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1、中英文翻译模板北京市劳动合同带续订 No. Labor ContractParty A: Beijing Heping Xijie Golden Elephant Pharmacy Co., Ltd (sealed)Party B: ZHANG Yanan (signature)Signing date: May. 26, 2004 Issued by Beijing Municipal Labor & Social Security Bureau Party A: Beijing Heping Xijie Golden Elephant Pharmacy Co., LtdLegal repr

2、esentative: WANG Yuzhi (signature)Registered address: Party B: ZHANG Yanan Gender: FemaleID card Number: Date of Birth: December, 1943Employed by Party A since May. 28, 2004 According to the Labor Law of the Peoples Republic of China and other laws and statutes, the following employment agreements a

3、re made to be abided by the both parties based on both parties mutual negotiation and free will. I. Employment PeriodArticle 1 The duration of the employment contract is a fixed period contract The contract shall take effect since May. 28, 2004.The contract shall terminate on May. 30, 2008.II. Job C

4、ontentArticle 2 Party A appoints Party B as the shopkeeper Party B agrees with the work requirements of Party A, accepts Party As arrangement and completes the job allocated by Party A well.Article 3 Party B should complete his job in accordance with what Party A requires. III. Labor Protection and

5、Working ConditionsArticle 4 Party A shall arrange Party B standard working systemAccording to the related regulations of the state and government, Party B works 40 hours a week and 8 hours a day averagely. If the overall working hours working system is carried out, the working time span of party B i

6、s less than 40 hours a week and 8 hours a day on average.If the irregular working hours working system is carried out, Party B can arrange his own work schedules by himself on the condition that he should have completed the task appointed by Party A. Article 5 If Party A extends the work time, Party

7、 A should compensate Party B no less than 150% salary for the overtime. If Party A arranges Party B to work during holidays, Party A should compensate Party B no less than 200% salary. If Party A arranges Party B to work during the legal holidays, Party A should compensate Party B no less than 300%

8、salary.Article 6 Party A should provide Party B with the necessary working conditions, produce procedure, operation rules, working standard and medical examination.Article 7 Party A should be responsible for Party Bs learning and training of professional ethics and techniques.IV. RemunerationArticle

9、 8 Party A should pay the salary to Party B before 28th of every month. The salary is paid in RMB 800.00 . Party A must pay the salary on time. Other agreement concerning salary: Party A pays party B for Meal Subsidy: RMB 100.00, post-subsidy RMB 200.00 and bonus. Article 9 If Party A cannot provide

10、 enough work amounts and lead to Party Bs waiting for work, Party A shall pay for Party B monthly maintenance Yuan.V. Insurance and Welfare TreatmentArticle 10 Party A and Party B should pay the insurance premium according to the concerning regulations and the laws of the State and Beijing City. Art

11、icle 11 The sickness salary, sickness allowance and other sickness treatment of Party B are provided by Party A according to the regulations formulated by the unit.Article 12 Party A provides Party B with the welfare treatment when Party B has professional sickness or hurts from the work according t

12、o the concerning regulations of the State and Beijing.Article 13 Party A provides Party B with the following welfare treatments: Endowment Insurance, Unemployment Insurance, Hospitalization Insurance, Accident Insurance.VI. Working DisciplineArticle 14 Party A can establish the professional rule sys

13、tem and the regulations of the company according to the Laws to meet the needs of production and running.Party A can punish Party B or even cancel the contract when Party B breaks the working discipline.Article 15 Party B should abide by the professional ethics and the regulations stipulated by the

14、company. Party B should protect the property of Party A and participate in trainings organized by Party A for self-promotion. VII. Alteration and Cancellation of the ContractArticle 16 Both parties should alter the contract in case that one of the following situations happens: (1) The contract shoul

15、d be altered based on the mutual negotiation of both parties.(2) The contract should be altered when the objective conditions that the contract relied on have changes.(3) The contract should be altered when the laws and regulations that the contract relies on are altered.Article 17 The contract can

16、be altered if one party requires and notice the other side by a formal alteration application. And the other side should reply within 15 days. Otherwise, the contract cannot be altered.Article 18 The contract can be canceled based on the mutual negotiation of both parties.Article 19 Party A has the right to stop the contract in case that one of the following situ

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