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1、食品企业容器准备审核检查表This module serves as a guide to the auditor in completing an audit of container preparation practices (excluding REFPET containers). The auditor will determine whether or not the facility is complying with the specifications and requirements of The Coca-Cola Company by completing this

2、audit module. 这个模块作为审核员在完成容器准备审核过程中的指南,审核员通过完成此模块决定工厂的设施是否符合可口可乐公司的要求。Plant工厂: Date日期: Auditor(s)审核员: 1) Questionnaire调查表:General概要YesDivNo1Are all washing, rinsing and inspection practices correctly documented in procedures?生产过程中所有的冲洗、清洗及检验操作是否均能在文件中体现?2Are all conveyors for washed or non-refillabl

3、e packages protected against contamination?所有用于清洗或不能重灌的包装输送带是否能够防止污染?3Are container washing and rinsing practices effective and do they avoid contamination on the containers?对容器的冲洗和清洗是否有效并能避免污染?4Is the rinsing water recycling according to the requirements?冲洗水的循环利用是否符合相关规定?5Is the rinse water chlorin

4、ated and treated according to the requirements?冲洗水的加氯及其它相关处理是否符合要求?Refillable Glass Bottle Washing & Inspection.再重灌玻璃瓶的冲洗及检验6Are the washing conditions for the refillable glass bottles according to the requirements?用于冲洗可重灌的玻璃瓶是否符合相关要求?7Are all required tests on bottle washing performed with the requ

5、ired frequency?对于瓶子的冲洗,必要的测试及相关的检验频率是否达到要求?8Are the operational requirements on the glass bottle washing fulfilled?所有关于玻璃瓶冲洗的操作规范是否符合要求?9Does the visual inspection of refillable bottles comply with the Company requirements?可重灌瓶子的目视是否符合区域公司的要求?10Are personnel requirements fulfilled for Visual Inspect

6、ors?目视员是否满足要求?11Are the ASEBI and EBI Operational Test Requirements fulfilled?ASEBI和EBI的操作测试要求是否符合?12Are requirements fulfilled on the use of an ASEBI (if applicable)?ASEBI的使用要求是否符合?Non-Refillable Containers不能重灌包装容器13Are all relevant conditions fulfilled in order to only rinse the Non-Refillable con

7、tainers?所有相关的条件是否有达到以清洗不能重灌包装容器?14Are appropriate rinsing conditions used for non-refillable containers? 适当冲洗条件是否用于不能重灌包装容器?15If air-rinsing is in use, are Company requirements fulfilled?如果空气冲洗在使用,工厂是否符合区域公司的要求?16Are all required tests on rinsers performed with the required frequency?洗瓶机的必要的测试及相关的检测

8、频率是否达到要求?17If non-refillable glass bottles pass through an existing bottle washer, are the containers washed?当不能重灌玻璃瓶经过冲瓶装置时,这些容器是否被有效的冲洗?2) Reference Standards List参考标准列清单:Beverage Operations Manual饮料操作手册BO-RQ-900Container Washing, Rinsing and Inspection容器,清洗和检测BO-RQ-140Refillable Glass Bottles Was

9、hing可重灌玻璃瓶的清洗BO-RQ-200Good Manufacturing Practices Design Criteria良好的卫生习惯设计标准.BO-RQ-145Refillable Glass Bottle Inspection可重灌玻璃瓶检测BO-RQ-210Water Treatment Systems水处理系统BO-RQ-160ASEBI and EBI Operational Testing ASEBI 和EBI操作测试BO-RQ-245Water Quality Monitoring水质监测BO-RQ-150Non-Refillable Package Rinsing不

10、可重灌瓶子的清洗BO-RQ-435Microbiological Testing Requirements and Specificationa微生物检测要求和标准3) Specifications and Requirements Summary标准和要求概要:Specifications / RequirementsGeneral一般要求“Rinse water must be treated or potable water”; see BO-RQ-210“冲洗水必须处理或饮用水”参考1Are all washing, rinsing and inspection practices c

