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必修一Book1 Unit 1 Friendship单词课文学案及其练习题.docx

1、必修一Book1 Unit 1 Friendship单词课文学案及其练习题Book1 Unit 1 Friendship备课时间: 备课人:学习内容:New words学习重难点:对所学单词做到知音义及用法.学习目标:掌握单词的用法.协作化指导 1survey n. _ make / do a survey _ Vt. _ 过去式_ 过去分词 _ a. _ show that 75 percent of people approve of the new law. b. She _ the international situation. c. The government made/did/

2、had a house _on citizens life last year. 2. add v. _ 过去式_ 过去分词 _ add that _ add up _ add to _ add to _ add up to _a._ all the figures to see how much they _.b.请往水里加些盐。_c.吃一堑长一智(每次失败都会增长某人的经验)。 3. upset adj. _ be upset at/about/ that _ v._ 过去式_ 过去分词 _a. He was upset at not _(invite).b. 他的不辞而别让她感到不安。

3、_c.Our arrangements for the weekend _ by her visit.4. ignore vt._过去式_ 过去分词 _ n. _ adj._ be ignorant of _a.我提了个建议,但他们不予理睬。b.To say you were _ of the rules is no excuse.c.We are in complete _ of your plans. 5. calm vt. _ 过去式_ 过去分词 _ adj. _ calm down _ calm sb/oneself down _ keep/remain calm _a.他深吸一口气使

4、自己平静下来。_b.当地震发生时,保持镇静是很重要的。 _c.暴风雨过后,大海又恢复了平静。 calm _ quiet _still _silent _ a.She was very _ when I told her the news.b.Could you keep the children _ while I am on the phone?c.The kids found it hard to stay _.d.In oder to stay at the factory, she chose to keep _ about the matter.6.have(got) to _ mu

5、st _a.冬天的时候,我们不得不穿上暖和的衣服。_b.我还有点事,我得走了。7. concern vt. _ 过去式_过去分词 _ n. _ be concerned about/for _ be concerned about _ concern oneself about /for _ feel/show concern about/for _a.She is always _ herself about other peoples business.b.This matter is also concerned _ you. c.She showed a great deal of _

6、 for her sons study.d.What are your main _ as a writer. 知识链接:concerning prep. _as far as is concerned _8. walk the dog _ walk sb home / to a place _a.他出门溜狗去了。 _b.太晚了,让我陪你走到车站吧。 _9. loose adj. _ v. _ 过去式_ 过去分词 _a. It cant be called an organization; it is just a _ body.b.She _ the string.10. go throug

7、h _ go through with sth _ a. They _ many hardships during the war. b. I will _ your papers. c. After three months effort, they _the difficult task.知识链接: go about _ go over _ go ahead _ go against _ go out _ go in for _11. set down _ a. He decided to set down the facts. _ b. The young lady set down a

8、 large vase on the table. _c.How shall I set myself down in the hotel register?知识链接:set aside _ set off _set up _ set out for sp _set out to do sth _set about doing sth _12. a series of _ a. A series of films about him has come out.(翻译)c.Three series of papers are handed out to the students. (翻译)13o

9、utdoors adv._反义词_adj._反义词_ a. The children played _ until it started to rain. b. Because of the rain, I have to stay _ all day. c. Kids all enjoy _ activities.14. spellbind vt._ 过去式_ 过去分词 _ a. The magician kept the children _. b. The audience are _by his _ performance.15. purpose n. _ on purpose _ w

10、ith the purpose of _ a. I come to the hospital _ to see you. b. He does it _ earning money.16. in order to _ so as to _ In order that _a._ catch the train, she hurried through her work.b.He bought this present _ give his son a surprise.c.My father works hard _ he may support us.17. dusk n. _ at dusk

11、 _ at dawn _ a. The street lights come on _ and go off _.18. thunder n. _ v._ 过去式_ 过去分词 _ a. The train _ through the station. b. Theres _ in the air.19. entire adj. _ adv. _ a.He wants to buy the company _, but he doesnt have enough money. b. Due to bad cold she spent the _ day in bed.20. power n. _

12、 powerful adj. _ powerlessadj. _ beyond/out of power _ In power _ inones power _ come to power _ have the power to do sth _a.I will do everything _ to help you.b.The party _ at the last election.c.Some animals have the _ to see in the dark.21. face to face _ heart to heart _ shoulder to shoulder _ h

13、and in hand _a.He wants to meet his favorite superstar _.b.Would you like to handle the problem with me _?c.I have told you all my inner thoughts _.22. dusty adj. _ n. _ a. In the summer the town becomes very _. b. The old table was covered with _.23. no longer/ not any longer _ no more/ not any mor

14、e _a.When _ letters came from her, I knew she was _ in Canada.b.He hasnt turned up up to now and I cant wait _.c.I wont believe you _.24. settle v._ 过去式_ 过去分词 _ n._ settle down (in sp) _ a.这家人已定居加拿大。b.Her eyes settled on the man in the corner.c.He had to settle his affairs in Paris before he could r

15、eturn home.d.Its time you _ your differences with your father.25. suffer vt. _ 过去式_ 过去分词 _ suffering n. _ suffer from (a headache/ cold and hunger)_ suffer huge losses/ serious damage/ defeat _a.Our business has _ lack of investment.b.Being disabled gave her much _ in life.c.The parents of the kidna

16、pped must have _much pain.26. loneliness n._ adj. _ alone adj/adv. _ a. The old man lives _on a _ island,but he doesnt feel _. b. Tom _ knew the secrete.27. recover v._ 过去式_ 过去分词 _ n. _ recover from _ a. After this war, the country will take a long time to _. b. The patients has perfectly _ his illn

17、ess.28. be/get tired of _ be/get tired from /with _ be tired out _a.She was tired _ hearing of their trip to India.b.Im tired _ reading books for hours.29. get along with/ get on with _ a. 这个女孩很难相处。c.How are you getting along with your studies?30. fall/be in love with _ a. In a film, a beautiful gir

18、l _ a beast. b. 他们相爱已有三年了。31. disagree v. _过去式_ 过去分词 _n. _反义词_ agree/disagree to do sth _ agree/disagree with sb _ in disagreement with _a.I disagree _ you about/on this matter.b.We all agreed _ start at once.c.His story agrees _ the facts.d.My opinion is _ disagreement with yours.32. grateful adj.

19、_ adv. _ n. _ be grateful to sb for sth _a.I am grateful _ you _ lending me the money.b.He gave me a lovely bookcase in _ for their kindness.33. dislike n._ 反义词_ Vt. _ dislike doing sth _ 反义词_ like doing/ to do sth _a.The boy has a dislike for vegetables. b. I like dancing,but I dislike dancing with you/ but I dont like to dance with you.34.join _ join in _ join sb in doing sth _ take part in _ attend _a.Would you _ us _

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