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1、英语高三磨耳朵计划泛听材料1英语高三磨耳朵计划泛听材料(1)(1)吸血鬼:傳說、幻想與事實 (Vampires: Folklore, fantasy and fact - Michael Molina)1.Good evening!晚安!2.Whats the matter?怎麼了?3.Are you afraid of vampires?你害怕吸血鬼嗎?4.Hehe, no need to worry,嘿嘿,別擔心,5.Im not staying for dinner.我不打算留下來吃晚餐。6.Ahahaha. Im here to guide you哈哈哈,我是來這裡告訴你們7.8.ap

2、pear in cultures extending關於我們的 far back as prehistoric times.故事以及證據。10.But we werent called vampires back then只是當時的人不叫我們吸血鬼11.and most of us did not look the way而且我們的樣貌12.we imagine vampires today,也跟現代人所想像的13.far from it!差了十萬八千里!14.For example, the Mesopotamian Lamashtu舉例來說,美索不達米亞文明 有種叫拉瑪西圖的怪物,

3、15.was a creature with a head of a lion它有著獅子的頭16.and the body of the donkey,跟驢子的身體,17.and the ancient Greek striges還有,古希臘的貓頭鷹18.were simply described as bloodthirsty birds.都被當作是嗜血的鳥。19.Others were even stranger.還有更古怪的!20.The Philippine manananggal would sever her upper torso菲律賓民間故事中的曼杜哥 是種能把上下半身分離,2

4、1.and sprout huge, bat-like wings to fly.並長出巨大的蝙蝠翅膀的飛天怪物。22.The Malaysian Penanggalan was a flying female head馬來西亞的潘那賈拉是攜著自己的五臟六腑23.with dangling entrails.在天空中飛來飛去的女人頭。24.Heh heh heh heh.嘿嘿嘿嘿。25.And the Australian Yara-ma-yha-who還有,澳洲的亞拉瑪雅呼26.was a little red guy with a big head,是個身材短小,有顆大頭、紅皮膚、27.a

5、 large mouth,大嘴,28.and bloodsuckers on his hands and feet.然後會用手腳吸血的怪物。29.Oh, and lets not forget the Caribbeans Sukuyan,噢,當然不能漏掉棲息在加勒比海的蘇庫沿30.the West African obayifo,西非的歐貝伊佛,31.and the Mexican Tlahuelpuchi.還有墨西哥的塔拉回又普契。32.Heh heh, charming, arent they?嘿嘿,很迷人吧?33.Though they may look vastly differen

6、t,它們或許長的截然不同,34.all of these beings have one common characteristic:但這些妖怪都有一個共同點:35.They sustain themselves by consuming它們是靠著消耗其他生物的生命泉源36.the life force of a living creature.來維生的。37.This shared trait is what defines a vampire -這個特徵定義了吸血鬼-38.all other attributes change with the tides.其他的特質會像潮汐一樣改變。39

7、.So, how do we arrive那我們究竟是怎樣演變成為 the reanimated fellow you see before you?你們今天看到的模樣呢?41.Our modern ideal emerges現代吸血鬼的樣貌緣起於 18th-century Eastern Europe.18世紀的東歐。43.With the dramatic increase of vampire superstitions,人們對於吸血鬼的迷信造就了44.stories of bloodsucking, shadowy creatures許多令人顫慄的45.become

8、 nightly bedside terrors.床邊故事46.And popular folklore,廣為流傳的民間故事, the moroi among the Romani people像是吉普賽人的魔洛伊,48.and the lugat in Albania,還有阿爾巴尼亞的盧迦特,49.provide the most common vampire traits known today,都提供了現代人熟知的吸血鬼特徵,50.such as vampires being undead像是吸血鬼是活屍,51.and nocturnal夜行者,52.and shape-s

9、hifting.還會變形。53.You see, Eastern Europe in the 18th century你要知道,18世紀的東歐54.was a pretty grim place挺悲慘的,55.with many deaths occurring不知名的疾病跟瘟疫56.from unknown diseases and plagues.造成了大量的死亡。57.Without medical explanations,在沒有科學的解釋之下,58.people searched for supernatural causes人們選擇了超自然的答案,59.and found what

