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1、新PEP四年级英语下册导学案新PEP四年级英语下册导学案Unit 1 My school 2Unit 2 What time is it?14 Unit 3 Weather 26 Recycle 138Unit 4 At the farm42Unit 5 My clothes54 Unit 6 Shopping66 Recycle 278班级 小组 姓名 .Unit 1 My school 第一课时每日一句 Keep on going never give up.勇往直前, 决不放弃。My notes课题Unit 1 My school 第一课时 Part A Lets talk (P4)学习

2、目标学生能够理解对话大意;能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话;能够在情境中运用句型Wheres the.? Its on the first/second floor.Is this the.?Yes,it is./No,it isnt.询问并回答学校设施的位置。能够在语境中理解新词和词组teachers office,second floor的意思并能正确发音。感受到学校的漂亮与温馨,激发学校的热爱。【step1预习练兵】1.听录音,读一读,并写出其单词的中文意思。teachers office_ next to _ library_ second floor_ homework_2.翻译下列句

3、子。(1)Wheres the teachers office? _(2)Its on the second floor. _(3)Is this the teachers office? _(4)Heres my homework. _【step2课堂互学】合作探究1.教师把书放在讲台上,然后做出忘记英语书放在哪儿的样子,边找边问Wheres my English book?引导学生说出:Its on the teachers desk.导入新课。2.打开课本P4,听录音,Wheres Mikes teachers office?学习对话。 3. Game time! 根据教师办公室的位置,

4、一学生问“Where is the teachers office?”另一个学生回答: “Its on the first/second/third floor.”表现棒的加分表扬,回答错误的,大家一起帮助他/她。4. 分角色扮演对话或创编对话进行表演。5.小组合作, Is this the teachers office? Yes,it is./No,it isnt.的操练。【Step3 当堂反馈】一.我会在四线三格抄写单词、词组或句子,正确、规范、美观。Wheres the teachers office? Its on the second floor. .Is it next to t

5、he library? No, it isnt. 二.我会单选。( ) 1.Where is the music room? It s on the _ floor. A. one B. first C. two( ) 2.Go to the _ and water the flowers. A. canteen B. library C. garden ( ) 3.The computer room is _ the second floor. A. on B. at C. in( ) 4.Is that the music room? _ A. Yes, is it. B. No, it

6、is. C. Yes, it is. ( ) 5.Go to the _ office. Hand in your homework. A. teachers B. teachers C. teachers三.小组看图说话。【拓展提升】小小翻译家1.教师办公室在哪里?_ _ the teachers office?2.教师办公室在图书馆旁边。The teachers office is _ _ the library.【知识解析】代词:“this”,这个,指近物;“that”,那个指远物;“it”,它没有远近之分。当疑问句Is this?或者Is that?或者Is it?时,肯定回答则都用:

7、Yes ,it is.;否定回答则都用:No, it isnt.【Reading for fun 快乐阅读】A smart sonJohn goes home after school. His father is reading a book in the study. John goes into the room and says, “Dad, if you close your eyes, can you write?”“Of course I can, my son. What do you want me to write?” His father is surprised.“I

8、want you to write your name on my school report,” says John.Unit 1 My school 第二课时每日一句 Never say die! 永不言败!My notes课题Unit1 My school 第二课时 Part A Lets learn & Lets do(P5) (P4)学习目标1.知识目标:学生能够听、说、认读teachers office , library, first floor ,second floor;能够熟练运用句型Wheres the library? Its on the first floor.询问

9、、描述学校教室和场馆的位置。2.能力目标:能听懂4个指示语,按指令做相应的动作。【step1预习练兵】1.我会听lets learn中的录音并跟读单词及句子:teachers office , library, first floor ,second floor; Wheres the library? Its on the first floor.2.打开课本P5,参考单词本P70音标试着读单词,并连线。 first second teachers office library 3.我会翻译。(1)图书馆在哪里? .(2)它在一楼。 .【step2课堂互学】合作探究1.我能流利朗读“Lets

