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1、巧石集锦巧石集锦 9 of the Most Impressive Balanced Stones in the World Earth may be one of the most geologically active planets in the solar system, but dont tell that to these 9 brazenly oblivious balanced stones.Poised between inertial stability and the relentless force of gravity, these rock-steady rocks

2、 maintain a precarious balance between soil and sky. Balanced Rock, Colorado, USA The huge balanced rock known as, er, Balanced Rock can be found in the Garden of the Gods, a Registered National Natural Landmark located near Pikes Peak in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The rock looms over a paved acces

3、s road that provides an excellent view hopefully, not the last view an unlucky driver ever sees. The photo above highlights the layers of sandstone that make up Balanced Rock while accentuating the narrow base that has weathered away over the eons, partially freeing the boulder of harder red sandsto

4、ne from its imprisoning matrix of softer stone. Balancing Rock, Digby, Nova Scotia, Canada Balancing Rock in Digby, Nova Scotia, is a 30-odd foot high spire of columnar basalt that has gradually eroded out from the cliff face over countless years. The town of Digby has lately built an infrastructure

5、 of railings and walkways so that access to this striking phenomenon of nature is now much safer both for tourists and for the rock itself. According to Wally Hayes, a first-time visitor to Balancing Rock, “I was even more awestruck when I approached for a closer view and could look under the rock t

6、hrough a narrow horizontal crack and see the ocean beyond. The rock column didnt appear to have much attachment to base rock on which it stood. Not only that, part of the base protruded out from the supporting rock. It looked like a pencil standing upright, half on and half off the edge of a table t

7、op. But this was not pencil, rather many tons of solid rock.” Idol Rock, Brimham Moor, North Yorkshire, UK A number of oddly shaped and curiously balanced rocks dot a 50-acre expanse of Brimham Moor in North Yorkshire, England. One of the most outstanding from a balanced rock point of view is the so

8、-called Idol Rock. Estimated to weight around 200 tons, Idol Rock balances its enormous weight atop a comparatively tiny, pyramidal stone upon which frighteningly high pressures are being expended. Idol Rock and its companion Brimham Rocks, which include The Sphinx, The Watchdog, The Camel, The Turt

9、le, and The Dancing Bear, can be viewed at the Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The UKs National Trust oversees the area and admittance is free. El Torcal de Antequera, Andalucia, Spain El Torcal Nature Reserve, situated in the mountains south of Antequera, Spain, features a plethora o

10、f karst limestone rock formations that typically feature tall, tapering spires of rock combined with horizontal weathering patterns. The result of this combination is often expressed in huge “flapjack stacks” that are actually more stable than they appear. The karst stone towers of El Torcal de Ante

11、quera have evolved terraces of limestone over which tourists can ascend like stairs in order to get up close & personal with the rocks. Climbing further is NOT recommended, however Darwin has provided enough examples in the reserve without your becoming another one! Kjeragbolten, Norway Kjeragbo

12、lten is a 5 square meter (roughly 15 sq ft) rock that his wedged itself in a crevasse between two gigantic rocks on Kjerag mountain, Norway. Its not your typical, top-heavy balanced rock by any means but thats not to say that Kjeragbolten is at perfect rest just ask Aron Ralston, whose arm was trapp

13、ed by a similarly wedged boulder in Utahs Blue John Canyon, requiring him to take desperate measures to free himself. Unlike Ralstons nemesis in an underground canyon, Kjeragbolten is lodged high up on Kjerag. How high? Those who are brave enough to walk across the boulder (and yes, this is allowed)

14、 can easily view the valley floor about 1,000 meters (over 3,000 feet) below. For sheepish hikers especially, the admonition “dont look down” was never so appropriate. Peyro Clabado, Sidobre, France Peyro Clabado (Nailed Rock) is perhaps the most famous of the many enormous, eroded granite boulders

15、and rock formations that make up the Sidobre in Languedoc, France. The rocks are all that remain of a 300 million year old mountain range that loomed over what was to become western Europe. Today, isolated outcrops loom over intrepid visitors who have hopefully updated their wills before visiting. A

16、s hard and dense as granite may be, given enough time even the hardest specimens will be reduced to sand and sediment. Peyro Clabado is on its way to that fate, but for a brief moment in geological time were privileged to observe this 780-ton rock perform an exquisitely delicate balancing act. Mushr

17、oom Rocks, Kansas, USA Mushroom Rock State Park, located in the Smoky Hills region of Kansas, may only be 5 acres in size but it holds some of the oddest balancing rocks on Earth and yes, a couple of them do indeed resemble mushrooms. Very, very large mushrooms one might expect to see the hookah-smo

18、king caterpillar from Alice In Wonderland relaxing on top of one. The Kansas Mushroom Rocks are a work in progress, and unfortunately the end of the job means the end of the rock formation. Although weathering by wind and water is a slow process, its remarkably effective over long stretches of time.

