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1、Ted英语演讲如何让压力成为朋友中英双语Ted英语演讲:如何让压力成为朋友(中英双语)Kelly McGonigal: How to make stress your friend 如何让压力成为朋友I have a confession to make, but first, I want you to make a little confession to me. In the past year, I want you to just raise your hand我要坦白一个事实 但是首先,我希望你们 能够对我做出一点坦白。 在过去的一年里,只要举手就好if youve experie

2、nced relatively little stress. Anyone?你们是否经历过相对较小的压力。 有人吗?How about a moderate amount of stress?那么中等量的压力呢?Who has experienced a lot of stress? Yeah. Me too.谁又经历过很多的压力呢? 好的。我也一样。But that is not my confession. My confession is this: I am a health psychologist, and my mission is to help people be happi

3、er and healthier. But I fear that something Ive been teaching for the last 10 years is doing more harm than good, and it has to do with stress. For years Ive been telling people, stress makes you sick. It increases the risk of everything from the common cold to cardiovascular disease. Basically, Ive

4、 turned stress into the enemy. But I have changed my mind about stress, and today, I want to change yours.但是那不是我要坦白的。 我要坦诚的是:我是一个健康心理学家, 我的任务是使人们更加的开心和健康。 但是,我恐怕过去十年我一直所教授的 带来的坏处要超过好处, 这些都与压力有关。 多年以来,我一直告诉人们,压力能够使你们变得脆弱。 压力能够增加患上很多疾病的风险:从普通感冒到心血管疾病等 到心血管疾病。 事实上,我把压力看作敌人。 但是,我已经改变了我对压力的看法, 而且今天,我也要改变

5、你们对压力的看法。Let me start with the study that made me rethink my whole approach to stress. This study tracked 30,000 adults in the United States for eight years, and they started by asking people, How much stress have you experienced in the last year? They also asked, Do you believe that stress is harmf

6、ul for your health? And then they used public death records to find out who died.让我以一个使我重新思考我所有对压力看法的 研究开始。 这个研究追踪了30,000 个美国成年人 8 年,研究以问这些被研究者 “在过去的一年里,你们经历过多少的压力”开始 同时,他们也被问到:“ 你们相信 压力对你们的健康是有害的吗? 之后,研究者使用公众死亡记录 来确定谁死亡了。Okay. Some bad news first. People who experienced a lot of stress in the previ

7、ous year had a 43 percent increased risk of dying. But that was only true for the people who also believed that stress is harmful for your health. (Laughter) People who experienced a lot of stress but did not view stress as harmful were no more likely to die. In fact, they had the lowest risk of dyi

8、ng of anyone in the study, including people who had relatively little stress.首先是一些坏的消息, 那些在过去的一年经历较多压力的人们 死亡的风险增加了43%。 但是这只是针对那些 相信压力对健康有害的人起来做这个实验。 这将很有意思。 对于我来说。Okay. I want you all to count backwards from 996 in increments of seven. Youre going to do this out loud as fast as you can, starting wit

9、h 996. Go! Audience: (Counting) Go faster. Faster please. Youre going too slow. Stop. Stop, stop, stop. 我希望你们所有人倒数数字 从996 开始以7递减。 你们必须大声的说出来 尽可能的快,从996开始。 开始! 听众(数数) 快点。快点。 你们太慢了。 停。停,停,停。 这位男士错了 我们必须从新开始。That guy made a mistake. We are going to have to start all over again. (Laughter) Youre not ver

10、y good at this, are you? Okay, so you get the idea. Now, if you were actually in this study, youd probably be a little stressed out. Your heart might be pounding, you might be breathing faster, maybe breaking out into a sweat. And normally, we interpret these physical changes as anxiety or signs tha

11、t we arent coping very well with the pressure.你们并不擅长于此,对吧? 因此,你们知道那种感觉了吧。 如果你们真的参与到这个研究当中, 你们应该会有一些压力。 你的心脏也许会砰砰直跳, 你也许会呼吸加快,也许会一头汗水。 正常情况下,我们会解释这种身体的改变 为焦虑 或者我们不能很好应对这种压力的信号。But what if you viewed them instead as signs that your body was energized, was preparing you to meet this challenge? Now that