11、orrectly documented in procedures?生产过程中所有的冲洗、清洗及检验操作是否均能在文件中体现?Washing / rinsing practices as specified below are considered as div. approved.Lists of washing / cleaning agents used should be available on site. 下面是区域公司允许的冲洗/清洁装置的相关叙述及现场认可的冲洗/清洁剂清单BO-RQ-900 Procedures to be developed and implemented

12、on container washing, rinsing and inspection:制定和执行关于包装容器的冲洗、清洗及检查等程序conditions specified by the Division- 相关条件有区域公司提出- package and process specific- 包装物及过程说明- testing and measurement conditions specified- 检测和测量条件的说明- process monitoring requirements specified- 关于过程监控要求的说明- documentation and trained p

13、ersonnel- 文件及专业人员的培养 All changes to washing, rinsing and inspection conditions to be approved by the Division所有关于冲洗、清洗及检查条件的变动要由区域公司认可2Are all conveyors for washed or non-refillable packages protected against contamination?所有用于清洗或不能重灌的包装输送带是否能够防止污染?The listed items are “approved conditions” in order

14、 to comply with the general requirement “to prevent contamination at conveyors”为了”防止在传输带的污染”的一般要求清单,所列的条款要当作是”允许的条件”In general, all conveyors for washed or non-ref empty containers should be covered, unless the area does not cause any risk of contamination (any kind).总之,所有的与冲洗相关的输送装置或没有经过再充填的空瓶均要符合这

15、些要求,除非区域不存在任何污染风险BO-RQ-200 Protect all conveyor lines carrying empty, washed or unsealed-filled containers 保护所有装载空瓶,洗过的瓶子,或者无封口的瓶子.的传输线. Washers / rinsers discharge containers in clean sanitary area清洗装置 /包装容器放在干净卫生的区域 Drip pans under all overhead conveyor motors or gearboxes滴液盘应安装在输送马达及齿轮箱的下方 Instal

16、l drip pans for conveyor lubricants, rinse stations, to avoid draining on the floor.安装滴落盘是为了避免输送机上的润滑剂、冲洗装置的滴落物落到地面 No possible contamination from the environment避免有周围环境带来的污染3Are container washing and rinsing practices effective and do they avoid contamination on the containers?对容器的冲洗和清洗是否有效并能避免污染?B

17、O-RQ-900 Container washers / rinsers not to contaminate containers.冲洗装置不能污染容器 Washers to remove all dirt / foreign matter inside and outside.清洗装置主要去除包装容器内部及外部的灰尘及异物 Rinsers to remove all dust / particles from inside and outside 冲洗装置主要清理包装容器内部及外部的灰尘及颗粒.4Is the rinsing water recycling according to the

18、 requirements?冲洗水的循环利用是否符合相关规定?MN-RQ-900 Recycled rinsing water only used as pre-rinse (not final rinse)循环冲洗水只能用于预冲洗(不能用于最终的冲洗) Final rinse must be with fresh potable or treated water最终的冲洗必须使用新鲜的、可引用的或经处理过的水5Is the rinse water chlorinated and treated according to the requirements?冲洗水的加氯及其它相关处理是否符合要求

19、?Rinsing water chlorination: 30 contact time by design (contact water chloor).冲洗水的加氯处理:30分钟接触时间(接触水_氯)BO-RQ-210 (page 5of6) Potable water to be used.使用可饮用水 Water to be softened if necessary (if tot. hardness 100 mg.l)如果有必要(如果总硬度 100 mg.l),水需要软化 Rinsing water to be chlorinated: = 30 minutes contact t

20、ime.冲洗水需加氯处理= 30分钟的接触时间Refillable Glass Bottle Washing & Inspection.再重灌玻璃瓶的冲洗&检验6Are the washing conditions for the refillable glass bottles according to the requirements?用于冲洗可重灌的玻璃瓶是否符合相关要求?BO-RQ-140 / (BO-RQ-245 for rinse water spec) Temperature: Minimum 60 C温度 最低60 C Caustic concentration: = 2.5%

21、 caustic (as NaOH)碱浓度 : = 2.5%(以NAOH计) Min soak contact time: = 5 min. (in at least 1 comp.) 最少浸泡时间: = 5分钟(至少1中成分) Rinsing with potable or treated water; chlorine res. 13 mg/l.用饮用水或处理过的水冲洗,氯残留13mg/l Local laws and regulations are followed.遵守当地法规及相关规定7Are all required tests on bottle washing performe

