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1、仁爱版八年级下册英语第七单元教案Unit7 Topic1 SectionA精品教案. Material analysis 本节课为话题的第一节课,建议用1课时上完。主要活动为Section A 的1a和2。本话题由Craig Kielburger 从12岁起建立解放儿童组织,创办柯氏国际儿童基金展开。在本课1a的对话中,为了帮助Craig Kielburger,Kangkang, Michael, Maria和Jane 决定举办一次“国际美食节”。通过让学生了解四个小伙伴为美食节做的种种努力,鼓励他们积极参与有益的课外实践活动,培养关心他人,乐于助人的态度。本话题的语法重点是学习that引导的

2、宾语从句。. Teaching aimsKnowledge aims:1. 学生能正确拼读并运用为美食节做准备的词和短语。2. 学生能简单地掌握宾语从句的用法。Skill aims: 1. 能听懂有关筹集资金计划的对话。2. 能使用英语简单谈论筹集资金的计划。3. 能连贯流畅地朗读对话。4. 能写出简单的帮助他人的短文。Emotional aims:学习积极参与有益的课外实践活动,关心他人,乐于助人。. The key points and difficult pointsKey points:1. 谈论筹集资金的计划。2. 初步掌握宾语从句的用法。Difficult points: 写出关于

3、筹集资金帮助他人的短文。. Learning strategies 注意发现语言的规律并能运用规律举一反三。. Teaching aids Computer multimedia projector, the pictures of Craig Kielburger, a poster, the pictures of soup, cheese, cookies, and pancakes, a picture of a blind person, a video of the earthquake in Yaan. Teaching proceduresStepInteraction pat

4、ternStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction(8 minutes)1. The wholeclass work.2. The wholeclass work.3. Group work.4. The whole class work.5. The whole class work. 1. Focus their attention on the teacher.2. Students read the passage about the traffic rules they made after class.3. Students discu

5、ss in groups and answer the questions with the structure: I think I will4. Students learn and grasp the new words and phrases with the help of the teacher.5. Students report the information about Craig Kielburger they collected.1. Greet students ready for learning. 2. Teacher asks the students to re

6、port the homework. Let the students read the passage about the traffic rules they made after class.3. Teacher asks the students to think about the following questions: If someone is in trouble, what will you do? If someone needs money, what will you do? Then ask the students to answer them with the

7、structure: I think I will4. Teacher teaches the new words by summing up the answers above:“Now I see, some students will turn to their parents, which means they will ask their parents for help. Some students imagine that they can put on a play to raise money. You can try your best to help others, Im

8、 so proud of you!”5. Teacher shows the pictures of Craig Kielburger to the students. Ask the students to report the information about Craig Kielburger they collected.Presentation(10 minutes)1. The whole class work.2. Individual work.3. The whole class work.4. Individual work.5. The whole class work.

9、6. The whole class work.7. Individual work.8. The whole class work.9. Individual work.10. The whole class work.1. Students look at the picture of 1a, and understand the picture with the help of the information under it.2. Students watch the flash, and then mark the sentences of 1b with T or F.3. Stu

10、dents check the answers.4. Students read the conversation and matchthe information of 1c.5. Students check the answers.6. Students read the sentences aloud.7. Students find out the same structure in the sentences of 1c.8. Students check the answers.9. Students watch the flash and answer the question

11、s.10. Students check the answers.1. Teacher praises students information they collected after class. Encourage them to keep on making a preview before class. Then let the students look at the picture of 1a and understand the picture with the help of the information under it.2. Teacher plays the flas

12、h of 1a. Ask the students to watch the flash, and then mark the sentences of 1b with T or F.3. Teacher asks two students to tell the answers.4. Teacher asks the students to read the conversation and match the information of 1c. 5. Teacher asks two students to tell the answers.6. Teacher asks the stu

13、dents to read the sentences aloud.7. Teacher asks the students to find out the same structure in the sentences of 1c.8. Teacher asks two students to tell the answers.9. Teacher asks the students to watch the flash again and answer the following questions:(1) How many schools did Free the Children bu

14、ild?(2) Whats Michaels task?10. Teacher asks two students to tell the answers. Teach the new word poster by showing a real poster to them.Consolidation(10 minutes)1. The whole class work.2. The whole class work.3. Group work. 4. The whole class work. 5. Group work.6. The whole class work.7. The whol

15、e class work.1. Students read the conversation after therecording sentence by sentence.2. Students try to follow the speed, paying attention to the pronunciation and intonation.3. Students discuss ingroups to find out the difficult points and sum up the main points.4. Students underline in their boo

