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1、海船船长驾驶必备英语第二章航海出版物第二章 航海出版物 2-1 伦敦港The Port of LondonThe Port of London comprises the 147 km of the tidal River Thames, and the enclosed dock system at Tilbury. The limits of the port are from Teddington to those territorial waters within a limit as follows: from Foulness Point (Essex) to Gunfleet o

2、ld lighthouse to 512636”N, 012530”E to Warden Point (Kent), excluded is any part of the port as defined in the Medway Ports Reorganisation Scheme 1968; River Lea or Bow Creek within the jurisdiction of the British Waterways Board; The Grand Union Canal and Regents Canal Dock. For London District Riv

3、er Pilots the upper limit is London Bridge and the down river limit is just below Gravesend. For the London District Sea Pilots the upriver limit is an imaginary line from the Sealink ferry pier at Gravesend to Tilbury Passenger Landing Stage and the lower limit is a line running from Felixstowe acr

4、oss the mouth of the Thames outside the Goodwin Sands to Folkestone.The Thames Barrier, built for the Greater London Council at Woolwish Reach to afford protection against tidal floods is now under control of the Thames Water Authority. It allows shipping to and from the upper areas of the Port of L

5、ondon to pass without restriction during periods of non-surge conditions. Spanning 520 m across the river, it comprises ten rising sector gates, of which four main gates for navigation have a width of 61m and two subsidiary gates have a width of 35m.AuthorityPort of London Authority (PLA), Internati

6、onal House, Would Trade Centre, London E1 9UN, Tel: (071) 481 1954, Fax: (071) 4810313, Telex: 9413062 PLALONGPort of Tilbury Office: Lelie Ford House, Tilbury Docks, Tilbury, Essex RM18 7EH, Tel: (0375) 852200, Fax: (0375) 855106, Telex: 995170.Chairman, Port of London Authority: Sir Brain Kellett.

7、 Vice Chairman: Robert G Crawford. Chief Executive, River: David Jeffery. Chief Executive, Port of Tilbury: Jonh S. McNab. Chief Harbour Master: Capt. . Varney. Secretary: Geoffrey E. Ennals. Divisional Manager, Containers: Fred Nichois. Divisional Manager, Conventional: David Buckley. Manager, Grai

8、n Terminal: Alan Harris. Head of Business Development: Peter Chambers. Pilotage Manager: Joseph Whitton.ApproachThe following channels are under maintenance by the Authority: from London Bridge to Tower Bridge, width 100115m, depth at chart datum ; from Tower Bridge to Thames Tunnel, 116128m and ; f

9、rom Thames Tunnel to the former Greenland Dock, 128137m and ; from Greenland Dock to the former King George V Dock, 137183m and ; from King George V Dock to Dagenham Pylons, 183m and ; from Dagenham Pylons to Coldharbour Point, 183m and 7m, from Coldharbour Point to Thames Haven, 305m and ; from Tha

10、mes Haven to 1 Sea Reach Buoy, 305m and graded to respectively. The main buoyed channels in the outer estuary are the Barrow Deep, the Edinburgh Channels, the Black Deep and Knock John Channels. Prevailing depths should be obtained from current surveys. All along the river on both banks are numerous

11、 wharves where vessels may load and discharge. There are the gas and electricity undertakings as well as numerous specialized berths handling specified products such as aggregate, sugar, cement, timber, chemicals, ets., and also a number of general cargo berths. See Private Wharves.PilotageCompulsor

12、y for all vessels of 50m loa and over within the Port of London Authority pilotage area. Pilotage District: The PLA pilotage area comprises the waters enclosed by a line joining the following positions. Foulness Point (5137N, 05718”E); 12030”E, 5148N; 140E 5136N ; 123E, 512636”N; Warden Point (51245

13、4”N, 05418”E) and the River Thames as far as London Bridge. Four pilot stations are established: Gravesend, NE Spit, Warps and Sunk. Vessels of 160m loa and over are required to employ berthing pilots when berthing or unberthing at the oil installations at Shell Haven, Canvey Island and Corton.Radio

14、 Frequency InformationThe Port Authoritys Thames Navigation Service operates a Vessel Traffic Service covering the River Thames and Tilbury Docks from the operations room at Gravesend and Woolwich.The Thames Navigation Service operates 24 hours a day providing navigational information and coordinati

15、ng the arrival, departure and movement of all vessels within Port Limits. Owners/Agents are required to provide pre arrival and pre departure information at least 24 hours in advance to the Gravesend Centre by telephone or telex.The Thames Navigation Centre (Call sign Gravesend Radio) is situated at

16、 Gravesend and is responsible for the area Crayfordness to the Seaward limit of the port. The centre operates on VHF Channels 20, 18, 16 and 12 which is the stations primary working frequency, and has radar coverage of the whole area, Tel: (0474) 560311 (shipping information), (0474) 357724 (operati

17、ons centre), Fax: (0474) 352996, Telex: 262880 PLATNS G.TidesTidal information is available from gauges at Walton on Naze, Margate, Shivering Sands, Southend and Tilbury.The Thames Barrier Navigation Centre (Call sign Woolwich Radio) is situated at Woolwich adjacent to the Thames Flood Barrier and i

18、s responsible for regulating traffic through the Barrier and the area from Teddington to Crayfordness. The Centre operates on VHF Channels 22, 16 and 14 (stations primary working frequency), and has radar coverage from Greenwich to Crayfordness. Tel: (081) 8550315, Telex: 896157 PLABAR G. Tidal info

