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Final Review.docx

1、Final ReviewFinal Review Sample QuestionsMultiple choice1. Hollands theory of personality-job fit argues that job satisfaction is highest and turnover lowest where _.a. personality and occupation are in agreementb. an individual is highly motivatedc. salary is highd. felt emotions are displayede. co

2、mpensation is highYou are the manager of a small boutique. You have decided to apply the Big Five Model in order to understand your employees and their work habits because it is generally supported by an impressive body of research. You want to use the five dimensions of personality to match individ

3、uals with jobs to which they are well-suited. Answer Question 2 and 32. Michelle Jackson, one of your newest employees, is an extravert. Which of the following statements is least likely to be true?a. Michelle will probably attend the company picnicb. Michelle will probably have a large number of re

4、lationshipsc. Michelle will be friendly and outgoingd. Michelle will perform well on specialized, detail-oriented taskse. Michelle will be suited to a managerial or sales position.3. You know that your customers are demanding and sometimes difficult. Which personality dimension taps a persons abilit

5、y to withstand stress?a. extraversionb. judgingc. conscientiousnessd. emotional stabilitye. intellect4. Shortcuts in judging others include all of the following except _.a. stereotypingb. halo effectc. projectiond. self-serving biase. the Pygmalion effect5. Which of the following statements is not a

6、n example of stereotyping?a. There is no need to offer child-care to him; men arent interested in child care.b. Dont hire an older worker; they cant learn new skills.c. She was good at her last job, so she will be good at this one.d. She wont relocate for a promotion, since women dont relocate.e. Th

7、e new hire will be emotionally insensitive, since he is a man.6. Jennifer has already presented two excellent reports. The report she has just presented is clearly not as good as the first two reports, yet she is given the same high grade as before. What shortcut has the teacher used in this case?a.

8、 the contrast effectb. the halo effectc. stereotypingd. projectione. assertion7. Which of the following conditions would probably not lead to intuitive decision making?a. Time is limited and there is pressure to come up with the right decision.b. Facts dont clearly point the way to go.c. There is a

9、high level of certainty.d. There are several plausible solutions from which to choose.e. People are feeling pressured to make a decision.8. How would a Theory X manager view employees?a. seeking responsibilityb. needing to be coerced to achieve goalsc. viewing work as a normal daily activityd. exerc

10、ising self controle. not motivated by rewards9. Who proposed that intentions to work toward a goal are a major source of work motivation?a. Abraham Maslowb. Jake Herzbergc. Stephen McClellandd. Edwin Lockee. Douglas SurberYour workforce is diverse in terms of their needs for benefits. Jim is married

11、 with two children and his wife is at home full time. Janet is single and supports her widowed mother. Bob is married and his wife has a high-paying job. You decide that you want to devise a benefits program which is tailored to their individual needs. Answer Question 10 and 1110. What sort of benef

12、it program would probably be the best choice?a. a traditional benefit programb. a flexible benefit programc. letting them purchase their own benefitsd. an ESOPe. an AESOP11. What sort of plan would provide pre-designed packages of benefits, put together to meet the needs of a specific group of emplo

13、yees?.a. flexible spending b. core-plus c. cafeteria d. modulare. customized Amalgamated Industries manufactures parts for furniture. Management has decided to change the method of payment to a skill-based plan. You are interested in increasing your current compensation and see this as an opportunit

14、y. Answer Question 12 and 1312. As a manager, you like the plan because it allows _.a. protection of territoryb. flexibilityc. elimination of workersd. decreased payroll costse. increased control13. Which of the following may be a disadvantage of introducing this type of pay plan?a. Employees will b

15、ecome less motivated.b. Employees will become more specialized.c. Employees will tend not to work as hard as before.d. Your employer may pay for skills that they arent using.e. Your employer will have less control over what each employee does.14. Julia, Bree and David work in different departments,

16、but often eat lunch together. They are an example of what type of group?a. formal b. informal c. command d. task e. reactant15. Most people assume that a police officer should behave in a lawful manner, and not show any favoritism to any particular group, and do their best to uphold the law. What te

