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北师大版届高三英语大一轮复习导学案Book 2 Unit 6 Design.docx

1、北师大版届高三英语大一轮复习导学案Book 2 Unit 6 DesignBook 2Unit 6Design1pain n疼痛;痛苦;努力;辛苦_ adj.令人痛苦的归纳拓展 be in pain疼痛;在苦恼中have a pain in the leg/back腿/背疼take great pains to do不遗余力,不辞劳苦,全力以赴spare no pains不辞劳苦with great pains煞费苦心地注意:pain指辛苦、刻苦、努力讲时,要用复数形式。I never got past the pain level, and pain isnt fun.我从未逾越疼痛,而且疼

2、痛一点也不好玩。活学活用(1)I _ the arm.我的胳膊很疼。(2)The old couple took_ to earn more money for their disabled son.(2011合肥模拟)Aa pain BpainCpains Dpainf2ruin vt.毁坏,毁灭;n.毁灭,崩溃;废墟;遗迹归纳拓展(1)There lay my house,reduced to waisthigh ruins,smelly and dirty.我的房子矗在那里,已沦为又臭又脏半腰高的废墟了。(2)Heavy smoking ruined his health.过度吸烟损害了

3、他的健康。活学活用(1)用damage, destroy, ruin的适当形式填空After the Wenchuan earthquake,many buildings were _,but the local people still repaired the _ ones and rebuilt the new ones to keep their hometown from coming to _.(2)After the earthquake,the whole city lies_ruins. (2011六安月考)Aat Bon Cby Din3mercy n慈悲,仁慈;怜悯,同情

4、心;宽恕;幸运_ adj.宽大的;仁慈的_ adv.仁慈地;宽大地归纳拓展They were lost at sea, at the mercy of wind and weather.他们在海上迷失了方向,任凭风浪的摆布。活学活用(1)He _ to the poor.他对穷人没有仁慈心。(2)They were entirely_ of the flood caused by heavy rain. (2011安阳月考)Ahaving mercy Bshowing mercyCat the mercy Dwithout mercy4conclusion n结论;结束_ v总结,下结论;结束

5、;最后说归纳拓展(1)in conclusion最后;总之arrive at/come to/draw/reach a conclusion (that.)得出()结论(2)conclude sth.with sb.就某事与某人达成协议to conclude最后活学活用(1)They _ a treaty _ Turkey.他们同土耳其缔结了一项条约。(2)Six people have_ that they will be attending the meeting while ten havent replied yet.Aexpected BsuggestedCconcluded Dco

6、nfirmed5.typical adj.典型的;有代表性的_ adv.典型地;有代表性地归纳拓展It was typical of him to be so rude.他一向都是这样粗鲁无礼。活学活用(1)This painting is fairly _ his early work.这幅画是他早期作品中相当典型的代表作。(2)It is_ of Mary to break her promise.Anormal BordinaryCcommon Dtypical6shade n阴凉处;阴暗部分归纳拓展(1)There was no shade and our legs were achi

7、ng.没有阴凉,并且我们的双腿在疼痛。(2)They were sitting in the shade of a tree.他们坐在树阴下。活学活用(1)用shade, shadow的适当形式填空In the _ of a big tree,she could see a _ of a man in the window.(2)Some villagers are resting themselves in_ shade.Aa B/ Cthe Dan7valuable adj.有价值的;值钱的,贵重的_ n价值观;实用性,有价值,重要性;vt.给估价,给评价;重视,珍视_ adj.无价值的,

8、不值钱的归纳拓展He wants to be more valuable for your paper. (2010北京,阅读理解B)对于你的报纸,他想(使其)变得更有价值。活学活用(1)Your help has been of _.你的帮助很有价值。(2)He thought the painting was of little_,so he let me have it for only ten pounds.AcostBvalueCpriceDexpense8fix ones eyes on/upon注视,凝视归纳拓展Thousands of eyes were fixed on Ji

9、nan in 2009.在2009年千万双眼睛关注着济南。活学活用(1)They _ in a hotel.他们安排我在一家旅馆过夜。(2)Looking up,I saw his eyes_ on me in curiosity.Afixing BfixedCto fix Dhaving fixed9date back to追溯到,始于归纳拓展The concept dates back to 1623,when the first patent law to protect IP rights was passed.这种理念可以追溯到1623年,那时第一部保护知识产权的专利法获得通过。活学