19、rmation is available from gauges at Tower Pier and North Woolwich.The port Authoritys chart datum and zero of tidal predictions approximates to the level of the LAT. At London Bridge chart datum is below Ordance Datum, Newlyn; MHWST is and MHWNT above chart datum. Trinity HW is taken as above Ordanc

20、e Datum, Newlyn.注释:Port of London, 伦敦港。我国的口岸名称不太规范,事实上均应译为Port of Dalian, Port of Shanghai等。excluded is any part of the ort as defined in the Medway Ports Reorganisation Scheme 1968, 1968年米德惟口岸重组系统中所概念的部份除外。within the jurisdiction of the British Waterways Board, 在英国水路委员会管辖之内的。For London District Sea

21、 Pilots the upriver limit is an imaginary line from the sealink ferry pier at Gravesend to Tilbury Passenger Landing Stage and the lower limits is a line running from Felixstowe across the mouth of the Thames outside the Goodwin Sands to Folkestone, 伦敦海道引航员引航区域的上游界限为Gravesend处的Sealink渡口与Tilbury旅客登岸桥

22、之间连线, 下游界限为处Felixstowe经Goodwin浅滩处的泰晤士河口至Folkestone连线。an imaginary line, 一条想象中的线。Thames Barrier, 泰晤士闸坝。built for ,由建造。Greater London Council, 大伦敦委员会。外国的城市周围常另建若干城市或称卫星城,这些城市一般彼此独立,为了协调彼此关系可能成立一个委员会。这里即指如此的委员会。Thames Water Authority, 泰晤士水道管理局。Shipping, 川流不息的船流。periods of non-surge conditions, 无潮水期。Gat

23、e, 船闸。protection against tidal floods, 避免潮水侵袭。Port of London Authority, 伦敦港务局。注意,这里用介词短语作前置定语,这是比较书面化的行文。Port of London Authority, 伦敦港务局。注意,这里用Authority的单数形式。The main buoyed channels in the outer estuary, 河口外带有浮标的主要航道。Prevailing depths, 那时的水深。All along the river on both banks are numerous wharves, 河

24、的两岸有无数码头。the gas and electricity undertakings, 油气和电气设施。pilotage area, 引航区域。注意,这里用名词作定语,比用相应的形容词或动名词作定语书面化。Waters, 水域。不可数名词的复数形式或表“大量的”意义。loa, 总长(length over all)。注意,这种极为常常利用的缩写已被 人们视为一个普通单词了, 乃至在口语中也作为一个单词念出。Vessel Traffic Service, 船舶交管服务处。Thames Navigation service 泰晤士航行处。Service, 服务处,服务公司。Coordinat

25、ing, 协调,处置。pre arrival and pre departure information, 到港前和离港前的信息。Gravesend Centre, 戈兰文交管中心。Thames Navigation Centre, 泰晤士航行中心。gauge, 潮高测量表,潮高测量站。Thames Barrier Navigation Centre, 泰晤士闸坝通航中心。chart datum, 海图基准水深。LAT, 最低天文潮位(lowest astronomical tide)。 MHWST, 平均大潮高潮面(mean high water spring tides)。MHWNT, 平

26、均大潮低潮面(mean high water neep tides)。2-2 遇险报文The master of every ship which meets with dangerous ice, a dangerous derelict, or any other direct danger to navigation, or a tropical storm, or encounters sub freezing air temperatures associated with gale force winds causing severe ice accretion on supers

27、tructures, or winds of force 10 or above on the Beaufort scale for which no storm warning has been received, is bound to communicate the information by all the means at his disposal to ships in the vicinity, and also to the competent authorities at the first point on the coast with which he can comm

28、unicate. The form in which the information is sent is not obligatory. It may be transmitted either in plain language (preferably English) or by means of the International Code of Signals. It should be broadcast to all ships in the vicinity and sent to the first point on the cast to which communicati

29、on can be made, with a request that it be transmitted to the appropriate authorities.Each Contracting Government will take all steps necessary to ensure that when intelligenceof any of the dangers specified in the above paragraph of this regulation is received, it will be promptly brought to the kno

30、wledge of those concerned and communicated to other interested Government.The transmission of messages respecting the dangers specified is free of cost to the ships concerned.All radio messages issued under the first paragraph of this regulation shall be preceded by the safety signal, using the proc

31、edure as prescribed by the Radio Regulations as defined in regulation 2 of chapter IV of SOLAS.注释dangerous ice, 危险冰情。dangerous derelict, 危险沉船, 危险碍航物。direct danger to navigation, 直接危及航海的危险物。tropical storm, 热带风暴。sub freezing air temperatures, 冰冻以下气温。severe ice accretion on superstructures, 在上层建筑物上产生严峻

32、积冰。be bound to communicate, 应通报。by all the means at his disposal, 利用其掌握的一切手腕。the competent authorities, 主管当局。plain language, 普通语言。International Code of Signals, 国际信号表with a request that it be transmitted to the appropriate authorities, 并要求将其发送给有关当局。在request的定语从句中,谓语用原形, 属于虚拟语气。Contracting Grovernment, 缔约国。intelligence of any of the dangers, 任何有关危险的信息。be brought to the knowledge of those concerned, 传送到有关人员处。注意理解这种用法的内在做含义。interested Government, 有关政府。respecting, 介词,相当with regard to, 表示

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