17、rm is used for this kind of belief?a. a normb. a norm identityc. a role expectationd. a role perceptione. a norm violation16. Which of the following is not a finding of Elton Mayos Hawthorne studies?a. a workers behavior and sentiments are closely relatedb. group standards are highly effective in es

18、tablishing individual worker outputc. money was less a factor in determining worker output than were group standards, sentiments, and securityd. competition between groups will maximize group outpute. group influences are significant in affecting individual behavior17. If no one is aware of conflict

19、, it is generally agreed that _. a. conflict is inevitable b. conflict is subversive c. no conflict exists d. employee-employer relations will be good e. conflict is psychologically driven as opposed to physically manifest 18 Which type of team meets to discuss ways to improve quality, efficiency, a

20、nd the work environment? a. committee b self-managed c. cross-functional d. virtual e. problem-solving 19. Which of the following helps explain the current popularity of teams? Teams _. a. are a way to better utilize employee talents b. are easier to manage c. promote socialization d. are less expen

21、sive e. are very efficient 20. _ is the dimension of trust that refers to the degree to which you can rely on a person to tell you the full truth. a. Wisdom b. Virtue c. Optimism d. Confidence e. Openness 21. The type of leader who guides or motivates his or her followers in the direction of establi

22、shed goals by clarifying role and task requirements is known as a _ leader. a. transcendent b. transformational c. actuarial d. transactional e. charismatic 22. According to the text, the two dominant contemporary theories of leadership focus predominantly on _. a. acting and reacting leaders b. cha

23、rismatic and transcendent leaders c. mentoring and self-leaders d. transformational and transactional leaders e. compelling and transformational leaders 23. Computer-aided communication includes all of the following except _. a. videoconferencing b. extranets c. teleconferencing d. e-mail e. intrane

24、t links 24. Which of the following roles focuses on bringing about order and consistency by drawing up formal plans? a. leadership b. management c. initiating structure d. task structure e. none of the above 25. An example of change in the nature of competition is _. a. collapse of Enron Corporation

25、 b. growth of e-commerce c. IraqU.S. war d. increased interest in urban living e. a decrease in interest rates 26. The most important aspect of power is probably that it _. a. is a function of dependency b. involves control c. tends to corrupt people d. is counterproductive e. is needed to get thing

26、s done in an organization 27. _ is a shared system of meaning held by the organizations members that distinguishes the organization from other organizations. a. Organizational culture b. Corporate image c. Socialization d. Formalization e. Institutionalization 28. The basis by which jobs are grouped

27、 together is termed _. a. bureaucracy b. departmentalization c. specialization d. social clustering e. centralization 29. When Neal Patterson, CEO of Lerner Corporation sent his seething e-mail to 400 managers, he erred by selecting the wrong _. a. distribution b. emotional charge c. channel for his

28、 message d. message e. none of the above 30. _ conflict supports the goals of the group and improves its performance. a. Reactive b. Formal c. Dysfunctional d. Informal e. Functional You have decided to use Hollands Typology of Personality and Congruent Occupations to help your friends who are colle

29、ge seniors recognize which jobs they would be well-suited for. Monica is shy, stable and persistent. Neil is ambitious and energetic and likes to dominate conversations. Jessica is idealistic, impractical and very imaginative. Walter is efficient and practical, but he lacks imagination and tends to

30、be inflexible. Chris is an original thinker, with an analytical and independent intelligence. Answer Question 31, 32, 33 31. Monica is majoring in interior design. Her personality type is “realistic” according to Hollands Typology. Which of the following statements is correct? a. Monicas personality

31、 type is well-suited to her major. b. Monica is better suited to be a bank teller. c. Interior design is incongruent with her personality type. d. Interior design is congruent with a “social” personality type. e. Monica prefers physical to mental activities.32. Which of your friends is best suited to being an accountant? a. Walter b. Neil c. Jessica d. Monica e. Chris33. Who

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