10、 looked like evidence並在屍體還有受害者當中 the corpses of the victims.找到想看的證據。61.When villagers dug up bodies當有死因不詳的屍體 discern the cause of the mysterious deaths,被挖掘出來驗屍時,63.they would often find the cadavers村民經常發現64.looking very much alive -棺材裡的死人看起來好像還沒死-65.longer hair and fingernails,它們有變長的頭髮跟指甲,

11、66.bloated bellies,鼓起的腹部,67.and blood at the corners of mouths.嘴角還有血跡。68.Heh heh, clearly, these people were not really dead.嘿嘿,很顯然這些人還沒死透。69.Heh, they were vampires!嘿,它們是吸血鬼!70.And they had been leaving their graves而且它們曾離開墳墓 feast on the living.去覓食。72.The terrified villagers would quickly enac

12、t嚇壞了的村民趕緊舉行73.a ritual to kill the undead.儀式來把這些活屍送回陰間。74.The practices varied across the region,不同地區的儀式不近相同,75.but usually included beheadings,但砍頭,76.burnings,焚燒,77.and staking the body to the coffin還有將屍體釘入棺材裏, prevent it from getting up.都是常見的方法。79.Grizzly stuff!很殘酷吧!80.But what the villagers

13、interpreted as unholy reanimation,村民把這些現象當作邪惡的復活,81.theyre actually normal symptoms of death.殊不知那只是死亡的正常現象。82.When a body decomposes,軀體在腐化的過程83.the skin dehydrates,皮膚的水分會流失84.causing the hair and fingernails to extend.因而讓頭髮和指甲變長。85.Bacteria in the stomach creates gases細菌在胃裡產生的氣體86.that fill the bell

14、y,使得肚子膨脹87.which force out blood and matter through the mouth.並將血液跟其他物質從口中擠出。88.Unfortunately, this science was not yet known,因為當時的科學不足以解釋 the villagers kept digging.村民便不停地把屍體挖出來。90.In fact, so many bodies were dug up奧地利女皇甚至還91.that the Empress of Austria sent派遣御醫到各地去釐清吸血鬼的謠言,92.her physician a

15、round to disprove the vampire stories,因為有太多的屍體被開棺驗屍。93.and she even established a law同時女皇還立法94.prohibiting grave tampering.禁止任何開棺的舉動。95.Still, even after the vampire hunts had died down,但就算人們不再試著找出吸血鬼,96.the stories of legends survived這些故事 local superstition.卻沒有停止流傳,98.This led to works of lite

16、rature,這也成了許多文學作品的靈感,99.such as Polidoris The Vampyre,像是波利多里的 吸血鬼 (The Vampyre)、100.the Gothic novel Carmilla,歌德式小說 女吸血鬼卡蜜拉 (Carmilla),101.and, most famously, Bram Stokers Dracula.還有,史多克 (Bram Stoker) 的小說 德古拉 (Dracula)102.Although Stoker incorporated historical material,雖然史多克在小說中融入了像 Elizabe

17、th Bthorys virgin blood baths血腥伯爵夫人伊麗莎白巴托里 喜愛的處女鮮血浴,104.and the brutal executions of Vlad Dracul,以及佛拉德三世的殘酷處刑 was these local myths這類的歷史記事,106.that inspired the main elements of his story:他的主要靈感還是來自民間故事:107.the Transylvanian setting,將故事地點設在特蘭西法尼亞、108.using garlic to defend oneself,用大蒜護身109.and

18、 the staking of the heart.還有用木樁穿心來殺死吸血鬼。110.While these attributes are certainly familiar to us,當然除了這些熟悉的元素,111.elements he invented himself史多克自己想出來的112.have also lasted over the years:一些橋段,像是113.fear of crucifixes,吸血鬼害怕十字架、114.weakness in sunlight,陽光會使他們虛弱、115.and the vampires inability還有在鏡中沒有倒影,11

19、 see their reflection.也流傳至今。117.By inventing new traits,史多克的小說保留了傳統,118.Stoker perfectly enacted the age-old tradition又加入了新的元素,119.of elaborating upon完美的闡述以及擴充了120.and expanding the myth of vampires.吸血鬼迷思。121.As we saw,正如我們所見,122.maybe you met my relatives,你們都可能見過我的親戚,123.a huge of variety of cr

20、eatures stalked the night數不清的夜行者124.before Dracula,在德古拉伯爵之前就已徘徊在夜幕低垂時,125.and many more will continue更多的夜行者 creep through our nightmares.也會在未來繼續成為我們的夢靨。127.Yet, so long as they subsist不管是什麼生物、怪物,只要他們需要 a living beings life force,取活體的生命力來活下去,129.they are part of my tribe.他們就屬於我族,130.Even

