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1、自动化英语考前整理An electron is an extremely small corpuscle with negative charge which rounds about the nucleus of an atom.电子是围绕原子核转动的带有负电荷的极其微小的粒子。(动词)The earth goes round the sun.地球围绕太阳运动。(介词)Round surface reflector is a key unit for the solar energy device.圆形面反射器是太阳能装置的关键元件。(形容词)The tree measures about

2、one meter round. 这棵树树围约一米。(副词)This is the whole round of knowledge。 这就是全部的知识范围。 (名词)One important use of lasers is to measure distance.激光的一个重要用途是测量距离 (动词)The pipe measures 5 metres from end to end这根管子长5米(不及物动词)What measures do you propose to prevent current leakage?你打算用什么方法来防止漏电? (名词)The electronic

3、microscope possesses very high resolving power compared with the optical microscope.与光学显微镜相比,电子显微镜具有极高的分辨率(分辨能力)。Power can be transmitted over a long distance.电力可以传送到很远的地方。A car needs a lot of power to go fast.汽车高速行驶需要很大的动力。Semiconductor devices have no filament or heaters and therefore require no h

4、eating power or warmed up time.半导体器件没有灯丝,因此不需要加热功率或加热时间。Only the chief dispatcher has power to cut off the power supply.只有总调度员才有权停电。Stream and waterfall are suitable for the development of hydroelectric power.河流和瀑布适用于开发水电能源。The fourth power of three is eighty-one.3的4次方是81。We are building China into

5、an industrial power.我们正把中国建设成为工业强国Universal meter 万用表Universal motor 交直流两用电动机Universal valve 万向阀Universal contact万能接头 Universal dividing heading 万能分度头Universal constant 普适常量Universal rules 普遍规律Low damping:弱阻尼Low limit:下限Low life:下层社会生活Low key:低音调键Low brake:低速制动Low shot:仰视拍摄Low order:低位Operational or

6、der 操作指令Order of a differential equation 微分方程的阶Technical order 技术规程Order of connection 接通次序Order of poles 极点的重数Working order 工序Order form 订单Order of magnitude 数量级Make readings :取读数Make a recording:录音Make delay: (继电器)动作时延Make money:赚钱Make metals:熔炼金属Make up:补偿Make good:修理Make use of :利用Make out:证明;理解

7、Whichever way the two two-way switches are left, one of the wires is “alive” and the other is dead.无论这两个双路开关合在哪一边,两根导线中总有一根是带电的,一根是不带电的。The adjustment screw has stops at both sides.调整螺钉的两端设有档块。The plan for launching the man-made satellite still lies on the table.发射人造卫星的计划仍被搁置,无法执行Military strategy m

8、ay bear some similarity to the chessboard(棋盘) but it is dangerous to carry the analogy too far打仗同下棋可能有某些相似之处,但如果把这两者之间的类比搞过了头则是危险的。The book is too high-powered for technician in general.high-powered:马力大的,大功率的这本书对一般技术人员来说也许内容太深。Industrialization and environmental degradation seem to go hand in hand.工

9、业化发展似乎伴随着环境的退化。The shortest distance between raw material and a finished part is precision casting.把原料加工成成品的最简单的方法是精密加工The foresight and coverage shown by the inventor of the process are most commendable.这种方法的发明者所表现出的远见卓识和渊博知识,给人以良好的印象。While this restriction on the size of the circuit holds, the law

10、 is valid.只要电路尺寸符合上述的限制,这条定律就能适用于该电路。This suggests that matter can be converted into energy, and vice versa.这就是说物质可以转换为能量,能量也可以转化为物质IPC took over an immense range of tasks from workers muscles and brains.工控机取代了工人大量的体力和脑力劳动The thicker the wire, the more freely it will carry current.导线越粗,就越容易导电一些含有动作意

