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1、新课标版英语选修七45分钟3精讲精练45分钟单元测试(三).阅读理解(2018课标全国)Summer ActivitiesStudents should read the list with their parents/careers, and select two activities they would like to do. Forms will be available in school and online for them to indicate their choices and return to school. Before choices are finalised,

2、parents/careers will be asked to sign to confirm their childs choices.ActivityDescriptionMember of staffCostOutdoor Adventure(OUT)Take yourself out of your comfort zone for a week, discover new personal qualities, and learn new skills. You will be able to take part in a number of activities from can

3、oeing to wild camping on Dartmoor. Learn rock climbing and work as a team, and enjoy the great outdoor environment. Mr.Clemens140WWI Battlefieldsand Paris(WBP)On Monday we travel to London. After staying overnight in London, we travel on Day 2 to northern France to visit the World War I battlefields

4、. On Day 3 we cross into Belgium. Thursday sees us make the short journey to Paris where we will visit Disneyland Paris park, staying until late to see the parade and the fireworks. Our final day, Friday, sees us visit central Paris and tour the main sights. Mrs.Wilson425Crafty Foxes(CRF)Four days o

5、f product design centred around textiles. Making lovely objects using recycled and made materials. Bags, cushions and decorations . Learn skills and leave with modern and unusual textiles. Mrs.Goode30Potty about Potter(POT)Visit Warner Bros Studio, shop stop to buy picnic, stay overnight in an appro

6、ved Youth Hostel in StreatleyonThames, guided tour of Oxford to see the film locations, picnic lunch outside Oxfords Christchurch, boating on the River Cherwell through the University Parks, before heading back to Exeter. Miss Drake1501. Which activity will you choose if you want to go camping?A. OU

7、T. B. WBP.C. CRF. D. POT.2. What will the students do on Tuesday with Mrs.Wilson?A. Travel to London.B. See a parade and fireworks.C. Tour central Paris.D. Visit the WWI battlefields.3. How long does Potty about Potter last?A. Two days. B. Four days.C. Five days. D. One week.答案与解析【语篇解读】本文是一篇广告类说明文。文

8、中讲述了家长和孩子一起挑选可以参加的活动。文中分别对这些活动的名称、活动内容、活动特色和活动组织工作人员还有活动的价格进行了详细的描述。1. 答案A解析细节理解题。根据题干中的go camping,我们可以迅速定位到第一个活动当中的“You will be able to take part in a number of activities from canoeing to wild camping .”这个关键信息。故选A项。2. 答案D解析细节理解题。根据题干中的on Tuesday with Mrs.Wilson可以锁定第二个活动。根据“On Monday we travel to L

9、ondon. After staying overnight in London, we travel on Day 2 to northern France to visit the World War I battlefields.”可知,星期一是去伦敦并在伦敦住一夜;第二天星期二到法国北部参观一战的战场。故选D项。3. 答案A解析细节理解题。根据题干中的信息Potty about Potter last可锁定最后一种活动。关键信息overnight意为“一夜的逗留”。故可推断出这个活动是持续两天。Many experts say that Billy Wilder changed the

10、 history of American movies. He is often called the best movie maker Hollywood has ever had. He was known for making movies that offered sharp social comment. Wilder was one of the first directors to do this.Billy Wilder was born in 1906 in the former AustroHungarian Empire. Billy Wilder started law

11、 school in Vienna, Austria. However, he began reporting for a Vienna newspaper after graduation. By the 1920s, he was writing movies in Germany. However, the Nazis had risen to power in the nation. Wilder was Jewish, and he recognized that he had no future in Nazi Germany. In 1933, he went to Paris.

12、 There he directed a movie for the first time. It was called The Bad Seed. Then he received word that producers in the United States had accepted one of his scripts. Billy Wilder left Europe for America.In America he formed a writing team with Charles Brackett. The two writers created many films tog

13、ether. Wilder and Brackett wrote several successful movies. One was the nineteen thirtynine movie, Ninotchka, starring Greta Garbo. Ernst Lubitsch directed the film. Wilder always praised this man as a friend and teacher whose humor and expert direction greatly influenced his works.In 1954, Billy Wi

14、lder became an independent producer. The next year, Wilders first movie as an independent filmmaker was a huge success. It was The Seven Year Itch. In 1959, Wilder made a funny movie that was very popular. I. A. L. Diamond joined Wilder in writing Some Like It Hot.By the 1980s, Wilder no longer was

15、considered the most unusual, creative moviemaker in Hollywood. In recent years, however, Billy Wilder received many more awards and honors. Critics praised his gifts to movie making. In 1987, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences gave him the Irving GThalberg Memorial Award. It is the high

16、est award a producer can receive.4. Which is Wilders first successful movie as an independent filmmaker?A. Ninotchka. B. The Bad Seed.C. Some Like It Hot. D. The Seven Year Itch.5. What can we know about Wilder according to the text?A. He intended to be a lawyer at first.B. He starred a movie for th

