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七年级英语下册《Unit 6 Im watching TV第3课时》学案无答案新版人教新目标版.docx

1、七年级英语下册Unit 6 Im watching TV第3课时学案无答案新版人教新目标版Unit 6 I am watching TV.语法课 Section A (GF-3c) Teaching goals:一、功能Functions:学生能够练习运用现在进行时态来谈论人们正在做的事情。2) 掌握现在进行时态的结构及用法。3)掌握动词的现在分词形式的构成方式。 能掌握以下句型:Whats he/she doing? Shes/Hes washing the clothes. What are they doing? They are listening to a CD.Is he read

2、ing a newspaper? Yes, he is./No, he isnt. Are they using the computer? Yes, they are./ No, they arent. 词汇和常用表达Words and expressions: 1.能正确使用词汇:v-ing形式. 2.常用表达:一般现在时和现在进行时的句型三、学习策略strategies: 借助多媒体,使用自学、合作、任务等多种方式引领学生学习,通过不同形式的练习来运用现在进行时态,体现其主体地位。文化知识culture:培养同学间的友好相处,规范自己的行为,同时能提高他们的观察能力和判断能力,激发他们对

3、学习英语的兴趣和热情,在接近生活常态的交际中能乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,主动请教。(设计意图:概括学习内容,明确教学目标,做到心中有数。)Teaching and learning steps Step 1.Preview and testing 预习检测Please translate these sentences into English. 你在做什么事情?_ 我在看电视。 _ 她在做什么事情?_ 她在洗衣服。 _ 他们在做什么?_ 他们在听CD。 _ 你在做作业吗?_ 是的。/ 不是。 _(设计意图:设置前置性任务,为学生下面的学习扫除障碍提前了解内容。)Step 2.Warmin

4、g up and leading in热身导入T: Hello, Boys and girls, I am having an English class. What are you doing now ?S: I am listening to you.T: I bring some friends to you. Lets look at what they are doing. What is the cat doing? The cat is playing the guitar. What is the dog doing? The dog is driving a car. Wha

5、t is the horse doing? He is drinking. What is the pig doing? He is riding a bike. What are they doing? They are playing cards.(设计意图:以几张搞笑的动物图片练习上节课所学内容,激发学生热情,并用上话题内容,导入新课。)Step 3. Look, say and do, then find out the rules. T: You did well. Do you know what tense these sentences are ? S: 现在进行时。T: Go

6、od. I will give you some tasks, please finish them first. Look at task1 find out the rules. Task1. Watch and find out the rules.T : What are they doing? S: They are (Answer according to these pictures.) playing the guitar cooking running writing a letterT: Great ,you did well. Lets look at these wor

7、ds, what can you find ? 1.观察:playplaying writewriting runrunning cookcooking dancedancing put putting2.发现: 动词变-ing的规则S say out the rules: 动词 动词+ing 变化规则playcook playingcooking 一般在动词 末尾加_。(直接加)write dance writingdancing以不发音字母 结尾的动词,先去掉 ,再加_。(去e加)run put running putting以重度_结尾的动词,如果末尾只有一个_字母,应先_这个字母,再加

8、_。(双写加)3.Practice: Brain-storming(头脑风暴)T: Now can you think of any verbs?1. Try to write as many verbs as you can on your exercise books.2. Exchange your exercise books to your partner, and add ing to each verb.3. Put them into the correct places in the colums, and check each ing

9、make-makingrun-running(设计意图:设置情境,通过练习,引导学生观察,找规律,总结归纳变化规则,为下文的进行打下良好的基础。)Task 2. Pair work watch and find.(观察与发现)T: Great, class. Now lets go on. Next lets have a pair work according to the pictures . 1. 练习、观察:Students practice in pairs ,the teacher writes the sentences on the blackboard. Then ask s

10、tudents to watch and find. A: Is he laughing? B: No, he isnt.A: What is the baby doing? A:What is the baby doing? B: He is crying. He is not laughing A: Are they dancing?B: No, they are not.A:What are the birds doing? B: They are singing, but they are not dancing. . A: Is she drawing?B: Yes, she is.

11、 A: What is the girl doing? B: She is drawing. She is not reading. 2The form of Present Progressive Tense.(现在进行时的构成)发现:3. Practice: Fill in the blanks. (1)Fill in the blanks according to the pictures.(2)Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms.T:Its a fine Sunday morning. I go t

12、o the park, therere many people in the park. They are playing. What are they playing? Could you help me finish the passage?S: Yes. T: Great, please finish it . Look, Two boys(1) _ (play) with their parents. A girl(2) _ (fly) a kite. Two Children(3)_(take) a boat. There is a lake in the park. Near th

13、e lake, a young man(4)_ (run). There are two men near the house. They(5) _ (work) hard now. (6)_ A woman _(water) the flowers? Yes, she is. A girl(7) _ (not write), she(8) _(draw). All of them are very happy.(设计意图:把自主权放给学生,让他们自己发现,自己总结,再进行练习运用,掌握巩固,记忆深刻。)Task 3Look! 区别下面的几组句子:1.观察:Translate these sentences into Chinese.(1).I do my homework every day. (3). I am doing my homework now._ _(2).He always cleans his room in the morning. (4). Look!He is cleaning his room._ _2.发现:3.Practice:用所给词的的适当形式填空。(1).He often_(watch) TV in the day.(2). The dog _(run) after a cat now .(3). Listen! Who _

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