12、 is exactly what participants were told in a study conducted at Harvard University. 但是如果你们把这些看作为 你们身体充满活力 并准备好应对这一压力的信号又会怎样? 这些话实际上正是参与者 在哈佛大学参与这项研究时所告知的。Before they went through the social stress test, they were taught to rethink their stress response as helpful. That pounding heart is preparing yo

13、u for action. If youre breathing faster, its no problem. Its getting more oxygen to your brain. And participants who learned to view the stress response as helpful for their performance, well, they were less stressed out, less anxious, more confident, but the most fascinating finding to me was how t

14、heir physical stress response changed. Now, in a typical stress response, your heart rate goes up, and your blood vessels constrict like this.在他们通过社会压力测试之前, 他们被教会认定这些对于压力的反应是有利的。 砰砰直跳的心脏是在为你的行动所做准备。 如果你呼吸加快,没有问题。 这将使你的大脑获得更多的氧气。 那些学会将压力视为 对他们的表现有帮助的参与者 他们所感受到的压力大大降低, 少了一份焦虑,多了一份自信, 但是对于我来说更加令人欣喜的发现是

15、 他们身体对于压力的改变。 现在,对于一定的压力, 你的心率会加快, 你的血管像这样紧缩。 这也是慢性压力与 心血管疾病有关的原因之一。 持续在这样的状态下对身体没有好处。And this is one of the reasons that chronic stress is sometimes associated with cardiovascular disease. Its not really healthy to be in this state all the time. But in the study, when participants viewed their stre

16、ss response as helpful, their blood vessels stayed relaxed like this. Their heart was still pounding, but this is a much healthier cardiovascular profile. It actually looks a lot like what happens in moments of joy and courage. Over a lifetime of stressful experiences, this one biological change cou

17、ld be the difference between a stress-induced heart attack at age 50 and living well into your 90s. And this is really what the new science of stress reveals, that how you think about stress matters.但是,在这项研究当中,当参与者 认为他们对于压力的反应有利, 他们的血管保持松弛,就像这样。 他们的心脏仍然在砰砰直跳, 但这种跳跃实一种更健康的心血管系统活动方式。 它实际上就和你 开心和受到鼓舞时的

18、跳动方式相似。 在你一生经历的压力性事件中, 这一生理变化 会有不同 也许会是在50岁时由压力导致心脏病发作 或者直到90岁还活的很好。 这就是压力,这一新的科学所要揭示的, 你怎样看待压力性事件。So my goal as a health psychologist has changed. I no longer want to get rid of your stress. I want to make you better at stress. And we just did a little intervention. If you raised your hand and said

19、 youd had a lot of stress in the last year, we could have saved your life, because hopefully the next time your heart is pounding from stress, youre going to remember this talk and youre going to think to yourself, this is my body helping me rise to this challenge. And when you view stress in that w

20、ay, your body believes you, and your stress response becomes healthier.因此,作为一个健康心理学家我的目标也发生了变化。 我不在想清除你们的压力。 我想让你们在压力面前变得更好。 而我们只是做了一点点干预。 如果你举起你的手说 在过去的一年当中你感受到了很大的压力, 我们也许能救你的命 因为可能下一次 你的心跳因为压力而加速, 你会记得这次演说 然后告诉自己, 这是我的身体在帮助我应对挑战。 当你以那种方式看待压力, 你的身体信任你, 你身体对于压力的反应便得更加健康。Now I said I have over a dec

21、ade of demonizing stress to redeem myself from, so we are going to do one more intervention. I want to tell you about one of the most under-appreciated aspects of the stress response, and the idea is this: Stress makes you social.我刚才说过,在过去的十年当中我一直将压力妖魔化 并试图从中挽回自己, 因为我们打算做更多地干预。 我想告诉你们对于压力反应最 被低估的一个方

22、面, 那就是: 压力可以使得你更社会化。To understand this side of stress, we need to talk about a hormone, oxytocin, and I know oxytocin has already gotten as much hype as a hormone can get. It even has its own cute nickname, the cuddle hormone, because its released when you hug someone. But this is a very small part

