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四年级下册M5U1I was two then.docx

1、四年级下册M5U1I was two thenModule 5 Unit 1 I was two then.教案营丘镇河头小学 高彦芹一、教学目标:1.知识目标:基本能听懂会说,会读:grandparents,then, hair, was, were, so等单词,会说句型:I was. They were.2.能力目标:学生能够运用was和were来描述过去,介绍自己或他人过去的情况。3.情感目标:通过对本课的学习,让学生在新旧生活的对比中,更加珍惜现在的美好生活,并在交流中增进感情。二、教学重难点:重点:帮助学生理解waswere的意义。难点:was和were的运用。三教学准备:学生小时

2、侯的照片、单词卡片、课件、教学光盘四、设计流程Step 1:Warmup ( 热身活动)1、Greetings T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Ms. Gao.2. 复习所学过的反义词tall-short;big-small;fat-thin等3、Do the actionT: Lets say and do some actions. Are you ready? Now ,together! Follow me. tall, tall. Im tall.( 全体同学起立,并且跟着老师的指令做动作。)T&Ss: Tall,

3、tall. I am tall. Short, short. Youre short. Fat, fat. I am fat. Thin, thin. Youre thin.Cute, cute. I am cute. Naughty, naughty. Youre naughty. Old, old. Hes old. Young, young. Shes young.Step 2: Leading in ( 导入) 1. T: Look at the screen. Who is that little girl? Can you guess? S1:? S2:? S3: Its you.

4、T: Yes, you are right. Its me. In this photo, I was 2 then. Now, I am 40. (板书)I was 2 then. Now, I am 40.(教师教授单词was, then,并强调“then”的发音(舌位)1.学习活动1:Listen, point and say.Step 3 :presetation1、仿照活动1的形式,讨论小时候的自己。 (学生两人一组拿着照片分别描述小时候的自己。)2、课件出示几组明星过去和现在的照片,引导学生用was进行描述。3. 小组讨论用 was/ is 说句子4、谈论grandparent(s

5、)T: Look at the screen. This is grandpa, and this is grandma. They are my grandparents.T: Grand, grand ,grandparents(拍手说)Look! ( In this picture)They were young then. (And another picture)Now , they are old. P.S.教授单词grandparent(s)、were.板书:They were young ,then. Now, they are old.5. 小组讨论用 were/ are 说

6、句子。6. 引导学生通过观察板书,总结was-(am,is)/were-are的用法。Step4: Text- learning(课文学习)1. T: Amy and Lingling are talking about linglings childhood. Lets listen together.2. Listen again and do the Exercise 1 (听录音,做配套练习册题1) 3. 听音,读出含有“was, were”的句 子。 4. 听音跟读。 5. Read in group. 6. Read in roles.Step5: Practicework in

7、group.This is me. I was then. I am now.(年龄) I wasthen. I am(fat/ thin/ short/ cute/ naughty) (外貌或性格特征) Step6 Summary总结本课所学的内容was与am/is的关系;were与are的关系。Step 7 Homework1.Listen to the tape and read after it.2.Talk about your familys pictures with your friends. 板书设计:M5U1 I was two then.was-is/am were-ar

8、e then young I was two then.I am yong now.教学反思 这是一节新授课。本课的主要内容是通过Lingling的爷爷奶奶以及Lingling的照片,来描述过去发生的事情,并通过本课的学习使学生能够学会使用“was”和“were”谈论过去。由于学生第一次接触一般过去时,对课文内容及“was”和“were”的使用难以理解,因此教学中我充分运用照片、挂图、多媒体等直观教学手段创设情景,使学生在情景中较容易的感受、理解知识。在Warm up环节,我运用学过的形容词变成一首chant,一是活跃课堂气氛,活泼优美的旋律,给同学带来了乐趣,很快把同学带到学英语的气氛中来。

9、二是让孩子复习了“tall, short, fat, thin, old, young”等形容词,为下面的学习打好基础。 Module 5 Unit 1 I was two then.学案营丘镇河头小学 高彦芹一、学习目标:1.知识目标:基本能听懂会说,会读:grandparents,then, hair, was, were, so等单词,会说句型:I was. They were.2.能力目标:学生能够运用was和were来描述过去,介绍自己或他人过去的情况。3.情感目标:通过对本课的学习,让学生在新旧生活的对比中,更加珍惜现在的美好生活,并在交流中增进感情。二、学习重难点:重点:帮助学生

