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1、研究生英语译文结局Analysis of the story (by Norsk Skole)“The End of Something, by Ernest Hemingway, is a short story about two young people who witness how time can change the world and the people in it. Hemingway uses this story to convey how this change happens all the time, and however desperately you cli

2、ng to the present, the present only lasts for that one, fleeting moment you realize it is there, then it is gone, past, and it can never be present again. To understand this message, one must look at the way Hemingway writes this story, how he uses the broken mill, the fishs not striking, and the ch

3、aracters in themselves to tell us a story far beyond what we read.The broken mill represents Nick and Marjories broken relationship. Once, the mill was the center of a lumbering town, Hortons Bay. The town was a place with people, shops, and activity. In the present of the story, the mill lies deser

4、ted, as does the town, for the mill was what had made Hortons Bay a town in the first place. Similarly, Nick and Marjorie were younger once, younger and more careless. Clearly, they are not old, but it seems that quite a few years have passed since they met. At that time, they did not have all that

5、much to think or worry about, and their relationship flourished. It is evident that, in the present of the story, Nick and Marjorie have grown apart. They cannot relate as much to each other anymore, nor can they stay young forever, thus the weak foundation of their relationship is torn down and lef

6、t in pieces. For perhaps their youth was what made their relationship what it was, just as the mill made the town what it was. As Nick and Marjorie now row along the shore, they troll for fish, but they do not get any. The fishs not striking is a symbol of Nicks lack of interest in their relationshi

7、p. Theyre feeding, Marjorie said. But they wont strike, Nick said. There are probably things Nick and Marjorie could do, there are probably ways they could try to fix their relationship, but Nick has lost interest; the fish will not strike anymore, and love is not fun anymore. The love is there, but

8、 it has ceased to appeal to Nick. The good old past simply isnt good enough anymore. Marjorie, on the other hand, clings to what is left and still hopes for the best. Marjorie did not reel in until the boat touched the shore. She does not want to give up on catching those fish, and she does not want

9、 to give up on Nick. In this way, Hemingway, as third-person narrator, uses the characters to make his point, as each of them represents either past, present, or future. Marjorie is past; she clings on for dear life to what was, and does not want to see that the world around her has changed. She des

10、cribes the mill as a castle: a grand monument of her beloved past. Nick is present; he is confused and hurt and realizes that he cannot go on living like he does; he cannot go on living in the past, with Marjorie. Instead, he looks to the future; Bill is a symbol of what is to come, of something new

11、, of something better. Thus the story ends with a different couple; Nick and Bill are left at the end, whereas Marjorie takes the boat and rows her way out of the story. The past has become past, the rods remain slack; the past will not strike. For what was, was, and what one must focus on is what i

12、s, now, and what is to come, tomorrow. It is as Hemingway conveys through this story: the present will not remain present for long, and one must look beyond what was and look at what is in order to be truly happy.1. 太阳黑子;雀斑 (=net +citizen)网民 水闸 天体物理学 光驱 (=global positioning system全球定位系统) 不译 (=Organi

13、zation of Petroleum Exporting Countries石油输出国组织) 欧派克 (=Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)亚太经合组织 or 不译 small office, home office小型家居办公室or 不译 =telecommmunications satellite通信卫星2. 瞳孔可以随着光线强弱的变化而放大或缩小。 这种药品的优点之一是没有副作用。 合金是介于混合物和化合物的中间物质。 用滚动摩擦代替滑动摩擦会大幅度减少摩擦力。 随着病情的恶化,肌肉会逐渐萎缩。如果不及时治疗,病人就会瘫痪,呼吸极其困难,最终死亡。 一

14、旦细胞发生专化,变成皮肤、眼睛或乳腺细胞,大部分有关长成完整个体的基因指令就会关闭。科学家们以前一直认为,专化后的细胞不能用来形成完整的有机体。 为了保护鲸免受北极海寒冷的伤害,大自然赐予了它一层厚厚的被称作鲸脂的脂肪层。人们把鲸屠宰后,就在船上或岸上剥下鲸脂并进行熬炼。这样便能生产出大量的油,可以做成食物供人们消费。还有几种动物也能产油,但都没有鲸产的油多。 科学家们发表报告称,严峻的气候变化可能来自“温室效应”,因燃烧矿物燃料而使二氧化碳含量增高,从而引起大气层逐渐变暖。科学家们还说,在几十年内全球的平均温度可能会升高,到下个世纪末可能达到要比目前温度高出9华氏度的水平。专家们说,这可能对

15、全球的天气类型造成严重的破坏,比如说,使年降雨量改变,使河流上涨或干涸,并使海平面升高。无知的乐趣 那天早晨,我突然从睡梦中醒过来,这比往常要早几分钟。就在一瞬间,在未曾进行过任何反思的情况下, 我开始审视自己的学识。在起床前,我得出了一个结论: 我实际上很无知。这个结论的得出,并非自我贬低,或者甚至是低调之词,当时我醒来时并非夜半三更,而是清澈的早晨。我不是从噩梦中醒来,而是处于平静满足的清醒状态。 我真切地感受到了愉悦,这种愉悦源自一个事实:我还可以在床上多躺几分钟。我对自己无知的深信不疑是一个清醒的,愉悦的,且(我认为)不容置辩的事实。然而我并没有感到沮丧,因为我似乎完全有理由对此无动于

16、衷, 而且相信目前自己的无知并无大碍。首先,我有哪些可以肯定的学识呢?除了亲身经历之外,比方说用手去握煤炉前的小门是不明智的行为(七岁的时候才了解),将果子酱和牛奶巧克力以同样的比例融合会产生很怪的效果(在晚上发现),在社交场合中对某人的假牙开玩笑是不合时宜的 (当我了解这一点时已经有点晚了),在很多事情上我可以肯定地说我的知识是有限的。我知道一些拉丁词汇以及更少量的希腊词汇的所有格单数形式。 我了解但不太确定英国历史上某个特定期间的事件,即使这些事件的信息我个人也无法核实。我知道一些数学公式,我记住了它们是因为其尝试错误的方法与我的银行账号相关。我会做这样的游戏:用法语中存在的相似的观念和事物来命名英语的观念和事物,尽管可行性似乎可疑。我可以告知一个德国人冰雪覆盖山川的景象,也可以告知一个西班牙人他兄弟的帽子在仓库里,或提醒一个意大利铁路搬运工他的手已经冻僵了。尽管告知这些信息的机会存在,但是很少,

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