21、 sparkling vampires can be included.當然吸血鬼也是。131.After all, its the continued storytelling不管怎麼說,也是靠不間斷的流傳、132.and reimagining of the vampire legend還有故事的改編,133.that allows us to truly live我們才真正能存活下來,134.forever.直到永遠。135.Ahahahahaha!阿哈哈哈哈哈!(2)致命的長生不老藥 - 火藥 (The deadly irony of gunpowder - Eric Rosado)1

22、.Everybody loves fireworks -所有人都愛煙火-2.the lights, the colors,綻放的光芒,炫目的色彩,3.and, of course, the big boom.當然,還有那轟隆的爆炸聲響。4.But the history of fireworks但是煙火的歷史5.isnt all hugs and celebrations.可一點也不喜慶。6.Long before epic fireworks displays,遠在人們開始有煙火秀以前,7.chemists in China invented the key ingredient中國的化學家

23、發明了8.that propels those bright lights into the sky.讓煙火沖上天際不可或缺的一樣原料,9.That invention was what we now call gunpowder.那就是火藥。10.Our story begins back in ancient China今天的故事源起於中國古代。 the mid-ninth century在西元九世紀中段,12.where early Chinese alchemists當時中國的煉丹師13.were trying to create a potion for immortali

24、ty.各各都希望能研究出長生不老藥,14.Instead, what they created was a flammable powder但是,他們創造出的,卻是種易燃的粉末,15.that burned down many of their homes.而且還把許多術士的家給焚毀了。16.They quickly realized that this black powder,煉丹師很快就發現17.which they called fire medicine,這種被他們稱做火藥的黑粉,18.was precisely the opposite of something不但不會讓人長生不老

25、,19.that would make you live forever.反而是會讓人提早往生!20.In these early days,在早期,21.the Chinese hadnt yet figured out當時的中國人還未研發出 to make the powder explode;讓火藥爆破的方法, was simply very flammable,他們只知道這種粉非常易燃,24.and their armies used it而軍隊就拿火藥 make flaming arrows來製作會燃燒的箭26.and even a flamethro

26、wer.還有噴火器。27.But once they figured out the right proportions但是當他們研究出能造成爆破的28.of ingredients to create a blast,正確的配方後,29.they began using the powder even more,火藥的應用變的非常頻繁,30.creating fireworks to keep evil spirits away從驅趕妖魔的爆竹31.and bombs to defend themselves到用來抵抗蒙古人32.against Mongol invaders.入侵的炸彈。3

27、3.It was these Mongols, most likely,火藥會流傳到西方世界34.who spread the invention of gunpowder很有可能35.across the world.是因為蒙古人。36.After fielding Chinese attacks,在阻擋下中國的攻擊之後,37.they learned how to produce the powder themselves他們學會了火藥的製作方式,38.and brought it with them也把火藥隨著他們的征伐39.on their conquests in Persia an

28、d India.帶進了波斯和印度。40.William of Rubruck,而把火藥被帶進歐洲則很可能是41.a European ambassador to the Mongols,威廉盧布魯克,42.was likely responsible for bringing gunpowder一位被派遣到蒙古的歐洲大使,43.back to Europe around 1254.在1254年左右回到歐洲時引進的。44.From there, engineers and military inventors此後,工程師及軍火發明家45.created all kinds of destruct

29、ive weapons.研發出了各式各樣的毀滅性武器。46.From bombs to guns to cannons,從炸彈,槍,到大砲,47.gunpowder left its mark on the world火藥以挺駭人的方式 some pretty terrible ways,在世界上留下了痕跡, contrast to the beautiful marks跟那些在天空綻放的美好光景 can leave in the air.完全不同。51.So, how does black powder propel話說回來,到底火藥是怎麼把52.fireworks into the sky?煙火推上天際的?53.You might have seen old Westerns or cartoons你或許在老西部電影 或是卡通裡看過這個場景,54.where a trail of gunpowder is lit有人點燃一條用火藥灑出來的藥引,55.and it leads to a large and obviously explosive barrel.然後那條線會接到一個裝滿火藥的桶子,56.Once the fire gets to the barrel,一旦火燒到木桶,57.a large boom occurs.你就會聽到砰然巨響

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