10、理解waswere的意义。难点:was和were的运用。三、学习流程Step 1:Warmup ( 热身活动)1、Greetings T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Ms. Gao.2. 复习所学过的反义词tall-short;big-small;fat-thin等3、Do the actionT: Lets say and do some actions. Are you ready? Now ,together! Follow me. tall, tall. Im tall.( 全体同学起立,并且跟着老师的指令做动作。)T

11、&Ss: Tall, tall. I am tall. Short, short. Youre short. Fat, fat. I am fat. Thin, thin. Youre thin.Cute, cute. I am cute. Naughty, naughty. Youre naughty. Old, old. Hes old. Young, young. Shes young.Step 2: Leading in ( 导入) 1. T: Look at the screen. Who is that little girl? Can you guess? S1:? S2:? S

12、3: Its you.T: Yes, you are right. Its me. In this photo, I was 2 then. Now, I am 40. (板书)I was 2 then. Now, I am 40.(教师教授单词was, then,并强调“then”的发音(舌位)1.学习活动1:Listen, point and say.Step 3 :presetation1、仿照活动1的形式,讨论小时候的自己。 (学生两人一组拿着照片分别描述小时候的自己。)2、课件出示几组明星过去和现在的照片,引导学生用was进行描述。3. 小组讨论用 was/ is 说句子4、谈论gr

13、andparent(s)T: Look at the screen. This is grandpa, and this is grandma. They are my grandparents.T: Grand, grand ,grandparents(拍手说)Look! ( In this picture)They were young then. (And another picture)Now , they are old. P.S.教授单词grandparent(s)、were.板书:They were young ,then. Now, they are old.5. 小组讨论用

14、were/ are 说句子。6. 引导学生通过观察板书,总结was-(am,is)/were-are的用法。Step4: Text- learning(课文学习)1. T: Amy and Lingling are talking about linglings childhood. Lets listen together.2. Listen again and do the Exercise 1 (听录音,做配套练习册题1) 3. 听音,读出含有“was, were”的句 子。 4. 听音跟读。 5. Read in group. 6. Read in roles.Step5: Pract

15、icework in group.This is me. I was then. I am now.(年龄) I wasthen. I am(fat/ thin/ short/ cute/ naughty) (外貌或性格特征) Step6 Summary总结本课所学的内容was与am/is的关系;were与are的关系。Step 7 Homework1.Listen to the tape and read after it.2.Talk about your familys pictures with your friends. M5U1随堂练习一、词汇达人。 A)选出不同类的单词。( )1

16、. A.head B. yes C. hair ( )2. A. young B. old C. girl( )3. A.are B.were C.was( )4. A. tall B. short C. then( )5. A. grandma B.he C.grandpaB)根据汉语提示,补全单词。1.y_ _ng (年轻的) 2. _ld (年老的)3.cl_ _n (干净的) 4.sh_ _t (短的)5. l_ _g (长的) 二、读一读,选择合适的词语补全句子。 was wasnt were are is1. Who are they? They _ my grandparents

17、. They_ young then.2. Who is that little girl?Its me. I _ two then. .3. This dog_ thin then, it was fat. 4. The desk was dirty then, now it _ clean.三、请你选出合适的一项,将其字母代号写在题前括号中。( )1. This is _. A. I B. me C. my( )2. They _ my grandparents.A. are B. is C. was( )3. I _ two then.A. were B. was C. am( )4.M

18、y hair _ long now. A. was B. is C. are ( )5. Shes very beautiful. But she _ beautiful then. A. isnt B. was C. wasnt( )6. _ is that little girl?Its me. A. What. B. Whose C. Who( )7.The desk wasnt _ then. It was new.A. old B. young C. big( )8. Is she Tingting? _.A. Yes, she was. B. No, she wont. C. Yes, she is.( )9._ your parents young?-Yes, they were. A. Were B.Is C.Was ( )10.- _ are they?-They are my friends. A.What B. Who C.Where

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