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1、睡美人66075分钟睡梦人翻译60-75分钟睡美人翻译07(61-65分钟)翻译:策儿妈审核:Jewel妈Maleficent: talking to her raven (莫丽费森)对着她的乌鸦说What a pity Prince Phillip cant be here to enjoy the celebration. 真遗憾菲利普王子不能在这里享受庆典。Come, we must go to the dungeon and cheer him up.来,我们必须去地牢里鼓励他(一下)(或者说让他高兴一下)。Maleficent walks toward the dungeon. He

2、r raven and the fairies follow her. Maleficent talks to Phillip, who sits chained to(拴住,束缚)the wall,head down莫丽费森朝着地牢走去。她的乌鸦和仙女们跟在她后面。莫丽费森对着被束缚在墙上,坐着,低着头的菲利普说Maleficent: Oh come now, Prince Phillip. 噢!来吧,菲利普王子。Why so melancholy? 为什么那么悲伤?A wondrous future lies before (lie before 展现在的面前)you.一个美好的未来展现在

3、你的面前。You, the destined hero of a charming fairy tale(神话故事,童话) come true(实现,成真)你,一个迷人的童话故事里注定的英雄(在现实中)成真了。.The fairies appear in the window of the dungeon. Maleficent uses her magic stick to(坚持;保留;粘住) depict the following仙女们出现在地牢的窗口。莫丽费森用她的魔术棒继续描述着下面的(情景)Maleficent: Behold, King Stefans castle, and i

4、n yonder topmost tower, dreaming of her true love, the Princess Aurora.看,斯蒂芬的城堡,在那边塔的顶端里,奥罗拉公主正在梦着她的真爱。But see the gracious whim of fate. 但是看看这仁慈的奇怪命运。Why, tis the selfsame peasant maid, who won the heart of our noble prince but yesterday. 啊,是长的一模一样的乡下女孩在昨天赢得了我们高贵的王子的心。She is indeed most wondrous fa

5、ir.她的确是最完美的女孩。Gold of sunshine in her hair, lips that shame the red, red rose.她的头发是阳光般的金黄色,(红色的)嘴唇使红玫瑰都黯然失色。In ageless sleep she finds repose. 在永恒的沉睡中她感觉到宁静。The years roll by(流逝), but a hundred years to a steadfast heart are bout a day. 时光匆匆流逝,但是一百年的时间对一颗坚定的心就像只有一天。And now, the gates of the dungeon

6、part, and our prince is free to go his way. Off he rides on his noble steed.现在,地牢的大门开了,我们的王子自由的出发了。骑上他(骑过的)高贵的战马In Maleficents imagery, the prince is shown to be old, anything but what shes telling. Her voice drips with sarcasm(drip with 充满、盖满)在莫丽费森形象化的描述中就像她说的那样王子被显露出老了,她的声音充满了讽刺Maleficent: .a vali

7、ant figure, straight and tall, to wake his love with loves first kiss, and prove that true love conquers all.一个勇敢的高大的身躯,将用他的爱的初吻唤醒他的爱,并证明真爱可以征服一切。Phillip struggles in his chains. Merryweather starts towards Maleficent in anger菲利普在他的锁链上挣扎着。玛莉怀特开始生气的朝着莫丽费森(走去)Merryweather: Why, you ,you为什么,你,你Merrywea

8、ther is pulled back by Flora. The raven has noticed Merryweather speaking and turns towards the window, but doesnt see the hidden fairies. 玛莉怀特被费洛拉拉了回来。乌鸦已经注意到玛莉怀特说话并且转身朝窗户(那边看),但是没有看到藏着的仙女们Maleficent: Come, my pet. Let us leave our noble prince with these happy thoughts. at the door A most gratifyi

9、ng day.来吧,我的宝贝。让我们带着这些愉快的想法离开我们高贵的王子吧。在门口(这是)最令人满足的一天啊!Outside the dungeon, she locks the door.在地牢的外面,她锁上了门Maleficent: For the first time in sixteen years, I shall sleep well.16年来第一次,我会睡的很好The fairies approach Phillip.仙女们靠近菲利普Flora: Shh, no time to explain.嘘,没时间解释了。Using their magic, they open Phill

10、ips chains and the doorlock.(仙女们)用她们的魔棒打开了菲利普的锁链和(地牢)的门。Flora: Wait, Prince Phillip. The road to true love may be barred by still many more dangers, which you alone will have to face.等等,菲利普王子。真爱之路可能仍然被更多的危险隔绝,(这些)你独自将不得不面对。So arm thyself with this enchanted shield of virtue and this mighty sword of

11、truth. 因此武装你自己用这块有魔法的美德盾牌和这把强大的真理之剑。For these weapons of righteousness will triumph over(战胜,克服) evil.用这些正义的武器将战胜邪恶。Now,come.We must hurry.现在,我们必须快点儿。睡美人翻译07(66-70分钟)Just outside the dungeon, the raven waits, which flies off(fly off飞出、飞跑、突然跑掉) screaming. The fairies and Phillip start the upwards stai

12、rs. The raven has called Maleficents servants, which come streaming downstairs. Phillip fights some of them, but then they jump out(跳出) a window. Some rocks are dropped towards Phillip.在地牢的外面,乌鸦在等候着,(乌鸦)突然尖叫着飞出。仙女和菲利普开始上楼梯。乌鸦已经喊来了莫丽费森的仆人,(他们)涌下楼来。菲利普和他们中的一些战斗,但是接着他们跳出窗户。一些岩石投向了菲利普。Flora: Phillip, wa

13、tch out(当心)!菲利普,当心!Flora turns the rocks into soap-bubbles. A wall of arrows is shot but quickly turned into flying flowers. Merryweather frees Samson. Phillip rides off on Samson towards the gate, where hot oil is thrown. Flora turns it into a rainbow. The raven flies towards Maleficents tower, try

14、ing to wake her. He is followed by Merryweather, who first fails to hit him with her magic. At last, she turns him into a stone raven just outside Maleficents door. Maleficent appears in the door.费洛拉把岩石变成了肥皂泡。一堵墙似的剑被射出但很快变成飞着的花朵。玛丽怀特释放了参森。菲利普骑上参森朝着大门(跑去),在那里热油被抛下来,费洛拉把它变成彩虹。乌鸦朝着莫丽费森的塔飞去,想要唤醒她。(乌鸦)被跟

15、在后面的玛丽怀特先用她的魔棒打它没击中。最后她把它变成了石头乌鸦正好在莫丽费森的门外。莫丽费森出现在门口。Maleficent: Silence! 安静!to her raven 对着她的乌鸦说You, tell those fools to. 你,去告诉那些愚蠢的人.notices that he is now of stone No! sees Phillip escaping No!( 莫丽费森)注意到(乌鸦)现在是石头的不!(莫丽费森)看见菲利普在逃跑不!The drawbridge is raised吊桥被提起来了Flora: Watch out, Phillip!当心,菲利普!Samson just makes it over the gap参森正好跳过裂口Flora: Hurry, hurry, Phillip!快!快!菲利普!Maleficent throws two spells, but cannot stop them. 莫丽费森抛出两个法术,但是不能使他们停下Maleficent: A forest of thorns shall be his tomb.荆棘(密布)的森林将是他的坟墓。Born through the skies on a fog of doom.毁灭之雾从天而降(出生)。Now go with(相伴,伴随) the curse an

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