10、learn”的词组和对话。(1)听录音,小组互读。(2)小组PK:小组长或推荐优秀组员领读,并与其他小组比赛。(3)first和second的操练可以在排列卡片、复习单词的过程中渗透,如:T: The first card, a teachers office; the second card, a library 然后引导学生仔细观察挂图,正确理解和运用短语on the first floor 和on the second floor。2.我会做“lets do”中的指令动作。(1)播放视频,教师指导学生做出正确的动作。(2)小组竞赛:做动作猜句子并说出单词,也可以是听声音,做动作。【Ste

11、p3 当堂反馈】一.我会在四线三格抄写单词、词组或句子,正确、规范、美观。teachers office library first floor second floor Wheres the library? Its on the first floor. .二.我会根据图片,选择正确的短语搭配并作出相应的动作。 A.Read a book. B. Water the flowers. C.Say hello to teacher. D. Play football.( )1. Go to the garden. ( )2. Go to the teachers office. ( )3.

12、Go to the playground. ( )4. Go to the library. 【拓展提升】小小翻译家。1.这是教师办公室吗?_ _ the teachers office?2.教师办公室在哪里?_ _ the teachers office?【知识解析】序数词:是指表示顺序的数词。从第一至第十,其中,one first, two second, three third, five fifth,eighteighth,nineninth,为特殊形式,其它的序数词都是由其相对应的基数词后面添加“th”构成。例如: six sixth【Reading for fun 快乐阅读】“ A

13、 good boy” 好孩子Little Robert asked his mother for two cents(两分钱). What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?I gave it to a poor old woman, he answered.Youre a good boy, said the mother proudly(骄傲地). Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?She is the one who s

14、ells(卖) the candy.Unit 1 My school 第三课时每日一句 I can because I think I can.我行,因为我相信我行!Mynotes课题Unit 1My school 第三课时 Part A Lets spell (P6)学习目标学生能够感知并归纳er在单词中的发音规则;能够读出符合er发音规则的单词;能够根据单词的读音拼写出符合er发音规则的单词。培养语音意识。【step1预习练兵】1.听录音,跟读单词:water,tiger, sister, computer, dinner (1)试读以下单词,找出单词中字母er的发音规律:sister r

15、uler under number after winter river eraser dinner tigerWater t iger sister computer dinner (2)理解单词:把英语单词和图片连线。 dinner water computer sister tiger 【step2课堂互学】1. Listen: 听录音,跟读单词water,tiger, sister, computer, dinner,并找出这五个单词中相同的读音是什么?2. Phonics:继续播放录音,看老师展示“手指拼读法”配合录音中的拼读。如单词water. 五个手指合起来成拳头,伸出大拇指,指

16、着单词water中的w,并读出w的发音/ w/;接着伸出食指,读出a的发音/ /; 伸出中指,读出t的发音/t/;伸出无名指,读出er的发音/,四指并拢,读出water的完整读音。如此类推教授其他单词。3. Free talk. 总结字母er的发音规律。4. Game time! 传声游戏。(放音乐,传盒子,音乐停,盒子在谁的手上,大家就大声读/、/,而他/她需说出一个er结尾并发音/的单词。)【Step3 当堂反馈】一完成书P6 Read,underline and say的练习。二完成书P6的“look,listen and write”的练习。三小组练习手指拼读单词。看谁是“拼读小高手”

17、,老师表扬奖励。四我是小小书法家,我可以把单词写好。 dinner tiger computer sister water . No water near the computer.【拓展提升】一.下列单词中字母er发音相同的写“T”,不同的写“F”( ) 1. her water ( ) 2. tiger dinner ( ) 3. sister brother ( ) 4. computer father( ) 5. eraser river ( ) 6. number mother二.读一读,你发现了什么?worker ,farmer ,sister, brother, mother ,

18、father 你还知道更多相同发音的单词吗?写下来,写得越多,越棒! . .单词积累:teacher教师 worker工人 driver司机 cleaner清洁工 famer农民 writer作家 singer歌手 【知识解析】er在单词尾发音/ /字母发音音节情况例词er/ /辅音字母+erfather ,mother, brother,farmerfinger,officer,worker,sister. 【Reading for fun 快乐阅读】 Funny chant ! 发音顺口溜,读一读,乐一乐!er-/ / / / / / ruler 打 tiger ,eraser 写 let