23、of what oxytocin is involved in. Oxytocin is a neuro-hormone. It fine-tunes your brains social instincts. It primes you to do things that strengthen close relationships. Oxytocin makes you crave physical contact with your friends and family. It enhances your empathy. It even makes you more willing t

24、o help and support the people you care about. 为了了解压力的这一作用, 我们需要谈谈一种激素,催产素, 我知道催产素已经得到一种激素 应该得到的最多的宣传。 催产素甚至有一个可爱的别名,拥抱激素, 因为当你拥抱某个人时,催产素将会释放。 但是这仅仅是催产素作用的很小一部分。 催产素是一种神经激素。 它可以很好的调节大脑的社会本能。 催产素能够促使你做一些 能够加强与别人联系的事情。 催产素使你渴望与 朋友和家人有身体上的接触。 催产素能够增加你的情感。 它甚至能够使你更愿意帮助和支持 那些你关心的人们。Some people have even s

25、uggested we should snort oxytocin to become more compassionate and caring. But heres what most people dont understand about oxytocin. Its a stress hormone. Your pituitary gland pumps this stuff out as part of the stress response. Its as much a part of your stress response as the adrenaline that make

26、s your heart pound. And when oxytocin is released in the stress response, it is motivating you to seek support. Your biological stress response is nudging you to tell someone how you feel instead of bottling it up. Your stress response wants to make sure you notice when someone else in your life is

27、struggling so that you can support each other. When life is difficult, your stress response wants you to be surrounded by people who care about you. 有些人甚至提议 我们应该鼻吸催产素 以使我们变得更加富有同情心和爱心。 但是这正表明大部分的人们并不了解 催产素。 它是一个压力性激素。 你的脑垂体释放这种物质 作为对压力反应的一部分。 它就像机体对于压力反馈性的释放 肾上腺素以使心跳加快一样。 当机体应对压力释放催产素时, 它能够促使你去寻找支持。

28、 机体应对压力的这些生理性变化 促使你告诉别人你的感受 而不是隐藏在心理。 你的这些应对压力的反应试图确保你注意 你生活当中的人,以使当他们遇到困难的时候 你可以互相帮助。 当生活变得困难的时候,你的这些对于压力的反应是你 处在那些关心你的人周围。Okay, so how is knowing this side of stress going to make you healthier? Well, oxytocin doesnt only act on your brain. It also acts on your body, and one of its main roles in y

29、our body is to protect your cardiovascular system from the effects of stress. Its a natural anti-inflammatory. It also helps your blood vessels stay relaxed during stress. But my favorite effect on the body is actually on the heart.因此,你们应该知道压力的这一作用为什么 能使你们更健康了吧? 催产素并不仅仅作用于你的大脑。 它同样作用于你的身体, 它对于机体的重要作

30、用之一 是保护你的心血管功能避免 压力带来的伤害。 催产素是天然的抗炎物。 它能帮助你的血管在应对压力时保持放松。 但是我最感兴趣的对于机体的作用实际上是心脏。Your heart has receptors for this hormone, and oxytocin helps heart cells regenerate and heal from any stress-induced damage. This stress hormone strengthens your heart, and the cool thing is that all of these physical b

31、enefits of oxytocin are enhanced by social contact and social support, so when you reach out to others under stress, either to seek support or to help someone else, you release more of this hormone, your stress response becomes healthier, and you actually recover faster from stress. I find this amaz

32、ing, that your stress response has a built-in mechanism for stress resilience, and that mechanism is human connection. 你的心脏有催产素受体, 它能帮助心肌细胞在再生 和从压力导致的损伤中恢复。 这一压力性激素能够强化你的心脏, 更酷的事情是催产素对于机体的这些好处 来源于社会化的联系, 和社会化的支持, 因此,当你对于处于压力状态下的人伸出双手, 无论你是在寻找帮助还是帮助别人 你的机体都会释放更多的催产素, 你对于压力的反应变得更健康, 而你也能从压力中快速的恢复。 我发现这非常的神奇, 你机体对于压力的反应建立了一种 释放压力的内在机制, 而这一机制便是人类联系。I want to finish by telling you about one more study. And listen up, because this study could also save a life. This study tracked about 1,000 adults in the United States, and they ranged in age from 34 to 93, and they started the study by a

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