19、 In the Mushroom Rocks, one can easily see how the harder, darker Dakota Sandstone cap rock protects (to some degree) the softer, lighter colored stone that forms its pedestal. Even more remarkable is the fact that the narrow pedestal was once part of a distinct layer of rock, the vast majority of w

20、hich has eroded away. Chiremba Balancing Rocks, Epworth, Zimbabwe The Chiremba Balancing Rocks are little known outside of Zimbabwe but the locals certainly appreciate their majesty: one impressive grouping is featured on the countrys banknotes. Like the balancing rocks of the Sidobre in France, the

21、se weathered boulders are made of ancient granite and its taken millions of years for them to settle into their outwardly precarious positions. Epworth is located a few miles southeast of Zimbabwes capitol, Harare, and the Chiremba Balancing Rocks are just a short taxi ride away. They were declared

22、a national monument in 1994 and admission to the park is approximately 3 dollars. Mexican Hat Rock, Utah, USA Mexican Hat Rock is located just outside Monument Valley in south-central San Juan County, Utah. The 60-foot (18 m) wide by 12-foot (3.7 m) thick red sandstone rock outcropping is the only o

23、ne of its kind in the area and can be seen for miles around. There are two designated climbing routes laid out for those who wish to make the strenuous hike to the base of Mexican Hat Rocks sombrero-shaped cap. Though not a “balanced rock” in the pure sense of the term, the cap rock is attached to i

24、ts base by a very narrow neck which will inevitably snap sooner or later keep that in mind, hikers. 以下为本博补充 中国安徽黄山飞来石 飞来石位于光明顶西北方,相距近1公里。天海平天矼的西端,有一块巨石,呈近长方柱体耸立在峰头基岩平台之上,走向南东,宽7米,厚1.52.5米,高15米,花岗岩的平均密度为2.59103kg/m3,其重量约为544吨。从南向北侧面观看,它上尖下圆,形似一颗巨桃,世人称其为“仙桃石”或“仙桃峰”,海拔1730米。经实地测量,巨石下面的基岩平台长1215米,宽810米。

25、岩石成分完全相同的上下二石,其间的接触面积却很小,使游人感到到上面的巨石似从天外飞落崖上,故名“飞来石”。游人立于基座平台之上,如临画境,故石面上有“画境”二字题刻。明代游览者程玉衡惊叹此石的存在,有诗云:“策杖游兹峰,怕上最高处。知尔是飞来,恐尔复飞去。” 巨石如此巨大,何人能够撼动半分? 关于“飞来石”的身世,千年以来一直蒙上了神秘的面纱;相传此石为女娲补天所剩两石之一,后来飞落黄山成此奇石。其实,“飞来石”并非天外飞来,它与下部的基座平台原系一体,都是由黄山岩体补充期侵入的中细粒斑状花岗岩所构成;花岗岩构造节理发育,由于北东和北西向的两组近直立节理和北西走向的近水平节理的切割裂解,形成了

26、长方柱体的“飞来石”雏形,但此时其四周仍被岩块包围着,上下仍为一体。后来,在山体的不断抬升中,由于风化剥蚀,冰川流水和重力崩塌,使四周岩块逐渐被剥离脱落,基座平台面上的接触面变得很小,最终形成了兀立于高座平台之上的“飞来石”奇观。 相传,宋代有个叫单福的石匠,一生给人家造成了不少桥,心想也在自己家乡门口的江山建造一座,但叹息没有帮手。他膝下只有一女叫小姣,长得聪明美丽。小姣知道父亲的心思,便要求参加帮助干。但那深山采石,百里运石的苦和累,小女子怎么受得了,所以单福就是不答应。小姣跪在地上苦苦哀求,单福没奈何,才含泪点头。他还把三个徒弟找来帮忙,不久就干起来了。由于开山运石的苦和累实在难受,大徒

27、弟和二徒弟先后悄悄地溜了。单福和女儿、三徒弟为修桥铁了心,继续风里雨里苦干着。但好几年过去了,运到江边的石头只有一小堆,这样累死苦死,桥也建不起来。小姣一咬牙,请人写了“捐身修桥”四个大字,插了个草标,坐到江边石堆旁。一连三天,来看的人无数,但望望滔滔的江水,就都走了。这天,忽然来了个瘸子,身背一把扇子,摘了草标,问小姣愿不愿意跟他走,小姣回答说:“什么时候把大山里的开采的石头全运到江边,就什么时候跟你走。”这瘸子原来是八仙中的铁拐李。他挤出人群,腾云驾雾,很快来到百里外的大山,从背上拿下扇子,对着单福和三徒弟开出的石头就扇。石头竟都飞了起来,又纷纷都落在江边。单福和三徒弟也被从山上扇到造桥工地。铁拐李还怕不够,又对身下立着的一块巨石扇了三扇子,他就站在那巨石上飞到江边。只见底下尽人,未敢让巨石落下。又听单福大声说:“石头够了”他便驾起云头,飘游起来,游到黄山,见黄山风景秀丽,便将石头落下。从此,这飞来石就给黄山增添了绝妙的一景。另外还有两处飞来石,一处在翠微峰侧,一处在古颖林庵前小峰上。 myanmar stone 其他

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