11、义的名词可以转译成动词,如attempt,use,support,love;或是由动词派生出来的名词,如arrangement,acquaintance, operation, arrival等。The flow of electrons is from the negative zinc plate to the positive copper plate.电子从负极流向正极I have no objection to your plan.我不反对你们的计划 一些表示心理活动、心理状态和含有动词意义的形容词常常可以转译成汉语动词。如:aware,ignorant,careful,famili

12、ar,available等。It is desirable to transform high voltage into low voltage by means of a transformer in an AC system.在交流系统中我们希望通过变压器把高压电变为低压电。We should be aware of the whole circumstances.我们应该摸清全部情况英语中很多副词在翻译时常把它们转译成汉语的动词。The electric current flows through the circuit with the switch on 如果开关接通,电流就流过线路

13、If one generator is out of order, the other will produce electricity instead.如果一台发电机发生故障,另一台便代替它发电英语中很多介词在古英语中曾是动词。在翻译时也常把它们转译成汉语的动词。The letter E is commonly used for electromotive force.通常用字母E表示电动势In any machine, input work equals output plus work done against friction.任何机器的输入功都等于输出功加上克服摩擦力所做的功Chan

14、ging the resistance is a method of controlling the flow of current.改变电阻是控制电路中电流流动的一种方法The causes of these failures are far from clearing.这些故障的原因远没有弄清楚Neutrons act differently from protons.中子的作用不同于质子An electron or an atom behaves in some ways as though it were a group of waves.电子或原子的性状多少有点像一组波 The vo

15、ltage induced in the core is small, because it is essentially a winding having but one turn.铁芯的感应电压小,因为铁芯实质上是一个只有一匝的绕组This means the permittivity of oil is greater than that of air.这就意味着油的介电系数大于空气的介电系数Television is different from radio in that it sends and receives a picture.电视和收音机的区别在于电视发送和接收的是图像A

16、body that recovers completely and resumes its original dimensions is said to be perfectly elastic.能完全恢复并复原到原始尺寸的物体称为完全弹性体Such magnetism, because it is electrically produced, is called electromagnetism.由于这种磁性产生于电,所以称为电磁。The device is shown schematically in Fig. 2.图2是这种装置的示意图。These parts must be propo

17、rtionally correct.这些零件的比例必须准确无误。Thus, the addition of the inductor prevents the current from building up or going down quickly.这样,增加的电感器阻止电流不能迅速增加或下降The electric conductivity has great importance in selecting electrical materials. 在选择电气材料时导电性是很重要的。Gases conduct best at low pressure.气体在低压下导电性能最佳Why i

18、s electricity widely used in industry?为什么电在工业中得到广泛的使用呢?This communication system is chiefly characterized by its simplicity of operation.这种通讯系统的主要特点是操作简单Light waves differ in frequency just as sound waves do.同声波一样,光波也有不同的频率The language allows a concise expression of arithmetic and logic processes.这种

19、语言能简要地表达算术和逻辑过程The added device will ensure accessibility for part loading and unloading.增添这种装置将保证工件装卸方便In the long and laborious search, Marie succeeded in isolating two new substances.在长期辛苦的研究中,玛丽居里成功地分解出两种新物质The molecules get closer and closer with the pressure.随着压力的增加,分子之间的距离越来越接近Electricity is

20、convenient and efficient电用起来方便而有效Glass is fragile, therefore it should be handled carefully.因为玻璃易碎,所以要轻拿轻放。英语的名词复数,动词时态、语气和连词等概念可以通过增译在汉语中体现出来。After watching for years, he discovered important phenomena.观察数年之后,他发现了许多重要的现象。Had we known it in time, we would have prevented the accident.要是我们及时知道那件事,事故本来

21、可以防止的Were there no electric pressure in a conductor, the electron flow would not take place in it.导体内如果没有电压,便不会产生电子流动现象If they should not get the data, they would not know and solve the problem.如果他们没有得到这些数据的话,他们就不可能弄明白这个问题,更不能解决这个问题。These motors are expensive, but good.这批马达很贵,但质量很好Most plastics do n

