、, running from Beijing to Guangzhou, has officially opened. The line will cut travel time between the two cities from 22 hours to only 8 hours.The first bullet train pulled out of Beijing West Railway Station at 9am on Wednesday, with an arrival time of 5pm. With comfortable seating, spacious and qu

8、iet cabins, the new line offers a much more pleasant journey than older trains.“I am excited to try out the new service. I think the ride is very fast and steady. It saves me the hassle of driving to the airport, or waiting in the long queue for security checks.With trains running at three-hundred k

9、ilometers per hour, the once 22-hour long trip is slashed to only 8 hours.The high speed railway connects Beijing with five provincial capitals. Part of the line, from Zhengzhou to Guangzhou, was already in operation. The opening of the Beijing to Zhengzhou section has connected the entire line, whi

10、ch spans a total length of 2,298 kilometers.Zhao Chunlei, deputy director of Ministry of Railways, said,The high speed rail will promote regional economic integration and urbanization along the route. It connects the once separated high speed rail lines, boosting passenger flows and economic exchang

11、es. It will also ease traffic pressures, especially during the Spring Festival travel peak.Being the longest high-speed railway in the world, the Beijing-Guangzhou line connects one third of Chinas population and more than 40-percent of its economic power. Ordinary commuters will benefit from the ef

12、ficient network, and find that their hometowns are not that far away.最近国内发生的高铁事故让人心情非常沉重,也让人失去了对国内交通的信任。愿逝者安息,肇事者绳之以法!以下是一篇BBC的英文报道和个人整理的一些词组。Serious flaws in a signalling system caused a fatal collision on Chinas high-speed rail network, officials say.Thirty-nine people died when a train ran into t

13、he back of another which had stalled on a viaduct near Wenzhou after lightningcut its power supply.The system failed to turn the green light into red, said An Lusheng, head of the Shanghai Railway Bureau.Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, who has been visiting the crash site, vowed to severely punish those

14、 responsible.Continue reading the main storyThe countrys development is for the people, so the most important thing is peoples lives, Mr Wen told reporters at the scene.No matter if it was a mechanical fault, a management problem, or a manufacturing problem, we must get to the bottom of this.If corr

15、uption was found behind this, we must handle it according to law and will not be soft.Mr Wen earlier promised to take steps to improve safety on the high-speed rail network - one of the governments flagship projects which it hopes highlights Chinas development.Six carriages derailed and four fell be

16、tween 20m to 30m (65ft to 100ft) from the viaduct after Saturday nights crash, which injured nearly 200 people.The accident came just four years after the countrys first high-speed trains began operating.Rail experts had warned against the rush to build the worlds longest and fastest high-speed rail network in record time amid safety concerns.There are

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