17、e first time in Paris.C. He is the first director to make realistic movies.D. He has been accepted as the most creative moviemaker.6. Why did Wilder leave Germany?A. He was Jewish and couldnt develop there.B. The Nazis were searching for him everywhere.C. He was invited to produce his script in Amer

18、ica.D. He expected to go to Paris to form a writing team.7. What would be the best title for the text?A. The Maker of History of American MoviesB. Billy Wildera Best Movie MakerC. An Autobiography of a DirectorD. The Best Director and Producer答案与解析【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了Billy Wilder对于美国电影的贡献。4. 答案D解析细节

19、理解题。根据倒数第二段的“In 1954, Billy Wilder became an independent producer. The next year, Wilders first movie as an independent filmmaker was a huge success. It was The Seven Year Itch.”可知,Wilder作为独立的电影制片人,制作的第一部成功的电影是The Seven Year Itch。5. 答案A解析推理判断题。根据第二段第二句“Billy Wilder started law school in Vienna, Aust

20、ria.”可推断,一开始Wilder想要成为律师。6. 答案A解析细节理解题。根据第二段提到的“However, the Nazis had risen to power in the nation. Wilder was Jewish, and he recognized that he had no future in Nazi Germany. In 1933, he went to Paris.”可知,当纳粹开始执政时,Wilder是犹太人,认识到自己在德国没有未来,因此他离开了德国。7. 答案B解析标题判断题。纵观全文可知,文章主要讲述Billy Wilder对于美国电影的贡献。故B

21、项为最佳标题。(2019云南曲靖第一中学质检)My friend and I were at a restaurant in Berkeley for an evening snack when suddenly, we decided to do a small act of kindnessto use the smile card to make someones day.Being at a restaurant, we decided to pay for someone else anonymously and, what emerged. We got all excited w

22、ith the idea and decided to do that. We looked around for which table we should pay for, and then settled on this tableit seemed like an immigrant family with a few children, enjoying their cocktails at that time. I could sense a family bond in them and that they were having a nice time together. We

23、 called on the waitress to explain the idea to her.As soon as we told her we wanted to pay for another table and showed her the smile card, she got super excited! She said she already had goosebumps! It made us further enthusiastic. Next, she came and told us that the waitress for the other table wa

24、s moved to tears when she heard about this!Soon after, we leftfeeling excited, energized and grateful to get an opportunity to spread smiles. It is hard to explain how it felt in the moment, but it definitely felt specialnot because I was “helping” someone, but because I felt connected to various pe

25、ople whom I didnt even knowthe waitresses and the family. It also, in some form, melted me, to see how people respond to generosity, and how generosity has become in the day to day commercial lifestyle.I felt like something inside me changed. I dont know what happened next, how the family felt and r

26、eacted or how the waitresses experienced the situationbut I am sure it brought a few smiles to a few people.8. Why did my friend and I decide to pay for someone else anonymously?A. Because we had a lot of money.B. Because we wanted other people to pay for us in return.C. Because we made up our mind

27、to show kindness to others.D. Because we felt it is necessary to help others.9. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE?A. The waitress was as excited as us after hearing our idea to pay for others anonymously.B. I was certain that the small act of kindness brought a few smiles to a few people.

28、C. The idea occurred to my friend and me when we had an evening snack at a restaurant.D. The family that we paid for was moved to tears.10. After we paid for the family, I had the following special feelings except that _A. I felt I was a great person and I was helping someoneB. I felt associated wit

29、h diverse strangersC. I felt the inner part of myself changedD. I felt it was a race chance to see generosity in the day to day commercial lifestyle11. What can be a suitable title for the text?A. Pay for OthersB. A Small Act of KindnessC. Connections Made Through a Random ActD. Bring a Few to a Few

30、 People答案与解析【语篇解读】本文属于记叙文。文章主要介绍了作者和朋友在餐厅匿名帮一家人付款的善举,以及偶然为之的小小的善举所带来的情绪变化。8. 答案C解析细节理解题。由第一段中“. when suddenly, we decided to do a small act of kindness”可知,我们决定做一点小小的善行。故C项正确。9. 答案D解析细节理解题。由第三段中“. the waitress for the other table was moved to tears”可知,是另一张桌子的女服务员感动得流下了眼泪。故D项表述错误。10. 答案A解析细节理解题。根据第四段中

31、“. but because I felt connected to various people whom I didnt even knowthe waitresses and the family.”可知,B项正确;根据“It also, in some form, melted me, to see how people respond to generosity, and how generosity has become in the day to day commercial lifestyle.”可知,D项正确;根据“I felt like something inside m

32、e changed. I dont know what happened next .”可知,C项正确。A项在文中并未提到。11. 答案C解析标题判断题。文章主要介绍了作者和朋友在餐厅匿名帮一家人付款的善举、服务员的积极配合以及善举所带来的心绪变化。故C项正确。.完形填空(2019届高三毕业班河北衡水质检考试)When I was 16 I wrote a list of things that I wanted to do in my lifetime. Some things were easy, some difficult and some almost _1_. One of the things on the list was to do a _2_Two years ago I

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