16、ks and make some notes. Learn and grasp the new words and phrases.5. Students discuss in groups: What will the food festival be like? 6. Volunteers report the result of the discussion.7. Students act out the conversation of 1a.1. Teacher plays the recording sentence by sentence.2. Teacher plays the

17、recording without stopping.3. Teacher asks the students to learn in groups to find out the difficult points in the conversation. At last let them sum up the main points of the conversation.4. Teacher makes a summary to explain the key points and difficult points to the students.(1) have/hold/ organi

18、ze a food festival(2) turn to sb. /ask sb. for help(3) make a poster(4) get in touch with sb.(5) try ones best to do sth.(6) make it a success(7) 由that 引导的宾语从句5. Teacher lets the students read 1a, and then discuss what the food festival will be like with the help of the pictures and the example. Let

19、 them practice the usage of the object clauses.6. Teacher asks four students to report the result of the discussion. Finish 1d.7. Teacher asks the students to act out the conversation of 1a.Practice(10 minutes)1. The whole class work.2. Group work. 3. Individual work.4. The whole class work.5. Pair

20、work.6. Individual work.7. The whole class work.1. Students learn and grasp the new words with the help of the teacher.2. Students discuss what the children should prepare for the food festival in groups.3. Students write down the conversations.4. Students evaluate the conversations, and then check

21、the answers with the teacher.5. Students act out the conversations in pairs.6. Students listen and match the people with what we can do.7. Students check the answers.1. Teacher teaches the new words soup, cheese, cookies, and pancakes by showing their pictures on the screen. Teach set and set the ta

22、ble by explaining their Chinese meaning.2. Teacher asks the students to discuss what the children should prepare for the food festival.3. Teacher asks four students to write down the conversations on the blackboard. The other students write down at least two conversations in their each workbook.4. T

23、eacher lets two or three students evaluate the conversations on the blackboard. Check the answers.5. Teacher lets the students act out the conversations in pairs.6. Teacher plays the recording of 3 for the students and lets the students listen and match the people with what we can do.7. Teacher lets

24、 two students tell their answers. Teach blind by showing a picture of a blind person. Production(7 minutes)1. Group work.2. The whole class work.3. The whole class work.4. The whole class work.5. Individual work.1. Students watch the video and discuss in groups.2. Students write down their opinions

25、with the structure I think3. Students share their opinions with the whole class.4. Students summarize Section A with the teacher.5. Students finish the homework after class.1. Teacher plays the video of the Yaan earthquake. Lead the students to discuss in groups:“A terrible earthquake struck Yaan in

26、 Sichuan Province at 8: 02 on the morning of April 20th this year. Lets discuss how to help the people in Yaan.”2. Teacher asks the students to write down their opinions with the structure I think3. Teacher asks four students from different groups to share their opinions. Tell them that we should tr

27、y our best to help the people in trouble. 4. Teacher shows the summary of this section to the students.5. Teacher assigns homework:(1) Review the summary after class.(2) Write down a passage about how to help the people in Yaan with the sentences containing object clauses.(3) Search some typical foo

28、ds in different countries to prepare for Section B. Teaching ReflectionThe students admire Craig Kielburger very much. Its a successful lesson: The students want to learn from him to help the people in trouble. The teacher should introduce more information of Craig Kielburger to the students to enco

29、urage them to help others from now on. Blackboard designUnit 7 Food Festival Topic 1 Were preparing for a food festival.Section A1. have/hold/ organize a food festival2. turn to sb. /ask sb. for help3. make a poster4. get in touch with sb.5. try ones best to do sth.6. make it a success7. Kangkang kn

30、ows (that) Graig comes from Canada.8. set the table Unit7 Topic1 SectionB精品教案. Material analysis 本节课建议用1课时完成。主要活动为Section B的1a和2。本课通过Kangkang, Michael, Maria和Jane 谈论为“国际美食节”做准备的话题,继续学习that 引导的宾语从句,复习发出和接受邀请的功能用语,了解不同国家的代表性食物,并通过网上聊天继续了解Craig Kielburger的情况。鼓励学生积极参与有益的课外实践活动,乐于接触并了解异国的美食文化,培养关心他人,乐于助人的态度。. Teaching aimsKnowledge aims:1. 学生能区分元音音素/ au/和/, 并能正确拼读单词。2. 学生能在朗读句子时正确处理重读和弱读。3. 学生能正确掌握有关各国美食的词。4. 学生能进一步运用宾语从句进行交流。Skill aims: 1. 能听懂有关谈论各国美食的对话和邀请他人参加美食节的对话。2. 能引出有关各国美食的话题并进行几个回合的交谈。3. 能从所给语言材料中找出有关信息,并理解大意。4. 能写出简单的有关各国美食的短文。Emotion

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