22、ot readily conduct heat or electricity.大部分塑料都不容易传热和导电英语句子中需要的词,汉语句子中不一定需要。为使译文符合汉语的表达习惯,应将一些汉语中不该出现的词省略不译,这就是所谓的省译法。英语中的冠词、代词和连词在译文中往往可以省略。在某些情况下,介词、动词,名词也可以省译同义词或近义词的省译 冠词:a, an, theA transistor is a device controlling the flow of electricity in a circuit晶体管是在电路中控制电流的器件Hence the unit of electric cu

23、rrent is the ampere.因此,电流的单位是安培The diameter and the length of the wire are not the only factors to influences its resistance.导线的直径和长度不是影响其电阻的唯一因素代词:one, this, that, these, thoseOne can never be too careful in ones work.工作越仔细越好If you permit the current to flow longer, more heat will be produced.电流通过的

24、时间越长,产生的热量越多Todays engines are of much greater difference from those used in the past现在的发动机与过去的差异很大Early people got up at sunrise and went to bed at sunset.古人日出而作,日落而息。 A machine rotor has kinetic energy while it is set in motion运转的电机转子具有动能Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竟成。On May 2 , he

25、had an experiment on this kind circuit.5月2号,他就这种电路做了个实验This light bulb has a resistance of 120 ohms.这个灯泡电阻为120欧姆Whenever a current flows through a resistance, a potential difference exists at the two ends of the resistance.电流通过电阻时,电阻的两端就有电势差This diode produces about nine times more radiant power tha

26、n that one. 这只二极管的放射功率比那只大八倍The power plant gives factories its constant supply of electricity.该发电厂源源不断地向各工厂提供电力Copper wire allows a larger current to flow than does iron wire与铁丝相比,铜丝能通过更大的电流This method is the most widely used method of P-N junction formation in the fabrication of function electric

27、blocks在制造功能块时,最广泛使用的便是这种P-N结形成方法。Semiconductor devices have no filaments or heaters, and therefore require no heating power or warming up time半导体器件没有灯丝,因此不需要加热功率或加热时间The mechanical energy can be changed backed into electrical energy by means of a generator or dynamo.通过发电机可把机械能再转变成电能Insulators in rea

28、lity conduct electricity but, nevertheless, their resistance is very high.绝缘体实际上也导电,只是其电阻相当高而已。为使译文更加生动、有力,常常会在译文中重复重要或关键性的词语,称为重复法。重复法不同于增译法:增译法是根据需要增补新的词语重复法是在重复原文中已出现过的词语重复译法主要有以下几种情况:名词的重复动词的重复代词的重复根据汉语表达需要重复The weight of a neutron is about the same as a proton.中子的重量和质子的重量差不多相等The three most imp

29、ortant effects of an electric current are heating, magnetic and chemical effects.对电流来说,三种最重要的效应是热效应、磁效应和化学效应All bodies consist of molecules and these of atoms.一切物体都是由分子组成,而分子又是由原子组成的。We can turn electric energy into light energy as well as into heat energy.我们不但能把电能转化为光能,也能转化为热能。People like drinking

30、green tea and it is helpful to human health.人们喜欢喝绿茶,绿茶对人的健康有益You can take whichever you like你喜欢哪个,就可以拿哪个The electronic devices are used in computers as switches that simply turns on and off.这些电子器件在计算机中起开关作用,只是开开关关而已。I had worked hard for six months on end in order to finish writing this book before

31、the end of last year为了在去年底前写完这本书,我辛辛苦苦地连续工作了六个月。Laplace transformation:拉普拉斯变换,拉氏变换In mathematics, an integral transform useful in solving differential equations. a technique for analyzing linear time-invariant systems such as electrical circuits, harmonic oscillators, optical devices, and mechanical systems.Exponential:指数;指数的,幂数的complex exponential:复指数damped exponential:衰减指数exponential approximation:指数逼近Component:分量;元件,部件active current component :有功电流分量reactive current component:无功电流分量electronic c

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