19、ter.teacher 玩 soccer , Peter 怕 spider(蜘蛛)。mother 和 father, brother 是 singer。Unit 1 My school 第四课时每日一句 Believe in yourself.相信你自己!My notes课题Unit 1My school Part B My school 第四课时 Lets talk (P7)学习目标1学生能够理解对话大意;能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话;能够在情境中运用句型Is that .? 来确认远方的场馆;能运用句型Do you have.?询问教室或场馆;能在情境中恰当运用句型Welcome to

20、our school!表示欢迎以及This way,please.引导方向;能够在语境中理解新词和词组class,forty,way,computer room的意思并能正确发音。【step1预习练兵】1.听录音,读一读,并写出其单词的中文意思。welcome_ class_ forty_ way_ computer room _ 2.我会翻译下列句子。(1) Welcome to our school! _(2) Its so big! _(3) Is that the computer room? _(4) Do you have a library? _(5) This way, ple

21、ase. _【step2课堂互学】合作探究1.小组内合作交流: a.与其它成员合作朗读,解决自己不会读的句子。 b.交流翻译成果,看谁翻译得准确生动。2. 看课文动画视频,感受并了解对话大意。3. 跟录音朗读课文。4. 小组展示:1)全班分男、女大组齐读课文。 2)小组过关。小组分角色表演课文。 3)个人过关。任意抽小组成员提问。4) lets play:教师把单词卡如图贴在黑板上,然后向学生提问:Do you have? Where is it? 或者指着某张图卡问学生:Is this the library? 让学生回答。【Step3 当堂反馈】一我会在四线三格抄写单词、词组或句子,正确、

22、规范、美观。 Is that the computer room? No,it isnt. Do you have a library? Yes, we do. 二我会做单项选择题。( )1. How many _ are there in your school? A. student B. students C. studentes( )2. _ way, please. A. This B. That C. This is( )3. Welcome _ our school! A .on B. in C. to( )4. _ that the computer room? Yes,it

23、is. A .Are B. Is C. Am( )5. Its _ the second floor. A .on B. in C. to【拓展提升】小小翻译家1.那是计算机房吗?_ _ the computer room?2.你们(学校)有图书馆吗? _ _ have a library?【Reading for fun 快乐阅读】 TheWindAndTheSun“太阳和风”Onedaythewindsaidtothesun,“Lookatthatmanwalkingalongtheroad.Icangethiscloakoffmorequicklythanyoucan.”“Wewills

24、eeaboutthat,”saidthesun.“Iwillletyoutryfirst.”Sothewindtriedtomakethemantakeoffhiscloak.Heblewandblew,butthemanonlypulledhiscloakmorecloselyaroundhimself.“Igiveup,”saidthewindatlast.“Icannotgethiscloakoff.”Thenthesuntried.Heshoneashardashecould.Themansoonbecamehotandtookoffhiscloak.Unit 1 My school

25、第五课时每日一句 Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。My notes课题Unit 1My school 第五课时 Part B Lets learn (P8)学习目标1.学生能够听、说、认读“computer room ,art room, music room, playground,gym”;能够在语境中正确运用上述单词或词组询问、描述学校教室和场馆的位置。2.能运用句型Do you have.?Yes ,we do./No ,we dont .进行询问及回答。【step1预习练兵】1.听录音并跟读单词:computer room ,art room, music roo

26、m, playground,gym。2.打开课本P8,参考单词本P70音标试着读单词,并连线。 art room gym computer room music room3.我会翻译。(1)This is my school. _(2)Do you have a music room?_(3)Its on the first floor. _ 【step2课堂互学】合作探究1我能流利朗读“Letslearn”和“look ,ask and answer”的词组和对话。(1)听录音,小组互读。(2)小组PK:小组长或推荐优秀组员领读,并与其他小组比赛。(3)game :shape eyes.(快

27、速站起来并大声朗读所看到的单词或词组,看谁又快又准。)2.Look,ask and answer同桌两人结对进行,看图说话进一步巩固教室、场馆名称以及灵活利用Lets learn板块的句型进行交流。如:Do you have a computer room? Yes,we do.或增加挑战性,用不同类型问题进行询问:Is the computer room on the first floor? Where is the library?等。【Step3 当堂反馈】一我会在四线三格抄写单词、词组或句子,正确、规范、美观。 computer room music room playground g

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