10、活用(1)The model is the newest and most _.这一款是最新的,也是最时尚的。(2)The scientist discovered a dinosaur fossil_ from 4,000 years related to与有关系归纳拓展The next day,when we came to class,there would be two or three topics on the blackboard related to the homework reading. (2009湖北,

11、完形填空)第二天当我们去上课时,黑板上总有两三个与阅读作业相关的话题。活学活用(1)He _ the facts of the case _ journalists.他给记者们讲述了这件事的真实情况。(2)Much of the crime in this area _ drug abuse.这一地区的许多犯罪都与滥用毒品有关。(3)Spiders are not insects,as many people think,nor even nearly_ to them.One can tell the difference almost at a glance,for a spider al

12、ways has eight legs and an insect never_ six.Arelated;over Brelative;more thanCrelation;over Drelate;more than11try out测试,试验归纳拓展Joan tried out for the school basketball team.琼参加了校篮球队的选拔。活学活用(1)Im going to _ a meal tonight.我打算今晚试着做一顿饭。(2)Chinas first train from Beijing to Tibet was_ on Saturday carry

13、ing business travelers on the worlds highest railway. (2011洛阳模拟)Atried out Bset outCworked out Dmade out12hold ones breath屏息;屏气归纳拓展Alice held her breath.In the soft light inside the car,something moved.(2010江西,完形填空)艾丽斯屏住呼吸。在车内柔和的光线中,有东西在动。活学活用(1)Reaching the top of the tower,he was _.到了塔顶他就上气不接下气了。(

14、2)When we got to the top of the mountain,we were nearly_.(2011淮南月考)Aunder our breath Blost our breathCcaught our breath Dout of breath13Qi Baishis style of painting often leaves the audience guessing and makes them use their imagination.译文:_句式提取:leave宾语宾语补足语归纳拓展(1)Why dont they just leave it alone?(

15、2010浙江,阅读理解D)他们为什么不能不去打扰它呢?(2)There will still be some shops left open.还有几家商店开门营业。活学活用(1)They started out hurriedly,_ the dishes _.菜都没有动,他们就匆匆出发了。(2)I left _ when I went out.我出去时没锁门。(3)The young mother went out in a hurry,_ on the floor crying.(2011合肥模拟)Aleft her little daughter layBleft her little

16、daughter lyingCleaving her little daughter layDleaving her little daughter lying14.Surrounded by fields,mountains and rivers,the Old Town of Lijiang looks like a jade ink stone in spring and summer.译文:_句式提取:Surrounded by.归纳拓展该句型属于过去分词短语作状语。过去分词在句中作状语,和句子的主语是被动关系,在句中可以作时间、条件、原因、方式、让步及伴随状语。Ideally loc

17、ated for Broadway theatres and Fifth Avenue,the New York Park hotel is a favourite with many guests.完美地坐落于百老汇剧院与第五大道之间纽约公园酒店是旅客最理想的住所。活学活用(1)_ the city,we were impressed by the citys new look.当被带领参观完这座城市后,我们对该城市的新面貌留下了很深的印象。(2)句型转换The professor entered, followed by his students.The professor entered

18、,and _ _ by his students.(3)对这个问题感到困惑,他决定向老师求助。_,he decided to turn to his teacher for help.(4)_ by the magicians tricks,they decided to invite him to their village the _ year.AAmusing;following BAmused;followingCAmusing;followed DAmused;follow15People to whom the dead person was related would make

19、these offerings on special days and during festivals.译文:_句式提取 whom.归纳拓展to whom the dead person was related是定语从句,was related to为固定短语“和有(亲属)关系”,在此从句中介词to前置,放在whom之前,构成“介词+关系代词”结构。A good friend of mine from when I was born showed up at my home right before I left for Beijing. (2009安徽,27)我儿时的好友在我去北京