22、d with the required frequency?对于瓶子的冲洗,必要的测试及相关的检验频率是否达到要求?Additive concentration only if manual dosing of additives is applied.只有在使用人工定量添加添加剂时,添加剂才集中(EBI = Electronic Bottle Inspector)自动检瓶系统(ASEBI = All Surface Empty Bottle Inspector)空瓶表面检测器For Microbiology; see also Microbiological Module.微生物要求见微生物

23、部分BO-RQ-140 / BO-RQ-160 (EBI & ASEBI) / BO-RQ-435 (Micro) Detergent concentration: - before start-up / after recharge清洗剂浓度 开始/再充填every 4 hour (manual dosing)每4小时(手工剂量) - every 8 hour (autom. dosing) 每8小时(自动剂量) Additive concentration: - before start-up添加剂浓度: 开始前after every recharge每次在充填后 Detergent co

24、ndition: - appear. / clarity: before start-up清洗剂条件: 外观/清晰度/在开始前 Temperatures: - before start-up温度: 开始前 - every hour (internal thermomet) 每小时(内部温度计) - every week (independent therm) 每周(外部温度计) Methylene blue test: - immediately after start-up亚甲基蓝测试: 开始后就测量 - once per shift 每班一次 Detergent residue test:

25、 - at start of production清洗剂残留量测试: 生产开始的时候 - every 4 hours 每4小时 Final rinse water (chl. res): - immediately after start-up最终冲洗水 开始后马上测试 - every 4 hours (chlorine res.) 每4小时(氯) Equipment: - beginning of each shift设备 每班开始 (correct operation of washing) 正确清洗操作 EBI & ASEBI units: - at start of productio

26、n 在生产开始时 - every 4 hours 每4小时 Microbiology (final rinse): - weekly (coliform & total count)微生物(最终冲洗水);每周(大肠杆菌和总菌) - each washer 每次清洗8Are the operational requirements on the glass bottle washing fulfilled?所有关于玻璃瓶冲洗的操作规范是否符合要求?BO-RQ-140 Completely drain the washer and recharge with fresh detergent sol

27、ution when changing detergent additives 在换清洗剂时完全排干冲洗器的水换上新鲜的清洗剂 Additive concentration is controlled via:添加浓度控制- Use of pre-blended detergents or- 使用预先调配的清洗剂,或- Use of proportional metering pumps to control additions or- 使用比例计量泵来控制添加物,或- Use accurate test procedure to monitor concentration- 使用准确的监控程

28、序来控制浓度 Initial steps of the washing process are a pre-rinse and complete drain of bottles before first caustic tank.清洗之前要有预冲洗,在第一次碱缸前充分完全排掉 Maximum temperature difference between tanks: 25 C.缸之间最大的温差:25 C.9Does the visual inspection of refillable bottles comply with the Company requirements?可重灌瓶子的目视

29、是否符合区域公司的要求?The use of an ASEBI does eliminate the need for visual inspection by operators.ASEBI的使用可以取代对目视功能的需要Bottles to be rejected:有以下缺陷的瓶子拒收- damaged bottles- 损坏的瓶子- excessively scuffed bottles ( 4 mm)- 过度的磨损( 4 mm)- inadequately cleaned bottles- 没有充分清洁的瓶子- uncleanable bottles- 不干净的瓶子BO-RQ-145 A

30、ll bottles are visually inspected before entering the washer在进入清洗装置以前,所有瓶子均需要目检 All bottles are visually inspected after washing / before filling在清洗完毕灌装之前,所有瓶子均需目检 Visual inspection by operators or by ASEBI. 专人目检或采用ASEBI Rotation of visual inspectors:目检人员的轮换- maximum 20 minutes- 最长不超过20分钟- between 2 inspections; minimum 2 X inspection time- 在两次检测之间,最少2X的检测时间 Inspection speeds: up to 500 ml / above 500 ml检验速度 不到500ml 500ml以上 Operators only: m

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