20、前来到了我家。活学活用(1)Do you know the man _?你认识跟老师说话的那个人吗?(2)It was a bad season _ to have outings.这不是一个适于郊游的季节。(3)The boss will choose one of the best workers _ to go abroad.(2010安庆月考)Aby whomBfor whomCwith whomDon whom16Its finally our turn to do the wallboard in the school hall!译文:_句式提取:Its ones turn to

21、do sth.归纳拓展Its your turn to do the housework.该轮到你做家务了。活学活用(1)We _ the housework.我们轮流做家务。(2)_ to answer the question?轮到谁回答问题了?(3)People lined up and entered the hall_.Ain turn Bby turnsCtake turns Dwith turn答案 Unit 6Design课堂活动区1painful活学活用(1)have a bad pain in(2)Ctake pains to do sth.为固定搭配,意为“不辞劳苦地做某

22、事”。2活学活用(1)destroyeddamagedruindamage,destroy,ruin(1)damage是程度较小的“破坏,损坏”,强调价值、用途降低或外表损坏等。一般指被破坏的物品可以重新修复。(2)destroy常指彻底的、不能或很难修复的“破坏,毁坏”,程度较深,强调“毁坏”的力度和彻底性;也可用于损坏抽象的东西,比如名誉、计划、努力、契约等。(3)ruin亦指彻底毁掉,但不含有以某种摧毁性的力量进行破坏,而含有在一定的过程中逐渐毁掉的意思;强调使某物失去优良的特性或特征。(2)D3mercifulmercifully活学活用(1)shows little mercy(2)

23、Cbe at the mercy of在的控制下。4conclude活学活用(1)concludedwith(2)C句意为:六个人已经断定他们将参加会议,尽管。故选concluded“下结论,决定”。5typically活学活用(1)typical of(2)DIts typical of do sth.固定结构,意为“某人一向如此做某事”。6活学活用(1)shadeshadowshade,shadow二者都可表示“阴影”,但含义不同。(1)shade表示“阴凉处,树阴”,强调避热作用。(2)shadow强调人或物在光照下形成的影像。(2)Cin the shade在阴凉处,固定搭

24、配。7valuevalueless活学活用(1)great value(2)B句意为:他认为这幅画没有价值,因此他让我以十英镑买了它。value价值,符合句意。8活学活用(1)fixed me up for the night(2)B感观动词后跟复合宾语,eyes与fix之间为动宾关系,故用过去分词。9活学活用(1)up to date(2)Ddating from此处相当于定语从句which dates from.,是现在分词短语作后置定语。10活学活用(1)relatedto(2)is related to(3)Anor even.them是nor are they even relate

25、d to them的省略。11活学活用(1)try cooking(2)A由句意可知,此处应是“火车被试验、测试”。try out实验,测试,符合句意。12活学活用(1)out of breath/breathless(2)D该句中从句表示“我们到达山顶时”,由此可知主句表示“我们几乎是上气不接下气”。首先可排除A、C两项,虽然B、D两项意思相近,但词性不一样,因句中有were,所以不能选B项。13齐白石的绘画作品常给观赏者留出运用想像力解读其内涵的余地。活学活用(1)leavinguntouched(2)the door unlocked(3)D现在分词短语作状语,其结构为:leave宾语现

26、在分词,表示“使处于某种状态”。14被田地、山脉和河流包围着的丽江古城在春天和夏天看起来像一块墨绿色的宝石。活学活用(1)Taken around(2)wasfollowed(3)Confused/As he was confused by the problem(4)B第一空为过去分词短语作状语,相当于Because they were amused by.;第二空following意为“接着的”。15在特别的日子和节日期间,死者的亲人将会制作这些祭品。活学活用(1)to whom the teacher is talking?(2)in which(3)C此题属于“介词whom不定式”作定语的句型,要表达“和某人一块出国”,应用介词with。16最后轮到我们做学校礼堂的墙报了!活学活用(1)take turns to do(2)Whose turn is it(3)A句意为:人们排好队,依次走进大厅。in turn依次,一个个地;by turns轮流;交替;take turns是动词短语;没有with turn短语。 Book 2Unit 6Design.语境填词1Sarahs got lovely _ (wave) blond hair and she often uses a _ (短波) radio to pick up foreign news.2The _ (

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